Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 191: Grasp with both hands, both hands must be hard

The weather was very good on Army Day. It was not yet dawn, so the troops got up half an hour early to clean up. They didn't even go out for morning exercises and did a lot of hygiene. Those who didn’t know better thought that some big boss was coming to inspect.

A few days ago, Chen Hualin and Xue Xiangdong were chatting about the festival. After listening to a few words, Li Zhan, who was standing aside waiting to report on his work, plucked up the courage to suggest that it would be better to hold some unique activities to celebrate the 83rd anniversary of the founding of the army. There’s no point in having a big meal or drinking a lot of wine. Chen Hualin glared and said, "Don't you know who made you drink? The army banned alcohol." Then he asked Li Zhan, what kind of unique activities can you talk about.

"Themed National Defense Education Activity Day!"

Li Zhan said impassionedly, "National defense education should start from childhood. I suggest contacting local primary schools and asking them to organize students to visit. We can prepare some exhibitions, interactive games, give a lesson to the children, and even arrange a simple Air show. This is definitely very attractive to children, allowing them to realize the importance of national defense from an early age, and we have fundamentally laid a solid ideological foundation for future successors."

"Hey, this guy has a good idea." Chen Hualin said to Xue Xiangdong, "This is very meaningful. It is not only a measure to strengthen military-civilian relations, but also a very good form of national defense education. Our Air Force is not only a combat force, but also assists local governments. Relevant departments are engaged in national defense education work.”

Xue Xiangdong agreed, "I agree. It is of great significance to hold such an event on Army Day. Division Commander, I suggest you host it yourself."

"What's not to say in person? I am also a soldier of the People's Air Force. I agree with this matter. Lao Xue, hurry up and come up with a specific plan. I will contact the military division to ask them to come forward. Let Li Zhan be specifically responsible for this matter. You can directly contact School contact and coordination should not involve so many links. The general efficiency of some local departments will miss the mark." Chen Hualin made a decisive decision.

Li Zhan said quickly, "Teacher, I promise to complete the task. However, it is during the summer vacation. If we want to organize students, the local education bureau must also come forward. The school alone cannot do it."

"Don't worry about this." Xue Xiangdong waved his hand, "Yes, what do you have to report?"

"Yes! Leader, I mainly hand over the Blue Army's tie rod fee report for July. You can calculate it and ask the finance department to pay it out on time and in amount." Li Zhan handed over the document.

There were no flying missions in the last few days of July, and other brigades were on combat readiness duty. Li Zhan had nothing to do, so he quickly calculated the drawbar fees for the pilots in the brigades. All his calculations were in vain, the finance department had specialized statistics. However, since the last time the finance department undercalculated his rod fee by half an hour, he has developed the habit of recording the calculations himself and then checking them with the finance department.


Li Zhan puffed up his chest and said, "Don't worry, captain, I promise to complete the task. However, the funds for this activity have to be funded by the group, and our brigade can't take the blame."


Chen Hualin laughed loudly, pointed at Xue Xiangdong and said, "Old Xue, old Xue, even Li Zhan can't hide your little trick! I think you should just let the political department come forward to help. You want him to bleed, right? nothing!"

Xue Xiangdong glared at Li Zhan angrily, and showed Chen Hualin a smile that was uglier than crying.

He was complaining in his heart: Commander, you don’t know that his “228” project is extremely rich, and the aviation oil pipeline has enough funds to manage it. He is an ordinary cadre among the big figures in the research leading group, and they all care about giving him whatever he wants. What, people are sending aviation fuel here one train after another with a stroke of a pen, which is much more impressive than me, the deputy division commander!

However, he did not dare to say clearly that the resources of the "228" project cannot be moved casually, and it is Li Zhan's business to move them.

It turns out that just a few days after Chen Hualin made fun of Xue Xiangdong, he received a heavier critical hit than Xue Xiangdong during the fighter plane handover ceremony yesterday, and his blood was bottomed out from consecutive critical hits.

August 1st is the most important holiday in the minds of military personnel, because this day is the common birthday of all Chinese active and retired military personnel. After eighty-three years of bloody turmoil, under the absolute leadership of our party, a world has been created and the backbone of the Chinese nation has once again stood upright.

This day is also a day when chiefs frequently visit the grassroots to express condolences.

Chen Hualin returned to Wushi, where the division headquarters is located, yesterday. He packed his bags as soon as he got home. His wife complained, "I've been in the army for half a month and I still haven't rested. Where are you going? I've never seen you like this." Division Commander. Look at other people, are there any division commanders like you who are away from the division office all day long?"

"Stop trembling, I still have a camouflage uniform, bring it here." Chen Hualin greeted, "You can't produce combat effectiveness by sitting in an office. Comrade Liu, you are also a soldier, you know!"

"Yes, yes, I know, but that's not what you did. It's August 1st tomorrow. If you don't celebrate the holiday with the cadres of the agency, they won't recognize you." said his wife, Director Liu of the Military Hospital's Administrative Department .

Chen Hualin put the gun on his waist, patted it, and said, "You don't need to know me, just know that I am the division commander."

"You said you, you can't calm down when we see people who are about to retreat, and you still carry a gun. What are you doing with a gun all day long?" Director Liu scolded.

Chen Hualin said calmly, "With peace of mind."

Suddenly thinking of something, Director Liu stopped dwelling on the topic and instead asked, "Where are we going this time?"

"Accompany the head of the military region to visit the 102nd Regiment and celebrate August 1st with the officers and soldiers of the 102nd Regiment." Chen Hualin said with a smile, "Let me tell you, the 101st Regiment gave me a long time this time. The aircraft of the Second Division was still on the ground. They destroyed most of them, and the head of the military region spoke highly of them. They directly facilitated the reception of the batch of Su Liangqi from the Second Division, and they have all been handed over."

Director Liu said, "Is that the handsome Captain Li Zhan who you often mentioned, has a good temperament and earns hundreds of thousands in draw fees a year?"

"Don't mention him, I'll get angry if you mention him!" Chen Hualin's heart trembled when he thought about how he would have to allocate large amounts of rod fees to the 101st Regiment in the future.

"What's going on?" Director Liu said with a smile, "Let me ask you, is Captain Li married?"

Chen Hualin stared warily, "What do you want to do?"

"I have seen the photos. He is quite nice, sunny and handsome, and he matches our daughter very well." Director Liu said.

"Give up. She has a girlfriend. She is a top student at Xi'an Jiaotong University. What's wrong with your daughter? She can't even pass the college entrance examination. It makes you angry just to mention it." Chen Hualin closed the boarding case hard.

Director Liu was dissatisfied, "What's wrong with the second one? The second one is not bad at all. Didn't she just not listen to you and join the army? What is wrong with my daughter? She is also a child of a high-ranking cadre!"

"Old Liu!" Chen Hualin became serious and said, "Don't say this, and don't say it at home. Let me tell you this, this young man Li Zhan is not something your daughter can defeat. I've always been very accurate when it comes to soldiers. Okay. Come on, let’s go. It will take at least a week for me to accompany the commander to several units. I’ll take this opportunity to beg for mercy and see if I can provide support to Li Zhan’s brigade as soon as possible. He is anxious to complete the modification.”

"Let's go, let's open and shut up. Li Zhan and Li Zhan belong to Li Zhan. You should take your time. You will quit in two years!"


Chen Hualin had already left. The dignified teacher of the Normal University dragged his suitcase out alone, which was his usual style. When he leaves the army, he often only brings one accompanying staff officer. He spent half of the year hanging around at the grassroots level, literally turning the division commander into a "regiment leader." However, this seems to be the tradition of the 73rd Division. It is precisely because the previous commanders have inherited the fine traditions well that the 73rd Division, an old and powerful force forgotten in the west, has maintained its prosperity for decades. fighting spirit and corresponding combat effectiveness.

All parties are running around, all in order to destroy Wang's Brigade, or in other words, all for the future of the 73rd Division, and to achieve a complete victory in the turnaround. The air combat competition with the Second Division was just an appetizer.

After a hurried breakfast, Li Zhan found Zheng Kaiyun in the commuter car, accompanied by Han Hongjun. More than 300 primary school teachers and students and dozens of local personnel will go to the site to participate in the Army Day national defense-themed education activities. The logistics support pressure is very high, and this aspect is mainly handled by the site.

"Stationmaster Zheng."

Li Zhan saluted and stopped Zheng Kaiyun who was walking out of the station office yard.

"Team Li." Zheng Kaiyun smiled bitterly and returned the courtesy, "Why are you here in person?"

"I even went to the toilet myself." Li Zhan said with a smile.

Han Hongjun on one side held back his laughter. After a great war, Li Zhan's prestige was at its peak. Not only the flight regiment, but also the stations, repair shops, and meteorological observatories all admired this flight captain who had the ability to raise their work intensity to a higher level. Especially repair shops.

"Stationmaster Zheng, I just turned around. The stage is not suitable. I have asked people to pull the fighter plane into position, and the position has been framed for you. Please send someone to adjust it." Li Zhan said directly.

Zheng Kaiyun raised her wrist and clicked her watch, and said, "Captain Li, I have been busy since I got up. It was all preparations for today's national defense education activities. I didn't even bother to eat breakfast. I was preparing to go to the cafeteria. "

"Eating less and eating late will not make you hungry. Besides, you should also reduce your hunger. What will you do if the physical fitness of the army commander is questioned in the future?" Li Zhan said with a smile, "It's better to let this matter go first. Let’s arrange it, I have to check it again. Holding a retirement ceremony for the J-6 with the children is of great significance, and the stage layout is very important.”

Can Zheng Kaiyun say no? It should be said that he has no reason to refuse and dare not refuse any of Li Zhanti's requests. Besides, Li Zhanti's requests are all reasonable, and he cannot neglect such an important event.

"Okay, okay, I won't have breakfast. I'll make arrangements now and go to the scene in person to keep an eye on it. Captain Li, please call me via the walkie-talkie. If you need anything, just call me. You don't have to go there in person." Zheng Kaiyun decisively followed the lead.

Facts have ruthlessly proved that there are only advantages and no disadvantages to following the little prince of the lever.

But why is the leader of the lever team, who sees nothing but flying in his eyes, so interested in these political activities? It should be said that he is very dedicated, which is rare.

Zheng Kaiyun asked curiously, "Hey, Brigade Li, can't we just let the Propaganda Section of your regiment's political office handle these tasks? Do we need you to do it yourself? I heard that the refitting time of the tie rod brigade is very tight, so we should train more."

"What pull-up brigade?" Li Zhan glared angrily, raising his thorns like a hedgehog, "The King of Destruction brigade is the King of Destruction! What an imposing name, what do you call it like?"

"Calm down your anger." Zheng Kaiyun quickly said with a smile, "There are indeed some rumors recently, but they are all well-intentioned. No one has any other intentions, they just feel that the image... what, Captain Li, why do you attach so much importance to today's event?"

Li Zhan accepted it and said, "Oh, national defense education is very important. Now the lives of local people are getting better and better, but the corresponding national defense awareness has not kept up. This is a very bad phenomenon. The national defense system includes not only hardware , also includes software in the area of ​​people's national defense awareness and ideology. Primary school students are the flowers and bones of the motherland, and our national defense education must start from childhood. Our troops must not only focus on training to improve combat effectiveness, but also assist local governments in improving national defense education. Both hands must be strong. !”

Zheng Kaiyun thought very seriously, nodded slowly, and said seriously, "Captain Li, no matter what others think, I, Lao Zheng, am very sure that you are not just someone who only cares about the rod fee, really."


Li Zhan held Zheng Kaiyun's hands in emotion, "Oh, it's not easy to do something down-to-earth these days!"

He said sincerely, "Stationmaster Zheng, to be honest, this side of the station is the hardest hit area by some rumors. It is true that they are all well-intentioned, but there is a huge misunderstanding of the Pull Rod... Destruction King Brigade. Yes, we Third-generation aircraft are about to be launched, and yes, the drawbar fees have increased, but you should be very clear, which of us joins the army for glory and wealth? Who of us works hard to learn a skill just to earn drawbar fees? It’s ugly to say that Yes, these pilots in the Destruction King Brigade are top-notch no matter which airline they work for, and they can easily earn tens of millions a year. But why do we people stay in the army with all our hearts and ignore the outside world and only focus on driving? Fighters are not for protecting our country, nor for the tranquility of the people, nor are we for making a strong contribution to building a strong People’s Air Force!”

"I hope you will hold a meeting later to talk about this matter and clear up the misunderstanding. Money is nothing. The most important thing is us. Our brothers in the flight group and the field are all the same. They are all members of the People's Air Force. !”

There were some tears in Zheng Kaiyun's eyes, and she completely felt Li Zhan's sincerity and sincerity for the people of the motherland. He shook Li Zhan's hands excitedly and said, "Captain Li, I also misunderstood you. I used to think that you You are more stingy than me. You are too greedy. Now it seems that I was wrong. I was very wrong. I was very wrong. I want you to apologize and promise that I will hold a special meeting to talk about this matter. . Yes, the awareness of a small number of officers and soldiers here at the station needs to be improved. If they were all like you, how much worry would I have to worry about!"

"Stationmaster Zheng, please!" Li Zhan shook Zheng Kaiyun's hands heavily again.

Han Hongjun on one side almost vomited.

After waving to see Li Zhan and Li Zhan go away in the commuter car, Zheng Kaiyun took a sip on the ground and said, "Damn you little fox, you still want to brainwash me. I have been working in politics for twenty years, why don't you let me be in charge of the stage?" I don’t want to pay, damn, I’ve resorted to all kinds of tricks to save that little money, this kid’s food is a hundred times uglier than Xue Dapao’s, I have to be careful in the future..."

Another 14,000-word chapter, updated today with 12,000 words!

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