Cornelius Fudge's release of the British Ministry of Magic's Internal Removal Act immediately caused an uproar in the wizarding world.

Even the Daily Prophet, which has always worn a pair of trousers with the Ministry of Magic, made a very sharp comment on the matter-

"Looks like our Mr. Fudge is in his old age, don't know if our Mr. Fudge has put on what the Muggles call Alzheimer's, he seems to have forgotten what happened over the past year and his those nonsense about Dumbledore."

"He seems to think that with a boy 'resurrected from the dead' and a Slytherin, a dark wizard who is said to be more than a thousand years ago, he can sit firmly on the 'throne' of the Ministry of Magic."

"Dumbledore has not expressed any clear rebuttal to this, and we still do not know whether Mr. Fudge has seized some of Dumbledore's grips, so that Dumbledore cannot make any clear statement." "Daily Prophet "The Daily Prophet has invited reporter Janick McAllister to report for you."

"Mr. Fudge?" Ron, who was sitting next to him, said angrily after seeing Hermione put down the newspaper, "It sounds like they can be sure that Cornelius Fudge won't be sitting for long, the Minister of Magic... Oh, no, the same as the general secretary of the Magic Federation."

"Dumbledore, or Tiera, or Sirius said something to you? Harry." Ron asked curiously after taking a bite of the cream tart.

"No...I can't see Tiera at all right now." Harry shook his head in disappointment, then sighed, "Dumbledore only talked to me once, as for Sirius... …”

Harry said and sighed again, with a very embarrassed look on his face, "Sirius told me to stay away from Tierra, he said Tierra couldn't be trusted...and said—"

"Oh, yes," Ron interrupted, half-jokingly, "as if he knew what was believable."

- Apparently, Ron was referring to Peter Pettigrew.

"Alas..." Harry sighed again, rarely maintaining Sirius.

While Harry and Ron were joking, Hermione buried her head again and read the report of the Daily Prophet again, word for word.

"Maybe Sirius was right." Hermione finally raised her head and said.

"Don't you think Tierra can't be trusted?" Harry asked angrily, blushing.

"Huh? Oh, no." Hermione froze for a moment, then quickly explained, "I've always believed in Tiera, but... but I mean, Tiera is clearly not one of us now. level."

"You also saw how Tiera defeated Voldemort that day at the Ministry of Magic," Hermione said. "Tiera has grown to a point where we need to look up."

"Of course, we can be friends with him and get along with him like we did before, but once he's going to get something done...or fight...we shouldn't go any further. Mind his business..." Hermione paused, then said, "Well...I mean we're doing him very little help now, if we're more wishful thinking If we want to help him, then we are very likely to cause him unnecessary trouble..."

Harry blushed and lowered his head, angrily poking at the grilled sausage on his plate with a fork.

——Harry also understands this truth, but in his heart he still can’t accept that the gap between himself and Tiera is getting farther and farther, and it’s as far as people from two worlds.

When the trio of deducting points put away their newspapers and prepared to enjoy their last breakfast at Hogwarts this semester—

Draco Malfoy came over—

Looking vicious.

"You're dead, Potter!" Harry had never seen Malfoy so annoyed. He looked angrier than ever, and Harry felt a pang of relief at his pale, contorted face with anger.

"You'll pay the price," Malfoy said, not much louder than a whisper. "I'll make you pay for what you did to my father!"

"Cough cough!" Just when Malfoy was about to say some harsh words——

A cold cough came from behind Malfoy.

Malfoy and Harry looked back at the same time.

They only saw Tiera standing behind them.

A twisted look of pain flashed across Draco Malfoy's face, then gave Harry a vicious look and returned to the long Slytherin table.

"Tiella!?" Harry said nervously, excitedly, and somewhat restrainedly.

"Good morning, Harry." Tiera smiled, sat beside Harry, and said into the empty corridor:

"Breakfast as usual."

After a while, a plate of boiled eggs and a chicken breast sandwich appeared on the table in front of Tiera.

Tiera ate slowly, bit by bit.

Harry opened his mouth several times, trying to say something, but didn't know how to start.

"Harry, our friendship will never change." Tiera smiled slightly after eating, put down her knife and fork, and wiped her mouth lightly with a napkin, "And Ron, and Hermione, And everyone else."

Ron and Hermione also looked at Tiera.

"There is absolutely no need for you to feel that I am unfamiliar or alienated because of my strength, knowledge, etc. After all..." Tiera's face was put on the familiar, owe hee hee again. With a smile, "After all, I was stronger than you in these things a long time ago."

Although Harry didn't say anything, he was stunned for a moment, but there was a look of joy on his face, and he nodded heavily.

Harry felt as though he could finally start enjoying the last day of the school year, except for one thing—

The Great Hall is decorated in green and bright silver for Slytherin—

After all, the members of the discipline inspection team this semester are all students of Slytherin Academy. Under their operation, except for Slytherin Academy, almost none of the other academies have more than 50 points in the Academy Cup.

Among them, Gryffindor was the worst, and the cup representing Gryffindor was completely empty.

And neither Dumbledore nor Professor McGonagall seemed to plan to give Gryffindor more points for the rest of the semester.

After a while, Dumbledore appeared in the auditorium, and the noise in the hall gradually subsided. "Another year has passed!" said Dumbledore lightly. "Before enjoying these delicacies, I must ask you to listen to an old man's clichés. What a wonderful year it has been, sure in your little brains. It's a bit richer than it used to be... There's a whole summer waiting for you, so you can digest those things well and free up your minds before the next semester starts—"

"Right now, as far as I know, we first have to have the House Cup award ceremony, and the specific points for each house are as follows: fourth place, Gryffindor, zero points; third place, Hufflepuff, thirty-two points 46 points for Ravenclaw and 572 points for Slytherin."

"Don't worry," Hermione whispered, as if to comfort herself. "Maybe it'll be the same as the first year, and finally give us extra points... After all, this time we-"

"Congratulations to Slytherin, winning the Academy Cup!" Before Hermione could comfort herself, Dumbledore immediately ended his speech.

"Uh..." Hermione felt like she was choking on her chest, not spitting out or feeling happy.

"Next, we will invite our new Hogwarts Inquisitor to speak." Dumbledore clapped his hands a few times, then hurried off with his skirt up.

"Thank you very much, Headmaster Dumbledore." Tiera stood up from Harry's side, then walked slowly to the owl's podium, and pretended to take out a neatly folded picture from her pocket. Kraft paper, took out a pair of glasses from his pocket and put them on, and pretended to read—

"Dear teachers, classmates, good morning everyone." Tiera said with a standard smile, "Summer is the smile of sunshine, the sail of voyage is the feast of life, summer is always accompanied by flowers, and I hope that, on this sunny morning, first of all, please let us applaud the students of Slytherin Academy for winning the Academy Cup."

After Tiera finished speaking, she put down her speech, took off her glasses, and looked at the entire hall, as if she was really waiting for applause——

But no one applauded.

Even the little Slytherin wizards who won the Academy Cup thought the straight smile on Tiera's face was a little too scary.

"Clap clap clap..." Dumbledore was the first to take the lead in applauding.


Sparsely, other students gradually applauded.

"Okay, thank you very much for your support." After the applause laughed a little, Tiera put on her glasses again and picked up the speech--

"Draco Malfoy, Millison Burst, Pansy Parkinson, Malcolm Bardock, Graham Pritchard, Derian Purse, McLaughn Crabbe, Goyle..." Tiera read out the names of all the members of the Disciplinary Inspection Team, "Please come to the stage to receive the Outstanding Student Medal."

"And..." Tiera waved her wand, and out of nowhere found more than twenty gold and green medals, and then continued with a smile, "The above students will be expelled from Hogwarts from today onwards. ."

The Slytherin students who were about to take the stage to accept the award were stunned for a The atmosphere in the entire auditorium hall suddenly became silent and cold.

Even the little wizards from other academies could feel the chill under Tierra's smile.

All the students turned their attention to Dumbledore, who was sitting in the middle of the teacher's chair.

Dumbledore just looked forward in silence, and then shrugged helplessly.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other, and they all saw shock and answers in each other's eyes—

As to why Tiera suddenly became strange—

It was never his power, or his knowledge, that made Tierra strange, but the cruel essence hidden beneath his gentle exterior.

During the battle of the Ministry of Magic, Tiera tore his gentle appearance for the first time and reappeared in front of the world in a **** and cruel way.

Because it was Voldemort, so they ignored Tiera's hidden cruel nature.

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