Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 675: school violence

"Oh my gosh, I hope I'm all right!" Lupin replied solemnly, as people huddled at the front door, rushing to the sun-drenched field outside, the four predators The group also walked into the crowd, "Number one, he's in my seat. Number two, he's wearing my clothes. Number three, his name is Remus Lupin."


Sirius Black and James Potter burst into laughter.

Only Wormtail didn't laugh.

"I, I wrote the shape of the muzzle, the pupils of the eyes and the hairy tail..." Pettigrew said anxiously, "But, but I can't think of anything else—"

"Oh, Merlin, why are you so stupid, Wormtail?" James began to growl impatiently, "You have to run around with a werewolf once a month—"

"Merlin, James, can you be quiet," Lupin pleaded.

Harry glanced back worriedly. Snape was still not far away, still looking down at his exam questions - but that was Snape's memory, and Harry was sure if Snape decided to wander the other way as soon as he got out on the grounds Wander, he—Harry, couldn't follow James any further. However, to his long sigh of relief, when James and his three friends strode across the grass and down the **** towards the lake, Snape, who was still studying the test paper, followed. Apparently not sure where he was going. Harry had been staying a short distance in front of Snape, trying to keep a close eye on James and the others.

"Hmph, I think those exam questions are small problems." Harry heard Sirius say this, "I think I can at least get 'excellent' on the exam, or I'll be a ghost."

"Me too," James said, and then he put a hand into his pocket and pulled out a struggling Snitch.

"Oh, Merlin! Where did you get it?"

"Stolen," James said casually. He started to play with the snitch, let it fly almost a foot away, and then caught it, and his reflexes were excellent. Wormtail looked at him in awe.

They stopped in the shadow of the beech tree by the lake-

Right under that same tree, Harry, Tiera, Ron, and Hermione used to spend a Sunday doing their homework, then lying on the grass and chatting.

Harry looked back again, and he was pleased to see that Snape was sitting on the grass in the thick shadow of the bushes, just as he had been studying O. W. Ls exam papers, so Harry was free to sit on the grass between the beech trees and the bushes and look at the four people under the tree.

The dazzling sunlight shone on the calm lake and on the shore, where sat a group of girls who had just come out of the auditorium. They laughed, took off their shoes and socks, and dipped their feet in the lake to cool off.

Lupin pulled out a book and started reading.

Sirius stared at the surrounding students wandering on the grass. His expression was arrogant and tired, but he also looked very handsome in this way.

James was still playing with the snitch, he let it jump farther and farther, almost escaped, but he always caught it at the last moment.

Wormtail looked at him, and couldn't close his mouth. Wormtail panted and applauded whenever Jaime made the most difficult moves to catch the Snitch.

Five minutes passed like this, and Harry didn't understand why James didn't let Wormtail catch the Snitch himself, but James seemed to enjoy being noticed.

Harry noticed that his father had a habit of messing up his hair. He didn't seem to want his hair to be too neat, and he was always looking at the girls by the water.

"Put that thing away, will you?" Sirius finally said after Jaime made a nice catch and Wormtail gave a cheer, "or Wormtail will pee his pants with excitement. "

Wormtail blushed slightly, but James grinned.

"Does it bother you?" he said, stuffing the Snitch back into his pocket.

Harry clearly felt that James would only stop showing off in front of Sirius.

"No, I just feel so bored." Sirius said with a smile, "If only the moon was full today."

"Can you spend some time on your studies?" Lupin said gloomily behind the book, "We also have to take Transfiguration. If you're bored, you can take me. Here you..."

He handed over his book.

But Sirius snorted with his nose: "I don't need to look at this rubbish, I know everything I should know."

"Oh, well, then maybe this will cheer you up, Bigfoot." James chuckled in a low voice, "Look who it is..."

Sirius turned his head. He suddenly became motionless, like a dog smelling a rabbit.

"It's great." He said softly, "Snotty!"

Harry turned to see what Sirius was looking at.

Snape continued walking, stuffing the O.W.Ls exam papers into his bag. Sirius and James stood up as he left the shadows of the bushes to cross the grass.

Lupin and Wormtail sit still: Lupin is still staring down at his book, but his eyes don't move, and he frowns slightly; Wormtail looks at Sirius and James, then at St. Nep, with an expression on his face eager to see the unexpected happen sooner.

"Hey! Are you okay, Snotling?" James said loudly on purpose.

Snape's reaction was swift, as if he had expected an attack.

Snape immediately threw off his bag and shoved a hand into his robe, but he was only halfway up his wand when James roared—

"Except your weapons!"

Snape's wand soared twelve feet into the air, UU reading www.uukanshu. With a puff, he landed gently on the grass behind him, and Sirius gave a short and crisp laugh.

"There are many obstacles!" he said and pointed his wand at Snape. Snape was jumping at his lost wand, but was knocked down halfway.

The surrounding students turned to look at them.

Some students stood up slowly and slowly gathered around. Some looked suspicious, while others found it amusing.

Snape lay panting on the ground. James and Sirius stepped closer to him, raising their wands, and as James walked, he glanced back at the girls by the water. Wormtail stood up, watched with interest, and moved aside, avoiding Lupin to get a better look.

"How was your test, Snotling?" James asked.

"I've been staring at him, and his nose has touched the parchment." Sirius said sarcastically, "The parchment must be full of large oil stains, and they don't even want to read a single word."

A few people watching the fun laughed loudly—

Obviously, even in his student days, Snape's popularity was not very good.

Wormtail chuckled shrilly.

Snape wanted to get up, but the spell was still working on him, and he struggled as if bound by invisible ropes.

"You—wait!" Snape retorted with a red face, raising his eyes to stare at James with a look of complete disgust on his face, "You—wait!"

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