Great Nobleman

Chapter 979 You can skip this step of fighting for it!

After putting away the empty screen.

Brand thought about it carefully, but in the end he was not in a hurry to check whether all the supplies he needed to bring were ready.

Instead, he walked in the direction of the prison.

Although Chris's last analysis was just a guess, it was also possible.

Even if the demons in Fantim Continent do not have any bad thoughts now.

But who can guarantee that you won’t think that way in the future?

In addition, the reason why the demon whose existence was revealed by them will help the Bergman Kingdom resist foreign wars.

That may not just be to help the weak.

In fact, it can also be a kind of temptation and a rehearsal for war!

——The devil wants to learn more about human military power in real war!

After all, the Bergman Kingdom is still a little too weak to represent the Human Alliance.

The two empires of Munn and Caesar standing opposite them are very suitable!

Follow the trend and deduce it.

When the coalition forces of various countries advanced to the capital of Bergman.

The devil's goal may have been achieved!

Then of course they can take advantage of the situation and hand it over to the Bergman Kingdom with all the evidence they have prepared long ago, so that they can come forward to ease the situation.

By the way, they also label themselves as a kind of victim!

Although all this has the suspicion of a conspiracy theory.

But in the face of uncertainty and the unknown, we must always consider the worst-case scenario.


When changes do occur, they can face them calmly.

While thinking, Brand had arrived inside the prison.

After glancing at a claw demon, three lava demons, and a lava demon hybrid in the prison.

Brand found them in pretty good shape.

Seeing his arrival, the four pure-blood demons looked up at him curiously.

Then he lowered his head and continued reading the book in his hand.

Brand could tell at a glance:

That is an enlightenment textbook for human language.

In the past, Brand often saw this kind of thing in front of little Kaiya.

While she was thinking about it, the half-blood demon lady who also had a book in front of her said:

"Long time no see. How is Mr. Brand lately?"

Hearing this, Brand couldn't help but be a little surprised.

In previous conversations, this half-blood demon lady preferred to go straight and did not like twists and turns.

This was the first time Brand heard such a polite greeting.

While thinking, Brand quickly responded:

"It's okay, thank you for your concern.

Ms. Rowling must be recovering well recently?

Although his face is still a little pale, it has improved a lot compared to more than two months ago. "

Luo Lin nodded and said:

"I have indeed recovered somewhat, but I am not sure about the specific recovery situation despite being restricted.

Is Mr. Brand here for something serious this time?

We will do our best to assist within our capabilities. "

When Rowling said these words, Brand had already clearly seen the contents of the book in front of Rowling:

Aristocratic etiquette!

Because of her outspoken offense last time, Rowling ate several extremely spicy dishes without drinking any water.

Now, is this half-demon lady ready to change her ways and learn some manners?

After such a pleasant thought flashed through his mind.

Brand smiled and waved his hand and said:

"Nothing special, I just happened to be passing by, so I came in to take a look."

After saying this.

Brand's eyes first turned to the demon in the cell next to him who was trying to learn human language.

Then, he turned his gaze back.

Thinking about it, he said to Luo Lin:

"It will take some time until the other demon gentlemen learn human language and learn how to get along and talk with us humans.

I will take you to my territory.

At that time, if you are willing to sign a contract that restricts your behavior.

I can also arrange for you to perform other tasks besides cooperating with experiments and earn some extra money.

Then you can use the harvested rewards to purchase some things that interest you, with restrictions.

Such as various books, food, or other things you want. "

Upon hearing this, Luo Lin did not hesitate and nodded in response:

"We are willing to comply with Mr. Bland's arrangements."

After nodding and settling the matter.

Brand continued to talk to Rowling while also thinking about it.

Because the wedding is over.

In addition to continuing to build Morning Flower Collar, Brand finally had time to turn his attention elsewhere.

Just like Ms. Rowling.

It is different from those demons with unknown attitudes in the Phantom Continent.

Ms. Rowling and the other demons in the prison have no special thoughts about the continent of Farnes.

——After Chris’s constant testing during this period, they have basically confirmed this.

So even if the Phantom Continent is the worst case scenario as predicted by Chris.

Ms. Rowling is also one of those abandoned children who can be fought over.

Of course, because they failed in the battle against each other, they became prisoners.

So if you strive for this link, you can skip it directly.

——They are now Brand’s property!

In the Continental Congress some time ago, in addition to a few major topics.

The Bergman Kingdom actually proposed the exchange and redemption of each other's captives.

These prisoners include demons captured by the coalition forces of various countries on the battlefield.

Of course, the coalition forces of various countries did not oppose this proposal.

After all, they also had soldiers who were unfortunately captured by the other side.

However, it is unknown how many human and demonic prisoners on both sides were actually released.

in a large-scale war.

An ordinary soldier is just one of a series of cold numbers, inconspicuous at all.

Unless there are special individuals with status and attention among them, such as their human aristocrats.

Logically speaking, a commander-level [big devil] like Ms. Rowling.

He should be the "noble" among demons.

There are significant differences from ordinary demon warriors.

But so far, Brand has not received any news that anyone is looking for this woman.

Of course, this matter is not very important.

Even if someone or the devil really comes and wants to redeem Ms. Rowling.

We'll just talk about it slowly when the time comes.

Anyway, Brand is not going to do a loss-making business.

In his opinion, Ms. Rowling has reached the level of [Great Demon].

And he is suspected to be a hybrid demon with human blood.

Compared to other pure-blooded demons, it was obviously easier for her to harvest useful research data.

——She has higher value!

After briefly chatting with Rowling for a while, Brand did not stay long.

He left the prison and walked toward his attic.

when he arrived.

I saw that various items were neatly placed in the attic hall.

Hisari, Ivy, and several library members are checking them and putting them into their magic pockets one after another.

In addition, Little Kaiya, a special member of the library, was also taking over each magic pocket for inspection with a serious face.

And put them one by one into the small backpack in front of him.

After carefully looking at the small backpack in little Kaiya's arms.

Brand couldn't help but said curiously:

"Little Kaiya, are you planning to go to Morning Flower Collar with me?"

Hearing his words, little Kaiya nodded up and down.

A line of text condensed with fire elements also appeared next to him:

[I went over to help keep warm. 】

At this time, Ivy also smiled and said:

“Little Kaiya and I were originally going to follow the next transportation team to take supplies to the Morning Flower Territory.

But if you think about it carefully, since the lord just happens to be back, you might as well take a ride! "

Brand nodded and said:

"That's pretty good!"

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