
: HK second self-destruction!

Roosevelt Island, Kohler Goldward Memorial Hospital. ⊙

In the underground space of the North Building, a violent explosion occurred, and a strong shock wave not only completely destroyed the three underground spaces, but the entire North Building was also destroyed.

The collapsed north building, turned into a ruin of wreckage, pressed over the three-story underground space, temporarily burying the secrets of the underground space.

Through the security surveillance camera, Shi Lei looked at the situation of the Kohler Goldward Memorial Hospital. In addition to the complete collapse of the North Building, the northern part of the Middle Building was also damaged.

Twenty-eight raiders, through the River Ist, entered the Hudson River, hidden in the river bed at Hudson, and kept abreast of developments.

"Private r, four raiders recovered about 80% combat power and 90% action. The three raiders recovered about 60% combat power, and the mobility was between 6%. Between fifteen and seventy percent. There is also a raider who loses almost no combat power, the remaining combat power is no more than 15 percent, and the mobility is restored to about 80 percent. Eight damaged assailants fighting the Titans.

The assaulter with the most serious loss of combat power was the one that was completely destroyed by the Titan Giants, his arms, the laser weapon and the fifth-generation electromagnetic gun.

Shi Lei nodded slightly, "keep the hidden state of the whereabouts, and wait for the order at any time."

“yes, private r!” The sorrowful cold and affectionate response.

Raphael reminded Shi Lei, "stone, the two raiders who stayed in the underground space, what should we do?"

Kohler Goldward Memorial Hospital, underground space in the North Building. Two trappers who lost their mobility were trapped. Given the current situation, the recovery of the two raiders is very difficult.

Tao Wenxian's face was worried. "Stone brother, if the raiders were obtained by the Lijian State official. I am afraid that it will involve the Mirui Technology Group. Together with the biological genetic research project in the underground space, the Mi Rui Technology Group will once again be in a conspiracy. Linked to illegal biological genetic research."

"Jazz is right!" Rafael added.

Although most of the time, Tao Wenxian is very unreliable, but this time, I have to say that Tao Wenxian is very comprehensive. Once the raiders fell into the hands of Li Jianguo, the consequences were absolutely unimaginable.

"I understand your concerns, and I know what you mean. But. We can't detonate the energy core of the Raiders now, understand?" Shi Lei explained.

The second generation of raiders used an energy core based on the n235 metal phase III application. The third stage application of the n235 metal, the energy released, is equivalent to the same quality u235 nuclear material, the complete nuclear fission release energy, and no energy conversion consumption!

In exchange for an image, the energy core of the second-generation raiders is equivalent to a micro-nuclear bomb. It is rushing to the center of New York in Lijian. Detonating two micro-nuclear bombs?

It is definitely a long-lived arsenic in Shouxing - too long!

"But, stone brother, whether the raiders are in the hands of Li Jianguo, or in the hands of the organization. Will be very very bad for us." Tao Wenxian tried to persuade Shi Lei, "although the second generation of raiders, using n235 metal The energy core of manufacturing ensures that the organization and the Lijian country cannot replicate the raiders, but they can crack the raider's neutrino communication module!"

Rafael answered: "Yes! Once the other party cracked the neutrino communication module. Reverse tracking through the neutrino communication module, according to the advantages of neutrino communication technology. All our raiders will be found by the other party. ""

Shi Lei’s eyes flashed a bit of concern, which is indeed a big problem!

"Well, what happened to the two assailants trapped?" Shi Lei did not immediately make a decision, but asked about the latest situation.

The virtual transparent screen of the lip lens information processor displays three 3D simulation images of the Raiders. Red represents the fault area, light blue represents the normal area, and orange represents a fault, but it can barely run.

The three-dimensional simulation of the two raiders was almost completely occupied by the red area.

"Private r, the previous explosion caused the underground space to collapse, and the ruins of the collapse of the North Building were also pressed above the underground space. Therefore, according to the system logic, the two raiders were completely pressed underground. Space." Yi Zhuer reported the situation.

Subsequently, Yizhe continued to report: "The communication system of the two assailers is normal, the internal operating system is normal, the sonar detection system and the radar detection system are normal, the infrared thermal induction detection system is normal, and the optical detection system is normal, but temporarily limited. ”

“What about self-destruction?” Shi Lei asked about key information.

"Normal! Do you need to load a self-destruct system?" asked the driver.

Shi Lei shook his head. "Simulated calculations, the radius of destruction caused by the self-destruction system!"

"Please wait a moment, the system is undergoing simulation calculations." Yizhe mobilized iwn secret network and supercomputer lightning, and carried out related simulation calculations.

Li guess, who has remained silent, suddenly spoke in the voice communication channel built by the lip lens information processor. "Stone brother, if you are worried about the self-destruction explosion of the raiders, causing excessive damage, there is actually a compromise solution. ""

“Hey?” Shi Lei wondered, “Let’s talk!”

"In fact, the self-destructive mode of the second-generation raiders, in addition to the standard explosion, there is another non-standard self-destruction." Li guess explained. "When the second generation of raiders was designed, it was originally prepared to add electric shock weapons, but in the end, due to some technical problems, the design of the electric shock weapon was abandoned. However, it unexpectedly added a self-destruction method. By overloading the supply system, you can completely destroy the raiders."

“How thorough?” Shi Lei asked.

Li guessed in detail, "The reason why the second-generation raiders did not use electric shock weapons was the limitation of electric shock weapons. It is true that the electric shock weapons are very much suppressed against the organisms. The electric shock weapons are also very burdensome for the assaulters. Especially the internal power supply system. If we overload the internal power supply system and lift the energy core limit, the energy core will release huge amounts of electricity."

Waiting for a few seconds, Li guessed: "The huge energy released by the energy core will melt the second generation of raiders into liquids. The second generation of raiders will become an alloy of snow and silver metal mixed with other metals. The same applies to the n235 metal inside the energy core, which will only become an unobtrusive soft substance."

"Well! Very good!" Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief. This self-destructive means is very good and will not cause too much impact. Shi Lei only wants to compete with the organization and does not want to be fully hostile to Li Jianuo.

"Private r, the self-destruction system explosion ruin radius simulation test is completed. According to the location of the raiders, as well as the situation in New York City, the self-destruction system explosion destruction radius, about 12 km to 14 km." The virtual transparent screen of the processor. The area showing the radius of the explosion destruction.

If two second-generation raiders choose to explode and self-destruct, I am afraid that half of New York will disappear completely!

Once that happens, Li Jianguo’s reaction, there is only one result, that is, war! Not only the war against the Mirei Technology Group, but also the war against Xia.

Although Shi Lei is very arrogant, he does not want to be like this!

"Is it? Jazz, if we detonate two raiders, even if we are lucky enough to escape the sanctions of Li Jianuo. I also escaped the pursuit of Xia Guo, we can only live in the darkness of our lives." Shi Lei Remind Tao Wenxian.

Tao Wenxian looked at the virtual transparent screen of the lip lens type information processor and showed the simulation test results of the self-destruction system explosion destruction radius. The face also became very ugly.

He twisted and said, "Stone brother, I thought. The self-destruction of the two raiders will blow up the northern part of Roosevelt Island at most!"

Raphael was also shocked by the radius of the raid's self-destructive system explosion. He said cautiously, "The second generation of raiders. Have you carried a nuclear bomb with you?"

Tao Wenxian said humorously, "I am afraid it is!"


Li Jianguo, June 2, 4:40 in the morning.

The nypd New York Police Department, the FBI, the dhs Homeland Security Bureau, and the CIA Central Intelligence Agency, and even the NSA National Security Agency, also appeared on Roosevelt Island.

Roosevelt Island is at the heart of New York, and such a violent explosion on Roosevelt Island is simply a shocking thing. The violent institutions of the entire Lijian country are almost gathered together!

Nypd became the presence of soy sauce, mainly responsible for evacuating Roosevelt Island personnel, while establishing a cordon to prevent media and ordinary people from entering Roosevelt Island.

f forced the FBI and the CIA Central Intelligence Agency, as well as the dhs Homeland Security Bureau, the three younger brothers tightly united under the hands of nsa big brother, together with the explosion case of the Kohler Godwart Memorial Hospital.

Temporary frontline command center.

The head of the NSA National Security Agency is a middle-aged black man named Emmagen Deraces. Head of the Counter-Terrorism Investigation Department of the National Security Agency of NSA.

"The explosion on Roosevelt Island, based on our expert analysis, used a large number of high-explosive bombs. If these bombs were used elsewhere, it would pose a huge threat. At least, it could blow the Edgar Hoover Building. Fragmented!" Emma Grendrasis said with a sneer.

The Edgar Hoover Building is the headquarters building of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington, DC. Apparently, Emmagen Dracis was dissatisfied with the FBI.

f forced the head of the FBI to be silent, f forced the FBI and the Central Intelligence Agency of the two brothers, one responsible for domestic affairs, one responsible for foreign intelligence.

This matter is obviously within the responsibility of the FBI!

"Hey! Those bombs can also blow the Nebraska Avenue Square into ruins! Why didn't your dhs receive the information in advance?" Emmagen de Lasis said coldly.

Dhs was founded after the 9/11 incident. Although it was later than f, it forced the FBI and the CIA Central Intelligence Bureau. However, in terms of status, it quickly surpassed two difficult brothers. In addition to the nsa National Security Agency, dhs is two difficult brothers. Little boss, like the role of the second brother.

Looking at the silent people, Emma Guen de Lasis patted the table. "Now, who told me, who is the suspect who made this explosion?"

If Shi Lei is in the temporary frontline command center, he will definitely recognize it, and Emma Grendrais is in harmony with a message provided by Jehovah!

In order to save his life, Jehovah revealed a core membership information of the organization to Shi Lei. The original Shi Lei thought that the information was home, but the information was true, and Shi Lei had already killed Andusias to confirm!

(To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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