Haiyan Heqing Four O’clock Days

Chapter 22: 【Hua Shao Chunsheng】The spring moon is strong

  Chapter 22 [Hua Shao Chunsheng] Spring Moon Zhongnong Xuan, the bird spirit will be divided into half and thunder and lightning [Vernal Equinox·Third]

  The pear trees are covered with snow on the ground,

  Zhudan Ancient Culture Middle School.

   Chunyan sizzling endlessly,

  Thunder bursts into the sky.


  It was raining again all night, and the next morning, when the sun was blowing, I don’t know how many flowers were knocked down by the rain yesterday.

   Looking along the cabin to the shore, there are pear trees all over the hill on the hill, and the delicate petals of the pear flowers have been knocked down all over the ground. The trees are all white under the trees.

  Just like the bleak white color of pear blossoms, the pear blossoms are soft, and a drizzle can knock down the petals of the pear blossoms. Looking at it from afar, it was as if a small hill was covered with snow last night for the whole night.

  Luohua is pitiful, not to mention the fragile pear blossom, which makes people can't help but sigh the fragility and beauty of life.

Seeing Kyushu staring blankly at the pear blossoms that fell on the ground, there was a bit of sadness in his eyes, and the vernal equinox suddenly regretted taking Kyushu to see this Jiangnan flower rain. "Kyushu, these petals can nourish those pears when they fall on the ground. Trees, in autumn, they can exchange fruit full of trees."

  "Those crisp pears that are refreshing after a bite can grow from the nurturing of these petals."

   Kyushu has been in a daze, don't know what is thinking, the vernal equinox can not help but start to be a little anxious.

   "Ah, I remember it!"

"Fallen flowers are not heartless things, into Chunni more quadrangle!"

"That's right, that's it!" Kyushu suddenly smiled and looked at the equinox. "Sister Vernal Equinox, my mother taught me this poem, which means that the petals that fall on the ground are not something without emotion, but to nurture more beautiful flowers. ."

  "This poem is the poet expressing his feelings of serving the country, but it also writes that the flowers and plants in nature are not for the unique fragrance, but for the spirit of protecting the flowers."

   Listening to what Kyushu is saying, the vernal equinox is no longer worried that Kyushu will cry because of the rather sad and cold scenery of raining flowers.

  Not far from the school heard the teacher's lecture, Kyushu was attracted by the long-lost voice. Although I go to school every day on weekdays and look forward to the holidays, but now that I have not attended classes for 40 to 50 days, Kyushu feels a little uncomfortable.

  One person and one immortal abandon the boat, walk up the street from the stone steps beside the shore, and listen carefully to the lessons taught by the teachers in the school through the windows.

  One person, one cent, you can clearly hear that the teacher is telling the students in the class the scientific principles of spring equinox erection.

   "Students, we organized an activity of erecting eggs a few days ago. Do any students know why there is a custom of erecting eggs on the spring equinox?"

   "I don't know!" The students returned in unison.

   "Teacher, I know, I know, this custom has been passed down for more than four thousand years!"

"Yes, it is true. In fact, except on the day of the equinox, you can put up eggs every day!" The teacher said softly, while holding an egg carefully standing up, "Look, as long as you master the method. , You can succeed!"

   "So, many times in our lives, we should learn to find the essence of things and use appropriate techniques to solve them, so that we can get twice the result with half the effort."

   After listening to the teacher told the students, Meng Jiuzhou thoughtfully, "Grasp the essence of the matter?"

  Kyushu is a child after all. Because of the teacher’s words, Kyushu thought about the whole afternoon until the night fell and he was too sleepy, so he fell asleep.

   is on the fifteenth of the lunar calendar, the moon is round and high in the sky. Kyushu fell asleep, and had no intention of admiring the moon at the vernal equinox.

   Sleeping in a daze with her arms in her arms, the little Kyushu Vernal Equinox, who called her mother and father in her sleep, also began to think.

  Children like Kyushu, when they are curious about one thing, they will keep studying, and they must study a result before they will give up. But she saw that there are many adults in China China Shenzhou who just let go of their half-knowledge, it is not as good as a child who has the spirit of delving into it.

   Can it be said that when people grow up, they can get by? The equinox is puzzled.

  For a long time, the equinox felt that it might be because those people had forgotten their original intention to explore the world when they grew up, so that they gradually lost their curiosity about the world...

  The equinox continued to think, but a burst of thunder disrupted all thoughts on the equinox. Shaking his head, the equinox brought Kyushu to his arms again, for fear that Kyushu was awakened by thunder.

   Knowledge link: [related knowledge mentioned in this chapter (including some extensions)]

     vernal equinox

    ①The second hou Lei Nai made a sound (it started to thunder, to be precise, there will be thunder before and after the shock)

     vernal equinox flower letter

    ① Erhou Lihua (the pear blossoms are in bloom)

     vernal equinox customs

①Vernal equinox vertical eggs (Vernal equinox vertical eggs have a history of more than 4,000 years. It is said that the success rate of vertical eggs on the vernal equinox is higher. There is a saying that the day and night are equal in the southern and northern hemispheres. The orbital plane is just right in a state of relative balance of forces. Of course, this statement is considered a pseudo-science, because it has little effect on small eggs.)

    ②How to succeed in vertical eggs: Choose 4 to 5 days old raw eggs, master the skills and angles.

    ③The meaning of erecting eggs: Celebrate the arrival of spring, and hope that it will be passed on from generation to generation. (Now it is mostly used as a game.)

     other knowledge

    ① "Luohong is not a ruthless thing, it turns into spring mud to protect flowers." (From the "Miscellaneous Poems of Jihai" by Gong Zizhen of the Qing Dynasty, the meaning of this sentence has been mentioned in this chapter.)

    [Part of the information comes from the Internet, and is made by self-integration and interpretation]



  (End of this chapter)

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