Jinpei's rejection of Roy has nothing to say, it's good enough to make him owe a favor, and it's a bit embarrassing to ask him to join the Bucky Pirates.

Looking at the battlefield, Roy stared at Klockdahl with interest, he noticed that Roy was looking at him, and glanced at Roy, that little expression was very interesting.

Ignoring Roy's gaze, Klockdahl silently disappeared from the crowd.

By the time the others noticed, Klocodahl had already walked away.

"Huh, what about Klockdahl?" asked Ivankov.

"Hahaha, it won't be because I was scared on the battlefield and ran away. Bucky laughed.

"No, he's gone to Whitebeard's. Roy pointed in Whitebeard's direction.

"What?" everyone was taken aback, and Luffy turned on second gear at the first time and accelerated and flew over.

Following Roy's point, they saw Klockdahl flying in the sky, and had already flown behind Whitebeard.

Seeing that his golden hook was about to hook down on Whitebeard, Luffy stepped on his golden hook and forced him back.

A wonderful scene happens, Luffy talks to Whitebeard, and Roy sees what is called the domineering of the future One Piece.

"I really don't back down at all, such a person has no fear, and the idea of equality in his heart has surpassed countless people. Roy's assessment of Luffy is fearless, and anyone who faces Whitebeard will be intimidated by his fame.

Even the people closest to Whitebeard will be shocked by him when facing Whitebeard.

Luffy was the only one who didn't, he never felt that Whitebeard was stronger than him, more suitable than him to be the king of the pirates.

He always had only one goal, and that was One Piece.

For Luffy, who insists on his beliefs, he looks the other way, and at the same time has to praise him for his fearlessness.

Roy asked himself if he was not a good person, he still envied Luffy with a big heart, only this kind of heartless person can succeed, and the person who knows everything before and after will choose the stupidest way because of the truth.

Roy is like that, he is now in a tangle, Luffy has already rushed, Ivankov and Jinping have also rushed together, and the shemales on the warship have also rushed out.

Only Roy and the prisoners were still waiting for Bucky, who was also confused now, and he looked at Roy.

"Roy, what are we going to do next, to take off Whitebeard's head?" Bucky said.

"Do you think it's possible to take it down?" Roy asked rhetorically.

"How is it possible, that's Whitebeard, even if he tries his best, it's impossible to do anything to him, now those guys have gone crazy, one by one clamoring to take off Whitebeard's head, I'm just talking, if they really go up, we will be killed. Bucky whispered.

Others don't know Whitebeard, he is still very scared when he sees the old Whitebeard, although Whitebeard is old, he is not weak at all in fighting, he is with a group of good players, but it is really against Whitebeard, how can he finish it.

Besides, this is the Navy Headquarters, even if he kills Whitebeard, a large group of navies are there, is it possible that he can still escape?

"Then let's find Whitebeard's cooperation, the enemy of the pirates is still the navy, and we can't beat Whitebeard. Roy said.

"Will he agree to work with Whitebeard?" asked Bucky.

"Wait for Whitebeard to win us over, when the time comes, you can just pretend to agree, we don't need to join the battlefield, let them fight, and when they are both defeated, take the opportunity to strike again, and then Captain Bucky will be famous all over the world." Roy said.

If he remembered correctly, it was Whitebeard who took the initiative to woo Bucky, although Bucky's strength was not very good, but in this situation, Whitebeard could take care of the more than 200 prisoners behind Bucky, these people were all pirates with good strength.

"I'm plotting something again, Roy is still reliable, I hope Bucky doesn't mess around. "MR3 is now following Bucky, although he has a good relationship with Bucky, but he is not as trustworthy as Roy's companion, and the person who knows Bucky has to be Roy.

"Straw Hat Boy, he's rushing up, Captain Bucky, let's do it too, and take Whitebeard's head. "The prisoners are ready to move.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates who heard the prisoners nearby could not ignore them, and stared at them vigilantly with their weapons.

"Yes, I always feel that he is very showy on the battlefield all of a sudden. "

"Straw Hat Kid, that guy is too showy. "

"Captain Bucky, we can't lose to them either. "

"Let's go and remove Whitebeard's head. "

The prisoners couldn't help but see Luffy's performance, after all, the better Luffy's performance, the higher his reputation and status would be in the future.

Their Captain Bucky is a prison escape mastermind like Luffy, and they also want to enjoy this kind of moment when the world is in the limelight.

Bucky said he was going to take out Whitebeard and take off Whitebeard's head.

Now Whitebeard was standing there, waiting for them to come over and take Whitebeard's head.

After talking to Roy, Bucky confidently clasped his hands on his chest and said, "Very good, let's get on." "

Although Bucky said so, he was still very entangled in his heart, after all, the battlefield was too crazy, and he now followed Roy's words to stabilize his subordinates first.

And the battlefield is not right with what he thought at the beginning, whether it is a pirate or a navy, they are all celebrities, and the navy that can be invited is the one who has made a contribution, and the pirates have become famous in the new world, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps, and any one can kill him.

Bucky spoke, but didn't actually move, just stayed where he was, waiting for Whitebeard's greeting.

"Hey, Rednose. "

Just as Bucky was in a daze, a voice came from behind him.

Bucky hated being called Rednose the most, and turned his head and scolded, "Who's Rednose, bastard, be careful I kill you, bastard... Whitebeard !!


"I thought it was, are you Roger's little ghost, it's really nostalgic, it turns out that you're still alive. Whitebeard said.

Bucky's heart was terrified, but Roy knew it had succeeded, and Whitebeard noticed Bucky's side.

"Whitebeard, he actually took the initiative to talk, it's amazing. The prisoners looked adoring at Bucky.

"It's really Captain Bucky, Whitebeard said it himself, obviously Captain Bucky left a big impression on Whitebeard. The prisoner who came out of the fifth floor said.

"You guys, I have a task for you. Roy walked up to the prisoners on the fifth floor.

"What's the matter with Big Brother Roy?" the prisoners on the fifth floor still had a lot of respect for Roy.

"You wait to cover the Straw Hat Boys, you're stronger than the others, and now is your chance to get revenge. Roy said.

"Well, I did see a few enemies. The prisoners nodded.

"I'll leave it to you. "

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