Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 319: Demon Prince

Even though it was an extremely absurd order, in the army, especially in the army of the evil side, an order is an order, no matter how absurd the order is, it must be implemented 100%.

If the expedition's supreme commander, Lord Behemos, wants to use the fleet to bomb the moon, then the fleet must obey the commander's will. No matter whether he can bomb the moon or not, the first thing to do is to pour all the ammunition on the target. The fleet group sailing quietly in the high-altitude orbit quickly received the order from the flagship. The fleet group adjusted its posture in the dark universe like a school of fish, and flew towards the moon orbit in a neat formation. At the same time, the fleet that survived the silver moon orbit also began to assemble, and the artillery on the hull began to adjust its position.

But before the fleet had finished adjusting, they didn't even have a chance to get into the firing position, they were bombarded by the moon's light spears. The light spears from the moon easily penetrated the heavy armor of the warships. The huge, mighty, and mobile fortresses in the universe were pierced by the light spears in an instant, as if they were fish stabbed to death by the spears, easily and neatly, and then there was a violent explosion. From a distance, it looked like a gorgeous firework blooming in the universe.

Fireworks bloomed continuously in the fleet. It was so beautiful, but so cruel. In less than five minutes, Behemos lost contact with his fleet commander. Obviously, the flagship that the great Behemos was riding on was also set off by the Eldar as a firework.

The space fleet suffered a devastating blow in an instant. The warships exposed to the attack range of the Spear of Destruction were pierced and detonated one by one without exception. For the Eldar, this was a one-sided massacre. The enemy didn't even get a chance to get close to fire, and was destroyed by the continuous shooting of the light spears. After the explosion, the space was filled with the broken wreckage of floating warships. Except for a few lucky warships that escaped the devastating blow in the shadows, the fleet ruled by Behemos had been completely destroyed. Even the remnants turned around and fled hastily to the other side of the planet. At this time, only by putting the moon out of their sight and separating it from the moon by an Eden planet can the captains' hearts be a little bit stable.

"The last hope of the demons has also been destroyed. I really hope you can see it. There is a fireworks display in the sky to celebrate our victory. This is an unprecedented grand and precious fireworks display. Every fireworks display is a demon warship. In front of our light spears, these aerial fortresses have no chance." Weisen said proudly: "Look at the ground. The demon army has begun to collapse. They can no longer maintain any formation and can only flee in all directions. This will only make them die faster. Our warriors will kill these demons like hunting, from the fucking back. Catch up and easily put an end to these ugly creatures. A glorious victory, isn't it? Noz Aisha, I ask again, even now, do you still stick to your original prediction? "

"My prediction is correct, everything is in the trajectory of fate."

"We will still encounter unprecedented setbacks and failures, and only a hero can save us from despair?" Weisen's face was full of coldness, "Such a large-scale battle, ten years of planning, and countless people's hard work, will eventually only let us fall into despair, waiting for that hero to save us?" Weisen sneered. "This is not a fairy tale, this is reality! Even the Phoenix Lord can do nothing at this time, because we have already won."


At this time, on the battlefield in the distance, Ailin looked at the fireworks in the sky and made a decision. He stood up suddenly and picked up the sword: "At this time, don't worry about anything else, let the legion prepare, prepare to press on all fronts! Even if the whole army is annihilated, we must entangle our group of Eldar troops, rush up, and mess with them! Go, Alastor, we are ready to launch a general attack!"

Alastor was stunned, and then asked in astonishment: "You said to enter Attack, launch an attack at this time? Or a general attack? Isn't this courting death? "

"Fool, retreating at this time is courting death. The Eldar only need to find a few rangers to follow us to wipe us out. The enemy in front of us is not what we need to consider. What we really need to consider is how we should avoid the attack from the sky. "Alin smiled, and then said in a calm and fanatical tone: "We should dance a close dance with the Phoenix Lord on the opposite side to see if the spear in the sky will stab us again?"


In the center of the battlefield, the palace of Behemos was in panic and despair.

It's over, everything is over.

The powerful and invincible legion fell into despair in an instant. Under the sweep of the light blade from the sky, even the most elite army could only break up and flee, while the Eldar could leisurely launch a pursuit. The powerful demon legion that made the universe tremble would be hunted down by the Eldar like hunting rabbits. The most powerful space fleet was completely destroyed before it could last five minutes, and turned into a pile of floating garbage.

"Lord Behemos, the battle situation is irreversible," a demon advised: "Who would have thought that the Eldar could activate Eden and use the power of the Ark? Who would have thought that Eden's main gun could hit itself? While we were planning to seize Eden, the Eldar had already occupied Eden and patiently waited for our arrival. This is a complete trap. We have failed, Behemos, we should retreat."

"No, we can't retreat yet!" Behemos' eyes were bloodshot, but a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth: "I don't admit defeat yet. I don't have the face to run back like this. If I run back like this, what will happen to me? I lost everything, my legion, my fleet, and I will be torn to pieces by other princes. Oh, look at your expressions, you don't understand, do you think I dare not face reality? Do you think I am at the end of the road and going crazy? You are wrong, I expected this day to come, To be precise, I have been preparing for such a day. Our legion has failed, but I have not failed yet. I still have "revenge", "Behemos laughed crazily, "Haha, yes, I can still take revenge. I want to take revenge on the Eldar. I will get the strongest spear. Do you think I will really risk my life for that kid Abaddon? I worked hard to come to this expedition just to shamelessly please him Abaddon? That human? You underestimate me too much!" While saying this, the giant-like Behemos grabbed the staff officer standing in front of him and pinched him in his hand. Without hesitation, he gently pinched it, just like squeezing a water ball, and easily squeezed the staff officer who had just made a suggestion. Blood spurted out from Behemos's fingers, but it did not scatter on the ground. Instead, it turned into blood snakes in the sky, slowly crawling up Behemos' body, and slowly outlining a complex magic formation on his body.

A Tzeentch commander present saw Behemoth's intention in an instant, and he screamed: "Blood sacrifice! Behemoth, you can't, you can't do this! I am Tzeentch..." Before he finished speaking, the commander suddenly exploded from the inside out without any warning, as if someone had installed an air bomb in his body. The blood gathered in the air, condensed, and finally turned into a blood snake, swimming in the air, crawling towards Behemoth's body.

The demons in the palace exploded one by one in astonishment, and their blood all gathered towards the supreme commander Behemoth, but this was not the end. The palace itself turned bright red in an instant, and the blood on the entire battlefield seemed to be summoned, flowing slowly and gathering in the direction of Behemoth.

Behemos launched his most vicious means, blood sacrifice. He sacrificed the blood on the entire battlefield to the evil god Khorne, and prayed that the evil god would give him more powerful power. It didn't take too long. He only needed this powerful power to last for a short while.

This method is too vicious. Although the Chaos Demons have been doing this for a long time, why not sacrifice their comrades to get more benefits? But most of them do it secretly. After all, it's not a good reputation to spread it out, and after knowing that you will do this, who will regard you as a comrade in the future?

It's rare to see a demon as bold as Behemos who offers so many sacrifices at a time and puts all his men on the sacrificial platform.

As for the true god Khorne, he doesn't care where the offerings come from.

The powerful magic instantly enveloped the entire battlefield. Behemos's guards were the first to be impacted. Under the terrifying power of the Demon Prince, Behemos's guards instantly exploded into blood balls, and the blood crawled into the palace. On the battlefield farther away, only the blood flowing from the dead could be guided to approach the palace, but this was not a small amount.

No one knew what happened in this gloomy palace. In the palace full of blood, naturally no one saw the strange smile on Behemos's face. It was not panic-stricken fear, nor was it madness in despair, but a smile like the one he showed in the battle with Sweisen. It was a smile that everything was under control and victory was already at hand.

Half an hour later, the situation on the battlefield gradually stabilized. For the Eldar, the dust had settled. The demon army had completely collapsed. The Eldar were chasing all over the mountains. This kind of pursuit was really not much different from hunting. When the morale was completely lost and they could only turn their backs to the enemy and run away, the demon soldiers were not much different from ordinary soldiers.

At this time, with a roar that shook the world, the huge Behemos suddenly appeared from the black fog and appeared in front of the wall of Starlight Castle.

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