Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 172: Black Mystery

"What are your plans next?"

After returning to the Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore asked directly in the elevator with only two people.

Because this trip to Azkaban by "Gildello Lockhart" would not have worked without the approval of Cornelius Fudge, Dumbledore and "Gildello Lockhart" had no choice but to express their affection on the surface. He took the elevator all the way politely, took Cornelius Fudge from the ninth basement to the minister's office on the basement one, and then asked to see Tiera, only to catch one with "Gidero Lockhart". Unmanned elevator, ready to go to the Division of Magical Law Enforcement.

As soon as he entered the elevator, Dumbledore's smile disappeared immediately and he asked indifferently.

"I suddenly remembered that Sirius Black has a younger brother, Regulus Black, who seems to be a Death Eater too." Tiera had long been accustomed to Dumbledore's indifferent attitude in front of "Gilder Lockhart" , "So my future plan is to start with the Black family. After all, the Black family is a loyal family in Voldemort's eyes. If possible... I hope Mr. Headmaster can apply to the Ministry of Magic, and I want to go to the Black family's old house—"

"Second floor, Department of Magical Law Enforcement, here we are."

said the cold girl.

Dumbledore and Gilderoy Lockhart walked out of the elevator.

"With all due respect, Mr. Lockhart," said Dumbledore as he walked. "Are you looking for something from the Black family?"

"No, I didn't..." Tiera denied.

"It doesn't matter if it is," Dumbledore said, stroking his beard. "Just in time, I have another task that I hope you will pay attention to by the way."

"What mission?"

"About Sirius Black." Dumbledore said as he walked, "Sirius Black is the only Gryffindor student from the Black family for hundreds of years. It is no exaggeration to say that he is a traitor of the Black family. His parents, like most family members, follow the family traditions, are extreme pure-bloods, proud of their pure-bloods, and use "forever pure" as the family motto."

"But Sirius is not." Dumbledore took "Jidero Lockhart" and sat on the waiting bench in the public hall of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. The crowd politely greeted Dumbledore.

"Sit down, Mr. Lockhart, I'll tell you the story of Sirius." Dumbledore patted the seat next to him and said.

"Guidero Lockhart" sat helplessly beside Dumbledore—

Please click on the bench with your **** to receive the side quest.

"When Sirius Black was at school..." Dumbledore paused suddenly, then turned and said, "I remember you and Sirius, James, Lupin, and Peter..."

"Yes, Mr. Principal, I am two years younger than them, so the reputation of their Predator quartet has lasted throughout my school days."

"Guidero Lockhart" said.

Yes, Gilderoy Lockhart is two years younger than the Predators, so he's familiar with the Predators at school.

But then with the rise of Voldemort, Gilderoy Lockhart applied for a leave of absence when he was in the fourth grade, and was taken by his parents into the Muggle world to hide until four years later, when Voldemort lost power, Gilderoy Lockhart returned to Hogwarts to continue school.

In those days, there were many wizards who used this method to avoid what Voldemort called "blood cleansing", and Gilderoy Lockhart was the real estate and identity of the Muggle world that he bought in the Muggle world at that time.

It's a pity that when Gilderoy Lockhart returned to the magic world, it was already a different person, plus the death of the Dark Lord in the magic world, the madness, the disabled, the closed, the Ministry of Magic and the entire wizard. The world is extremely short of people, so people like Gilderoy Lockhart can graduate if they fool around.

"Oh, yes, yes, I remember." Dumbledore patted his head and said, "But you took a leave of absence when you were in fourth grade, I think...you should have been hiding in the Muggle world at that time, right? "

"Yes, Mr. Headmaster."

"Then I'll tell you what happened after you left Hogwarts." Dumbledore said, stroking his beard, "About two months after your leave of absence, something big or small happened in the wizarding world. News, the eldest son of the ancient Black family, Sirius Black has a theoretical conflict with pure blood supremacy parents, breaks with the family, goes to the Potters, James Potter's parents treat him well, just like the Potters His second son. This practice was unanimously opposed by the Black family, especially his mother, and as a result Sirius Black was removed from the family tree."


"So I think the case of Sirius Black's betrayal of the James Potters is suspicious," Dumbledore said.

"Why? Just the friendship between Sirius and the James family?" Tiera said. "You should know better than everyone else how alluring power and power are."

"But he won't," Dumbledore said firmly.

"When Voldemort rose last time, I secretly set up a confrontation organization to... use..." Dumbledore sighed helplessly and continued, "To support the Ministry of Magic, which was already riddled with holes."

"But not long after the Predators, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew joined my secret society, my secret society was like a sieve. In the same way, there is always information leaking out.”

"Since Sirius Black came from an ancient family of black magic, and his younger brother Regulus Black and cousin Bellatrix Rustrange were big reds around Voldemort at the time, I began to suspect him six I broke with my parents when I was in grade, and going to Potter's house for a while was a first-hand conspiracy planted by Voldemort, so I tested him first." Dumbledore stroked his beard and said, "It turned out that he passed me. He has received my utmost confidence since then, and I even agreed with him to be the Potters' secret keeper."

"But he betrayed in the end, didn't he?" Tiera said.

"I have reservations about this," Dumbledore said, slowly getting up from the bench, "Come on, say as you go, sorry for taking you so long, I think our little one Yella must have missed you."

"That's what you need to pay attention to next," Dumbledore said.

"You want me to clear Sirius Black's innocence?" Tiera asked.

"No," said Dumbledore. "I think that's the end of the trail for the Blacks, so I hope you can start somewhere else."

Having said that, Dumbledore took out a photo from his pocket and handed it to "Gildello Lockhart".

Tiera looked at the photo—

It was a squat boy with a shy smile. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"Peter Pettigrew." Dumbledore said, "Another victim of the Black incident, the Ministry of Magic said that Sirius leaked the secret, was discovered by Pettigrew, and Pettigrew went to stop it, but was stopped by Sirius and twelve others. Muggles were killed together, for which Peter Pettigrew was awarded the Order of Merlin 1st Class, and he didn't even have a body left, only this was found at the scene—"

With that said, Dumbledore took out another handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to "Gildello Lockhart".

"Gildello Lockhart" carefully opened the handkerchief—

Inside lay a dry little finger.


Isn't it, sir, you keep all this?

"I hope you can help me pay attention to the truth of the year. I always feel that Peter Pettigrew is not dead." Dumbledore said, "Especially in the past few years, since Harry entered the school, this feeling has become stronger and stronger. I'm afraid, if according to my guess, Peter Pettigrew was suspended for death, I'm afraid that he has taken refuge with Voldemort, and as Harry enters the wizarding world, they are likely to be secretly bad for Harry."

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