Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 508 Naval pilots take off from here

The Fertile Land Flying Training Base is a new comprehensive base built by Hainan Airlines that specializes in carrier-based fighter pilot training and ship-related facility testing. Many people call it an air force base, which is inaccurate, even though there is one more than ten kilometers away from it. The air force base is no smaller than the West County Station.

After the Flying Shark training started, Hainan Airlines did not have its own professional training venue. The Yanliang Test Flight Institute could only provide simple takeoff training, and there were no more related training facilities. Li Zhan resigned from the army at the end of 2008. It was also that year that HNA determined to build its own flight training base, and the Fertile Land Flight Training Base came into being.

On a sunny morning in February, Li Zhan piloted No. 037 J-7EGG from central Sichuan to the fertile soil flight training base. From the still warm land in central Sichuan to the coast of the Bohai Sea, where it had just snowed.

While flying five directions over the fertile soil flight training base, Li Zhan took the opportunity to take a good look at this dream base of "going from here to the aircraft carrier".

The base is right on the seaside. The flight area protrudes from a large area and is surrounded by the sea on three sides. It is like a huge aircraft carrier sailing in the sea. The two take-off and landing training areas have an outline that resembles the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. It can be seen that it is not only Training pilots and all related support teams on the flight deck can be trained here. In fact, it is clearly a one-to-one land flight deck of an aircraft carrier. Even the tower is built to look like a ship island. It should not be called a tower, but a simulated ship island on land.

It is said that the air force base next door was originally used for training. It only had simple take-off and landing training facilities, ski jump runways, blocking areas, etc. The training of other support personnel had to be carried out elsewhere, so it was impossible to carry out coordinated training of the whole process and all departments.

The establishment of the Fertile Land Flying Training Base has greatly accelerated the training of carrier-based fighter units.

When landing, Li Zhan also noticed that the living area next to the flight area was still under construction. This shows how urgent HNA's need for this base is, and how tightly the Flying Shark training is progressing.

No. 037 J-7EGG landed. Under the guidance of the guidance vehicle, it drove past the taxiway in front of a row of arched hangars and did not stop until it reached the open-air apron. Tang Leilei and Zhang Xueyang were wearing the standard blue Air Force flight suits, but with an extra floating collar, which is a life vest hung around the neck. Other than that, they were all "Air Force", and even their armbands were "Chinese Air Force" Air Force".

The weather is good today, with a sea breeze and few clouds. You can clearly see the sun almost directly above your head, which is completely different from the heavy snowy weather yesterday.

Tang Leilei and Zhang Xueyang did not take off their large sunglasses. After the maintenance staff quickly set up the boarding ladder for No. 037 J-7EGG, they strode up to greet them with smiles.

Li Zhan stood up from the cockpit, turned around and picked up the carry-on bag placed on the small partition behind the seat. When he saw Tang Leile stretching out his hands, he smiled and threw the carry-on bag down. Tang Leile caught it accurately, but Unexpectedly, the carrying bag was surprisingly heavy and I almost couldn't catch it. I was surprised and said, "Captain, what are you packing so heavy?"

"Just some books." Li Zhan came down.

Soldiers are all simple, ranging from division and brigade commanders to small soldiers. All their wealth can be packed with an eighty-liter rucksack. No matter where they go or what they do, they just lift up the rucksack and go. A long time ago, it was called backpacking. After all, pilots are taller and use special aviation carry-on bags to carry their personal belongings.

Zhang Xueyang gave a cool military salute, pointed at Li Zhan's old-fashioned winter black flight jacket and white flight helmet, and pointed at the basically unrecognizable No. 037 J-7EGG, "Old Li, what do you mean by this outfit?" , Dong Sanguai’s appearance has changed, so you have to keep up with your dressing style, look at it now, in the 1960s, Dong Sanguai looks a bit like a dragon.”

Although Zhang Xueyang and Tang Leilei wore loose blue flight suits that looked equally old-fashioned, compared with the black leather jacket worn by Li Zhan, they were at the forefront of the trend. Li Zhan really looked like he was from the 1960s and 1970s. The person who traveled to this future world is just like a corny little old man.

"What's wrong with the winter flight suit?" Li Zhan landed, returned the greeting with a smile, and looked at Zhang Xueyang. This bastard was already a colonel. "You are also wearing air force style, so let's not talk about the other."

The three of them burst into laughter, and were very excited to meet their old comrades again.

Currently, Hainan Airlines does not have its own flight suits, and as the first carrier-based fighter unit, the Flying Sharks must be the first to equip flight equipment specially developed for naval pilots.

In the past two years, what military fans are most concerned about is probably the refitting progress of the aircraft carrier. Since the Varyag officially entered the refitting process, many people who were not military fans have become military fans. It can be seen that aircraft carriers are very important to enhance the self-confidence of the Chinese people. How important and critical.

In the military, with the modification of the Varyag as the center, work related to the establishment of a naval carrier aviation unit is in full swing, with the training of carrier-based fighter pilots being a top priority.

Most people have a misunderstanding that the Chinese Navy's carrier-based aircraft force originated from Feisha. In fact, this is not the case. Since the dolphins were put on the ship, the Chinese Navy has actually had a carrier-based aircraft force, but for a long time it was only carrier-based helicopters. So strictly speaking, the Flying Shark is the first carrier-based fighter unit of the Chinese Navy, and the "carrier-based aviation unit" includes all flying units that use ships as platforms.

For a long time in the past, people couldn't tell the difference between air force pilots and navy pilots. They used the same aircraft, the same uniform, and the same station. Is it just because of different affiliations? That's because for a long time we didn't have an aircraft carrier.

Navy pilots are born to take off from the sea!

From this perspective, the Fertile Land Flight Training Base can be called the cradle of naval pilots.

The full name of the Flying Shark Unit is "Naval Aviation XX Carrier Aviation Unit", and its external name is Navy Unit 404. Zhang Xueyang was the first in the Second Division to complete the final assessment and enter the Flying Shark Unit, and Tang Leile was the first in the 101st Brigade. When Li Zhan began to carry out the actual test flight of the J-16, Tang Leilei participated in the selection at the end of last year. After passing all the tests, he successfully entered the Flying Shark Force with extremely solid skills.

Zhang Xueyang has become a teacher...

This made Li Zhan feel a little unbalanced. When he left the army, he was a captain in the company, and Zhang Xueyang was a major in the camp. Later, he finally became the captain. Zhang Xueyang has become the deputy commander, and now he is the deputy commander. He was further promoted to colonel and became a regimental-level instructor of the Flying Shark Training Team. Although he had no position, his salary was two "should"s higher than that of Li Zhan.

Li Zhan is the only two old comrades in the Flying Shark training team, and Tang Leilei is still an old subordinate.

Zhang Xueyang observed the J-7EGG No. 037. The more he looked, the more confused he became. He asked, "Old Li, is this aircraft of yours still a J-7? Why does it look more and more like a Jerome Dragon to me?"

"The predecessor of Xiaolong is the J-7, which was formerly called the Super-7. The last improvement was made by the Beiku repair shop. It was relatively simple and crude, with an organic back-protected fuel tank. This time, it took Chengdu Aircraft Co., Ltd. several months of modifications to overthrow everything. Well, if you look at the back-protected fuel tank, you can hardly see it. It integrates well with the fuselage and optimizes the aerodynamic shape."

Li Zhan simply pointed and introduced in detail. He was also very surprised when he saw the No. 037 J-7EGG after the "facelift". This broken aircraft really cost Chengdu's engineers a lot of work.

The crew members also stared with wide eyes. They had never seen any aircraft before, but they had never seen this aircraft before.

Li Zhan pointed to the wing and said, "The Xiaolong is a delta wing, and the J-7E and subsequent models are double delta wings. This time, Chengdu Aircraft has optimized the double delta wing. Pay attention to whether the wing area is larger. When I took off, I only taxied for more than 200 meters. Looking at the inlet, this is the biggest change, and it is also the most similar to Xiaolong. In fact, it uses the DSI inlet technology on Xiaolong. It's the clamshell air inlet. Other improvements are less obvious, but if you look at the two additional antennas on the back of the aircraft, the aircraft's avionics system has been replaced. It is said that it was newly developed by Chengdu Aircraft Research Institute. , it has some technologies from the J-10 C-type and fourth-generation aircraft. Let me put it this way, the avionics system of my Dongsanguai is comparable to that of the F-16, and it is at the same level as the Xiaolong variant."

Many technologies are the same between the Xiaolong and the fourth-generation aircraft. The manufacturer consciously experimented with the former and applied some technologies that would be used on the fourth-generation aircraft, and also applied them on the J-10C. In fact, the Xiaolong was the first to use many new technologies. Although the Air Force and the Navy were not interested in small aircraft like the Xiaolong, the Xiaolong played an important role in practical new technologies.

Some people even maliciously speculate that a lot of Xiaolong’s avionics technology was copied from the F-16. This is pure slander.

"It takes off more than two hundred meters. If you add the ski jump to the deck, wouldn't your dongsanguai be able to board the ship?" Zhang Xueyang was very surprised, shook his head helplessly and joked.

Tang Leile also smiled and said, "Captain, is the J-7 aircraft carrier okay?"

Li Zhan said seriously, "Why not?"

Now everyone was really surprised - couldn't the little prince of the lever be serious?

Li Zhan pointed to the landing gear and said, "Look clearly, the reinforced landing gear. If this is not convincing yet, please go to the tail and take a look at the retractable tail hook."

Quickly taking off his big sunglasses, Zhang Xueyang quickly checked the landing gear carefully, and his expression suddenly changed. He turned to the tail of the plane to search, and easily found the hidden tail hook, and suddenly his whole body felt bad.

Zhang Xueyang didn't know what expression to show, and his tone was very complicated. He said, "Damn it, can this plane of yours really get on a ship? Is this still an improvement? Is it a new one? I remember how many times this plane of yours has been used before. This is a serious damage, can the strength of the fuselage be judged?"

"Whether you can board the ship depends on your superiors, but there is no problem with land simulation training." Li Zhan said proudly with his hands behind his back.

Being on a ship and doing simulated training on land are two different things.

Tang Leilei said with a wry smile, "Captain, it turns out what you said before was true. It really gave Dong Sanguai the ability to board the ship."

"Of course it's not me who has the final say." Li Zhan explained, "The main reason is that manufacturers have the need to test new technologies. It is impossible for the army to spend so much money on an old second-generation fuselage."

Hearing this, Zhang Xueyang suddenly realized, nodded slightly and said, "Yes, there are so many major improvements, and the money for the improvements may be enough to buy a new aircraft."

Li Zhan smiled and said, "The manufacturer told me that the resources spent on Dongsanguai these few times can be used to build a new J-10. Especially this time, the engine has been changed again, and the thrust is greater than that of the RD-Xiaolong. The 93 is much larger, but there is still a gap between it and the Taihang used by the J-10. But for Dong Sanguai, which has a maximum take-off weight of only about ten tons, the thrust redundancy is very, very sufficient."

Tang Leilei interjected, "The manufacturer must have thought you were lucky, captain, so they gave you this task."

"Good luck to you. You may have to put good luck on flying sharks in the future..."

Seeing Li Zhan's solemn look, Zhang Xueyang smiled and said, "Old Li, this is not like your style. You never believe in luck."

"The three-thousand-meter runway has become more than 100 meters. In the future, if you have to take off and land on the tip of a knife, it will be smoother with luck. But you are right, you need to be strong in blacksmithing. In the final analysis, it still depends on your own skills. "Li Zhan said.

After chatting for a while, Zhang Xueyang said, "We will take your luggage to the dormitory for you. You should go and report to Mr. Chen immediately. He knew you were arriving today and he was waiting in the office specially."

"Okay, I'll go over first and meet you back at the dormitory."

Li Zhan handed over the equipment and luggage to Zhang Xueyang and Tang Leilei, and jumped into an old Land Cruiser commuter car. The driver stepped on the accelerator, and the car turned its huge snow tires under the action of the eight-cylinder engine and moved far away. Went to the office area.

The base looks desolate everywhere. The characteristic of the airport is that there are no trees. In addition, it is on the coast of the Bohai Sea and it is winter, so it looks even more desolate. There are no training tasks today and no related activities can be seen. The construction site in the distance is in full swing.

Like all airports, the office areas are composed of two- and three-story buildings that are not very high, so they are usually stretched or widened. This is what office buildings look like, like flattened square buildings.

There was no staff officer to greet him. After Li Zhan stopped someone and asked about the chief instructor's office, he went straight to the "chief instructor's office."

The door was open, and when Li Zhan stood at the door and shouted the report, when he saw the head coach behind the desk clearly, his eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Political Commissar Chen!?"

The chief coach is Political Commissar Chen?

It turns out that the political commissar of the training base where he was trained was Chen Zhengwei.

"We're here, come in and sit down."

Chen Zhengwei put down his pen, pointed to the chair in front of his desk with a smile, looked at Li Zhan who was standing beside him but had not sat down, and nodded slightly, "Boy, have you fallen into my hands again? Well, it looks good, the young man looks good. Big.”

Li Zhan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Old chief, you, how could it be you?"

Who would have thought that the chief instructor of the Flying Shark training team is the political commissar of the Air Force training base? Even though Lao Chen is a veteran pilot and has been flying for more than 20 years.

"Who are you looking down on? You just allow Fang Mazi to be promoted but don't allow me, Old Chen, to change my position?"

"No, no, no, no, it's this, this is so unexpected, you are a political worker!"

"Does the chief instructor have to be a military cadre?"


PS: First a big chapter, there will be more tonight.

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