Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 345? It’s good to have a good harvest, otherwise Li Lazhu will do it to you (Silver League a

Chapter 345 It’s finally over, otherwise Li Lazhu will do it to you (Silver Alliance update 1010)

At the Shenhuoyi Aircraft Factory, at eight o'clock in the morning, Colonel Hu Wenbing, the representative of the military stationed in the factory, drove to the workshop and strode in as soon as he got off the car. Yao Siyu, deputy director of the Technical Liaison Office, stayed up for more than ten hours and had to force a smile to greet Hu Wenbing when he saw him.

"Representative Hu, please give me two more days of tolerance, that's all that's missing." Yao Siyu said with a dark circle under his eyes.

Hu Wenbing held a black briefcase under his left ribs, waved his hand and glanced at Yao Siyu before walking inside without stopping, "I don't care, you tell the troops, they will arrive in the afternoon, pick up the equipment tomorrow morning, and start in the afternoon Let’s go. I’m telling you, Old Yao, that you can’t bear this responsibility if you delay the troops!”

"Representative Hu, let's be reasonable, okay? We are following the schedule completely. There is no problem in delivering the aircraft within the specified time. It is your army that has put forward new requirements, to integrate a terminal system into the avionics Here, this is not a small change!" I was very depressed after more than a month. The army was still unreasonable and forced Yao Siyu, the gentle technical backbone, to become less polite.

Colonel Hu Wenbing, who has a stubble around his mouth, looks more like a pork guy selling pork in the market with a cigarette in his mouth. However, he is also a cadre with a technical background, and he majors in aviation, otherwise he would not be stationed at the aircraft factory.

He stopped, stared, and his fleshy face became ferocious, and said coldly, "Is it interesting for you to tell me this? What is your bus system used for? How many lines are there? Show me the difficulty, what do you want to do with that difficulty!"

"You!" Yao Siyu was so angry that her face turned red, and she waved her hand and walked away.

"Old Hu, you pissed off the intellectuals again." A senior colonel came up from behind. He was the director of the general assembly department, Lin. When the troops were to be installed, the person in charge of the official management agency was responsible for coordination.

Hu Wenbing's expression immediately softened and he said, "Director Lin, this Yao Siyu is too pretentious. He is tired, who is not tired? The troops are waiting for equipment, and the pressure is all on me. If he can hurry up, he can hurry up." They have been immersed in the 1553B data bus for so many years and have more than ten years of practical experience. They just add an electronic terminal to overcome this difficulty and that difficulty."

"It's all for work." Director Lin said to Xini.

Hu Wenbing said, "Chief, what we are receiving this time is the 101st Brigade Falcon Brigade in the West. You may not know much about this unit. It is not an ordinary unit. If the aircraft cannot be delivered within the specified time, it will be difficult for us and the manufacturer. Their The captain is not an ordinary person."

"He's just a captain. Why, what else can he do if he can't hand it over?" Director Lin narrowed his eyes and said.

Hu Wenbing shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I received a death order and must deliver the goods within the specified time. It is said that I have a close relationship with the captain of the Falcon Brigade."

"The flight commander's order?" Director Lin asked.

Hu Wenbing is also affiliated with the General Assembly, but he is from the Air Force. He wears Air Force camouflage and gets a salary from the Air Force. In other words, he is a cadre established by the Air Force and then works in the General Assembly. Naturally, he has to listen to the Air Force. The general assembly is just a business guidance unit.

Nodding slightly, Hu Wenbing said, "Director Lin, you have to deliver the plane tomorrow no matter what."

Director Lin nodded understandingly and said, "I understand your difficulty."

At this time, Yao Siyu came out again, taking Niu Jun with him. He first said hello to Director Lin, and then said, "Advisor Niu has also been working overtime. She knows the situation best. Please introduce her to the chief. Really?" It’s not our manufacturer’s problem.”

Niu Jun saluted the two and reported, "Two chiefs, last night I had a phone call with Comrade Li Zhan of our department. In view of the improvement suggestions put forward by our department when the fighter planes are about to roll off the production line, our department has already reported them to the higher-level leadership organs. Apply for a one-week delay in the installation. Our installation personnel will arrive on time tomorrow and will be familiar with the fighter aircraft together with the manufacturer's technicians and receive relevant training."

"Why are you reporting last night's decision now?" Director Lin frowned and said.

Yao Siyu rushed to explain, "Advisor Niu has been staying up late, and we only received the exact announcement early this morning. It's been very hard for Admin Niu, a lesbian."

He looked at Niu Jun distressedly, but the latter had no feeling at all about his strange gaze. Yao Siyu is thirty-two years old. He is the technical backbone of the factory, he is very familiar with the business, and he is quite handsome. His parents are both veteran military workers. He is an only son, and his conditions are not bad in all aspects, but he has never been able to make love in this regard. What progress has been made, I am still single.

When Niu Jun arrived at the factory more than a month ago, he was amazed and fell in love with him at first sight. From that moment on, I started to show my positive attitude, caring about the life of Comrade Niu Jun before and after running. However, Yao Siyu is also very principled. When it comes to work, he will argue based on reason, no matter who the other party is, not even his goddess. This is his advantage.

People without principles are terrible.

However, it seemed that there was not much progress. Comrade Niu Jun kept a considerable distance from Yao Siyu for more than a month, and did not even say a single unnecessary word.

Director Lin frowned and glanced at Yao Siyu, then looked at Niu Jun with his hands behind his back, "Even if it is an early morning notice, it must be reported as soon as possible. How can you delay such a big thing? You are playing the piano!"

Niu Jun said, "Report to the chief, I called you in the early morning, but your confidential staff said that you have gone to bed and will talk to you in the morning if you have anything to do."

"Is this happening?" Director Lin was stunned for a moment and said to himself, "This is Xiao Zhou."

Hu Wenbing was afraid that Director Lin would blame Niu Jun if he didn't understand the situation, but Li Larod came and started to complain that things were not easy to deal with, and quickly said, "Now that Captain Li has made a decision, our work will be much easier to carry out. Comrade Niu Jun, there is really no need for you to stay up late every day, otherwise Captain Li will reprimand me again when he arrives."

"Representative Hu, I'm fine." Niu Jun said with a smile.

Yao Siyu thought to herself, who is Captain Li? Representative Hu's tone sounds like he is a very powerful person, and why do I have a strong sense of crisis? This thing was strange from beginning to end. It stands to reason that matters related to equipment are very important military matters. When the commander-in-chief of the army is unavailable, the deputy and chief of staff will be in charge of it. However, the unit that receives these aircraft has always been in charge of one captain. Isn't the captain just a small official?

There are many people who have the same doubts as him.

Director Lin said, "Xiao Yao, Staff Officer Niu, you go and do your work first."

Hu Wenbing said, "Commander Niu, please go back to the guest house to rest quickly. Yao Siyu, please send Counselor Niu back to rest quickly. You can't endure such a long time."

"Okay, okay." Yao Siyu misunderstood, thinking that Hu Wenbing was creating opportunities for him, and gave Hu Wenbing a grateful look, making Hu Wenbing confused - what's wrong with this kid? ?

Niu Jun said, "No need, I'll go back by myself. Goodbye, two leaders."

After saluting, she climbed onto the commuter bus with long legs and headed straight to the factory guest house.

"Xiao Yao, you go and do your work first." Director Lin said to Yao Siyu who looked disappointed as he watched the commuter bus leave.

Yao Siyu turned around and entered the workshop.

Director Lin then asked Hu Wenbing in a deep voice, "Old Hu, what's going on with the 101st Brigade? Why does it sound like a brigade captain is in charge of loading and unloading at this time? Where is their brigade commander's political commissar, deputy brigade commander, and chief of staff?"

"The brigade commander and political commissar are responsible, but it is Captain Li Zhan who makes the specific decisions." Hu Wenbing said.

Director Lin frowned, "What do you mean?"

Hu Wenbing said meaningfully, "With the endorsement of the brigade commander and political commissar, Captain Li Zhan is fully responsible."

This is awesome.

Who deserves such delegation of power and trust from the military and political chiefs? This is not about purchasing firewood, rice, oil and salt, but is related to the military affairs of installing advanced fighter jets worth billions. There are so many troops in the army, and no matter how famous Li Lazhu's name is, there are still some unknown places. Some business units of the upper-level agencies are busy in their own small circles. They don't know that there is a western warrior in the west. Even if they know " I won’t take the time to understand the honorary title “Warrior of the West”. Therefore, Director Lin did not know what Li Zhan was like.

Hu Wenbing thought for a while and explained, "Captain Li Zhan is not an ordinary person. He is very young and handsome. Of course, this is not the point. Director, he has won seven first-class merit awards in the three years he has been in the army, seven, seven. First-class merit, not second-class merit, not third-class merit, seven first-class merit."

"What? How many?" Director Lin suspected that he had hearing problems and asked subconsciously.

Hu Wenbing said, "There are seven first-class merits, the whole army loves the army and the model of martial arts, and the personal honorary title of Western Warrior. There are very few second-class merits and third-class merits. If this person has meritorious service, he will basically meet the first-class merit standard." .”


Director Lin seemed to have some impressions. He quickly searched his memory and said, "Is it the pilot who often crashed the plane? The Jizhen Basu fell apart in two and seven, and three more AL-31F engines were destroyed not long ago. "

Hu Wenbing said unexpectedly, "Director, do you know?"

"I don't know this person, but these equipment losses must be reported to me for statistical filing. I remember very clearly that a unit in the west reported the loss of many major components, mainly engines, within one year. Unexpectedly This is the unit that is going to be installed." Director Lin said with emotion.

Shaking his head helplessly, Hu Wenbing said, "He encountered so many dangers that it is difficult to explain clearly in just a few words. Yes, this is the man. He has extremely high tactical literacy and a general ideological consciousness."

"Oh? What do you mean by generalizing ideological awareness?" Director Lin suddenly became interested and asked.

Hu Wenbing looked around subconsciously and said, "This person is very concerned about the rod fee. You will definitely find it incredible if I tell you something. It is said that this person visited the 300th Division with the army to study. During this period, the 300th Division's The ace pilot proposed to have an air combat confrontation with him. At that time, the 73rd Division was all J-7, so this man launched the 300th Division's J7G Type and had a confrontation with Yao Dongming of the 300th Division. Yao Dongming also He was shot down without noticing him. I heard that he simulated seven attacks in a very short period of time. Yao Dongming was convinced of the defeat. The key is not here, but that this man actually asked the Three Hundred Division to pay him for an hour. The air battle lasted for more than 40 minutes."

"This is too..." Director Lin's eyes almost popped out. He couldn't imagine that such a thing could happen in the world.

After a while, Director Lin regained his composure and said objectively, "He deserves this. It is quite natural to rely on his own skills to make money."

Li Zhan: Well said, I won’t blame you for being mean to my junior sister.

PS: The crowd-funded Silver Alliance update has been completed, let’s breathe a sigh of relief!

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