Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 671: "separate"

"Oh... well... come in, come in, he's really bad." Horace Slughorn said, turning sideways, "There are necessities in my trunk. , the love potion is not a hard drug to solve..."

The moment Horace Slughorn turned sideways, Ron rushed into Horace Slughorn's overcrowded study, tripping over a tassels-trimmed footstool, until Grab Harry's neck to keep his balance.

Ron was still muttering, "She's not here...she's not here...her person?"

"She's not here anymore," Harry said, noticing that Horace had opened his potion chest and added something to a small crystal bottle.

"She has left, let's drink some tonic first." Harry added.

"Good!" Ron said eagerly, "How do I look now?"

"Very handsome!" said Horace Slughorn calmly, and he handed Ron the small vial of clear liquid, "Drink it now, it's a tonic of courage, and it will keep you alive when she comes. It's time to stay calm, you know."

"Great!" Ron said eagerly, and he swallowed the antidote in one gulp.

Harry and Slug looked at Ron, and after a while, very slowly, Ron's smile relaxed and was no longer in extreme panic.

"Is it normal?" Harry asked with a smile, and Horace Slughorn giggled, "Thank you so much, Professor."

"No thanks, my boy, you're welcome," Horace Slughorn said, and then Ron fell on the sofa next to him, deeply embedded in it, looking terrible.

"Oh... come on, let me see..." Horace Slughorn stood up from the dispensing table and walked to his desk, as he moved from his cluttered He picked up a can of drinks on the table, "Aha, I knew, I have a completely unopened bottle of Butterbeer here... ok!"

Horace Slughorn shrugged and continued, "Weasley can't miss this! Why don't we turn on him now to celebrate Mr. Weasley's birthday? Nothing needs superpowers more than to chase away the pain of a broken love. Courage...and a warm Butterbeer is just right for Mr. Weasley!"

Saying that, Horace Slughorn drew out his wand and knocked on the Butterbeer bottle.

The beer bottle quickly warmed up.

"Here!" said Horace Slughorn, handing Harry and Ron a glass of mead each, holding his own glass aloft. "Okay, happy birthday, Ralph—"

"—Well—yes, it's Ron," Harry reminded in a low voice, but Ron, who didn't seem to hear, had poured the wine into his mouth and swallowed it.

"Huh!" After drinking a glass of butterbeer, Ron's face seemed to turn a lot redder.

"ton ton ton—"

Immediately after that, Ron picked up Butterbeer and poured himself a glass, and then all went down.

"Huh—" Ron hissed.

"I felt terrible just now," said Ron.

"You just got a love potion," said Harry. "The very, very strong one."

Harry added.

"Oh... well, well, me, I have no impression at all." Ron said.

"You're not impressed at all?" Harry asked.

"No more." Ron poured himself another glass of butterbeer and said, "what's the matter?"

"Oh... no, nothing," said Harry.

Harry thought for a while, but in the end he didn't say the "ugly girl" that Ron yelled at Lavender Brown. After all, Ron and Lavender Brown are too tired and crooked. They had been fighting for a few days, and Harry felt that it was definitely a liberation and a gift for his eyes and ears.

"Okay, okay, if your problem is resolved, I think you should probably go to your Apparition class this morning." Horace Slughorn looked at Ron "TonTonTon" After drowning all the remaining Butterbeer in his hand, he yawned and began to order the eviction.

"This old man of mine will go back to sleep again... After all, I am not a young man like you, I have to keep enough sleep... Ha..."

Saying that, Horace Slughorn yawned.

"Um... okay, okay, goodbye, professor." Harry greeted him inside, "thank you for your help."

"No thanks, Harry, no thanks...bye." Horace Slughorn yawned again, "Okay, you guys go to class, I'll go back to catch up."


"What?" George was taken aback, "You've been given a love potion?"

"Well..." Ron replied in distress and joy, "This should have been the love potion that Romilda gave Harry...I ate it as a birthday present... …”

Ron's words became quieter as he went to the back.

"Hahahahahaha!" Before Ron could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a burst of laughter from Fred.

"Hahaha...I, I, I just...I just said..." George also laughed, "No one will give our baby Ronnie at all. The love potion!"

"You! You are talking nonsense!" Ron refuted with a blushing face, "I, I, I... I also have a girlfriend!"

"Hehehe..." Ginny also chuckled, "But it will be gone soon!"

"What... what do you mean?" Ron asked in confusion. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"Have you forgotten what you said to Lavender Brown while you were drinking the love potion?" Ginny asked rhetorically.

"What?" Ron asked back.

In the morning, because Ron had just been released from the control of the love potion and drank a large bottle of butterbeer, Tiera and the Ministry of Magic officials who taught the Apparition class agreed that it was not suitable to continue learning Apparition, so he was arrested. Forced to rest in the dormitory for a morning.

"Oh, my Merlin, you really don't remember." Ginny patted her forehead exaggeratedly.

"What?" Ron finally became impatient. "What is it?"

"You yelled at Lavender Brown," Ginny said.

"You still call her a stinky bitch." Ginny said again.

"What?" Ron's face suddenly turned pale.

"Lavender kept mumbling in Apparition class. She looked pissed. She said you called her stinky **** as soon as you came out of the dorm and told her to get out. She said she was pissed." He stretched out his little finger and licked his ears, "I think my ears are about to get calluses."

"She said she was going to break up with me?" Ron said overjoyedly, "Oh, thanks Merlin, that's great too, I'm so fed up with her, I just don't know how to say it."

"She was like this at first," Ginny said, "but after a lunch, she didn't know where she found out about your love potion, and she started talking about 'Little Ronnie' again."

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