Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 162: Female secretary in office and office

Although Tiera was only a donated honorary professor, perhaps because the University of Greenwich had encountered such a big head for a long time, the University of Greenwich was quite generous in terms of hardware facilities, giving Tiera enough face.

Giving Tiera a large two-room office on the Uwell campus—

The two rooms inside and outside are connected to each other. Outside is a smaller office with a set of sofa coffee table and a desk that looks a bit old.

Behind the desk sat a squat, blond-haired girl in her early twenties—

"Lockhart... sir?" The girl immediately stood up when she saw someone coming in and walked around to the desk.

"Yes, it's me." Tiera controlled Gilderoy Lockhart and smiled, then politely extended her hand, "You must be Miss Aitakandi?"

"Yes, I am." The short and fat lady said softly, shaking her hand with "Gidro Lockhart" with a blushing face.

No wonder Miss Aitakandi behaves like this,

"Gidero Lockhart" itself is in very good condition, with blonde hair and blue eyes and a slender figure. In addition, Tiera deliberately dressed up today, abandoning Gilderoy Lockhart's original luxurious style and letting "Parasite" ' into a white shirt with a double-breasted gown cape and stiff collar, with a black bow tie, glossy leather boots and a gentleman's cane.

Make Tiera look like a noble gentleman from the last century.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Candy." Tiera smiled back with a salute.

Well... the software facilities are also very powerful.

Tiera thought while holding Miss Atacandi's soft hand.

Aitakandi is the laboratory secretary assigned to him at the University of Greenwich, mainly responsible for the management of laboratory personnel and finances, handling the daily laboratory work and taking care of Gilderoy Lockhart's life at the school.

Since Gilderoy Lockhart was just a donated professor, the school did not expect him to achieve anything, so he was only given to a fresh graduate—

Through just a brief eye contact and physical contact, Tiera learned that Miss Aitacandi is 23 years old this year, graduated from the University of Greenwich with a major in heritage and tourism management, a recent graduate this year, and has no background in finance and management—

Exactly to Tierra's appetite.

When Tiera made a donation to the University of Greenwich, she stated that she hoped that the college would equip itself with a secretary with a background in theology, history, archaeology, geography or tourism.

After all, he didn't really want to do research at the University of Greenwich, he just wanted to go to a university to get an academic visa.

A secretary with a relevant background can save him a lot of money—

The salaries of the laboratory secretary are uniformly distributed by the school secretariat. In addition, the salaries of other laboratory personnel are paid from Tierra's own project funds - the 30,000 pounds.

With a secretary specializing in heritage and tourism management, Tiera plays the stupid dog, and only needs to call up an archaeologist or historian, a geographer, a mercenary who is in line with the dog, and a cheerleader. A great mysticism lover and a local guide battered by mysteries can start a tour.

Although Tiera has obtained the space power of the "Heir" from Yoggsothoth, it is reasonable to say that there is no need to be so troublesome, just open a door wherever she wants.

But the premise is that Tierra has been there once or knows the exact physical dimensional coordinates of that place.

And many times the entrance to some hidden places is not so easy to find. It is necessary to conduct a lot of local research and find local people who are familiar with the terrain to lead the way—

For example, Tiera knew that she could enter the Cold Plateau from a cave in the Central Asian Mountains, and then reach the Dreamland through the Cold Plateau—

So the question is, Central Asia is so big, which mountain range? which mountain?

Even if the mountain is found, which cave on the mountain is it?

Tiera can only narrow the scope step by step according to the local abnormal situation.

And the anomalies in these areas are only known to the locals in the most detailed situation—

Only they can know which is the imagination of the neurotic, which is the rumor, and which is the real thing.

But Tierra can't always knock on doors and read minds every time she goes, right?

Although Central Asia is a barren land, its population is still huge.

If Tiera did such a thing by herself, it would be time-consuming and labor-intensive, and even if she did it until she graduated from Hogwarts, she might not be able to find the entrance to the Cold Plateau.

So it's better to go to a university's Gaozhi, convene people in the name of the university, and then spend money to investigate locally.

Or use the identity of a professor at the University of Greenwich to access the database of British archaeology, theology or history, and then ask people to filter through big data to screen out several abnormal events in the mountains of Central Asia, and the unearthed dense collection of ancient cultural relics. area.

Then follow this distribution to find them one by one.

Tiera believes that as long as the money is in place, the effect will not be bad.

Anyway, Tiera does not know about big data screening, so she has to give all the money. Tiera simply donated a university professor to Dangdang, so that everything in her research group can be controlled.

After chatting with Aita Candi for a while, "Gidero Lockhart" walked around the office, expressing his satisfaction.

Simultaneously sighed—

I worked so hard in my last life that I was a doctor until I was bombed to death in the laboratory—

Now that he has only been here for six years, he has become a twelve-year-old professor.

If you don’t go back and spend money here to get a foreign university, Tiera was just seventeen when she graduated from Hogwarts, a good age to go to college—

No, no, let's go back to China for the college entrance examination, and work hard as an overseas Chinese, maybe Tsinghua University and Peking University will throw him to choose—

No matter how bad it is, you can go to Shandong University and become a "superior person".

"By the way, Miss Candy." Tiera turned around and said to Etta Candy, who had been following behind him, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Tiera knew that Aitakandi had a boyfriend of four years, named Jimmy Mohanna, who was in the same class as Aitakandi, and the two met in freshman year.

Jimmy Mohan is a tall, thin, freckled ordinary boy. He is studying life sciences on Uwich campus.

A heritage and tourism management student at Aitakandi took on the lab secretary job so she could be closer to her boyfriend, Jimmy Mohan.

Hearing Tiera's question, Aitakandi blushed, lowered his head slightly, and said—



The smile on "Gildello Lockhart"'s face that was in control of everything seemed to freeze for a moment—

I am still too young to understand the fickleness of human hearts.

"That's right." Tiera slowed down, took out a twenty-pound note from her wallet, and handed it to Aitacandi.

"Professor Guidro..." Ettakandi looked at him in confusion.

"Take a week off and find a boyfriend," Tiera said, then half-push and half-hurriedly helped Aitakandi pick up her jacket and backpack, and then politely invited her out of the office.

"See you next week! Bye~" Tiera said with a smile, UU reading www. uukanshu. com and then—


Until the door of the office closed behind Aitakandi, she was still holding the twenty-pound note in a daze.

After hearing the sound of Aitakandi's high heels stepping on the ground fade away, Tiera raised her body, let her ears leave the wooden door of the office, and then locked the office.


Tiera snapped her fingers.

A door of light appeared in the center of the office.

On the other side of the light door is the study room where Tiera lives now, and Dobby has been waiting there for a long time.

"Sir." Dobby called.

"It's time for Dobby." Tiera waved her hand, and the rows of books on the bookshelf in the study passed through the door of light into the office. "Decorate this place well."

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