Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 523: Cabin power outage and oxygen supply failure

"Tower, don't be afraid if I report the situation."

Li Zhan's voice was very clear, and he was cruising 6,000 meters away, 120 kilometers away, so the reception of the ultrashort wave radio station was very good.

But when Mr. Chen and others heard these strange words, the first thing they thought of was: Why don't we be afraid? You are a pilot, so you should be afraid, right? Then he suddenly froze: Hey, what do you mean, is there something wrong again?

"Just tell me what's going on in Dongsanguai!" Lao Chentou was not used to Li Zhan's problems and asked sternly.

Li Zhan replied, "The power in my cockpit was cut off."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Even Lao Chentou was shocked and was a little confused.

Li Zhan reported the situation by himself, "The display system should have been turned off by clicking on the first level and the third time, the lighting system has also been turned off, and the backup instrument is no longer visible, but the horizon instrument is normal, but the backlight is gone."

Old Chentou suddenly reacted, "Dongsanguai, has the cloth fallen off?"

"No, but I brought a flashlight..." Li Zhan said.

He actually carries a flashlight with him!

The training pilots did not bring standard equipment this time, otherwise the emergency life-saving items in the equipment would also have included flashlights, but Li Zhan actually brought a flashlight himself. What kind of predictability is this beyond human imagination?

"Check the fault, keep the heading and altitude, and don't move the throttle lever!" Lao Chentou quickly issued the order. The three requirements were very correct. The top priority was to keep the 037 J-7EGGH in the current level flight state.

Li Zhan quickly replied, "Dong Sanguai understands!"

Lao Chentou immediately ordered the activation of the emergency plan and said to the staff around him, "Report to the command post and request that all aircraft in the airspace in front of Kongsanguai be cleared immediately, especially those from civil aviation, and get their aircraft out of the way!"


The air traffic over the Bohai Sea is very busy, and the intertwined air routes look like a mess. And because there are several international airports along the coast, the flight altitude of civil aviation aircraft usually continues to decrease when entering the Bohai Sea airspace. And most of them are international flights.

According to the plan, the next instruction from the tower is to require the 037 J-7EGGH to lower its flight altitude to avoid busy civil aviation routes, but now Old Chentou simply does not dare to do this!

A power outage in the cockpit means that the pilot cannot obtain flight data through the instrument panel and loses control of the status of the fighter jet. Most of the data of the No. 037 J-7EGGH is presented through the one-level and three-click display system. Problems with this system mean that the pilot has no other way to communicate with the fighter except two sticks and two rudders.

Fortunately, the horizon in the backup instrument was normal, but the backlight was missing. However, Li Zhan can use a flashlight for auxiliary lighting. It is very, very important for the pilot to keep track of the pitch and roll status of the aircraft at all times. At this time, Li Zhan can at least guarantee that it will not drive into the sea.

Lao Chentou implemented the emergency plan as quickly as possible, while Li Zhan had actually started to investigate according to the procedures. He found that the power supply was normal, so he concluded that the problem should be on the line.

Many people don't know that he once encountered the same danger in the air when he was working in the Second Division. It was a night flight, but at that time he could at least see the lights on the ground after descending. Now he can't see anything outside the cockpit at all. The situation is more dangerous than last time.

After completing the troubleshooting procedure, Li Zhan reported, "Tower, the troubleshooting procedure has been completed and there are no results. I judge that there should be a problem with the line."

"Are the other systems normal?" Old Chen asked.

Li Zhan couldn't move the throttle, control stick, and two rudders. He replied, "It feels like the attitude of the fighter plane should be normal, and the thrust is very stable."

If it were the original old flight control system, Li Zhan's hand would have to hold the joystick all the time and keep the fighter in level flight by constantly lightly pedaling the rudder. After replacing the new flight control system, the No. 037 J-7EGGH has automatic trimming. Function is an obvious feature of the third-generation machine.

In other words, as long as there is no problem and Li Zhan does not move the two poles and two rudders, the fighter will continue to fly at a high speed and on the previously set course until the fuel is exhausted.

This is why Old Chen immediately ordered him to take his hands and feet off the pole and the rudder.

Li Zhan suddenly frowned and reported again, "Tower, apply for a lower altitude. There seems to be a problem with the oxygen supply. The amount of oxygen is decreasing."

Another glitch.

The pilot could not last long without oxygen supply when flying at an altitude of 6,000 meters.

The aircraft must be refueled and oxygenated before every flight. What is the approximate oxygen level? Take the J-7 as an example. It can fly continuously for a whole day even if it adds oxygen once, so there will never be a problem of insufficient oxygen. Eighty percent of the reasons for reduced oxygen levels are leaks or pump failures.

The plane didn't fly much. It was left there after it was transferred from the manufacturer. Peng Chubin's maintenance team was also very careful in maintaining it. The reason should not be the maintenance side. The most critical thing is that the cockpit power outage and oxygen supply failure seem to be two completely independent types of faults. Li Zhan can think of only one possibility to connect the two - just like the pitot tube failure, it occurs in a high-salt environment. caused by line failure.

Planes will also adapt to the climate.

But Li Zhan had a strange feeling - the old man might not be good anymore.

Li Zhan has lost count of the number of times he has made major changes and minor repairs. Even now, the original appearance is basically unrecognizable. In fact, the main structure is still the original old skeleton. It is undoubtedly a test of skill for manufacturers to make such a big improvement on such a basis, but the actual combat performance remains to be discovered.

No matter what, let’s fly back first.

As long as the engine can still provide power and the wings are not broken, Li Zhan is sure to drive the plane back.

Old Chentou immediately responded to Li Zhan's request, "Turn down the third hole and don't make the depression angle too high. Follow my instructions and return to level flight. Do you understand?"

"Dong Sanguai understands!" Li Zhan regained his hands and feet, and when he held the throttle and joystick, he felt that the control of the fighter was back in his hands.

His movements were very gentle, he gently pushed the rudder and slowly pushed the stick while slowly retracting the throttle backwards. Increasing the depression angle will increase the speed, so the action of closing the throttle is essential. Li Zhan cannot let the fighter plane fly too fast when he is "isolated from the world", and a fighter plane that has two consecutive malfunctions has a high possibility of continuing to malfunction.

The atmosphere in the tower was solemn. The radar operator stared closely at the display screen. The red dot representing No. 037 J-7EGGH was steadily descending at altitudes of 5700, 5400, 5100... The radar operator reported every three hundred meters and monitored closely at the same time. Course and speed. What ground radar measures is the speed of the fighter relative to the ground, that is, ground speed, and there is some error with air speed.

At 4,000 meters, Li Zhan took off his oxygen mask and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. He slowly leveled out according to the instructions of the tower, and finally resumed level flight at an altitude of 3,600 meters, with no change in heading. He picked up the flashlight on his left hand and pointed it at the horizon, making sure that the pitch and roll angles were in the correct position before he felt relieved.

There is no big problem in maintaining the attitude and flying. The big problem is landing.

At this time, several staff officers in the tower had begun to urgently study plans. They had never encountered such a situation.

One of the major staff officers said solemnly: "Last November, during the day and night in a certain department of China Southern Airlines, a Flying Leopard lost power in the cabin shortly after takeoff. It was very similar to the current situation. Moreover, the flight control system of the Flying Leopard at that time Disconnected, pilot takes all manual control.”

"It's different." A senior lieutenant colonel immediately shook his head and said, "The Flying Leopard of a certain department of China Southern Airlines only lost power in the front cabin, and the display in the rear cabin was normal. The pilot in the rear cabin guided the pilot in the front cabin to make a blind emergency landing successfully. It was around 6 p.m., so there was some visibility, so to be honest, it wasn't very difficult."

The senior lieutenant colonel looked at the radar screen and said in a deep voice, "The situation at Dongsanguai is even more dangerous. He can't see anything."

The combination of these two factors, the dark cabin and the sea and air hundreds of kilometers away, made the situation faced by Li Zhan much worse than a power outage in the cockpit of a certain HNA Flying Leopard. And he only has one engine. If a series of failures affects the engine and causes engine failure, he will have to be a paratrooper.

The staff major said, "We can only provide ground guidance, there is no other way."

The senior lieutenant colonel nodded slowly, "Mr. Chen, we can only provide ground guidance, mainly relying on the pilot's control."

Didn’t Old Chentou not know that having guidance is one thing, but whether the aircraft can comply with the guidance instructions is another matter. In the final analysis, it depends on the skill of the pilot.

Without hesitation, Old Chen immediately called Li Zhan, "Dongsanguai, the ground will still guide you to land. Pay attention to leaving margin when maneuvering. Do you understand?"

"Dong Sanguai understands."

Dark cabin flight originally relied on ground guidance, but now Li Zhan has no way to obtain fighter flight data through the display system. He must wait for notification from the ground. However, ground radar can only measure a few key data, and Li Zhan is notified of the process. There is a certain time delay, so Old Chentou specially reminded him to leave some margin when operating.

Zhang Xueyang, Cao Fufei and Tang Leilei also knew what happened in the flight briefing room. The three of them were very nervous. Even Tang Leilei, who had always been very caring and knew Li Zhan's ability to handle dangerous situations, also turned gray. .

The danger encountered this time was really too difficult.

Zhang Xueyang recalled the most serious danger that Li Zhan encountered when he was in the Second Division. He didn't know whether it was to comfort himself or to let Cao Yufei and Tang Leile not be too nervous. He recalled, "Lao Li originally detached his troops to the Second Division to start the battle." This is the Dong Sangui J-7E. Once my wingman and I were on air combat training and Lao Li was on combat readiness duty. When we returned, the weather suddenly deteriorated. The weather changed very quickly. After I landed, we no longer had the capability to land. condition."

"Yes, that's right." Tang Leilei's memories also woke up, and he said in a deep voice, "At that time, the tower ordered Brother No. 1 to prepare for the landing in Guangbei, but not long after, he was struck by lightning and caused a fire in the engine room. As a last resort, Brother No. 1 returned to the scene. Forced landing. I remember that the gusts reached level 8, there was heavy rain, and the visibility was only a few dozen meters. At that time, we all thought that Brother No. 1 was going to make an emergency landing this time... Who would have thought that Brother No. 1 made a successful forced landing! At that time, less than half of the fuselage was on fire."

Zhang Xueyang nodded slowly and solemnly, "Yes, it's a miracle. Li Zhan is fully capable of handling the danger at hand. I don't think there is any need to worry too much."

At that time, the emergency response case had already been formed and distributed to all aviation units of the army. It was included in the Second Company's emergency response plan system as an optional plan for extreme situations, so Cao Youfei knew about it. The pilots privately commented on the top ten classic air situation handling cases, and Li Zhan handled five of them...

The unofficial title of emergency response expert is not unfounded.

Cao Fufei said worriedly, "There was still visibility at that time, but now he has no visibility at all, and there is no visibility in the cockpit. He is almost like a blind man now."

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