Han Zong: Starting from the Undercover New World

Chapter 165 Farewell to Chen Xingjun

A wedding is supposed to be a happy and happy occasion—and it should be.

But for Chen Xingjun and Qian Ruizhen, this may not be the case.

Chen Xingjun's reason for choosing Qian Ruizhen is simple: she is beautiful, sexy, and her family has certain assets.

Although compared with what Mou Xianmin said, the Qianya Consortium behind Qian Ruizhen is of little benefit to Shunyang, but today's Shunyang Group is not doing well and has been losing money year after year. Being able to merge with the Qianya Consortium not only means that Shunyang will Once again, the addition of the excellent industries of the Qianya Consortium can maintain the vitality of the group, and it is also a booster for large and small shareholders and investors.

Years of failures are intolerable for a group, and someone must take responsibility. Fortunately, Chen Xingjun's father decided to fight the pot himself, and with this, the company was transferred to Chen Xingjun's hands logically.

The past failures will end with the resignation of the old president, while the new Shunyang Group will flourish after Chen Xingjun takes office, and immediately get a turnaround—at least from the current point of view, it is like this.

For Qian Ruizhen, the reason for choosing Chen Xingjun is even simpler.

As the only daughter of a 100-billion-level consortium, her status is naturally superior to ordinary people, but Qian Ruizhen is far behind the real chaebol level.

Although Chen Xingjun didn't say how handsome he was, he was at least a sign. He didn't look weird, and he wasn't too old. Coupled with the background of Shunyang Group, how could Qian Ruizhen hesitate for a moment?

But the originally peaceful dating process came to an abrupt end after Mou Xianmin's wedding, and the taste changed.

Originally, they were satisfied with each other after the blind date, but since Chen Xingjun attended Lin Wei's wedding, Qian Ruizhen keenly noticed that Chen Xingjun's attitude towards her had slightly changed.

Although on the surface she would still say some sweet words to her, she could feel that the other party's enthusiasm for her had dropped by more than a little--she was a proud paranoid and unscrupulous person in her bones, and she soon noticed that Chen Xingjun was doing this. s reason.

He felt that she was not as good as Mou Xianmin!

damn it

Qian Ruizhen never expected that Chen Xingjun would still have some nostalgia for other women in his heart until he was going to marry her.

She was like a dispensable substitute—and all of this, in the backstage scene on the wedding day, finally ushered in a positive explosion.

"Am I pretty?"

Qian Ruizhen faced the mirror, under her long hair, her charming face was full of seductive charm.

Standing behind her, Chen Xingjun looked at Qian Ruizhen who was wearing a wedding dress in the mirror, and just calmly hummed: "Very beautiful."

Of course she is beautiful - Chen Xingjun is a person who values ​​appearance very much, for him, if his wife is not beautiful enough, it is a symbol of his failure.

He sees his wife as a kind of trophy, and a trophy is meaningless if it cannot be shown off.

And Qian Ruizhen is undoubtedly a beauty.

Although it is a completely different type from Mou Xianmin.

Also the flower of the high mountains, Mou Xianmin is like a gorgeous flower blooming on the peak of a snow mountain, swaying in the wind, and those who climb for it will fall to pieces if they are not careful.

Qian Ruizhen is like a piebald snake with gorgeous flowers on its head in a flower garden—beautiful but deadly. From its appearance, it gives people a feeling of femme fatale. .

But human beings are greedy animals after all, what they can’t get is the best. Looking at Qian Ruizhen wearing a wedding dress in the mirror, Chen Xingjun was silent, suddenly a little dazed in front of his eyes, what emerged was another wedding, Mou Xianmin's bright smile.

Damn it, that woman has seen me so many times, why has she ever smiled so happily?

Thinking of this, Chen Xingjun couldn't help feeling a gloomy feeling in his heart that was difficult to sort out.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to imagine that a person like him would be depressed for so long because of a woman, but for Chen Xingjun, this was the first time in his life that someone robbed him of something that belonged to him.

Yes, snatch.

In Chen Xingjun's eyes, Lin Wei is undoubtedly a villain who steals love with a knife - he took advantage of the moment when he was not sure of his mind, and took advantage of the moment when Mou Xianmin was accidentally injured. Pry away the corner.

If not, would Chen Xingjun be worse than that son of a gangster?

As for Lin Wei, if he multiplied the false assets of his Internet company by five times, he would not even try to catch up with Shunyang's years of accumulation!

If he hadn't taken advantage of it, how could Mou Xianmin have fallen in love with him! ?

A pup who eats soft food with a tall and handsome face

Qian Ruizhen looked at Chen Xingjun's gloomy eyes suddenly in the mirror, and the original bright smile also disappeared.

She looked at Chen Xingjun in the mirror with a cold face, and suddenly said, "Compared to Mou Xianmin, am I more beautiful, or is she more beautiful?"

Chen Xingjun came back to his senses, with a calm expression and tried to endure the inexplicable sourness in his heart at this moment, and said lightly: "Honey, didn't I say that you are much more beautiful than her."

He lowered his eyes: "She was in a car accident before, and I heard that she still has scars on her body that can't be removed."

"Oh?" Qian Ruizhen chuckled: "That's why you hesitated and didn't continue to pursue her?"

Chen Xingjun said calmly: "Of course a woman who is worthy of me cannot have flaws."

Qian Ruizhen sneered twice: "Do you really believe it?"

"Huh?" Chen Xingjun was taken aback, and then Qian Ruizhen just said indifferently: "I have been to the same medical and aesthetic institution as her before. As far as I know, she has no scars that cannot be removed."

Chen Xingjun's eyes widened slightly, and then he thought of something - at the beginning, when he was in the hospital, it was because Mou Xianmin cried and said that he might have scars for the rest of his life, he suddenly regressed, and he never went to the hospital again. It's too late to regret.

She lied on purpose.

"I'm afraid she has already seen your thoughts." Qian Ruizhen said softly, with a playful expression: "You are really easy to understand."

"Enough!" Chen Xingjun interrupted her in a low voice: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"She doesn't like you from the bottom of her heart, and you don't like her at all."

Qian Ruizhen stood up, squinting her eyes slightly, her whole body at this moment was like a beautiful snake spitting out a letter: "Admit it! You just don't want to admit that you have failed—seeing Mou Xianmin's life getting worse and worse. Well, the more you are unconvinced, you feel that you are compared with Lin Wei."

"Shut up!" Chen Xingjun finally couldn't help it, pinched her chin with one hand, pushed her back a step, almost fell on the dressing table.

"I thought I would be jealous of that bastard surnamed Lin?" Chen Xingjun laughed angrily: "Compared to family business, compared to assets, what is there in him that I should envy?"

"But he took advantage of your hesitation, not only snatching away the so-called 'your woman', but the Seoul Daily also made a sudden counterattack afterwards, and Lin Wei made a lot of money because of this, becoming a so-called excellent young entrepreneur , but you are on the cusp, and many people question your ability."

Qian Ruizhen slapped Chen Xingjun's hand away, and said angrily: "Why don't you dare to say it outright, are you jealous? When your mother said that you can't even handle a woman, why didn't you just say that you don't like her?" she?"

Chen Xingjun's face was uncertain.

But Qian Ruizhen suddenly laughed. She took a step forward, stretched out her hand and gently straightened Chen Xingjun's collar, her voice was soft but sinister: "It's okay, what's wrong with being jealous?"

She smiled, looked at Chen Xingjun, and said softly: "Since you feel unhappy, just go back and take revenge—you are better than Lin Wei, so Mou Xianmin will naturally feel unhappy, you and me."

Chen Xingjun's face gradually became more relaxed.

Qian Ruizhen leaned her head on his shoulder and murmured softly: "Then what can Mou Xianmin be proud of? What can Lin Wei be proud of? It's just a few small companies on the computer. Having squeezed his property, what else can he do besides begging for help from Mou Xianmin?"

"When Lin Wei is nothing, then Mou Xianmin will naturally become nothing like a woman. In the end, I still have to see whether my man is up to date, and then I can decide whether my waist will be straight or not."

Chen Xingjun calmed down a little at Qian Ruizhen's words. He smiled a little, hummed, but then took a step back, too lazy to say anything to Qian Ruizhen, and just said: "I never put Lin Wei on in the eyes."

He left the backstage room.

Qian Ruizhen watched him go out, squinted her eyes, took out a pack of women's cigarettes from her bag irritably, lit one, and exhaled a puff of smoke.

west eight

If she were Mou Xianmin, if she had to choose between Lin Wei and Chen Xingjun, she would probably choose Lin Wei as well.

Chen Xingjun is already in his thirties, how can he look younger and naive than Lin Wei?

Qian Ruizhen didn't feel that Chen Xingjun had any reason to be jealous of Lin Wei, nor did she feel that Mou Xianmin was better than herself.

In terms of appearance alone, each has its own merits, and although the family business is inferior, so what? After Qian Ruizhen and Chen Xingjun got married, didn't she still overwhelm Mou Xianmin with a single round of family business?

Qian Ruizhen, Lin Wei's little Internet company, snorted coldly and looked down on her.

How much money can you make a year?

Indeed, although in Lin Wei's view, the foundation of his own business empire has taken shape and he already has the basic ability to swallow the world, most people, until now, still have not realized that such a large communication software user base is what it is. mean something.

Although they know that Lin Wei's company is the hottest software owner on the Internet, what's the use?

Everyone still defaults to the fact that the physical industry is king, and Internet companies are just making a little money.

After all, Lin Wei's profit methods are still limited to some games and some value-added businesses, and because of the expansion of too many fields, the profit is limited, and all of them are sucked away by the ever-increasing costs.

It's also thanks to the fact that the company is Lin Wei's voice, and he has enough family property to support him to do so wantonly.

A profit of tens of billions a year is naturally considered remarkable for an ordinary company, but it is nothing for an existence of Shunyang's size.


Qian Ruizhen licked her lips.

The only thing is that Chen Xingjun will never be as good as Lin Wei.

That's who he is—whether it's appearance or character or temperament

On this point, Qian Ruizhen is just like Chen Xingjun, jealous of Mou Xianmin.

"Next, let's invite our protagonists today, the groom and the bride!"

As the music played, Lin Wei and Mou Xianmin, who were still whispering and laughing at first, regained their indifferent expressions and applauded lightly to show their welcome.

Chen Xingjun and Qian Ruizhen, with happy smiles on their faces, stepped out from the backstage and waved to the guests around them. The two walked hand in hand and looked at each other with sweet smiles. No matter who looked at them, they were very close. in love.

Lin Wei clicked his tongue in amazement, while Mou Xianmin applauded, then whispered in his ear with a smile: "Ah~ I didn't realize that Chen Xingjun can act like this~"

"I saw us twice or three times after walking ten steps." Lin Wei also joked in a low voice, and Chen Xingjun caught the sight of the two laughing while whispering to each other, and his expression became slightly stiff.

west eight

How come you have the face to really come to the wedding scene?

Lin Wei's smiling face, and Mou Xianmin and his subconsciously holding hands under the table at the moment made Chen Xingjun's happy smile a little rigid. Qian Ruizhen grabbed his hand to signal him to regain his senses, turned his head, and looked at Mou Xianmin showed a bright smile.

Qian Ruizhen looked at Mou Xianmin with a smile, and then at Lin Wei, with the same uncontrollable hatred in her heart. She hates people who are better than herself the most. Mou Xianmin is not inferior to her in appearance, and her family background is even worse It's a bit higher, except that her husband's family background is not as good as Chen Xingjun's, and everything else is basically crushed in all aspects.

The most difficult thing for her to accept, of course, was Chen Xingjun's involuntary gaze at the two of them at the moment, which made her feel that she was inferior to Mou Xianmin—and Chen Xingjun probably thought so.

The jealousy in her heart was burning, and her dislike for Mou Xianmin and dissatisfaction with Chen Xingjun became more and more intense. At this moment, or on a whim, Qian Ruizhen smiled brightly at Lin Wei and blinked.

This scene made Mou Xianmin raise his brows, showing a meaningful smile, not only did not say anything to Lin Wei, but instead grabbed his hand, leaned slightly on his side, and smiled even brighter at Qian Ruizhen.

Qian Ruizhen looked away, and the wedding continued. After Lin Wei applauded a few times, he and Mou Xianmin sipped red wine naturally, talking and laughing.

Soon it was the free time at the end of the process. With the support of Chen Xingjun, Qian Ruizhen returned to the backstage and changed into a slightly stretched dress, and came out with him again to thank the guests.

The table where Lin Wei and the two were sitting was near the front, and without much waiting, Chen Xingjun walked up to him with Qian Ruizhen in his arms.

"Congratulations to President Chen and Ms. Qian for their wedding—congratulations."

Lin Wei smiled slightly, got up and picked up the red wine glass and nodded in congratulations, while Chen Xingjun looked at him and Mou Xianmin's arms crossed intimately, and felt more and more upset. The attitude of interacting with one's peers.

But on the surface, Chen Xingjun still said in a personable manner: "Thank you Mr. Lin and Ms. Mou for taking time out of their busy schedules to attend my wedding with Ruizhen."

He smiled slightly, while Qian Ruizhen said with the same smile: "I was still worried that you two were so busy that you would not have time. After all, Mr. Lin's company has just entered the right track, and Ms. Mou heard that she was pregnant again." Pregnant."

These words made everyone's expressions change slightly except for her. Chen Xingjun was astonished that Mou Xianmin was pregnant with Lin Wei's child. Mou Xianmin squinted her eyes and heard her meaning of mocking Lin Wei's company's start-up, but Lin Wei just smiled even more. .

"No matter how busy you are, you can't miss Chairman Chen's wedding. Strictly speaking, if Chairman Chen didn't give up on his own initiative, I might not be able to be with Miss Xianmin~"

There was something in Lin Wei's words, although President Chen gave up when he said it, but there was a sense of showing off in his words.

And Mou Xianmin even covered his mouth and chuckled, hugging Lin Wei's arm, and didn't respond to it.

Chen Xingjun's complexion is not very good-looking, others may not understand, but how can he not understand? Where did he give up on his own initiative, it was clearly Mou Xianmin who expressed that he had no idea about him at that time, so he simply gave up and was too lazy to stick to Mu Xianmin again.

This is not to thank him for giving up voluntarily, but to mock him for being given up by Mou Xianmin.


Chen Xingjun smiled lightly: "It's not like I gave up on my own initiative. If Ms. Mou had said earlier that she liked young handsome guys like Mr. Lin, I might be able to have a good relationship with Ruizhen earlier."

Mou Xianmin covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "It's not just because of appearance~ The main reason is that I prefer calm men, although Chen Xingjunxi is also very good, but I still prefer men with stable emotions.

Miss Ruizhen~ Chen Xingjun and I are old friends too, he occasionally gets into trouble like a child, wants a happy married life, you can be more tolerant and tolerant of him in the future, I wish you a happy wedding~"

Chen Xingjun's face darkened completely, his smile disappeared, he raised his red wine glass and took a sip before returning to normal.

Qian Ruizhen said softly: "It's okay to be like a child once in a while~ But Lin Weixi is so mature at such a young age, and she suffered a lot when she saw it, it's really hard~"

The whispered words of several people did not attract too many people's attention, only the guests who sat closest to each other had strange faces.

Chen Xingjun smiled lightly, and said softly: "By the way, I heard that President Lin is discussing cooperation with SK recently. I don't know what the result will be. If it does, it seems that President Lin will be on the rich list next year. famous."

"Hey~ Compared with Shunyang Group, even if the cooperation is successful, the earning is only a small amount of money. I heard that Chairman Chen is discussing cooperation with NHN recently? Coincidentally, I am also very interested in search engines and portal websites recently. Interested, I wonder if President Chen can be an adult again and help my small company go further?"

After Lin Wei finished speaking, Chen Xingjun just twitched his lips: "Oh? If President Lin is interested in NHN, it's not that we can't talk about it later, but as far as I know, President Lin's company doesn't have much active money. , NHN is also a leading Internet company.”

"Chairman Chen, don't worry about the money. Sister Xianmin is here." Lin Wei put his arms around Mou Xianmin and said with a smile: "As far as I know, Shun Yang has just paid a large fine, and the acquisition may be somewhat stretched. , you and I can cooperate to reduce the pressure on each other, how good it is."

"Some small fines are not enough to make Shunyang lack of funds. I'm sorry. I am more optimistic about NHN. If President Lin also wants to get a share, it can only be discussed at the negotiating table. The Internet is an emerging industry. Since it’s not worth much now, it’s time for Shunyang to develop related businesses.”

After Chen Xingjun finished speaking, he completely lost interest in talking to Lin Wei. He prevaricated a few words, took a big sip of red wine, and left with Qian Ruizhen in his arms.

After Lin Wei sat down, he put his arms around Mou Xianmin and chatted with the acquaintances around him, and then left early with an excuse.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xingjun squinted his eyes and immediately made a call.

"Go check the news and see if there is any change in NHN's attitude."

And when the phone rang again, Chen Xingjun answered it and listened to it, his face changed slightly.

I only heard the subordinate on the phone say: "NHN said that the price will be renegotiated. We suspect that someone has contacted them."

".Got it." Chen Xingjun hung up the phone sullenly.

Afterwards, she quickly returned to her smiling face, but during the period, she inevitably communicated with Qian Ruizhen in a low voice.

"What's going on?" Qian Ruizhen frowned slightly.

Chen Xingjun lowered his voice: "It is estimated that the old man from SK revealed the news to him. This kid wants to take advantage of the fire. Even if he can't get NHN, he will probably find a way to increase NHN's offer."

"What are you going to do?" Qian Ruizhen asked back.

Chen Xingjun said with a cold face, "Problems that can be solved with money are not problems."

He said this with great confidence—even Lin Wei’s NW company today has an external valuation of no more than 120 billion. NHN is currently the largest search engine and portal in South Korea, and its total volume is only 100 billion yuan. 100 billion level.

Strictly speaking, Chen Xingjun made a wonderful move. Now, in a few years, the valuation of Shunyang's real estate industry may only rise with the inflation. Even if NHN is just acquired, it will not move, and it will wait until about 10 years. It will naturally expand to a value of about 400 billion.

If he can spend 100 billion for M\u0026A, can Lin Wei do it?

Chen Xingjun didn't believe it!

Although the Seoul Daily has made a lot of money in recent years, it has also spent a lot of investment. In order to obtain the status of a major shareholder in MCB TV Station, at least tens of billions have been invested. Although the profit of the TV station is stable, the payback period is very fast. Long, unless the current Seoul Daily sells other properties at hand, the working capital must be around tens of billions.

I heard that Lin Wei made a fortune in Busan, and Kinmen also made a lot of money in the real estate industry, but Chen Xingjun and his staff agreed that Lin Wei's rapid industrial expansion and follow-up operations in 2003 would lock his hand With this windfall on the Internet, if you want to acquire or merge NHN, you must use the replacement of shares as a means of transaction.

This gave Chen Xingjun a sudden flash of inspiration, and he had a vague idea.

He immediately took out his phone: "Give me a copy of the shareholding structure of all the companies under Lin Wei NW."

Qian Ruizhen looked at him with a smile: "An idea?"

"Let's talk when we go back." Chen Xingjun smiled lightly.

In his head, a somewhat crazy plan came out.

If Lin Wei really wants to buy NHN

"Are you interested in NHN?" Mou Xianmin sat in the car, leaning on Lin Wei's shoulder and asked curiously.

Lin Wei shook his head, and said calmly: "The significance of the portal website is great now, but it will be small in the future, and the premium is too high, so it's better to do it yourself.

The value of search engines is not low, but we can also make our own search engines now. If it is a big deal, we will not do it. It will have little impact on our ecology. It is still relatively difficult to really expect to play a comprehensive monopoly on the Internet. "

"That's the bait?" Mou Xianmin smiled, but Lin Wei just chuckled and said, "It doesn't count, just let Shunyang pay more money—by the way, let him think suspiciously, maybe it can delay them. Time for mergers and acquisitions."

"My goal is to delay the official launch of my online shopping platform in 2004, and wait until the N-pay business is finalized."

Lin Wei paused for a moment, then said calmly: "He likes to follow me and learn to chase, so let him learn. If more than 100 billion is spent in NHN, how much will he spend to compete with me for the market? "

Mou Xianmin pondered: "If he doesn't interfere with the operation of NHN, he will still be developing the old way."

"The profit content of search engines and portal websites is so small. Except for advertising fees, there is basically nothing. We can stabilize the profit content first, and then use the money to kill NHN. There is a user base and money. I am not afraid of being gentle. Burn it and play with it."

Lin Wei paused for a moment, and then said: "The basic framework of the logistics company has also been set up, and the locations of the express delivery stations have covered the entire surrounding area of ​​Seoul, and after adding the takeaway service, we have no competitors for at least one to two years, so we can compare with Shun Yang." Burning, he is now like a big cruise ship with water leaks everywhere, Chen Xingjun insists on going his own way and comparing burning money with me, the result is only to be dragged to death by other holes."

Mou Xianmin nodded silently, and then said softly, "What are your plans for Seoul Daily?"

"Let's see when uncle plans to hand it over to me. From my personal point of view, the influence of paper media will disappear sooner or later. In the future, the media will be divided between TV stations and Internet media. Follow the three-step strategy I gave my uncle, transfer to TV stations first, Then do the Internet, and finally complete the full-line operation with offline paper media, and the basic market of Seoul Daily will not go wrong.”

After Lin Wei finished speaking, he patted her head: "As for the Seoul Consortium, haven't I already shown you NW's investment plan for the past two years?"

"Look, it's a bit crazy to fly abroad to spend a lot of money on the operating system called Android, to give money to that red-necked real estate agent named Tang De to make friends, to buy that inflated Apple stock. To be honest, if it wasn't for you personally It’s a finalized one, and I’m sure the investment advisor got paid for it.”

Mou Xianmin joked: "Fortunately, at least so far, you bet on one of them."

"Android?" Lin Wei asked with a smile.

"Well, isn't Google talking about an M\u0026A deal to buy Android? How much are you going to sell it for?"

"Don't sell, keep a share, at least ensure that a certain amount of shares are in hand, try to negotiate a good partnership with Google, show your attitude, make money, make money together, make friends-Americans are like some people in this peninsula. They are the living ancestors of these people, and building a good relationship with them will benefit and cause no harm.

In addition, don't think that Americans really engage in free trade and free markets. If your business is done on other people's territory and you earn too much, you will still be a foreigner. They have plenty of ways to toss you and force you to spit out your money. Keep a low profile, just give foreigners the bulk of foreign money. We want to be the king of the peninsula, not the king of the world. "

"Hey Yigu~ King of the Peninsula?" Mou Xianmin laughed and touched his face: "So bold~"

"It's because you can't see what I see - twenty years later, we will have South Korea's largest instant messaging software, the largest online shopping platform, the largest online payment software, the largest logistics group, the largest game company, the largest of social media owners.”

Lin Wei smiled slightly: "My goal is not too big. After more than ten years, if I have a net worth of US$10 billion on the rich list, I will be successful."

"The president of Sanxing doesn't have that much money, does he?" Mou Xianmin calculated quickly.

Lin Wei nodded calmly, with a calm expression on his face.

The boss of kakao can have so much worth, why can't he?

At that time, in the brand-new Internet age of the 21st century, he will be the new chaebol to dominate South Korea!

Mou Xianmin likes to see him so arrogant yet confident - it gives people an inexplicable sense of convincing, she does not doubt Lin Wei's ability, but still hugs him in a warm voice and said: "The goal should be ambitious, but also down-to-earth .”

"Of course. The first step is to let Shun Yang, the damn spoiler, learn a lesson."

Lin Wei's face turned cold: "Although Shunyang is big, he looks like a deformed monster with several heads and several big holes. Let him hit an iron plate head-on. Next year, I will try my best to send Chen Xingjun To hell."

"So scary?" Mou Xianmin looked up at him with a smile.

Lin Wei just laughed lightly.

"I don't like the way he looks at you."

"Coincidentally, I don't like the way Qian Ruizhen looks at you either."

Mou Xianmin smiled in his ear, with a gentle tone: "Then I'll just look forward to it~ Let me see how powerful my man is~"

Lin Wei frowned and turned to look at her.

Mou Xianmin understood instantly, showing a pitiful expression, clutching his stomach: "The baby is kicking me~"

"There are still many months!"

Lin Wei reached out and tapped her on the head lightly, while Mou Xianmin smirked and turned to look out the window. In his heart, he trusted Lin Wei but also had some worries.

Will he really be Shun Yang's opponent?

Lin Wei closed his eyes and lightly clasped his palms with her fingers. When he was about to get home, he suddenly thought of something and said, "During the year-end awards ceremony, I heard that Li Zhongjiu used some tricks?"

"Well, he wanted to promote his artist on the next-door TV station and win more awards for the artists below, and the people over there came to ask me, beating around the bush, meaning that this matter has nothing to do with you.

Everyone has their own background, MCB this year's awards are mainly based on your people, S TV station's big award is also scheduled to go to Jiang Donghu, but other TV stations also want to promote their own people. "

Lin Wei narrowed his eyes, thoughtful.

"I'll talk to President Shi—I've already given Li Zhongjiu enough face to run his own company, but if I want to use Jinmen's influence to affect our interests, it's not a big deal. suitable."

Mou Xianmin half-opened his eyes in a bit of sleepiness, and leaned against him: "When do you plan to become the president of Jinmen~ You have a lot of things now, so you can integrate them as soon as possible. I also want to be the president's wife with confidence."

". Got it, I'm thinking about it too."

Lin Wei paused for a moment, then said calmly: "President Shi is still in his prime, it's not good for me to go up and force the palace, I have to find an excuse."

"You must have been ready a long time ago." Mou Xianmin chuckled, "Right?"

Lin Wei turned to look at her, raised his brows, "Why do you say that?"

"I understand you~" Mou Xianmin smiled: "It's not right that you are not prepared for this kind of thing~"

Lin Wei pouted.

Afterwards, he also laughed, and said meaningfully: "It's my wife who understands me best."

Mou Xianmin smiled even more, leaned on his shoulder, and looked out the window: "I didn't want to rush you, but I really hate Qian Ruizhen's arrogant appearance leaning on Chen Xingjun, isn't she more than a man~ my man Not worse than anyone."


Lin Wei stretched out his arms to hug her tenderly, the car stopped in front of the villa, he helped Mou Xianmin get out of the car, and walked slowly: "Madam President~"

"Yes~President nim~"

The two talked and laughed, and walked into the villa.

On the news the next day, Lin Wei's serious face appeared on the news.

"We will officially start considering the merger plan for NHN"

As soon as this remark came out, NHN's stock price rose immediately, while Lin Wei slowly arrived at the Golden Gate Building by car.

He was going to talk to Chairman Shi.


Let’s talk about Li Zhongjiu first.

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