Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 341: The Devil's Worry


For a moment, Behemoth was completely stunned. His tens of thousands of eyes stared at the strange golden thing above Eden. For a long time, he couldn't believe what he saw.

Is this still in the real universe? Behemoth couldn't believe the reality he saw with tens of thousands of eyes. If this was in a chaotic space, then all this could be well explained. After all, chaos is a disordered space. In this place, as long as you have power, you can do any incredible thing, but this is the real world, how could such a completely unexplainable thing exist? [Search for the latest updates here..]

That golden thing, is that a sword? But how could there be such a huge sword in the world? It is so huge that even if I look at it from a distance from the moon with purely ordinary eyes, I can still see it clearly. What is even more unreasonable is that such a huge sword is ultimately held in a tiny, dust-like object. In the hands of the Spirit Tribe people.

This scene is so ridiculous, it's like an ant wielding a weapon used by a giant. What made Behemoth even more annoyed was that such a dust-like Eldar man, waving his huge golden sword, actually resisted his own attack, and Behemoth suddenly I can't find a better way to get rid of this annoying guy!

Because Behemoth now has only one attack method. He can only shoot beams of evil power from his eyes to attack the enemy. This is still a half-baked attack. This is nothing, and you don't need too many attack methods. You just need to be strong enough. Even a half-baked attack can make the spirit clansmen lose their temper. What's more, as long as Behemoth obtains the core of Eden, his only attack method will become a true world-destroying spear, which is an extremely powerful force that can penetrate even the stars.

But now, once his attack was restrained by the opponent, Behemoth really couldn't find any good way to kill the bug.

After being anxious for a while, Behemoth laughed again. What did he have to be anxious about? I can't destroy the golden thing below, but isn't there anything I can do about the things below?

That should be the case...


"What kind of weapon is that? What did the Spirit Tribe people do?" Aylin couldn't believe it and looked at the clouds gradually fading to both sides of the sky. His eyes were full of shock. First, the two swords directly shattered from the orbit. attack, and then slashed the clouds in the sky with a sword. With such a terrifying weapon, is this still a sword?

"I, I don't know, I have never heard that the Spirit Race people have such weapons. This is simply..." Witch Xishan was also stunned by this sudden change. After a while, she continued to murmur. "It's completely illogical," he said.

At this time, the clouds had completely faded from the sky. Both Aylin and Xishan could clearly see the huge and magnificent crack across the sky, the huge wound in the universe, which was far away in Eden. The huge chaotic mouth outside was slowly opening, trying to swallow the whole of Eden in one gulp. It was only then that the two people who saw this scene let out a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Fortunately, the overall situation has not changed." The witch Xishan put down her worries and said calmly: "Although this power is terrifying, it is just the desperate struggle of the spirit tribe. Rabbits can bite people if they are anxious, let alone these The Spirit Race people are still meaningless. As long as they enter the world of chaos, no matter how hard they struggle, they can only become the playthings of the true god. "

"You are right, but I don't know why, I am always a little worried," Aylin said with a hint of worry: "I also know that such worries are unreasonable, but if the person holding that sword is my mentor, Then things may not be that simple. Even in the worst adversity, he will work hard to pursue victory. My mentor is such a terrible person. "

"Hmph!" Xishan sneered and said with a smile: "Ailin, why have you become like a woman and still rely on your feelings? Nowadays, what else do we have to worry about? Don't worry, this is It's not a human problem, even if it's one of your 'mentors', what can he do in this situation? They can't attack Lord Behemoth. Although the sword is terrifying, it can't be ignored. No matter how sharp it is, it is just a bigger sword after all. They have already used this sword to cut the sky. This is already terrible. Do these Spirit Tribe people still expect to use this sword to cut the moon? " said this, Xishan seemed to be frightened by her own words, but in the next moment she felt that she was stupid. She was actually afraid of such silly words. In order to dispel this embarrassment, Xishan seemed to tell a funny joke. , she laughed, and after laughing for a while, she said softly: "Maybe? Maybe these bean sprouts' brains will suddenly turn into a ball of boiling paste, and just think of smashing them with the sword in their hands. Where's the moon? The final madness, how helpless, let's just relax and enjoy the last performance of these miserable lunatics."

"This is the only way we can do it. When the battle reaches this point, it will be difficult for us to do what we want to do." Aylin sighed. Ever since he defected to the side of Chaos, Aylin has never felt this feeling. This is a feeling of powerlessness welling up from the bottom of my heart in the face of an uncontrollable situation. He whispered in a voice that only he could hear: "It would be great if things really go so smoothly. It's the first time I feel such great pressure. It's simply unfortunate that a person like the mentor is on the enemy's side. ”

But both Aelin and the witch Hishan knew very well that such expectations were impossible to realize, because right in their gaze, the long sword of golden light in the distance was pointing directly at Behemoth in the distance, and What's even more terrifying is that this long sword is still changing. Without a single breath, the golden sword will grow towards the sky, as if it is about to break through the sky.


Li put all his attention on controlling the soul power in his hands, and he no longer even had the extra ability to think.

The number of souls extracted from the core of Eden by the Sword of the Ancestors is so huge, and the majestic power generated when these souls burn is so violent and gorgeous. This is expected, the power to destroy stars How could it be small? This must be an extremely huge and terrifying force, and now Li has to completely rely on his own will to control this force and let this force act according to his own will.

Even with the soul of the battle Si Weisen as an assistant in the Sword of the Ancestors, the process of controlling such a majestic power is still extremely difficult for Li. At this time, he can only concentrate on maintaining the balanced growth of power. And make the lightsaber in his hand longer.

Nowadays, Li Zhen is like an ant moving a giant sledgehammer. With just one oversight, let alone moving the weapon to attack the enemy, the power in his hands is enough to kill him ten thousand times.

"Hey, hey, hey, let me tell you, you can't be serious, right? Think about killing me with a sword?" Behemoth's huge shadow appeared in the sky. He looked down at Li and said with a smile. Said: "Say something, boy, by the way, don't tell me that you are serious, otherwise I will die laughing before I am hacked to death by you!"

Li ignored the ridicule of the devil in front of him and concentrated on maintaining the power surging around him.

"You should know the distance between you and me, right? Even if the sword in your hand breaks through the sky, oh, has it already broken through the sky? It's amazing, but even if you do this, there is still no possibility of harming me. My, because common sense is that we are too far apart, there is no way you can reach it? Even the propaganda department of the empire cannot come up with such a crazy idea, right? It’s not a fairy tale world, so why do you have to work so hard for a crazy idea?” Behemoth sighed and said, “To be honest, I really feel good for you. Yes, now I am advising you from the perspective of a friend. Don’t be like other fools and imagine the chaotic space to be so scary. Oh, for those weak, the chaotic space is indeed the most terrifying place, but For a strong person like you, this is undoubtedly the best world and the most beautiful paradise. I am not going to lie to you. As long as you have power, you can get everything in the chaotic space, including women, wealth, and the joy of war. If anything can bind you, you will become my good partner. You see, if the two of us team up, then I will become a strong partner. What do you think? "

After waiting for a while, Behemoth still got no response. Li was still concentrating on his work, completely ignoring the devil's words.

"Fuck your mother!" Behemoth broke out in an instant, and he yelled angrily: "I want to kill your whole family, your ancestors, everyone you know, you Don't bully me too much, you bastard! You are nothing more than a tiny speck of dust. I, Lord Behemoth, think highly of you and talk to you nicely. How dare you ignore me, Lord Behemoth? What the hell are you doing? Do you want to die? Do you really want to die? "

Li still didn't speak. He just moved his wrist, holding the Lich Sword wrapped in flickering light. He crooked it, stretched out his little finger in the direction of Behemoth, and then hooked Hook your little finger.

"Ahhhhh! I'm going to fuck you [to death], fuck you to death, fuck you to death!!!! I'm going to make your head into a chamber pot!" Behemoth roared crazily at the same time , countless red beams containing evil power were densely shot down from the sky.

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