Great Nobleman

Chapter 1263 The surrounding flocks of sheep!

This morning after two days and three nights passed.

Brand walked out of the bedroom refreshed and dressed in casual clothes. He exchanged good mornings with members of the library and finally arrived on the deck of the Morning Dew Rose.

His eyes glanced around.

In addition to the original Golden Wheat Field, [Blood Amber] Nos. 1 to 7, and six small warships from the Military Affairs Department, I saw them.

There were already other ships of different sizes and shapes around them.

There are now six medium-sized warships such as the Golden Wheat Field, and the number of small warships has now exceeded fifty, making it look like a forest of warships.

——Yesterday evening, the empire’s large forces officially joined them.

While he was thinking about it, Hisari's lazy voice came from the side:

"Good morning, Master!"

Xun Sheng turned around and saw Hesali sitting at a small table next to her, eating, and waving to him.

"Morning for you too."

After a brief response, Brand stepped closer and asked:

“Uncle Mesa sent me a message using the blank screen last night, but I didn’t answer because I was busy.

He should have transferred it to you, right? "

Hisari nodded and said:

"Earl Mesa went to attend a combat meeting last night, and when he came back, he told us about the follow-up action arrangements.

Because the young master was busy, I finally participated on his behalf.

To put it simply, because the large army has come to meet us, we have to march towards the secret realm next.

After conducting some exploration today, we will officially set off early tomorrow morning. "

After hearing this, Brand said again:

"It doesn't matter if we set off, but how powerful are the war weapons carried by these warships?

How many high-level military weapons are as powerful as the Great Knights as the main force of our army? "

Hisari responded:

“I don’t know too specific information.

However, according to Count Mesa, there are three forces with similar strength to ours.

They are the combined teams of the three families, Kallis, Goldberg, and Franco, and their allies.

Each team came with more than three small high-level military armed forces.

In comparison, the strength of the personnel sent by the Military Affairs Department, Judgment Department, and the Anweil ​​family this time was somewhat inferior.

However, they provide more than half of the small warships in the fleet.

In summary, everyone's efforts are similar. "

Hearing this, Brand turned his attention to the other five medium-sized warships in the fleet.

Except for two of the ships of the Military Affairs Division and the Judiciary Division.

The other three ships carried the flags of the three family crests of Kallis, Goldberg, and Franco respectively.

Like them, these three families also owned coastal territories and ports.

In addition, without exception, the heads of these three families are Imperial Marquis or above.

Among them, the head of the Franco family was promoted from the original marquis to a duke after the previous pioneering war ended!

——Among the nobles who own coastal territories and ports in the current Kaya Empire, he is the only one with the lowest title, Viscount Chenhua.

Thinking of this, Brand couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

But then again, a title or something is just a matter of time for him now!

While he was thinking about it, Rowling approached with a dining cart and placed her carefully prepared breakfast in front of Brand.

Breathing in the appetizing aroma, Brand's thoughts quickly converged and turned to the breakfast in front of him.

And then, while dining under the service of Rowling.

Luo Lin asked hesitantly:

"Master, when will Madam and the others..."

Brand waved his hand and interrupted:

"It will be in the afternoon at the soonest. I will arrange it then."

Hearing this, Hisari's eyes flashed and she said:

"Master, I can actually help you next time you draw the rune circle."

He raised his head speechlessly and glanced at Hisari, whose face was full of ambition.

Brand was about to respond when Rowling beside him also expressed her position:

"If the young master needs it, I can do it."

He turned around again and looked at Rowling, who seemed to have just said it casually.

Brand's eyes couldn't help but glance around, and from time to time he looked vaguely towards the library members.

For some reason, he suddenly felt like he was being surrounded by sheep.

After shaking his head with a smile, Brand responded to Xisali and Rowling's proposal casually:

"Let's talk about it later when we have a chance."

In the afternoon, in a studio on the Morning Dew Rose.

Looking at Celine next to her, a pair of slender arms holding the controller of the [White Elf Fish Explorer] trembled from time to time.

Hedilin couldn't help but expressed concern:

"Are you okay? You've been drawing the rune circle for two days, why don't you take a rest first?"

Celine shook her head and said helplessly:

"If you rest again, you will be gone today."

At about the same time, in Melcher’s exclusive cabin.

Looking at Chris who suddenly came to visit and sat in front of her with a dazed look on her face, Melcher hesitated and said:

"Chris, do you have a problem with me?"

After hearing this, Chris, whose thoughts gradually returned, shook her head and said:

"It's safer here. I'll come here and hide. Don't tell anyone else."

Seeing this, Melcher quickly guessed some of the situation and asked curiously:

"Is the owner so powerful?"

After hearing this, she looked up and glanced at Melcher who was curious.

As if her memories were evoked, Chris covered her forehead with one hand, leaned against the back of the chair with a red face, and her eyes were full of fear.

——Next time, she really dared not do it!

Seeing this situation, while feeling unpredictable, Melcher said with concern:

"Do you want to eat something? I'll get it for you."

After a while, Chris, who had calmed down, shook her head and said:

"No, I was fed before I came out."


Morning Dew Rose, Brand's exclusive cabin.

Ivy huddled beside Brand and shivered, letting Brand feed her the dishes one bite at a time.

Although it was delicious, Ivy was not in the mood to taste it at all.

After all, there were only her and Brand, and Catherine who was still sleeping and had not woken up.

——In the lair of Brand, the "terrible beast", she didn't feel safe at all!

——If she was not careful and caused his dissatisfaction, she might not open her eyes until tomorrow!

Soon, Brand, who had finished feeding, let go of Ivy and waved his hand:

"Okay, let's go.

It's almost evening now, remember to come back to sleep at night.

Otherwise, you know the consequences."

Knowing that Brand was going to let her go, Ivy stood up quickly and hurriedly walked towards the door after a moment of stunned.

After arriving at the door, she inexplicably had courage again, turned around and snorted:

"Brand, wait, I won't talk to you all day today!"

Looking at Ivy who suddenly became arrogant, she said "harsh words" and walked away slowly.

Brand couldn't help but show an interesting smile on his face.

Then, he turned his eyes to Catherine who had not woken up yet.

Originally, he didn't think of punishing his well-behaved archangel.

But who can blame this guy for not knowing how to run away, and even actively approaching him?

Thinking of this, Brand reached out to comb her slightly messy feathers and long hair, admiring her sleeping face.

As if her movements were a little too loud to wake her up, Catherine slowly opened her eyes.

After seeing Brand beside her, Catherine slowly stretched her body and breathed lazily.

After looking at the slightly dim sky outside the curtains, she slowly moved into Brand's arms, closed her eyes and said obediently:

"Master, I want breakfast."

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