Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 350? The best soldiers are lying in the Martyrs Cemetery

Chapter 350 The best soldiers are lying in the Martyrs Cemetery

"You haven't gotten over your bad habits yet?"

After parking the car on the side of the road, Hu Wenbing opened the door and got out of the car as he spoke.

Li Zhan didn't want to say anything or vomit, but his mind felt stiff, "Huh? What? Oh, it's okay."

The two of them walked straight forward, with a supermarket on one side and a restaurant on the other, an advanced restaurant. After finding a table and sitting down and briefly ordering a few dishes, Hu Wenbing asked the waiter to bring boiling water, then took out the tea leaves he brought and started making tea.

"Hypocritical." Li Zhan said.

Hu Wenbing glanced at Li Zhan coldly, "I am a colonel and you are a major. Please pay attention to your speech."

"Sitting here eating means you have no military rank or official position. Don't take the leadership position with me, Lao Hu." Li Zhan was rude.

"Damn it." Hu Wenbing cursed and stopped talking.

In the old army, no one could compare to Li Zhan in terms of eloquence, so that when the instructor was not at home, Li Zhan would do the education classes for him. Naturally, Hu Wenbing would not ask for trouble. But having said that, technicians with a tough guy style like him are a rare breed. If he really cares about everything, his fists will be flat.

After taking a sip of tea and wiping his sweat, Hu Wenbing, wearing short sleeves, happily lit a cigarette and started smoking. Li Zhan, who was wearing an air force blue camouflage uniform, had to think twice about rolling up his sleeves. He had to watch Hu Wenbing happy and calm down as much as possible, so that he would not feel too hot in a restaurant with only a fan.

"I want to test fly the J-16, do you think it's possible?" Li Zhan asked.

They all noticed this table before they came in. On the left was the wall and on the right was another row of tables, with a table in front and behind. After sitting down, Li Zhan faced outside and Hu Wenbing faced towards the kitchen. Hu Wenbing used his left hand to use his spear, while Li Zhan mainly used his right hand. They all still maintained the habit of wearing Type 92 pistols with live magazines when they were in the air gunship unit.

If firing a magazine with live ammunition doesn't solve the problem, then large forces will be dispatched.

Hu Wenbing shook his head slightly, "The possibility is very small. Project No. 16 is not going well."

"I can see it," Li Zhan said, "so I want to do my part."

Anyone else would have ridiculed Li Zhan to death, but Hu Wenbing didn't. He understood Li Zhan better than most people, and he knew very well that Li Zhan was not a superficial person. If Li Zhan only wanted to make money, he would have a better chance. There is no need to throw himself in the most dangerous place to earn that combat allowance.

Hu Wenbing frowned and said, "Your luck has been bad since you left the army. Isn't it inappropriate to fly an undetermined model? Besides, the flight test institute will not agree."

"I'll answer them one by one." Li Zhan said, "First of all, this matter has nothing to do with the flight test institute. They do their final test flights, and I do my actual combat test flights. The two routes have different purposes. To be precise, the test flight I want to do It is part of the research and development process. It is a good way to feed back problems found during use to the manufacturer for improvement. Secondly, regarding my luck, I was the only one to survive on my plane back then. Is this luck good or bad? I asked you to tell me."

Hu Wenbing pondered.

After a while, he said, "Can't An An just keep working on your falcon brigade?"

Li Zhan didn't say anything, just stared at Hu Wenbing so seriously.

After another long while, Hu Wenbing sighed deeply, "You still have to toss, keep tossing, keep tossing, until you die in front of me, I will burn the fourth generation machine for you."

Li Zhanlie smiled and said, "I am the best soldier."

"The best lie down in the Martyrs Cemetery. If you don't care, you are just a fart."

"You too, and it's a smelly fart."

"Your uncle."

"Your sister."

Both of them had held back tears in their eyes.

The wealthy landlady threw a plate of fried beef with hot peppers on the table. The plate bumped a few times and several hot peppers and two pieces of beef rolled out.

The heavy atmosphere was rudely broken, and Hu Wenbing and Li Zhan turned their heads to look over in surprise.

"What are you looking at?" The Northeast ladies stared.

Li Zhan said, "Can't you take a look?"

"What are you looking at? It's time to eat and go. What are you looking at?"

Li Zhan really wanted to say something: "What are you looking at?"

Then the battle begins in the army.

The landlady snorted and left. Not long after, she brought over the other two dishes and a large plate of rice, and then a lot of soup and juice were spread on the table.

After giving in, Li Zhan and Hu Wenbing buried their heads in eating.

It was gone in ten minutes.

The landlady put two big bags of things at their feet, "Hurry up and take the things after you finish eating."

She turned around and entered the kitchen without even looking at Li Zhan and Hu Wenbing.

The two looked at each other, and Li Zhan stood up and said to the cook, "Sister-in-law, where is the eldest brother? Isn't he here?"

The landlady ignored him.

Li Zhan looked at Hu Wenbing for help, and Hu Wenbing said, "Let's go."

Li Zhan took out the money he had prepared and put it on the table, a thick pile of cash stuffed in a cowhide envelope, "Sister-in-law, we are leaving, the money is here for you."

The two of them each carried a bag and walked out to get in the car. The proprietress strode out from the kitchen, grabbed the thick cowhide envelope and chased it out, "I don't want your money! Take it back to me quickly, you hear me! You bastard, don't run away! You bastard!"

Ba Dao 4000 ran away in panic.

Speeding towards the Martyrs Cemetery, Hu Wenbing said, "You don't need to make such a clear distinction. Their family's life is fine. I'm here to watch."

"It's better to make a clear distinction. What's yours belongs to you, and what's mine belongs to me." Li Zhan said in a deep voice, "I am getting more and more afraid of seeing Guisong's sister. During the meal, I kept thinking about what would happen if she called me What should I do if I give my brother back to her?”

Hu Wenbing said, "I thought too much. A few years have passed and I have long since given up. Sister Liu is not an unreasonable person. She looks fierce on the surface, but in fact she is a very good person. They are a very good family."

Li Zhan blamed himself, "She was just a younger brother who died in my hands. This debt will never be repaid in my lifetime."

"Then two lifetimes." Hu Wenbing said, "Don't be sad. I finally have a comfortable life for a few days, so don't make things worse for me."

Li Zhan said no more words.

When they were approaching the Martyrs Cemetery, Hu Wenbing asked, "Yes, how is Zhang Yuan? Is he doing well?"

"He is very good. Now that he is in the group, he is still doing what he does." Li Zhan said, "His share and mine are both in the envelope. He has explained it."

Hu Wenbing said, "You just eat carrots and don't worry. After all, I am also a person who earns a salary of 20,000 yuan a month. Can I not take care of the Guisong family?"

Li Zhan said, "Do you know how much I earn?"

"How much? Just pay more for the lever. It's 27,600 yuan per flight hour. How much money can you have?" Hu Wenbing said.

Li Zhan said, "Last year I received RMB 660,000 in tow rod fees. We are in a border area with a small and poor population, so the tow rod fees are relatively high. The main reason is that I fly a lot of hours. It is easy to complete seven to eight hundred hours a year."

Hu Wenbing stared in surprise and said, "You are crazy."

"Otherwise, how would I have the money to buy a house for Guisong's parents?" Li Zhan said proudly, shrugging.

Hu Wenbing was even more surprised, "Why didn't you tell everyone that you bought them a house?"

"I can handle it myself, so I don't need to mobilize troops." Li Zhan said, "Lao Hu, don't think I don't know what's going on with you and your sister-in-law. Is it about money?"

Hu Wenbing pressed his elbow on the steering wheel and took out a cigarette to light a cigarette. He grabbed the steering wheel with one hand and took two puffs on the cigarette with the other hand and said, "Don't mind my business."

"It's time for the child to go to elementary school. Is there anything we can't explain between husband and wife?" Li Zhan said, "I don't care. Let my master take care of it and let the old battalion chief take care of it."

Hu Wenbing said, "Don't use your master to oppress me. He is your master, not mine. What's wrong with the old battalion commander? Is he higher in rank than me? How can he take care of us when they are in the regular regiment?"

Li Zhan said, "You don't always rise from level to level. My major camp level is not higher than yours. Do you dare to teach me a lesson?"

"Why don't I are different." Hu Wenbing got angry and wanted to argue, but he was instantly discouraged and made a wise choice.

Li Zhan held his chin up and lowered it, smiling proudly.

After smoking a cigarette, Hu Wenbing was not unhappy after all. He said, "She and I got to know each other through a blind date. After the old army was disbanded, everyone went their separate ways. You said that we, let alone return to the place, would go somewhere else." The work unit may not be able to adapt to it. I was already thirty at the time, and being loyal to the country was already unfilial. If I didn’t get married and have children, my two elders would be pissed to death. In this situation, I made up my mind just by looking at it. It’s been more than seven years, Some people say it’s the seven-year itch.”

Li Zhan asked, "Then have you raised it?"

"Why am I itching?" Hu Wenbing said with a glare, "She suspects that I am raising a woman outside. How can a husband and wife live like this if they don't even have this little trust. I am an active soldier, and she just has no brains."

Li Zhan said, "Maybe it's because you have a brain? How could my sister-in-law have such suspicion? Have you done something?"

Shaking his head, Hu Wenbing said, "In the final analysis, it's about money. She checked my accounts and found a big gap, and then she thought I had another woman."

Li Zhan was about to ask what was going on with the gap, when he suddenly woke up and fell silent. Like him, Hu Wenbing used part of his income every month to support the martyrs' families. These people who survived were doing this silently, without telling anyone.

So what if I say it?

Those who understand are fine, but those who don’t understand are still living in such a mess.

It’s not that the families of the martyrs have difficulty supporting them, but more importantly, the small number of survivors feel better and feel less guilty by doing so.

Of the seven people who flew the plane, only Li Zhan and his senior sister Zhu Qingying survived. Hu Wenbing's department had slightly more people. After all, they were responsible for technical support. The most severe disaster was the armed combat unit. It was too tragic.

It's a two-hour journey from the restaurant to the Martyrs Cemetery. This place already belongs to Liu Guisong's hometown. It is a small county town, but it is famous in the history of the Anti-Japanese War and the Liberation War. It has made huge contributions and is now a national revolutionary base.

The Martyrs Cemetery, nestled between mountains and rivers, seems to be more tidy than before, and there are obvious signs of manual maintenance in many places. This surprised Li Zhan. He remembered that the cemetery had no maintenance office and relied entirely on the local municipal department for maintenance once or twice a year.

With doubts, he and Hu Wenbing walked toward the door carrying the sacrifices.

The originally empty guard room was renovated. What surprised Li Zhan and Li Zhan the most was that in front of the guard room there was a warning sign with red background and white letters stating that it is strictly forbidden to approach the military restricted area.

Most of the people buried in this martyrs cemetery are military martyrs, and it is correct to say that.

A bald man wearing a white vest and a thick gold necklace came out of the guard room. He had a long white mountain in his mouth.

"Hey, driver brother?" Li Zhan said in surprise.

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