Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 185 Wang Zha

When Chen Hualin came out, he still had a cigarette in his hand. He saw Li Zhan standing in the middle of the yard looking anxious, so he walked over and asked, "Xiao Li, why are you so worried?"

Li Zhan noticed the cigarette in Chen Hualin's hand and asked instead, "Sir, the atmosphere of your discussion is very relaxed? What are you talking about?"

Another person would have been kicked away by Chen Hualin. Would anyone talk to the teacher like this?

Chen Hualin said, "Just a casual chat. After all, the Second Division is the big brother's army. We can learn from each other's experience and learn from each other."

"Have you talked about the transfer of equipment?" Li Zhan asked expectantly.

Chen Hualin was stunned and then laughed, "Is this what you are doing? You also lied about the military situation and said it was urgent. You are more urgent and now you can't get their third-generation aircraft."

"It's okay, it's okay." Li Zhan said quickly, lowering his voice and said, "Commander, this is the most urgent matter. The Second Division has all been upgraded to third generation, and all six of their regiments need to be converted into J-11Bs, but they There are a lot of Su Liangqi."

Chen Hualin waved his hand, "I know what you mean, but I can tell you that Commander Qi Hong made it clear that their Su Liangqi will be handed over to a certain division in Wudu, and our 73rd Division has no share."

"I know, that was not the case before, but the situation is different now." Li Zhan whispered, "Don't Qi Hong want to regain his face? Okay, we will give it to him, but he also has to help report it to his superiors. Give us their Su Liangqi first."

Chen Hualin was stunned for a moment, "Are you threatening him with this?"

"Look what you said." Li Zhan put his head back in disgust and said sternly, "How can we threaten our brother troops? Besides, all the equipment is the property of the Chinese Air Force. Our 73rd Division is the property of the Chinese Air Force. Isn't it part of the Air Force? Whoever accepts it first will depend on his or her ability."

Li Zhan earnestly lectured, "Commander, in the past we were not very willing to ask for money and equipment because the pressure on our side was indeed not as great as that of other troops. We didn't have the nerve to open our mouths to our superiors, right? The situation is different now. , the 101st Regiment has the 228th Project, and there is also the Blue Army Group responsible for tempering the Air Force Aviation Force. This importance is different from the past. When applying for equipment, you only need second-hand fighters. Under this premise, Please ask the Second Division of the brother army who just fought against us in Beiku to say a word and beg for mercy. This is human nature. Commander Qi Hong and Political Commissar Fang Chenghe are smart people, and they will definitely help."

"smart people……"

Chen Hualin looked at Li Zhan warily, "Don't be vain. If they refuse, what do you want me to say?"

After snorting a few times, Li Zhan said in a low voice, "Then don't blame me, Mr. Li, for being ruthless. Do you really think that I can't do anything against their third-generation aircraft if I drive the J-7? Doesn't his Second Division just want to win back the victory happily? Do you have an explanation for every game? I can help him."

"Otherwise, huh, we'll lose two games in a row, and both of them were lost when they were all in the upper hand. Let's see where the faces of the two army commanders turn!"

Chen Hualin looked around and after confirming that no one was around, he asked in a low voice, "Tell me, how can you defeat their third-generation aircraft in a J-7?"

With a wry smile, Li Zhan said, "Commander, I am trying to deceive them. They are frightened now, and scaring them will definitely be effective!"

Qi Hong: Damn...

Fang Chenghe: Damn...

"You!" Chen Hualin's eyes widened in disbelief, and then he gave Li Zhan a thumbs-up with conviction, "You have courage, you have courage! Okay, you come in with me, and you tell me."

"Don't, don't, sir. What I said will go unnoticed, and it will definitely have the opposite effect. You have to tell this matter. You are the leader of the division!" Li Zhan quickly grabbed Chen Hualin's arm.

Chen Hualin glared, "Now that my superiors know about it, won't they say that I, Chen Hualin, won't show mercy to others when I gain power?"

"Then it depends on your choice. In order to modify the third-generation machine as soon as possible, can you sacrifice it?" Li Zhan said with a smile.

Chen Hualin laughed angrily, "I knew you had bad intentions, okay, okay, okay, I'll take the blame. I'll let you know the results."

"Thank you, sir, sir, you are wise, sir, you are awesome!" Li Zhan was so excited that he flattered him. He nodded and bowed, not looking like a tough guy for a long time. He almost knelt down.

"Go away, go away!"

Chen Hualin waved impatiently, threw away his cigarette butts and strode into the reception room with his hands behind his back.

Li Zhan finally felt relieved and left humming one, two, three, four songs.

The atmosphere in the reception room is very relaxed. After breakfast, it is very comfortable to sit on the sofa, drink tea, smoke and talk about some relaxed topics. Qi Hong, a non-smoker, might have a harder time, but he was used to it. Every party committee meeting had several cigarettes fired at the same time. He had to get used to it if he wasn't used to it.

"Commander Chen, Commander Qi just sent an invitation to your 73rd Division, asking you to organize pilots, maintenance personnel, and other officers and soldiers to come over to exchange and learn." Vice Minister Liang said to Chen Hualin with a smile.

Chen Hualin sat down and said, "Okay, we benefited a lot from our visit to the 300th Division last time. It would be great to have the opportunity to visit Nan Batian."

"Mr. Chen, when the training tasks are not tense in the second half of the year, you can come at any time. I, Qi Hong, will be waiting for you." Qi Hong said.

"Okay, it's settled." Chen Hualin immediately used the conversation to cut into the topic, "Commander Qi, you just mentioned that the Sixth Regiment has completed the modification of the J-11B this year, and the plan for the eliminated Su Liangqi is to hand it over to Wudu A certain department. I have an idea. I am also applying to my superiors for modification. Do you think you should give us this batch of Su Liangqi first? "

Qi Hong smiled and said, "Mr. Chen, this is not my decision. You know this very well."

Fang Chenghe frowned when he heard this and realized that things were not simple.

Who was looking for Chen Hualin just now? Why did Chen Hualin suddenly bring up this matter again? It was clearly stated that the SU-27 eliminated by the Second Division would be handed over to a certain unit in Fogdu. What happened in the few minutes after Chen Hualin left the reception room.

"Commander Qi, our Seventy-third Division has always accepted the fighters eliminated by the Second Division. It has lasted for twenty years from the beginning of the J-7 series to now. This good tradition should be passed down. Isn't it different for whoever is given first? ?" Chen Hualin said with a smile, "Besides, we are now responsible for the 228 Project. This is a project of the Air Force Division, and it is registered at the headquarters. The 101st Regiment is engaged in simulated blue army construction again, and you are also aware of the situation. I see. It can be said that the pressure is relatively high now. We have every reason to apply for priority modification of third-generation aircraft. However, for overall considerations, the pressure on combat readiness in the West is relatively small after all, so we decided to apply for modification of second-hand third-generation aircraft. , let the brother troops use the brand new ones first."

Qi Hong understood, and said that there is actually a key point - our blue army defeated your second division, don't we have the right to give priority to modifications, and we only give priority to receiving second-hand goods that you don't want.

At this moment, Qi Hong met Fang Chenghe's eyes and instantly understood the message conveyed by Fang Chenghe. The political commissar thought more and more deeply - Chen Hualin just went out for a while and only mentioned this matter again after he came back. We are It's not like he has any leverage, except for the free air combat confrontation the day after tomorrow, there is nothing else.

Qi Hong also heard the threat hidden in Chen Hualin's smile, and his eyes narrowed slightly at the moment, "Mr. Chen, I'm afraid I can't help with this matter. Who to hand over the equipment to will be decided by the superior leadership."

"Mr. Qi, I'm very familiar with your teacher, Comrade Zhang Sihai, and I've met Political Commissar Fang once. This is the first time I've met you, but I think you are a cheerful and smart person, so let's not beat around the bush. Let’s talk.” Chen Hualin said, lighting up a cigarette and taking a puff. “The Second Division cannot decide which unit the eliminated equipment will be handed over to, but as the political commissar said last time, the Second Division has the right to make suggestions about this. .”

Fang Chenghe couldn't help but keep silent. He probably guessed who came to see Chen Hualin just now, which was why he had the idea of ​​pushing people into the corner without emptying his pockets.

Alas, he is Madman Liu’s most valued disciple after all!

"Commander Chen, we can make suggestions to our superiors. Even if you don't mention it, we will make suggestions to our superiors to prioritize equipping the 73rd Division. As you said, after all, our two armies have a tradition of connecting the past and the future for nearly 20 years. ." Fang Chenghe said with a smile.

Chen Hualin said, "I would also like to ask you to write a special report and hand it in together with our application report by Vice Minister Liang. The content of the report is very simple. It mainly talks about the research on the 228th project being carried out by the 101st Regiment of our division. We are also engaged in simulating the construction of Blue Army troops. The demand for new equipment is very strong, and the pressure on equipment is also great. We are talking about it ourselves. If there is a second division, from an objective point of view, the effect will be It will definitely be better.”

"This..." Fang Chenghe was stunned.

This is tantamount to admitting to the higher leadership the bloody fact that the Second Division suffered a complete defeat in today's drill.

Qi Hong sneered and said lightly, "Mr. Chen, what if I don't write it?"

"If the Second Division is not willing to help this poor brother, then we will settle the accounts with our own brothers. The air combat competition the day after tomorrow will definitely continue today's results. There are accounts for how many people and aircraft are left." Chen Hualin also laughed. He made a backhand move without smiling.

Before Qi Hong was about to get angry, Fang Chenghe came out to smooth things over, "Mr. Chen, this has nothing to do with the air combat competition the day after tomorrow. Let's go back to the same code."

"It seems to me the same thing."

"Mr. Chen, please don't go too far!" Qi Hong finally got angry, his tone was very cold, but he didn't stand up. He still knew that everyone has different identities and should pay attention to the impact, "Even if I use Su Liangqi, your Can the J-7 survive? What a joke!"

"You'll know if it's a joke or not. I have great confidence in Comrade Li Zhan!" Chen Hualin said back without hesitation, and emphasized the word "Li Zhan" very hard.

The anger that rose to the top of Qi Hong's head suddenly stopped. The first thing he remembered was the air battle between Li Zhan and Yao Dongming in the 300th Division. The ace who was famous in the entire Air Force actually didn't even know where Li Zhan was. It was shot down without being seen, and it was shot seven or eight times in a row.

The concept is quite shocking.

There is no current standard to evaluate Li Zhan's air combat capabilities. In other words, you can't see where the limit of Li Zhan's air combat capabilities is!

It is true that individual heroes cannot determine the combat effectiveness of a unit, but a pilot with super air combat capabilities can definitely overturn the outcome of an air battle.

Qi Hong wants to win a battle, and win it completely, otherwise he will not be able to explain to his superiors and subordinates that as a division commander, he has no face to see Jiangdong's elders, and it will be difficult for him to lead his troops.

If Li Zhan consciously lets go or doesn't play at all, he can rest assured of a big win. If not, he will seriously consider it.

The most important thing is that Qi Hong wants 100% victory, not even 99%.

But Qi Hong had no choice. He could only agree to Chen Hualin's request, because Chen Hualin threw Li Zhan out. To Qi Hong, Cheng He, and even to the entire second division, Li Zhan was the king.

Can't afford it.

Third update. I continued to create despite my illness, and I was almost moved to tears by myself. Thousands of words converged into one sentence: rod fee.

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