"Don't move, let me see! Don't move!" Mou Xianmin lay on top of Lin Wei as if seeing a ghost, his eyes widened.

Lin Wei lay down helplessly, allowing her to tear the bandages on her body frizzily.

"Where's your scar?" Mou Xianmin was full of disbelief.

"Okay." Lin Wei spread out his hands and stretched comfortably.

"How is it possible!?" Mou Xianmin glared at him, seeing that he was still looking lazy, he let out a ouch and shook his shoulders: "Hurry up, how did you do it? What medical beauty? Didn't you just remove the stitches?" Is this impossible?"

"I'm different from ordinary people. In terms of physical strength." Lin Wei just explained calmly, spreading his hands while talking: "You shouldn't be the one who knows best."

She blushed: "If you don't want to say it, forget it."

But while changing her pajamas, she turned her head and looked back. Lin Wei was slowly taking off the bandages on his body at this moment, and he couldn't even see a scar.

This is a completely unbelievable thing, you know, the knife on his chest spread almost all over his upper body, but now it seems that, not to mention the scar, even the shallow mark after the scar has healed has disappeared!

There are still shallow scars on the sideburns where she was injured in the car accident, and Lin Wei's injuries will only be more exaggerated than her original ones, how could there be no traces at all! ?

Mou Xianmin thought over and over again, until she put on the wrong socks and was corrected by Lin Wei holding her legs, then looked at him, and said in a dubious tone, "Aren't you a trick or something?"

"You just think I have super powers. Now I really have more than one or two super powers. For example, super rich?"

"Ah, it's alright if I believe it~ Don't tickle me~" Mou Xianmin shrank his feet.

Lin Wei laughed, let go of her legs that were being held by him, and stretched her waist. Unexpectedly, every time he gained some physical fitness, he would be lethargic for at least seven or eight hours, but this time, he just fell asleep. After four hours, I woke up tired, and replaced by an even more terrifying sense of hunger.

You must know that he ate a barbecue as a supper before going to bed, but now he is hungry like he didn't eat the day before, and he has an appetite just after waking up early in the morning. This is not normal.

Lin Wei bent his arms and did a bodybuilder's movement, but from the outside, the muscle shape did not change much, but when Mou Xianmin muttered strangely, Lin Wei weighed himself with her scale as usual, but Found clues.

He has gained weight.

Although the appearance didn't change at all, his weight suddenly increased by a full kilogram. You know, Lin Wei still feels hungry in his stomach. Obviously, this is still an empty stomach weight.

Lin Wei thought about it for a while, went to the bathroom, and ended up peeing. After going back for a test, of course there was no other change.

Due to the overwhelming hunger, he had to tell Cui Minshu, who had just woken up, to ask her to make more food in the morning.

As a result, after eating a meal for half an hour, Lin Wei cooked another two packs of instant noodles in a daze, but Lin Wei still didn't feel full.

On the contrary, the more I ate, the more I felt my appetite increased. Just because I was afraid of scaring Mou Xianmin and Cui Minshu, who were already somewhat confused, Lin Wei decided to go out and continue eating.

Moreover, after a little physical activity, not only did he not feel the usual energetic feeling, but was rather weak.

But this kind of weakness is a bit strange, because in the name of exercising, Lin Wei played a round of boxing and air strikes in the living room under the strange gaze of the two of them, and his strength and agility obviously improved slightly.

He quickly understood.

Perhaps it was because the energy in his body was not enough to support his body to reach a height of 17 o'clock, and the transformation hadn't really been completed—after he had eaten and drank enough and felt full. Maybe this was a slow process?

Lin Wei left the house, suppressed his expectations for the time being, took out his mobile phone, estimated the time, finished the draft, and made a call.

The person on the call is Mr. Lu.

"Lin Weixi?" After answering the phone, Lu Xuanwu's voice was calm and slightly puzzled. He knew very well that Lin Wei was not a person who would call when he had nothing to do, and he was very measured.

And Lin Wei said softly in a respectful and humble tone: "I'm very sorry to disturb your breakfast time, but there is something I want to report to you, do you have time?"

"Of course, what happened?" Lu Xuanwu said calmly with a gentle voice.

"That's right. Yesterday, I went to Annan City to attend a funeral."

Lin Wei spoke in an orderly manner, omitting some important or unimportant details, and told what happened yesterday as objectively as possible.

For example, how Park Sung-bae tried to win him over, how he tried to win over Kim Che-in, and how the two sides broke up in the end, how Park Sung-pee killed the prosecutor, and then fell out with the Yanbian people and put himself in it .

Lin Wei spoke vividly, but Lu Xuanwu remained silent. After a long while, he said softly, "Are you not injured?"

"Well, I know that Pu Cheng and Pei Feng didn't get a good review, and he brought a lot of people as protection. He didn't intend to do anything to me, so he was safe and sound."

After Lin Wei finished speaking, he paused and said: "The reason why I want to tell you this is to ask what you mean. How should the Seoul Daily write this announcement? My personal inclination is attributed to the former president. Negligent management—but I seem to have heard that this matter is being handled by Prosecutor Ahn Hee-yeon behind the scenes, so if you have other instructions."

Lin Wei's words made some sense, he was actually asking if it is necessary to share some of the credit with An Xiyan.

Lu Xuanwu was silent again for a moment, and said lightly: "Just report it as you want, just seek truth from facts, and don't mention it about the security inspection."


Lin Wei still wanted to say some compliments, but Lu Xuanwu had already said: "Let's do this first, Lin Weixi, I know that you are still young after all, and it is inevitable that you will be arrogant, but since you have successfully reached this point, you may as well be generous. Some, take a long view, take a step into the future.

As a media, especially the leading media in the peninsula, I hope you can continue to maintain the fine tradition of fairness and objectivity that the Seoul Daily has always adhered to, and continue to maintain the spirit of your unyielding and disapproving stand against Han Qiangzhi.

Now that Mayor Park's matter has come to this point, there is no need to deliberately reduce its influence. The matter of Prosecutor Jin is certainly regrettable. I think if it can be well reported, it will definitely sound the alarm for other prosecutors. "

"Understood, thank you for your guidance. Regarding Mayor Park's case, we will try our best to give the most objective reports and evaluations to guide the correct direction of public opinion."

After Lin Wei finished speaking, Councilor Lu hummed and said with a smile, "I'm afraid the president will be a little busy after he takes office, but he always has some free time. When I have time, we can have a good chat."

"Yes~ Whenever you have time, just contact me. As long as Councilor Lu is free, I can do it anytime."

After Lin Wei finished speaking humbly, Councilor Lu made another few polite remarks and hung up the phone.

Sitting in the car, he closed his eyes and meditated on the conversation just now. While trying to figure out his intentions, he also guessed a lot.

First of all, Lu Xuanwu's unexpected calmness towards these matters - this is probably because someone has already reported it to him.

It could be An Xiyan, or someone else who was in a hurry to flatter, but the probability of the former would be higher.

With such a big incident, An Xiyan couldn't pretend to be deaf and dumb, especially since the prosecutor she had contacted in person had fallen to Annan.

But then Lu Xuanwu's words became interesting.

Lin Wei understood it this way—first of all, Lu Xuanwu did not approve of his move to go to Annan, and also vaguely reminded him that he knew that Lin Wei was not an innocent passerby in this matter.

Moreover, I am afraid that he is very clear about the current conflict between him and An Xiyan, and he may not know the specific details, but I am afraid that Lin Wei and An Xiyan have different opinions on certain matters.

It's just that what Lu Xuanwu meant in his words was that he hoped that Lin Wei could control his temper and put the overall situation first when encountering such a thing next time.

These words were meant to endorse An Xiyan.

Later, he affirmed Lin Wei in his words. On the one hand, there may be some warnings, hoping that the Seoul Daily will not involve the interests of factions or connections, and do things as objectively as possible, and play the role that the media should have. On the other hand, it is also He told Lin Wei that he didn't want Lin Wei to have anything to do with the prosecutor, and hoped that he would be consistent with himself and play a role in supervising the prosecutor system as a media.

In addition, it may also have the meaning of comforting Lin Wei - An Xiyan is also a member of the prosecutor, Lin Wei can keep an eye on her, and let's talk about it if something really goes wrong with her.

And he was asked to report on Mayor Park's case as usual, Lin Wei thought, maybe this was not an alarm for the prosecution system, but An Xiyan's.

A whole team of prosecutors died at the hands of the 'Yanbian' people. Ordinary people may see the chaos in Annan City, but for those who know it, what they see is that An Xiyan's first operation ended in failure.

In the end, he continued to express his kindness to Lin Wei—Lin Wei didn’t think Mr. Lu’s words were jokes. He didn’t need to be polite now, and the appointment to meet up might have some other purpose.

When he came back to his senses, the car had already arrived downstairs at the company. Lin Wei clutched his stomach and told Yin Xuanyou, "Go and buy me some breakfast, Chinese style, deep-fried dough sticks, steamed buns, tofu, salty tofu, what else can I buy? For high-energy snacks such as chocolate beef jerky, buy more, and buy breakfast for five people."

Yin Xuanyou hummed and reminded: "Yonghao and I have both eaten."

"I'll eat it myself, don't ask for details."

After Lin Wei finished speaking, he went upstairs to deal with official business.

Nexon is still trying to tarnish his reputation from plagiarism, but I'm sorry, his opponent is now the largest paper media in South Korea. Successfully dug up a lot of black material about Nexon, including last year's taxes that have not yet been paid, and other issues that directly point to the company and its high-level individuals.

The public opinion war started with Nexon, but it is up to Lin Wei to decide when it will end.

The number of players in his BNB and NW game halls is increasing day by day, and now it is almost the beginning of February, within a month of development, the average daily active players of BNB has exceeded one million, becoming one of the most popular casual games nowadays .

Lin Wei hastened the review of the game and will release the official version in February. He will keep updating the version once a month and fix bugs once a day for high-frequency maintenance to further seize the Nexon market.

But Nexon is not angry at all - the patent applied by Lin Wei is very disgusting, in addition to the music BGM, there are also a lot of portrait rights of cartoon characters, etc. They looked carefully, and many of them are similar to the current BNB characters in their own There are some similarities.

Under the warning of the Ministry of Justice, they knew very well that once these character models were sent out, they might become a handle for Lin Wei to sue for infringement, so they could only temporarily modify the character texture model, speed up the redesign of the map, and modify the texture of props and other details

It looks simple, but it is too trivial, and the game design affects the whole body, which makes Nexon BNB, which has already reached the final stage of research and development, be forced to postpone again and again.

Apart from Nexon, Lin Wei's Kinmen logistics industry is also expanding rapidly.

Throughout January, he has started a large-scale search for professional managers through headhunting and high salaries, leased warehouses in various places and started to build the outline of the entire logistics system.

Considering the background of the times and spending money wisely, Lin Wei resolutely gave up some small villages in the third and fourth tiers—well, it’s a bit wrong to use the word county, which is basically those formed by multiple villages. Lin Wei voluntarily gave up all townships and towns, and temporarily did not include them in the territory of online shopping logistics.

Mainly focus on first- and second-tier cities in South Korea, such as Seoul and Busan, to establish logistics warehouses and build a logistics network.

Cui Yixian from Busan is responsible for part of the variety of products on the online shopping platform, and Lin Wei will find suitable companies and partners in Seoul for the rest. It is expected that the online shopping interface tied to the Axu account will be launched in March.

Moreover, Lin Wei also took advantage of the opportunity to set up a food delivery company to provide food delivery services mainly in Seoul.

South Korea's local food delivery is quite developed, especially Chinese restaurants and fried chicken restaurants, but at present, it is still in the stage where the store hires its own delivery staff. The monthly salary of a delivery staff is not low. After careful calculation, it actually depends on the employees of the food delivery company. Instead, the price will be more convenient. The difficulty lies in the level of technology today, which is a problem for the coordination of food delivery companies and other aspects.

Lin Wei is not impatient. He hopes that the food delivery company can specialize in network and computer technology, develop algorithms and programs related to food delivery software, and accumulate application experience.

We have to wait until 2007 for the real stage of development.

Apart from Lin Wei's current main business, Golden Gate Entertainment has finally completed the preliminary construction of the team.

Although Lin Wei is not interested in the men's team, after all, Lin Wei is not an unknown person in South Korea. After setting up a brokerage company and digging out a lot of professional talents, he still attracted many male trainees to take the initiative to join the company, hoping to sign training contracts. .

In just one month of construction, Lin Wei's Golden Gate Entertainment Brokerage Company has been completed.

The first brother of the company is Liu Shi, and the following artists are almost like a cliff in terms of fame and strength. But even so, Lin Wei is still optimistic about its overall development situation. In the midst of intensive screening.

After the screening is over, Lin Wei will personally designate the development direction and style of music, and complete his debut within 1-2 months.

When it comes to Golden Gate Brokerage Entertainment, we have to talk about Lin Wei's most intuitive competitor.

A new agency established by Lee Joong-jiu, winner.

In mid-January, the other party successfully signed Jiang Donghu, who is now the top host in the world, and became a blockbuster in the entertainment industry in 2003. Although it is not new for these famous hosts and artists to sign with small companies, after all, being the boss of a small company is no better than Is it better to go to a big company and be treated like a shrimp by the management?

But winner is a brand new company after all, why did Jiang Donghu choose him? It is nothing short of a mystery!

After getting Jiang Donghu, winner quickly began to enter the show business circle with Jiang Donghu's connections, signed gagman at a low price in batches, that is, comedians, they also found a lot of actors and actresses, and they have already begun to prepare for their own investment. Movies to promote entertainers.

Even faster than Lin Wei's movements - Lin Wei had to admit that Li Zhongjiu was somewhat capable.

Knowing that he has insufficient contacts, he opened a breakthrough through Jiang Donghu, a big brother in the hosting industry, and invested in the crew to attract actors by throwing coins, which actually found a way for him.

While Lin Wei was dealing with work, he was chomping on the breakfast that Yin Xuanyou bought, and he kept busy eating until it was time for lunch, when he suddenly received a call from Mou Xianmin.

"Watch TV, there is good news."

Lin Wei put down the documents, hugged a bag of potato chips, sat on the sofa, turned on the TV, and saw a scene that made him feel happy.

The final trial of Han Qiangzhi ended, and he was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole for alleged crimes such as bribery, bribery, private use of public power, investigation of violations, forging evidence, organizing gang violence, and tax evasion.

On the TV station, it was the scene of reporters chasing and intercepting Han Qiangzhi who had just come out of the court with his hands in handcuffs.

Han Qiangzhi in the picture is not as energetic as before. He has a haggard face, and his figure has lost more than one size. He is wearing a mask. Facing the camera that is almost slapped on his face by the reporter, he shrinks subconsciously and stretches out his hand to cover his face.

"Han Qiangzhixi! Do you have anything to say to those victims!"

Questions like these lingered in my ears, but the policeman beside Han Qiangzhi let go of his hands. Han Qiangzhi stood at the gate of the court, staring blankly at the faces of the reporters. For a long while, he knelt down on the ground in a daze, facing the camera, A big gift was made.

"As a prosecutor, I am ashamed of the oath I made when I took office, and I also violated the code of conduct of the prosecutor, which caused the public to lose trust in the prosecutor and damaged the reputation of the prosecutor."

He said in a daze, apologized to the people under the camera of the reporter, and said with tears: "I have deeply realized my mistakes, and I am willing to spend the rest of my life reflecting on my mistakes. I doubt the fairness and innocence of the entire inspection system."

Lin Wei watched Han Qiangzhi cover his face and knelt down to apologize, but raised his eyebrows thoughtfully.

At this moment, many people heard the news and yelled at Han Qiangzhi outside the court.

"Scum!" "Scum!" "Han Qiangzhi die!" "Death penalty! Why not death penalty!"

But Han Qiangzhi continued to cry out his regrets in front of the camera as if he couldn't hear it, and even apologized to Lin Wei alone.

"In addition, I would like to make a separate apology to President Lin Wei. I am very sorry that you have been hurt because of me. I will spend the rest of my life in prison reflecting on my mistakes."

His attitude was sincere and his tone was humble. While Lin Wei couldn't bear to smile, he confirmed his guess even more.

Han Qiangzhi may have reached some agreements with some people internally.

Although it is impossible to help him get rid of the crime, it is very likely that Han Qiangzhi was charged with the crime alone, apologized in public to calm the anger of the people, and won the exemption from the death penalty and preferential treatment in the prison.

This is not a rare thing - in this country that has the courtesy of former officials, even if the minister of the prosecutorial system loses power, he will receive certain preferential treatment at some level. This is probably an unspoken rule, and everyone knows that Feng Shui turns It is also clear that this kind of rule is actually beneficial to all power holders.

Therefore, everyone tacitly understands this unspoken rule, and actively maintains and implements it.

Thinking of this, Lin Wei looked at Han Qiangzhi's crying face, and couldn't help showing a somewhat indifferent smile.

"Ex-official courtesy"

He murmured, and finally, with a sneer, he turned off the TV and dialed the phone.

After Han Qiangzhi finished apologizing under the camera, he was pushed into the car by the police. When the door was closed, he covered his face so that others could not see his face from the window. Yes, it was a low Xiba sound.

The surrounding police officers just stared ahead, until the car rushed out of the crowd and reached the quiet and deserted street, Han Qiangzhi raised his head with a grim and aggrieved face, gritted his teeth and growled: "One day, I will Make you regret it!"

"Shut up!" The police officer on the side ignored him and gave him a cold look, but Han Qiangzhi sneered: "Oh, you just stay in the detention center for the rest of your life! Do you really think I'm going to die like this? Huh? I But Han Qiangzhi!"

He seemed to have become arrogant again, and the prison guards in the detention center didn't bother to talk to him, and just smiled mockingly: "Yes, Minister Han, when you are in prison, you have to make good use of your status as Minister Han, and don't let your roommates force you to sing gone."

"Ha ha ha ha."

The prison guards burst into laughter, and Han Qiangzhi looked at the few people with a dark face, but he was helpless for the time being.


When I get out, I'll kill you all!

Han Qiangzhi felt resentful.

Back at the detention center, he was wheeled into his cell and packed.

The life in the detention center is over, and what Han Qiangzhi will face afterwards is a long prison sentence.

As soon as he entered, Han Qiangzhi saw the fat Huang Yanji sitting lazily on his bed with his legs crossed.

"Hurry up and take you to pack your personal belongings, and leave for the prison at two o'clock in the afternoon."

The prison guard gave an order and closed the cell door.

Han Qiangzhi took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and forced a smile: "Brother Yanji, please make room, can I pack up?"

Huang Yanji moved his fat buttocks, took out the towel under his head and threw it aside: "Is there anything to clean up?"

".It's nothing." Only then did Han Qiangzhi see that his own toothbrush and other things were also thrown by the toilet in the bathroom.

"Let's go soon, let's clean the toilet and bathroom for the brothers one last time, you're leaving, this job has to be left to others."

Huang Yanji spoke slowly.

Han Qiangzhi clenched his teeth tightly, but his face remained calm—he endured it.

In fact, after being beaten up by Huang Yanji on the first day and forced to sing loudly in front of everyone in the cell, Han Qiangzhi has no prestige here.

He tried to find someone to protect and take revenge, but the result was not very good.

Regardless of who I found, I begged my grandpa to tell my grandma, but the location of his cell has not changed, and Huang Yanji is like a dead ghost. Even if he tells the prison guards, he will be locked up in one day, and then he will be beaten again. Beat.

west eight

Thinking of this, Han Qiangzhi couldn't bear the resentment in his heart—sooner or later, he would tie up Huang Yanji and feed him to the dogs!

During the days in the detention center, he also found out through inquiring that Huang Yanji might be Lin Wei's mother! Sooner or later he will be killed!

He kept cursing in his heart, but his movements were sloppy. He squatted in the bathroom to clean, and looked at the clock on the wall from time to time.

It will be fine to get to the new prison. When you arrive in the prison, you can avoid Huang Yanji, a bastard. The environment of the Seoul West Training Center is good. An old friend, maybe the days will be moistened.

Forbearance! ! !

Han Qiangzhi waited like a year.

Finally, the time came close to two o'clock.

"Yeah, Qiang Zhi, scratch my back."

Huang Yanji spoke slowly.

Han Qiangzhi finally sneered unbearably.

He walked behind Huang Yanji, suddenly stretched out his hand to hook him around the neck, and strangled him naked, while listening to Huang Yanji's muffled groan, he roared angrily: "You son of a bitch, you really think you can eat me!" !?"

The other prisoners quickly offered their hands and pulled Han Qiangzhi away, but Han Qiangzhi had a long-standing grievance, and now he was so angry that he was actually tall, so he broke free, picked up a book, and smashed it at Huang Yanji's head past.

Huang Yanji roared, turned over, and wrestled with Han Qiangzhi. At first, Han Qiangzhi had the upper hand and was still in the upper hand, but Huang Yanji was fat and strong, and was proficient in street fighting. Talking about martial arts, stepping on toes and monkeys stealing peaches regained their advantage, and when they gained power, they pressed Han Qiangzhi to the ground and beat him violently.

"You son of a bitch! How dare you fight back! Ah!?"

After Han Qiangzhi was stolen by a monkey, his stomach ached, but he still covered his head and stomach, and yelled: "Xi Bazi, you wait for me! I will kill you sooner or later!"

"Stop! Everyone stop!"

The prison guard came late, shouted and stopped the two of them, Han Qiangzhi sneered and forced himself to sit up, while the prison guard looked at the two with an unfriendly face: "Why, we are going to be transferred, so you don't take us seriously? Believe it or not, if you go there, you will be locked up too!?"

Han Qiangzhi spit out a mouthful of blood in disdain: "You take me"

Suddenly, he was taken aback.


Han Qiangzhi noticed the point of the words.

Huang Yanji stood on one side with a grim smile, raised his hands to show his obedience to the prison guards, but looked at Han Qiangzhi coldly: "Yes, Minister Han, today is also the day when I will be transferred to prison after being sentenced."

".What prison!?"

Han Qiangzhi's lips moved, his eyes widened slightly.

"Seoul West Training Center."

Huang Yanji grinned, his exposed teeth were slightly yellow, but a little sharp, and his fat face was a bit scary when he smiled, but at this moment, he was indeed smiling heartily.

"I heard that friends who entered the prison at the same time, there is a high probability that they will be together?"

"Yeah, I'm a felon, you're indefinite, the prison areas should be together."

"It won't be so fate, can we be in the same cell?"

Looking at Huang Yanji's smiling face, Han Qiangzhi's pupils trembled, and after a while, he roared like a scream: "Lin Wei!!!"

"Yes, yes, Warden Nim, hahahaha, don't worry, when did I tell a lie!

I am very familiar with Pastor Li, and the refurbishment of the prison church and facilities is on my shoulders.

Yes, yes, I’ve heard that, no problem, I also think it’s too bad for you not to try to leave the Congress, how about it, as long as you want to run after retirement, I’m personally willing to provide you with one billion campaign funds. How can If it violates the regulations, follow the normal process, and I will help you get it done.

How can a congressman not need campaign funds? Hahaha, easy to talk about.

No problem, that's it. "

Lin Wei hung up the phone, put down the phone with a smile on his face, got up, and stared at the street view outside the big window of the office.

no one really thinks

Sending him to prison is the end of Lin Wei's revenge, right?

He grinned, his smile icy cold.

"My revenge...has just begun, Han Qiangzhi"

terribly sorry.

Courtesy of former officials

Does not exist in prison.

The phone rang suddenly.

Lin Wei picked it up and looked at it, thought for a moment, didn't hang up, but deliberately put it on for a while, and then slowly connected, the caller was none other than An Xiyan.

"President Lin~" Her voice was gentle, with a smile, as slightly frivolous as before.

Lin Wei said leisurely: "Oh, Prosecutor An? You called suddenly, what's the matter?"

"Hey, why does Mr. Lin still pretend to be confused with me, he is so unfamiliar, my sister will be angry~"

An Xiyan said with a smile.

Lin Wei said calmly, but slightly distantly: "Really? It's just that I really don't know the purpose of the security inspection. After all, the security inspection has always done things in its own way, and I am just an ordinary young man. How can I Guess what you're thinking?"

"Ah~" An Xiyan drew his tone, and then said: "There are not many young people as scary as Lin Weixi—ah, it's really scary. Prosecutor Jin Cheren just told me that President Lin is going to Annan , the back foot was directly attacked and died, my sister was having nightmares all night last night."

"Prosecutor An, are you suspicious of me?" Lin Wei chuckled, and then said leisurely, "I warned you a long time ago to make you think clearly that Pu Chengpei is a scumbag, and you must let the people below be careful


Why couldn't Procurator An and Prosecutor Kim be more careful?

The identity of a prosecutor is indeed very important to ordinary people, but for such a dangerous guy, if you are really in a hurry, you may not be able to talk to you about the rules!

have a look! Look, it's a mess"

Lin Wei sighed, but An Xiyan on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, but then he chuckled, "Is it convenient to meet up?"

"Ah? Where are you going? Ah~ Ever since I saw that Prosecutor Jin was killed by Mayor Park because he was found wiretapping, I am a little scared now. Everyone feels unsafe. This psychological shadow may last for a lifetime." .”

Lin Wei paused, pretending to be puzzled: "Do you prosecutors usually bring a bug when they go out?"

You're the one who always wears a bug when you go out, right? An Xiyan rolled his eyes on the other end of the phone, but resisted a little unhappiness in his heart, and said bluntly: "It's nothing else, I just want to know the truth of the matter."

"The truth? It's not difficult to check a dossier and investigation report as an inspector, right?"

"you know what I mean."

"I don't quite understand. Although as an eyewitness, I may provide some information beyond the dossier, but so what? The matter is over, what is the purpose of the security inspection?"

"...lesson learned."


Lin Wei was dumbfounded.

An Xiyan's voice was very calm: "At least we have to figure out where the mistake started, so that we can improve next time we do things. The investigation report hasn't come out yet, and even if it comes out, I'm afraid the content is not detailed enough.

I know your concerns, so you decide the location and time, and arrange for a woman to screen me if necessary - or you come in person, which I think is fine.

Just one time."

An Xiyan pondered for a while, then smiled and said, "Regular gatherings? Don't you like this?"

"How dare I play this with Prosecutor Security? Isn't this forcing you to violate discipline?"

Lin Wei laughed.

".Just know. I'll warn you one last time. My job duty is to keep an eye on the prosecutor's disciplinary issues."

An Xiyan's voice was serious, but then, he sent out another invitation: "Seriously, let's meet."


Lin Wei was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

"beg me."


An Xiyan was taken aback.

Afterwards, Lin Wei just said slowly: "I said. Please."

"Please!" An Xiyan said in a relaxed tone, "Do you want to add some tone?"


Lin Wei almost forgot that this old woman was quite a rascal in some respects.

But that's okay.

He said leisurely: "Then just wait."

"Huh?" An Xiyan was taken aback.

"Inspector An, I am also very busy. Don't worry, I will contact you when I am free."

Lin Wei finished speaking with a smile, but An Xiyan just let out a laugh after a while: "Ah, you~"

"Me~?" Lin Wei's tone was equally frivolous.

"You!" An Xiyan's tone was accentuated, and there was a bit of resentment: "Bad bastard! I've convinced you, so that's it. When you are free, contact me. Don't forget, seriously."

"Yes~ good boy~"

Lin Wei hung up the phone, shook his head and smiled, and continued to deal with official business with his head down.

But soon, the phone rang again.

Li Sarah.

Lin Wei answered helplessly, her voice on the phone was a bit like gnashing of teeth.


"What?" He said angrily, "What's the matter?"

"What if those guys don't believe that I belong to you!" Li Sarah said angrily, "Ouba, tell him for me!"

Before Lin Wei could speak, a frivolous male voice rang out from the other end of the phone.


"Who?" Lin Wei's voice was short and indifferent.

"...It's all about Jun." The boy's voice also cooled down.

"Oh, the leader of those gangsters?" Lin Wei paused for a moment, then said calmly, "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing. Sarah said that she belongs to you." After Quan Zaijun finished speaking, he seemed to feel that he was too weak to lose face, and he actually said such a sentence on the phone: "You and her Done?"

Lin Wei chuckled, and then asked softly, "Do you want to die?"

"Huh?" Quan Zaijun thought he had heard wrong.

"Want to die~?" Lin Wei repeated lightly.

".Who do you think you are!"

Quan Zaijun responded loudly from embarrassment.


Lin Wei hung up the phone.

Then after a while, Li Sarah called, her voice was full of anger, and she could still hear the voice of her arguing with Jeon Jae Joon: "Ouba!"

"Listen, don't fight him, I'll send for him."

Lin Wei said lightly, "Do you understand?"

"Yes~" She lost her temper in an instant, and agreed docilely, with some expectation: "Can you come in person?"


"Can I see you tonight?"

"Make an appointment with your sister Xianmin."


Lin Wei hung up the phone, and then called Cui Yonghao.

"Brother, what's the matter? I'm in the company now."

"Don't come to the office, go pick up a kid for me-I heard you used to have a lot of fights in high school, right?"

"Uh yes."

Cui Yonghao thinks that is a bit of black history.

"Fine, time to put your punk's career history to work."

Lin Wei smiled meaningfully: "Some brats, before being beaten, always thought that the world belonged to them—show him what a real bad guy looks like."


Cui Yonghao was a little dazed, and agreed.

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