Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 676 All the old comrades in the Second Division are gone

After arriving at Nangang International Airport, Li Zhan found several groups of people coming to pick him up, all crowded together.

There were people from the Second Division, the Third Fleet, the military division, and even an Army depot who sent people to pick them up. It was a quarrel.

Li Zhan did not tell his family about his vacation, so Ying Wanjun and others did not know that he had returned to Nangang. Therefore, there were no family members in the pick-up team.

All kinds of vehicles were parked in the military vehicle parking space in front of the arrival gate. Some people thought that some big leader of the army was coming.

The addition of ten first-class merits made Li Zhan a person with extremely transcendent status. No matter how high the courtesy is given to him, it is not an exaggeration, and there is no need to consider the level factor. Two years ago, Li Zhan was named one of Nangang City's Outstanding Young People, one of the Ten Outstanding Young People in Guangdong Province, and a winner of the National May 4th Medal. In other words, as many honors as he has received in the army, the local side has kept pace with them.

Several groups started arguing over whose car Li Zhan got into. At this time, it depended on which side came with a higher rank. A senior colonel and deputy commander came out from the Third Fleet, and he immediately took control of the other parties. The deputy chief of staff of the ship division came to pick him up personally. Whose car do you think Li Zhan will take?

Li Zhan made outstanding contributions while working in the naval force, and his influence was huge. Although he left the navy, the navy did not forget Li Zhan's achievements. On the other hand, the second division of the old army, the major staff officer who came to pick them up, was a little embarrassed. Speaking of which, the Second Division was the first unit Li Zhan served in during his career as an Air Force pilot. However, the Second Division, which should be proud of Li Zhan, did not show enough courtesy.

Of course, Li Zhan didn't care about this and did not treat the staff major of the Second Division coldly. After explaining it politely, the staff major was no longer so embarrassed and could return to work.

But seeing everyone follow the fleet's car, it was clear that even if Li Zhan didn't take their car, they would still follow them to take them home. When the staff major of the Second Division saw it, he quickly asked the driver to drive up and follow him. Fortunately, he had prepared a gift, otherwise he would be really numb at this time.

A convoy of more than a dozen vehicles set off in a mighty manner, all of which were impressive off-road vehicles and commercial vehicles. The fleet also sent a police-painted dominator over, with its lights flashing to open the way.

The convoy moved quickly on the clean roads in the city, causing the traffic policemen on duty at each intersection to stand at attention and salute, muttering in their hearts that this was the leadership of the army again. People riding electric bikes on the non-motorized lanes even looked sideways, wide-eyed and curiously looking at the passing motorcade.

It's the evening rush hour, when people get off work and get out of school.

The motorcade slowed down as it passed in front of a primary school. The traffic police who maintained traffic order originally stopped the student team crossing the road to let the military convoy pass first, but the police car stopped and gave way, indicating that the children should cross the road first.

The traffic police maintaining order quickly led the neatly lined up primary school students across the road. When several children reached the front of the motorcade, they stopped, turned around and stood at attention to give the Young Pioneers salute to the motorcade. The officers and soldiers in the car smiled and raised their hands in return.

Li Zhan, who was sitting in the second row with the senior colonel, opened the door and got out of the car, stood at attention and saluted the children, smiling very happily. Upon seeing this, the senior colonel quickly got out of the car and also gave a military salute to the children. The heart-warming scene that happened naturally attracted parents and passers-by to applaud and cheer loudly.

The evening news reporter who was covering the street quickly captured the scene and even thought of the title - My youth, your smile!

The convoy passed by and quickly drove into Wenyuan Community, directly in front of Li Zhan's Dabieye. Ying Wanjun was walking in the front yard accompanied by her elder sister Li Ling. When she saw the cars and military vehicles outside, she hurried out quickly.

When Ying Wanjun saw Li Zhan get out of the car, she was stunned and couldn't believe it was true.

Li Zhan ran over and stood at attention in front of Ying Wanjun and saluted, "Report to the chief! I have been ordered to take leave to report to you! Please give me your instructions!"

Ying Wanjun covered her mouth and almost cried.

Li Ling yelled and turned around and ran home, shouting as he ran, "Dad! Mom! Ah Zhan is back! Ah Zhan is back!"

At this moment, everyone was jumping up and down. Mom and dad hurriedly ran out. When they looked up and saw Li Zhan, mom cried on the spot. She held Li Zhan's hand and couldn't help complaining, "The army has food." Aren’t you full? Look how thin you are!”

"Mom, the army leader is here." Ying Wanjun quickly calmed down and reminded her quickly.

Isn't it embarrassing to say in front of the army leaders that the troops don't have enough food to eat? But in the mother's eyes, she only has her son, and her son never has enough to eat.

Dad is still calm, and companies from work and companies come to express condolences every now and then. He has also worked as the chairman of a real estate company for two years. He wears a sea soul shirt, plus size pants and flip-flops, with both hands behind his back, so impressive. First, he shook hands with the colonel and said, "Sorry, boss."

"Comrade Li, what you said is untrue. When Li Zhan returned to Nangang, he returned home, and he also returned to his home in the army!" The colonel was extremely polite, bending down slightly and holding Lao Li's hand with both hands.

Then say hello one by one.

After shaking hands here, other groups of people over there had already consciously lined up according to their levels. Lao Li was very confident and walked over to shake hands one by one with his hands behind his back.

"Comrade Li, I am Xiao Zhang from the city government office."

"Comrade Li, I am the little king of the military division. We met during the Spring Festival."

"Comrade Li, I am from a certain department of the Air Force. Li Zhan used to work in our unit."

"Comrade Lao Li, we are run by the West County Party Committee. Thank you for your hard work."

Li Zhan couldn't help but laugh and said in a low voice, "Dad is so arrogant."

They all find it quite interesting.

After the meeting, he quickly invited the guests in. Some of them said they wouldn't disturb them and wanted to leave, but Lao Li was not willing to let them go. He forced them to come in and talked with them over tea for more than half an hour before letting them go.

The naval colonel left last, and Li Zhan understood. After sending him to the car, the naval colonel said as expected, "We have a unit that has replaced a batch of new aircraft. If you have time, I would like to ask you to come over and guide the training. But it's not a thousand dollars." Your vacation must not be affected. The leader has specially asked that your main task now is to accompany your wife. When you have time, you can come over and take a look."

At this point, he laughed and said, "The scenery in Sanya is quite good. When the time comes, I'll take my family with me and think of it as a trip there."

Li Zhan agreed wholeheartedly, "No problem!"

"Okay, if you have any difficulties at home, just ask." The naval colonel looked at Dabieye and said with a smile.

Li Zhan was a little embarrassed and said goodbye to the naval colonel.

Every family has its own problems. In Li Zhan's opinion, the biggest difficulty for their big family is that there is a lot of money lying in the bank, moldy. What Ying Wanjun talked about most on the phone was her children, and then the big business at home.

Pig-raising factories have opened. They are factories rather than farms. They are giant pig-raising factories with hundreds of thousands of pigs covering hundreds of acres of land. From pig breeding to slaughtering and processing, it is a complete production chain. It is the most modern pig factory in Nangang area. Even if it is so, 20 million will not be used up.

Li Zhan's feeling is that since his family's business started, his bank deposits have snowballed. Coupled with Comrade Li's conservative character, the company does not have even a penny of debt. If a business is not inseparable, he would rather Let the money lie in the bank, and the result is that although the development momentum is not great, the deposits are increasing.

In the words of Comrade Lao Li, the money in the family now is enough for several generations. There is no need to take risks to get rich. People must be content to be happy.

Li Zhan's mind was not on this, so he never took it seriously, but Ying Wanjun couldn't ignore it. Apart from Li Zhan, she was the only highly educated person in the family, so Ying Wanjun and Li Zhan talked the most. This aspect of things.

The baby's room has been sorted out a long time ago. Comrade Lao Li has already divided it up. The two brothers of Dabieye have one floor each on the third floor. However, the two brothers are not at home, so they all live on the second floor. In order to facilitate the care, Li Ling also moved here. Living.

When the young couple were alone at night, Ying Wanjun took out her notebook and explained one by one what to prepare, what to pay attention to during pregnancy, what to pay attention to after pregnancy, and what to do at each stage of the child. It was easier than taking notes on homework. Be detailed and careful.

Li Zhan happily smiled and discussed with her, no matter how big or small. The key is not the subject of the discussion, but enjoying the process of preparing to welcome a little life. Touching Ying Wanjun's big belly, Li Zhan felt indescribably happy.

"Can you come back during the delivery?" Ying Wanjun asked, leaning on Li Zhan's broad chest.

Li Zhan said, "Yes, it happens to be around Army Day. I will definitely come back to accompany you."

"It's a deal."

"It's hard to chase a horse."

Li Zhan said, "Yes, let's go to Sanya for a trip in two days. We will take both sets of parents with us and the whole family will go out for a few days. We haven't taken a vacation for a long time, and this time we have to make up for all the debt we owed before. "

"Really?" Ying Wanjun suddenly became excited.


Li Zhan said with a smile, "A lot of work has not been carried out in the past few years. I happen to be better technically than others, so there are many tasks that cannot be separated from me. Now the relevant work of the army is on the right track and will be resumed in the future. When it comes to normal working conditions, it’s okay to take a vacation once a year, or even apply for a vacation once every six months.”

"Yes, I have been transferred to work in Tianfu now. It is a very good city. When the child comes out, I will take you there. It is quite suitable to live there." Li Zhan said.

Ying Wanjun said, "I still have to go to class."

"This is not a problem. I asked the leader to find a special recruitment. With the status of an active soldier, classes can be coordinated, as long as I can learn something." Li Zhan said.

Ying Wanjun became interested, "Special recruitment? Can I also be a soldier?"

"Yes." Li Zhan explained, "The army has a policy to specially recruit some family members of military personnel who have made great contributions and outstanding performance into the army, and are given the status of technical cadres or civilian cadres."

"I can continue my bachelor's and master's degrees, but I still have to study for two years." Ying Wanjun said.

Li Zhan was stunned, "Wow, you are actually making progress quietly. If you put it this way, you will at least be a major after the special recruitment. I have worked hard for so many years to fly airplanes and now I am a lieutenant colonel. It's so irritating that people are so much more popular than others!"

"Hahaha!" Ying Wanjun was proud, "This is the power of knowledge!"

She is a top student at Xi'an Jiaotong University and is highly coveted by the army. Even if she does not have military status and wants to be specially recruited into the army, there is no problem. As Li Zhan's wife, if Wan Jun is specially recruited into the army by the army, she will probably be given better treatment.

Are you kidding me? Li Zhan has ten first-class merits!

The couple both joined the army and worked in the same unit, and their life problems were completely solved. Nowadays, the military is more and more concerned about the practical difficulties in the lives of officers and soldiers, and attaches great importance to this aspect of work. After all, only when the rear is stable and the front is secure can we kill the enemy with confidence.

When I told my father and mother about the plan the next day, my father made the decision on the spot. When Li Zhan finished his vacation, he went to Tianfu to purchase real estate in person to make preparations. According to what he said, the eldest grandson must be able to live in Tianfu's home after he is born. This means preparations have to be made months in advance, and time is already tight.

After staying at home for a few days, he first visited his parents-in-law's house as arranged, and then returned to the village to worship his ancestors and set up dozens of tables to entertain the villagers. After completing this process, Li Zhan also visited the Second Division.

The old army has undergone great changes. Qi Hong has been promoted, but the division leader Yu Chenglin is an old face. Yu Chenglin is now the deputy division commander in charge of operations, and his wife is pregnant. After so many years, he finally got rid of his status as a single player.

Yu Chenglin led Li Zhan around the outfield and said, "There has been almost a change of leadership at both levels of the division and regiment. I will probably be transferred by the end of the year as well. I have a solid camp but a fleet of soldiers."

Li Zhan said with emotion, "Yes, if some people come in, some will leave."

"How is Zhang Xueyang now?" Yu Chenglin asked.

Li Zhan said, "It's pretty good. He's basically recovered. It's estimated that he will be able to resume flying in half a year. That guy has a strong willpower."

"That's good." Yu Chenglin nodded slightly.

Seeing that he was not in a very high mood, Li Zhan asked, "Old regiment leader, is there any news about where you want to be transferred?"

After walking for a while toward the hangar, Yu Chenglin felt a little lonely, "I may have to leave the front line."

"Leaving the front line?" Li Zhan was extremely surprised and said, "Grounded? You can still fly for at least ten years!"

There is nothing more difficult to accept for a combat pilot than being grounded. Every year there are pilots who are grounded early for various reasons. People with shallower eye sockets can't even see that scene. Flying is a pilot's life. Compared with civil aviation pilots, air force pilots' flying has an extra heavy mission.

Yu Chenglin shook his head and said, "The grounding is not a big deal. I have decided to leave the front-line troops. I have a few places to go. My superiors asked for my opinion. After thinking about it, I thought it would be better to go to the training base. At least I can still fly. .”

"So that's it." Li Zhan breathed a sigh of relief, "It's not bad to go to the training base. Anyway, as long as there are planes flying, it's good."

Yu Chenglin's smile was very forced.

He is in his thirties, the age group with the most experience in flying and whose physical fitness has not yet declined. It is a good time for pilots at this stage to make achievements in the front-line troops. It is difficult to accept that he should leave suddenly.

But this is the case with the army. No matter how reluctant you are, you have to pack up your backpack and rush to your new post wherever you are needed.

"Being a flight instructor is actually not bad. In your words, you can still contribute a lot to building a strong People's Air Force."

Yu Chenglin smiled.

Li Zhan sighed in his heart, scanning the unfamiliar outfield, feeling a little lonely.

Walking to the hangar, Yu Chenglin returned the salute and signaled the maintenance officers and soldiers to continue working. He said to Li Zhan in a deep voice, "The air force's pilot training system needs to be reformed. The higher-ups have decided to launch a pilot project. If there are no accidents, I will probably be responsible for a training Brigade, but I don’t know how to change the training system. Tell me what you think.”

When the deputy division commander became brigade commander, he was promoted, which made Li Zhan feel better.

After thinking for a while, Li Zhan said, "I have some opinions. I have been summarizing the experience of the Falcon Brigade and also investigated the situation of other troops. In fact, there is a common reason that restricts the combat effectiveness of the troops. Now the troops are responsible for combat operations. At the same time, they also have to undertake the heavy training work. New pilots go from the preparatory school to the flight academy to learn flying for one year, and then go to the army to receive combat training. This is the current training model."

"It's very complicated and distracts the energy of combat troops. I think all new training work should be put in the flight academy, that is, training units such as training brigades. The new flying troops can be directly supplemented to form combat effectiveness. This This means that after four years of college study, new pilots must undergo at least two years of training in the training unit, where they will complete the modification of the corresponding aircraft model. The time is similar to the current training model, and some may even be added depending on the specific situation. time."

Yu Chenglin thought carefully for a while, nodded and said, "That's right, it's to the point. The army must devote one-third of its energy to new flight training every year, which indeed restricts the combat effectiveness of the army."

Smiling, Li Zhan said, "To sum it up in one sentence, to liberate the combat troops from the heavy new flight training, the combat troops have only one mission, and that is to fight."

The current organization of the army is very problematic. Almost every division has a flight training group, and there are training groups under the group. These training groups and training groups have no combat effectiveness, and the army has to remove pilots to conduct new flight training.

Li Zhan's principle is simple - let professional units do professional things. Combat troops are there to fight, and other tasks can be stripped out for support troops to do.

"This direction is very clear. I knew you must have some ideas." Yu Chenglin was in a good mood, and the slight disappointment of leaving the front-line troops disappeared.

Li Zhan said, "Clearing the relationship here can release the combat effectiveness of the troops. I believe this is also the direction of military reform in the future. Who is in charge of what and who is responsible for what should be clearly distinguished. Nowadays, everything in the large military regions Carrying it on one shoulder actually meets the requirements of modern warfare."

"You're not a simple boy, you have a lot of ideas and your vision is very accurate." Yu Chenglin said with a smile.

"The more planes fly, the more I think about it. Everything is to improve combat effectiveness." Li Zhan said with a smile.

After finishing the topic, Yu Chenglin pointed to the fighter plane in front of him and asked, "Look, can you tell what model it is?"

Li Zhan had been observing it for a long time, but he couldn't see the specific model.

What kind of fighter plane is it?

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