[Prophet (Priest): The adventurer will create some chaos to attract the robbers' attention, and then the mechanic will knock out their leader Shunsuke Nakamura. The entomologist and the forward will take the opportunity to deal with the remaining two gunmen. As long as the guns are in hand, the rest will not be a problem.

Insect recorder (entomologist): I have a problem. It is too high-profile to use insects in front of everyone on the plane. My physical skills are not very good, so I may not be able to subdue them.

Prophet (Priest): There is no martial arts that cannot be broken by speed. @Senior pianist (composer) will speed up the entomologist later. ]

Kudo Shinichi is analyzing the conversation of the robbers through the eavesdropping device. Maybe they are not experienced enough, or maybe they are fearless. They speak very directly and give the information to Kudo Shinichi as if it is free.

Shunsuke Nakamura? I remember that he was reported in the newspaper I read three days ago. He led a bank robbery. In addition to him, there were eleven accomplices. According to the interview with the hostages at the scene, they had a total of five guns.

Now, there are only eight robbers here. Two of them went to the toilet. Where are the other two? Could it be! The cockpit?

Damn, have we deviated from the course? Kudo Shinichi leaned forward slightly to look out the window, but he couldn't see where this was.

I have to think of a way quickly. The anesthetic needle can only be used once, and I don't have a football belt or anything like that. What should I do? It's hard for me to defeat them alone...

It's rare that Kudo Shinichi feels a little helpless. In addition, he feels something is wrong.

Just as he was thinking hard, the adventurer shrank to the smallest state under the cover of the priest - the size of a thumb.

He held a voice changer + loudspeaker combination version that was as big as him (the mechanic made it for him a long time ago) and carefully passed under the seat to the feet of a gun-wielding robber.

"Nakamura Shunsuke! I've tolerated you for a long time, this time I'm going to kill you!"

All the robbers were shocked by this reversal and looked at one of them.

Shunsuke Nakamura turned back in disbelief when he heard the familiar voice, and then he saw his most trusted partner looking around in confusion.

"I didn't say that, and I don't know who said that, who is impersonating me?"

[The Prophet (Priest): Now! Do it. ]

Hinata Haruka shot an anesthetic needle at Shunsuke Nakamura, and at the same time, a man and a woman rushed out of the cabin door one after another. They each had a target and quickly suppressed the last two robbers with guns.

At this time, Kudo Shinichi also thought of the wrong place-why are the flight attendants not here?

The situation reversed, and the guns were in the hands of the entomologist and the forward. The other robbers looked at each other and decided to be cowardly. They all squatted down with their heads in their hands. After all, the other party was holding the real thing, and they were afraid of accidentally giving it to the real thing.

The two who were robbed of their guns seemed to want to say something, but were knocked unconscious by the entomologist and the forward tacitly.

Is the matter resolved just like that?

The priest felt something was wrong. She looked around and saw that the passengers were reacting normally. The robbers were tied up one by one. The plane was running normally and the weather outside was fine...

It seemed that there was no problem. The priest was about to relax, but suddenly she remembered that someone was missing - why was Kudo Shinichi not there?

[Crispy Hacker (Cheerleader): Are you all right? I found some records. Nakamura and the others were able to bring guns on the plane because they had colluded with the two flight attendants in advance...]

Flight attendant! Yes, the flight attendant hadn't appeared for so long. It turned out that the problem was waiting for him. Kudo Shinichi probably left his seat because he thought of this.

Kudo Shinichi was one against two, and she was a little worried.

[Prophet (Priest): Forward, go find a place where the flight attendant might be hiding. Kudo Shinichi has gone there and hasn't come back yet. He must have run into trouble.

Sports Student (Forward): Got it. I'll go right away. 】

In the kitchen, seven or eight flight attendants were lying on the ground, and two of them were chatting while looking towards the door.

Behind the door, Kudo Shinichi, who saw the situation inside through the transparent part of the door, was in a dilemma again. Should he rush in directly? Then he would use anesthesia to knock one down and then fight with the other?

A hand patted his shoulder, and Kudo Shinichi was frightened. He looked back and found that it was the ruthless man who rushed up to the cabin to play games with the gunman just now. His eyes lit up and signaled the other party to knock down one by one.

The forward nodded, and the two prepared for a while, then Kudo Shinichi opened the door, and the two rushed in together. The forward slashed directly with a knife, and after Kudo Shinichi fired the anesthetic needle, he also slashed with a knife before the flight attendant fell down.

"You are not bad." The forward pretended not to see him firing the anesthetic needle.

"Fortunately, it's all luck. Let's tie them up first." Kudo Shinichi looked around and sawThere were no ropes or anything, so the forward took out two ropes directly from his body:

"There are just two ropes left from tying those guys just now."

"That's great."

After receiving the forward's affirmative answer, the priest finally put her mind at ease. Just now, for a moment, she felt that she was scared and broke into a cold sweat.

There shouldn't be any problems later, right?

Kudo Shinichi was about to leave the kitchen when he suddenly noticed a regular sound that was easy to ignore, like the sound of an alarm clock. He observed for a while and found that there was nothing here that could make that kind of sound.

The forward saw that his expression was not right and he seemed to be looking for something, so he asked him: "What's wrong?"

"It's a bit strange." After saying that, Kudo Shinichi squatted down and looked under the table in the stands, "There is a bomb."

[Crispy Hacker (Cheerleader): Well, in order to prevent other accomplices, I checked everyone on the plane, and then found that the co-pilot was also problematic. He bought a lot of explosives, so I checked him specifically. His daughter was hit and killed by a car. The police determined it was an accident and just asked the perpetrator to pay some money. Now the perpetrator is on the plane, so...

Prophet (Priest): I was relieved too early. It seems that the power of the Grim Reaper has not decreased even if it has become bigger. What a sin!

Gynecologist (Forward): Kudo Shinichi and I found bombs. We have found five in the kitchen. The bombs are timed. We still have half an hour.

I Love Invention (Mechanic): Is this the rhythm of dying with us?

Prophet (priest): I'm already a Buddha, tired, quit, anyway, the protagonist is here, I won't die...

In the future, when flying, there will be no more than two people on a plane. If you encounter this situation again, don't let both of you get killed.

Novel creator (novelist): It will definitely be fine, don't give up yet, maybe there will be a turnaround, with the protagonist's halo, it will definitely be fine.

Crispy hacker (cheerleader): How about letting Kudo Shinichi talk to the co-pilot and let the co-pilot turn back?


Not to mention how many bombs there are, it will be difficult to dismantle these five bombs in half an hour, not to mention that the design of these bombs is designed to prevent people from dismantling them.

Kudo Shinichi kept himself calm, there must be a way, he was sure in his heart. There are more than 200 lives on the plane, we can't just give up like this.

"Kudo Shinichi." The forward suddenly said, "You must be Kudo Shinichi, even though you wrapped yourself up so tightly, I still recognized you."

"You..." Kudo Shinichi thought about the current situation and it seemed that there was no need to hide anything, so he asked, "It's not convenient for me to appear in public now, can you help hide it?"

"Sure." The forward nodded, and then continued, "When I kidnapped the robbers just now, I heard that woman say that when the two robbers in the cockpit were knocked out, the co-pilot's performance seemed to be a bit problematic."

"Do you think he planted these bombs?"

Co-pilot? Kudo Shinichi consciously thought of the report he saw on TV a week ago: 'The daughter of a certain captain was hit and killed by a car. After investigation, the incident was an accident. '

Could it be that person?

"In addition, the woman also said that she recognized the co-pilot, and the co-pilot's daughter seemed to have died in a car accident some time ago." The forward's words were simply confirming his guess.

"If it was really the co-pilot who put the bombs, why did he do it? Did he choose to commit suicide because of the pain of losing his daughter? Or was the driver who caused his daughter's death on the plane?" Kudo Shinichi didn't understand this approach, but he knew that people were complicated and anything could happen under their hands.

"Anyway, there's not much time left, let's go and talk to the co-pilot." Qianfeng suggested.

Kudo Shinichi nodded. Instead of getting anxious, it's better to try it out.

The two quickly came to the cockpit. As soon as they entered the door, the two captains turned their heads alertly. At the same time, the two robbers who had just woken up also moved their bodies, but because they were tied up, they could only twist their bodies in a funny way.

"Excuse me, what are you doing here?" the captain asked.

Qianfeng spoke to the co-pilot without waiting for Kudo Shinichi to think of the words: "You put so many bombs on the plane because you want to die with everyone."

Kudo Shinichi looked at Qianfeng fiercely: It's not confirmed yet, why do you ask directly?

The co-pilot was silent for a while: "Young man, what are you talking about? What bomb or no bomb? How is it possible?"

Kudo Shinichi frowned. This reaction was not right. Could it be that he really planted the bomb?

Cold sweat broke out on the captain's forehead, but he still pretended to be calm: "Yes, how could a bomb be brought on the plane."

"The perpetrator is on the plane. You really want him to die, don't you?" The forward still stared at the co-pilot. The co-pilotHe narrowed his eyes and then laughed:

"Hahahaha, what's the use of knowing now? The time is coming soon. If you didn't know, you wouldn't be afraid. You could die in an instant. Now, you have to die with fear."

The robber's pupils trembled: "How can you place a bomb!"

The captain: "It's over, it's really over now."

Kudo Shinichi's mind turned rapidly, thinking about how to make the co-pilot turn back: "Have you ever thought about how many innocent people will be affected by your doing this? They also have their own relatives. If they die like this, what will happen to their relatives!"

"Have you ever thought about, if If your daughter knew you did this, she would be so sad. She is a good daughter and would definitely not want her father to do this for her..."

"You are a good father and love your daughter very much. You will definitely consider her feelings, right? Now that things haven't happened yet, can we save the situation together?"

Kudo Shinichi persuaded the co-pilot, who was still a little afraid of death, so he broke down and cried: "I'm sorry for her, I shouldn't do this. What should I do? Time is running out now."

The captain and the robber wanted to curse, but they held back at this juncture. They just hoped that they could get through this safely.

"Tell us where the bomb is hidden, we have a way to solve it."

We, does that include me? How come I don't know I have a way? But Kudo is so confident, it seems that he really has a way. The forward felt that he was worthy of being Kudo Shinichi.

The co-pilot seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw and said all the locations where the bombs were placed.

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