Great Nobleman

Chapter 1229 How about moving the Foreign Affairs Department to Chenhua?

Yersen's successful promotion immediately made the already festive atmosphere even more festive.

In addition, because this matter is worth highlighting.

So after Master Holland discussed with Brand and others, considering the promotions of Brand, Catherine, and even Hisalee before, no banquet was held to thank others for their congratulations.

They decided to add a suffix directly after the wedding:

Celebrate the successful promotion of Brand Holland, Catherine Holland, Yersen Holland, and Hisalee Holland!

Although there are more things to celebrate, the specific process of the wedding has not changed.

If you have to say it, it is that at the last banquet, there are a few more topics for everyone to talk about, and the giving and returning of gifts need to be reconsidered.

In addition, the news of Yersen's promotion once again caused many people in the empire to talk about it.

The affairs of the Holland family have once again become a hot topic in the empire!

Many people feel that the trend of the Holland family developing into a great noble family in the empire is becoming more and more obvious.

They all unconsciously began to think carefully:

What changes should be made in the attitude towards the Holland family in the future.

At the same time, the emperor of the empire, Bernard Fuentes, could not help but open the empty screen and send a communication request to his third daughter.

Talking about the necessity of the Fuentes family, as the royal family of the Kaya Empire, to win over the Holland family, and the various benefits that the marriage will bring.

Watching his father chattering in the empty screen in front of him.

After getting tired of listening, Sonia threw the documents in her hand and frowned:

"Why not just move the Foreign Affairs Department to Chenhua?

This way, I can go to Brand to communicate every day after get off work, and the efficiency can be maximized.

What do you think?"

Seeing that Sonia was about to get angry, Bohande quickly coughed lightly, then changed the subject and talked about other things:

"I have been paying attention to the situation of the Judgment Department and the Anville family recently.

They are now a little confused about where they are and have lost their way.

I heard that something big happened in the Human Alliance?

The Bruns Empire's preparation to open the cross-continental portal again was discovered by the orcs?"

Speaking of business, Sonia restrained her emotions and nodded:

"According to the latest intelligence released by the Bruns Empire a week ago, they found that the original Mosa There are human spies from the Orc Empire in the cities of the Kingdom of Er.

It was these spies who leaked the information.

As soon as the news spread, many countries bordering the Orc Empire in the north began to conduct self-inspections.

And this investigation directly found many problems, and the nobles of many countries were not so clean.

Unlike here, there are many spineless people in those kingdoms and principalities that have been invaded by orcs!

The military morale was shaken and the orcs intensified their offensive, and the war situation everywhere became a little tense.

In addition, the Orc Empire has submitted the questioning procedures to the continental tribal conference.

We are afraid that we can't find an excuse to evade responsibility for the intercontinental portal that will be opened next.

In the conferences of various countries in the past few days, everyone has been discussing how to deal with the upcoming questioning.

Although there are contingency plans, things are always complicated. It's a lot more complicated. "

After thinking for a moment, Bernhard said:

"It's not a big news that someone secretly surrendered to the Orc Empire. There have been many such examples in the past.

In general, these people can be regarded as one of the trump cards of the Orc Empire. Generally speaking, they will not choose to expose these people.

So from another perspective, facing our actions, the Orc Empire is obviously under a lot of pressure now, and the current situation should have deviated from their original expectations.

We can now gradually set up the negotiation table and initially test the attitude of the Orc Empire.

But it should be noted that:

Our demon friends are still waiting to plunder the land of the Orc Empire, so this war cannot end too quickly.

At the same time, the Orc Empire also needs to pay a price for their aggression! "

Sonia shook her head and said :

"The Orc Empire is not without allies on the mainland. After all, this matter involves the demons, and things may not develop exactly as we think."

Bernard said again:

"Of course you are right, but from the perspective of our Kaya Empire, we just need to express our attitude and make efforts.

Anyway, the result can't be too bad, so you don't have to have too much pressure."

Hearing this, after thinking for a moment, Sonia suggested:

"Then I take another vacation? I just want to watch Brand's wedding rehearsal.

Next, I will ask the Foreign Affairs Department to send all the troubles that I need to deal with to you?"

Hearing this, thinking of the many troubles he faced last time and the more complicated situation this time, Bernard shook his head without thinking:

"Not this time, I'm also very busy recently and don't have time! "

After saying this, she looked at Bernhard steadily.

Sonia sneered and ended the call directly.

Seeing this, Bernhard shook his head helplessly.

As His Majesty the Emperor, he is very busy!

Thinking of this, he moved his fingers.

The empty screen in front of him instantly turned to the entertainment channel!


That morning, in the garden of Holland Castle, Brand, Celine, and Catherine were eating breakfast while watching the images on the air screen:

The vast plains, the twisted ring-shaped space gate, and the demon army coming out of it one after another.

——The Human Alliance opened the large-scale cross-continental space gate for the second time in the south of the former Mosal Kingdom according to the plan. The second batch of demon army is coming to support and prepare to join the battlefield.

After checking it out, Celine said:

"It looks like the space gate is driven by demonic power, but the specific efficiency is unclear."

Brand said:

"Let's not talk about the efficiency issue first. The demons borne the cost of these two teleportations, and the strategic resources consumed are obviously incalculable.

From this point of view, the demons have really made a great determination.

Recently, many people in our empire have proposed to open the border to the demons.

When the war is over, this matter is almost a done deal.

Our human alliance and the eastern part of Fantim will also establish more and more connections."

Catherine said:

"I remember the young master said a few days ago: The Orc Empire knew about today's teleportation in advance.

They seem to be waiting to attack us. What's the situation now?"

Brand responded:

"I heard from Sister Sonia that the Orc Empire seems to be ready to question us at the Continental Congress, and we are also ready to defend ourselves.

This seems to be what will happen in the next few days.

We originally wanted to catch the Orcs off guard again, but we didn't expect that the Orc Empire would be able to get the intelligence in advance and take countermeasures.

But no matter what, the demons are now just hired by us to help us fight.

The cause of everything is still the invasion of the Orc Empire.

So no matter how much the continental tribes accuse us, we can respond positively.

Unless the Orc Empire is willing to stop the war immediately, give up all the benefits it has already obtained, and make sufficient compensation to us who have been invaded.

But this is obviously impossible!"

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