Great Nobleman

Chapter 1226 The

After talking about the mission.

Brand also traded with Viriana again.

The items traded this time were not as rich as the previous two times.

After all, Viriana had already taken out most of the heavyweight items that could be used for trading.

Of course, there were still two things in the trading items this time that Brand valued more.

——The special inheritance of Warcraft taming, and the knowledge of [Death Alchemy].

The former can be a supplement to the knowledge of Warcraft taming in the library.

The latter is something Brand has wanted for a long time.

Although it is known that the existing rune law transmission system combined with the power of transcendence has considerable potential.

If you study and research step by step, you will most likely get the same results and don’t need to be distracted to learn other things.

But the value of [Death Alchemy] itself is still very good.

According to Viriana:

In the Rios continent, [Death Alchemy] is a high-end knowledge that only necromancers at the level of mage are qualified to contact.

Although it was unclear whether it was true or not, Brand generously gave Viriana five medium-level sublimation spell scrolls as a reward.

And thanked him.

Then, because he also found that Viriana seemed to be a little unwell today and didn't have much interest in chatting.

So after the transaction was over, Brand didn't keep her for tea and chat.

He agreed to contact her again in a month and said goodbye to her, ending the sacrifice ceremony.


[Dead Night Tower] Laboratory.

As the ceremony ended, watching the space crack in front of her slowly close, the "Mr. Bernard" with his face covered disappeared from her sight.

Viriana unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and her tense spirit gradually relaxed.

Sitting on a chair nearby, after drinking a sip of refreshing earth tea.

Viriana felt much better and began to think about the origin of this abrupt emotion.

——The gentleman was so easy-going, generous, and gentlemanly, but why did she feel uneasy and terrified because of the power he showed?

Soon, she came to the conclusion:

She was facing the unknown, a powerful unknown that was completely above her!

[Bernard] was just a false title of the other party.

From the beginning to the end, except for [Lord of Frost], the easy-going personality that was not sure whether it was true or false, the great power of the tip of the iceberg, and the terrifying wealth.

She knew nothing about that gentleman!

She was afraid that the other party had bad intentions, afraid that she was unable to deal with it, and afraid that the existing contract could not guarantee her safety...

After a long silence, Viriana rubbed her temples and said to herself helplessly:

"If Mr. Bernard is willing to show his true face, the situation should be better, right?

Even if this true face may be a little...indescribable?"

Imagine the "horrible face" under Mr. Bernard's mask.

Viriana also began to think about whether her proposal could be met.

Hidden appearance and real name is actually a kind of distrust.

But at the same time, it is also a kind of protection of important secrets.

Thinking carefully, the magic contract they signed between them really can't make the other party completely honest.

Then, will she sign a more stringent contract with the other party, establish a closer relationship, and then try to eliminate this fear of the powerful unknown?

When Viriana was alone and fantasizing.

The sacrifice ceremony on Frost Star.

Brand and Celine were giving the three [White Pegasus] cubs a full body check, eliminating various auras from the Rios continent, and eliminating various possible hidden dangers.

After a while, Celine put away the various rune array devices, then smiled and stroked the well-behaved Pegasus in her arms, and said to Brand:

"Okay, take them to the Blue Water Star."

Hearing this, Brand held the two little Pegasus in one hand and pulled his sister Celine in the other.

They came to a fruit forest on the Blue Water Star in a flash.

Feeling the comfortable environment around them, looking at the fresh berries on the trees and the ground next to them, the three little Pegasus quickly cried out in surprise.

Seeing this, Brand and Celine also put them on the ground and let them play freely in the woods.

After looking around and seeing other docile animals living in this forest.

Celine couldn't help but smile and said:

"Your place is getting more and more lively, and the [Demon-hating Flowers] will reproduce more and more in the future.

This place should not be much worse than the Farns Continent.

Although there are no rare resources here, the magic released by the [Demon-hating Flowers] is pure magic.

Compared to the violent magic of the Farns Continent, it should be able to make the monsters live more comfortably.

Compared to the western snow forest of the Morning Flower Territory, perhaps your place is the most suitable place for taming monsters."

Hearing this, Brand shook his head and said:

"On the surface, it is true, but in reality, the environment I created is all on the edge of reality and illusion.

It is difficult to judge whether there will be potential negative effects on organisms, right?

So before we have studied it clearly, we still can't make a decision too arbitrarily."

Hearing this, Celine also nodded and said:

"That's true, let's continue to observe for a few years.

These three Pegasus are relatively rare and delicate in the Farnes continent. To avoid accidents, we will take them out in two days. "

After a brief walk around the woods, I went to the Secret Garden to see the growth of the young plants of [Demon-Destroying Flower].

Brand sends Celine out of the simulation world.

Immediately afterwards, Brand suggested going shopping in the imperial capital.

However, Celine ruthlessly rejected his proposal and said that she would go back to the bedroom to continue resting with Catherine.

Brand was a little embarrassed about this.

——This is probably why they all want the wedding to happen as soon as possible, right?

A few days later, because the wedding date and the Wind Rises Day were approaching simultaneously.

More decorations have been put up in various cities, towns, and even inns in Chenhualing.

Everyone looked beaming, including the guests of the Elf Forest.

- Holidays are always enjoyable.

In addition, Brand also defied public opinion and boldly lowered various commercial taxes for the next three months in Chenhualing.

For this reason, you can hear people's heartfelt praise for Lord Chenhua when you walk around the area!

This afternoon, on the southwest side of the inner area of ​​Chenhua Castle.

The water of Crescent Lake overflows into an exquisite waterfall, falling into the pool below, and trickling like a stream onto a piece of idle land.

Brand is making various decorations here with Catherine, Hisali, the guards and library members, and giving three [White Pegasus] cubs, two [Snow Mountain Gryphon] cubs, and three [Snow Mountain Griffin] cubs. Deer] young build a den.

Without exception, they are all rare mid-level monster cubs that require constant care.

Because the current number is already quite large, we also consider the possibility of further increase in the future.

So Brand decided to set up a [Warcraft Paradise] here specifically for raising these little guys.

As for the "person" responsible for this [Warcraft Paradise].

That was obviously little Kaia, the baby firebird.

As a formal member of the library, and as a firebird cub, its status in the morning flower collar is very high.

At this time, it was at the gate of [World of Warcraft Paradise], with its head raised seriously, approaching from a distance, and was stopped by some big men who wanted to enter the inside of the gate.

At the same time, a line of text condensed by flames floated above its head:

[The library is an important place, no idlers are allowed in! 】

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