Hairpin Phoenix

Chapter 317: loyal slave (1)

   Chapter 317 Loyal Slave (1)

   In this national expedition, all the available troops of the Wei Dynasty were dispatched.

   A total of four armies. The first route was the Xingyang Army of 60,000, with King Xingyang as the main general. Zheng Chong Lu Feijian is a young and brave general under the command of King Xingyang.

   The leader of the second route was the Marquis of Puyang, who commanded 40,000 soldiers.

   The third route army was the original Meng family army. Hou Menghui of Guangping has been downgraded several ranks, and he is not qualified to lead an army alone. Can only be a lieutenant. Emperor Yongjia made the eldest prince the chief general.

   The selfishness in it can be seen at a glance.

   The eldest prince does have a reputation for being good at fighting among the princes, but when compared with the Marquis of Guangping, who has experienced hundreds of battles, he is far behind. Emperor Yongjia made the eldest prince the commander, in fact, to gain a reputation, and the real leader of the war was the Marquis of Guangping. Most of the achievements in battle can be attributed to the first prince.

   The emperor's intentions can be seen by everyone. Except for a few words from Puyang Hou in private, the rest of them didn't say a word. Even Lu Lin didn't say much.

   Anyway, his son-in-law has already become the prince. The names of monarchs and ministers have been determined, and the eldest prince will not be able to turn the tide.

  Emperor Yongjia was eccentric and confused in the harem, but he was wise and resolute in the affairs of the state, and he would not easily abolish the establishment.

   took a step back and said that even if the eldest prince Guangpinghou has this heart, it depends on whether the prince's faction will answer or not.

   The last army was the Praetorian Guards.

   The Guards of the Great Wei, a total of 80,000. It was originally the private soldier of Emperor Yongjia when he raised his army, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it was Li Jiabing. Later, when Emperor Yongjia established the Great Wei Dynasty, he formed the Imperial Guard with Li Jiabing as his team.

  The commander of the Imperial Guard was General Liang, who was loyal to Emperor Yongjia. On this expedition, Emperor Yongjia ordered 50,000 Guards, leaving 30,000 to guard the capital. General Liang actively invited to fight, but Emperor Yongjia stayed behind.

   "Liang Zhan," Emperor Yongjia said solemnly, "I personally lead the troops to go out on an expedition. It takes a year or two or three years to return to the capital. The important task of protecting the capital is entrusted to you."

   Liang Zhan is the name of General Liang.

The name    was chosen by Emperor Yongjia himself.

   Today's illustrious prince of the emperor was only the personal soldier of the young master of the Li family. Because they grew up together since childhood and practiced martial arts together, the master and servant have a deep bond.

  Emperor Yongjia intended to compete in the Central Plains, leading his troops to stand on his own. Conquering the world is not an easy task, and he has suffered defeats in the beginning. Liang Zhan fought hard for his life, and even blocked arrows for the emperor.

  Emperor Yongjia's trust in Liang Zhan is even more than that of other generals.

   For example, when Emperor Yongjia looked at Lu Lin, he looked at the important minister of the Wei humerus. Looking at Liang Zhan, he was a retainer.

  General Liang knelt down, kowtowed three times, and looked resolute: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will do my best and never fail the Emperor's trust."

  General Liang is tall and strong, a head taller than ordinary men, even kneeling, like an iron tower. When he spoke, his voice was like a bell, buzzing in his ears.

   Compared with him, the Marquis of Guangping looks like a little white face, and the Marquis of Puyang has not grown. Even the slender, tall and mighty Lu Lin lacked the sturdiness of a pure warrior compared to General Liang.

  Emperor Yongjia's expression slowed down: "You are also a general of the Imperial Guard. Kneeling down every now and then is like saying something, get up quickly and speak."

   General Liang got up and replied with a look of course: "The emperor raised his minister and made him the general of the guard. But in the heart of the minister, the emperor will always be the master, and the minister will always be the emperor's most loyal servant."

  Emperor Yongjia laughed: "That's it, let's not talk about you."

   Anyway, no matter what he said, General Liang still stubbornly thought that he was a servant of the Li family, and that he wanted to kill his master.

   It is precisely because of General Liang's loyalty that Emperor Yongjia treated him very closely, and he did not speak up, and even ordered his eldest son to marry Liang as his eldest daughter-in-law.

   The eldest prince has been pregnant for three years, and Emperor Yongjia did not choose a concubine for the eldest prince.

   These are all the trust and care of the emperor to the Liang family.

Emperor Yongjia thought for a while, and then told General Liang: "In the affairs of the court, there are many civil servants such as Qiao Ge, you don't have to worry about it. Just do your job well. If there is an accident, you will go to the palace to ask to see you. Queen, obey the Queen's orders."

   This is of course unethical.

   However, Emperor Yongjia also regarded General Liang as a retainer in his heart. Anyway, in the past, Liang Zhan used to go in and out of the inner house with his master.

  General Liang replied without hesitation: "Yes, I have written it down."

  This time, the fourth prince and the fifth prince are all staying in the palace, and there is also the Queen Mother Zhao in the harem.

   However, Emperor Yongjia didn't mention his mother and two sons at all. It can be seen that Emperor Yongjia has a lot of heart and knows who is reliable and who can be trusted at critical times.

  General Liang took the initiative to say: "The two useless sons of the minister are not smart, but they are loyal and reliable, and they are also somewhat brute force. The emperor will bring them both and let them accompany them around!"

  At the most dangerous time, he can block a sword for the emperor.

   The last sentence, although General Liang did not say it, his intention of not competing was revealed.

  Emperor Yongjia was moved for a while, thought about it and said, "Dalang has a son, let him go with me. Erlang has only been married for a year, and he doesn't have any children yet, so don't go."

  General Liang said: "Erlang's wife is also pregnant. Please ask the doctor to check the pulse and say that this child is a baby boy. Erlang is not afraid of any good or bad."

  Emperor Yongjia was dumbfounded for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

  General Liang finally got a smile on his dark and slightly rough face, and thanked the emperor for his grace.


   In the evening of the same day, General Liang returned to the mansion, and he first called his two sons and told him: "You two go out with the emperor, you don't need to worry about other things, just stick to the emperor's side."

   Liang Dalang is 24 years old this year. He looks like his own father, tall, dark and strong, and his voice is louder than ordinary people: "We don't need father's instructions, we all know."

Liang Erlang is young, only eighteen years old this year, half a head shorter than his elder brother, and his voice is not small: "Dad, don't worry, if it comes to defeat or danger, I will risk my life and protect the emperor. safety."

When General Liang heard these words, he didn't even move his brows, and said solemnly: "Loyalty is not just a casual talk. Our Liang family, we have the emperor's trust and love, and we have today's situation. ."

   "Lu's, Meng's, and Zhao's, relying on illustrious military exploits. I am the servant of the emperor's family. You are my sons, and you are also the servants of the emperor."

   "The emperor is so favored and favored, we have to sacrifice our lives to be loyal to the emperor."

   "At the most dangerous time, it is only natural to die for the emperor."

   Liang Dalang Liang Erlang grew up listening to these words since he was a child, and the two brothers did not change their faces, and they responded in unison.

   General Liang was satisfied.

   At this time, a family member came to report: "His Royal Highness the First Prince and the First Prince's Concubine are here."

   (end of this chapter)

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