Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 194 Get married between battles

Seven J-7E fighter jets with low-quality gray low-visibility paint were roaring through the field in a dense formation at low altitude. The cheers of teachers and students waving small red flags at the viewing platform even drowned out the roar of the aircraft.

The highlight scheduled for 15:00 in the afternoon began. The pilots selected from the First Brigade and the Second Brigade flew the J-7E to form an amateur demonstration team and boldly performed a seven-plane formation flight display. The SU-27 cannot fly, and no one can sit on it and drive it until the modification training is completed.

Of course it cannot be compared with the Bayi Aerobatic Team, but the combat atmosphere of this amateur team of the 101st Regiment is definitely awesome.

After the first pass, it means that the opening show is over, and the second performance subject is live ammunition shooting! Can the Bayi Aerobatic Team do this? Will they be allowed to do this? There is no condition to do this. The combat troops don't have so many worries, and Beikuchang Station has unique environmental conditions.

The northwest side of the station is a rolling hilly and mountainous area, all of which are military restricted areas. When the troops are too lazy to run outside, they conduct ground target live ammunition shooting training in the target area there. The arrangement of the live-fire shooting performance this time can be said to have shown full sincerity and high standards. The chief of the military region came to inspect it and that was it.

In the air only three kilometers away from the field station, seven fighter planes entered the attack route one after another, with the left wing facing the viewing platform. The entire shooting process could be clearly seen from here, and a video camera was installed at the target area, which could record the shooting in real time. The picture signal was transmitted back and finally displayed by the projector on the large screen standing on the side of the auditorium. Although the picture was not high-definition and the color was not clear enough, when the first J-7E started to fire rockets, the whole audience was stunned. All boiling. The subsequent fighter planes that entered the attack pushed the atmosphere to a high point one after another.

The children jumped up, waved their hands wildly, and shouted at the screen, their faces flushed with excitement. The teachers were equally excited, waving small red flags vigorously and cheering. It seemed that the pilots could hear their voices and feel their encouragement, so they cheered even more. a little better.

They had never seen such a scene before. Except for movies and TV shows presented on the screen, there had never been any platform that allowed them to see such a hot and shocking scene with their own eyes.

The members of the condolence group led by the deputy commander of the military division and the deputy mayor were also shocked. The rockets were fired at the mountain like ancient rockets for free, bombarding the target area with thick smoke. Since then, such destructive power has refreshed many people's understanding of weapons and deepened their understanding of war.

When Cheng Mengxiao thought of the little life she was gestating, and his (her) father was scattering ammunition in the sky at this moment, she couldn't help but burst into tears and sang loudly: "Forward, forward, forward!"

The children immediately sang military songs in unison.

Forward forward forward! Our team to the sun! With our feet on the land of the motherland, we carry the hope of the nation on our backs!

The officers and soldiers spontaneously sang along, their fighting spirit and morale soaring to the sky. The most promising and powerful songs in China merged into a sonorous war song, which resounded throughout the sky at the air force station at the foot of the desert mountain.

As the spontaneous chorus ended, the second round of machine gun fire on the ground also came to an end. The war eagles that were still in the smoke filed back into the venue, landed one by one, formed a column on the taxiway, and slowly drove towards the venue in the formation and posture of an elephant strolling. The muzzle of the 30mm machine gun, which seemed to be still smoking, was surrounded by black traces of gunpowder spray, which only added to the elegance of the War Eagle returning from the battlefield.

Needless to say, no defense education presentation can compare to a simple and straightforward ammunition display. When children realize that if they are not strong, others will treat them like this, their sense of worry will be rooted in their minds, and they will also realize the importance of national defense.

The same goes for adults.

The War Eagle drove straight to the front and stopped neatly on the side of the stage, filling the gap in the back. The SU-27 in khaki desert paint and the J-7E in gray low-visibility paint are in the shape of an "eight", guarding the stage. On one side are sixteen SU-27 heavy fighter jets and on the other side are sixteen J-7E light fighter jets. The fighter jets, worth approximately 4 billion yuan in total, are the main props in the stage background. This is probably the most expensive stage background look in the world. .

One hundred and ninety-six rockets, 700 aircraft artillery shells, nearly ten tons of aviation fuel, and seven drawbar hours. Without taking into account the life consumption of fighter aircraft and aircraft engine life, hundreds of thousands of yuan were spent on live ammunition shooting. The flight show presented a shocking visual feast to the teachers and students of Aijun Primary School, and it was also a heavy and sincere meeting gift for the teachers and students!

Li Zhan walked onto the stage wearing a forest camouflage uniform with a strong combat style. He held a wireless microphone in his hand, stood in the middle, saluted the teachers and students, and began to speak, "Twenty years ago, I was the same age as your youngest. , in the first grade of elementary school, the teacher asked us to tell us what we will understand when we grow up. I pointed to the portrait of Uncle Lei Feng and said that when I grow up, I want to be a member of the People's Liberation Army. When I was in junior high school, a classmate lived near the military airport, and he invited us We went to his house to play, and then we snuck into the airport, where we were caught and questioned by our uncle from the People's Liberation Army, who finally sent us home. But I saw what I wanted to see."

He pointed to the War Eagle next to him, "I have seen both of these fighters. I especially like this tall and powerful fighter. It has a full, smooth appearance and a sense of power. It embodies the charm of industrial aesthetics in every aspect. At that time, I was I thought, it would be great if I could drive it across the blue sky. Today, my dream has come true. In the days to come, I will drive her to fly in the sky to protect the motherland and resolutely eliminate all invading enemies!"

"Students, you are the future of the motherland. One day you will fly more advanced fighter planes to take over our posts, continue to protect the blue sky of the motherland, and protect the motherland!"

"thank you all!"

Salute and step down.

The teachers and students applauded enthusiastically, and the young single female teacher stared at Li Zhan, wishing she could swallow him alive to achieve the goal of holding him forever. If being handsome was a crime, Li Zhan would have been unpardonable; if being handsome was rice, Li Zhan could feed the whole world; if being handsome was water, Li Zhan would have plunged the world into a monstrous flood; if being handsome was a nuclear weapon, Li Zhan can pacify Japan...

Simply very handsome.

Li Zhan stood in the position of the conductor at the venue with his arms folded and watched the upcoming performance without squinting, even if countless greedy eyes came to him, he remained unmoved. As a staunch revolutionary soldier, he has the confidence and ability to resist all temptations!

The theme of the activity was silently instilled in the children, and Li Zhan felt a sense of accomplishment comparable to flying. Being able to do something of profound significance to the country and the people outside of pulling the lever, how can it not be recognized by others?

The warm atmosphere lasted until the end, when all the teachers and students were put on the bus. After watching the huge motorcade leave the station, Li Zhan breathed a sigh of relief and said to Xue Xiangdong, "Captain, it seems that political work is not easy to do either." .”

Xue Xiangdong turned around and walked into the gate without getting in the car. He walked slowly and said to Li Zhan, who was walking a few steps closer. , how do you feel about speaking?"

"Not bad." Li Zhan replied, looking back and frowning when he saw Han Hongjun and Li Zixin following from a distance.

Xue Xiangdong snorted coldly, "I'm not trying to hit you, but your speech level is really general."

Li Zhan smiled awkwardly.

"See if you dare to look down on political workers in the future." Xue Xiangdong said, waving his hand, "Go about your business, have dinner tonight, organize and manage the troops."

"Yes!" Li Zhan stood and saluted.

The team leader's car came over, picked up Xue Xiangdong, and rushed to the infield office area. There is still more than an hour before dinner time. Even though it is a holiday, all positions must be staffed before the end of the exercise class.

Han Hongjun and Li Zixin ran over and stood at attention, saluting, "Captain."

"Why do you look so bitter? Haven't we just met?" Li Zhan asked, looking at Han Hongjun and Li Zixin who looked like they were grounded.

Han Hongjun looked around and whispered, "Captain, let's talk in your office. It's not very convenient here."

Li Zhan became more and more confused and waved for Pei Lei to drive over. The three of them got in the car and headed to the government building. Entering the office, Li Zhan rubbed his nose and lit a cigarette, thinking in his mind: I smoked one today on August 1st to celebrate.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Li Zhan sat down and puffed out smoke.

Han Hongjun and Li Zixin carefully and solemnly took out the report from their pockets and placed it on Li Zhan's desk, holding it in their hands as if they were their hearts.

Li Zhan glanced down, sat up straight, picked up Han Hongjun's copy and put it down, then picked up Li Zixin's copy and put it down.

He finished most of the cigarette in a few puffs and lit another, not thinking about excuses anymore.

Smoked another half of a cigarette.

Han Hongjun came to his senses and quickly picked up Li Zhan's tea vat to make tea for him. He carefully placed it in front of Li Zhan. The hot air rolled up, making Li Zhan's expression change.

"Captain..." Han Hongjun was highly focused and mentally prepared to receive severe criticism.

As for Li Zixin, he never dared to raise his head. Han Hongjun's was intentional, but his was completely forced, but he was a man, and it was still his responsibility to force the other party to become pregnant. He was both aggrieved and scared. If this matter failed, the flight would definitely be grounded first.

"You are really capable. You can defeat the enemy with one move. It would be great to be so accurate in target shooting." Li Zhan sighed and spoke. He was not as angry as Han Hongjun and Li Zixin imagined, but it made them more and more afraid.

Han Hongjun begged, "Captain, I, I..."

After all, I don’t know how to beg for mercy.

After smoking another cigarette, Li Zhan made a decision, "What does the woman mean?"

"She, she is very happy, but also a little scared. She is inexperienced. We have discussed it and decided to get married. It will be a matter of time anyway. Now she has something in her belly..." Han Hongjun said hesitantly.

Li Zhan made a decision immediately, "Okay, we are in love, it's not a big deal, hurry up and hand in the application report, remind the woman that she also needs to apply to the school to explain the situation, and say that the army has approved your marriage. Apply. In the 21st century, this kind of thing is nothing.”

"Yes! Yes! Thank you, captain!" Han Hongjun suddenly became excited.

Pregnancy out of wedlock is always unpleasant.

"Go on, go back and write the application and hand it in now."


Li Zhan noticed that Li Zixin hadn't moved, so he frowned and asked, "Li Zixin, go, go back and write quickly."

"Captain, I..." Li Zixin raised his head, with tears in his eyes.

Li Zhan suddenly realized that the situation was different, signaled Han Hongjun to go out, and asked, "What's your situation? Is the girl not good or the girl is unwilling?"

"It's just the first time I met her, and what I really don't want is for her to be hard on me, and I can't resist..." Li Zixin felt aggrieved.

Li Zhan immediately stood up in surprise, "Are you going to be hard on me?"

"Yeah, yeah." Li Zixin nodded shamefully, "Old Han asked me to take her back to school, so I did. Then she asked me if I wanted to go in and have a cup of hot tea. It was very cold outside, so I went in without thinking too much. After sitting for a while, she rushed over to me without saying a few words, directly on the sofa, just, gave me..."

Li Zhan struggled to hold back his laughter, pointed at Li Zixin and scolded, "Look at you, you're such a bitch, you're a soldier, you fly a fighter jet, and yet you let someone pilot you?" Aren't you embarrassed? You are still aggrieved, so take it away from me quickly, do you hear me!"

"Yes!" Li Zixin stood at attention and didn't look away.

After lighting another cigarette and taking two puffs, Li Zhan asked, "Do you like her?"

Li Zixin was hesitant and didn't know how to answer.

"That's because I don't like it anymore." Li Zhan said.

Li Zixin said quickly, "No, no, no, captain, no, just, I don't know if I like it, I, I don't know how to say it."

"Oh, I understand, first love." Li Zhan nodded slightly, "I have observed the girl, she is very beautiful, and her conversation is quite decent, so she can't be wrong. Since you are pregnant, let's get married and go back to write the application."

Li Zixin was anxious, "Captain..."

"Either you let her get it aborted, and I'll give you disciplinary action." Li Zhan said coldly, "I'll give you a minute, you choose one."

"I...!" Li Zixin's face turned red with excitement, "I, I will marry her!"

"That's right. You have to start a family first and then a career. You are not too young. Besides, this is still your own negotiation. How long will it take if you don't seize the opportunity? Don't do it if the modification task is so heavy. It’s a waste of time and energy on these things, do you understand?”

"Yes! Got it!"

Li Zixin replied, thinking: Marriage is a major event in life, so why did it become "these things"?

This rod captain has nothing else on his mind except flying!

Another big chapter of 4,000 words. Brothers, please work hard and keep your rifle from falling off the chain. It’s the 43rd place in the monthly vote. Let’s do it!

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