Great Nobleman

Chapter 1220 Sounds interesting!

Two days later in the afternoon, the Silver Phoenix came all the way from the western waters, and then stopped at the military port on the west side of Fanhua Bay to unload cargo.

Then, Master Caterina came to Morning Blossom Castle and reported to Brand the harvest of this trip:

"Lord, this is a list of war-class marine equipment and reinforcement plans we purchased for [Amber Type II] from the Weaponry Department.

There are also specific production plans for war-class marine equipment that we exchanged with other shipbuilding masters in the exchange activities.

I have carefully reviewed them. Their threshold is not too high. Within half a year, our craftsmen should be able to try to make them themselves.

However, the content involving the professional field of magic still requires the help of library members.

In addition, a small number of important metal components have higher material requirements and require powerful forgers to make them. The forgers in our dock are not capable enough.

This also requires the Lord to think of a solution."

While checking the list and plan, Brand also responded quickly:

"The library can help, and the forger should not be a problem. I will arrange it later."

Caterina nodded and said:

"That would be the best."

It must be said that with the participation of Master Caterina, the work of building warships has really gone much more smoothly.

Most of the things can be done directly by the other party, and he only needs to deal with some troubles.

Next, just keep settling down.

As time goes by, their Morning Flower Territory will gradually have complete warship construction capabilities.

And have a powerful naval fleet.

—— All this is thanks to the masters who introduced him to this master!

Thinking of this, considering that the masters have been back for several days and he has not gone to see them.

After sending Master Caterina away, Brand also prepared to go over to greet them.

Of course, he also wanted to ask about the wedding arrangements.

His sister Celine has already started to urge this matter. Although Catherine didn't say it, she obviously had that intention.

In contrast, Chris and Ivy are calm.

Thinking of this, Brand first asked the servants and guards about the situation of the masters.

After learning that they were all in the port recently.

He rode the white deer, left the castle all the way, crossed the cross-sea road and the crowded streets of the port, and finally came to the Holland family's shop high in the center of the port.

At this time, because there are more guests.

In addition to the shop assistants, the guard captain Anderson was also helping here.

After learning that Brand came to see Master Holland.

He pointed to the top of his head and said:

"The master and several earls are upstairs. They hired some elven adventurers a few days ago. They seem to be looking for some treasure."

Hearing this, Brand couldn't help but be a little surprised:


After a while, in a lounge on the second floor.

Master Romien explained:

"You should have heard about the incident at [Light Harbor]. According to the latest news:

The Nagas did not come here by chance, but something special attracted them.

We have basically determined that it is a key that can open a secret underwater realm in the Endless Sea.

According to the information brought by the elven adventurers:

After each tidal year, some relics or secret realms left by certain marine races in past eras will be discovered in the Endless Sea.

Specifically, you should know that the marine races in the Endless Sea often migrate due to changes in ocean currents, right?"

After Brand nodded, Master Romien continued:

"During the migration process, because many things are inconvenient to carry, they cannot take them away, so they often set up some secret warehouses.

After a long time, after experiencing various changes, these places finally became secret realms that no one knew about. Many This is how the secret realm of the ocean came about.

Of course, we cannot rule out the possibility of other situations, such as the secret realm of inheritance left by a lone strongman. "

Hearing this, Brand asked curiously:

"So under the influence of the violent water elements of the Year of Tide, those secret realms that were originally hidden deep in the sea leaked their aura and were finally discovered?"

Master Romien nodded and said:

"I think that's about it, and the reason why we are so concerned is that this secret realm may not be ordinary.

You can see the scale of the Naga attack on [Light Harbor].

If it was an ordinary secret realm, they obviously wouldn't have to mobilize so many troops.

So there may be very precious treasures or inheritances in it.

Although we may not be able to use the things of the ocean race, it is obviously a very good choice to exchange them with those who need them. "

Hearing this, Brand thought so too.

Then, he said:

"But the secret key is in [Yao Deng Harbor] after all, which is the territory of the Anville family. Do we have a chance to get it?

After getting it, how can we determine the location of the secret?"

Master Romien spread his hands and said:

"Take it step by step. Anyway, the Anville family has not found the key to the secret yet.

And we have now hired elven adventurers who have explored the ocean secrets to help us find it.

They are all professionals, and they are now in [Yao Deng Harbor].

I think they will send back news soon."

——An elven adventurer who had explored the secrets of the ocean?

After learning about Master Romien's plan, Brand felt that he was indeed Chris's father. He had made arrangements right after returning, and it sounded very interesting!

After thinking for a moment, Brand said:

"If you have any news, please notify me.

I am also interested in this ocean secret realm, and I can provide warships when the time comes.

In addition to the Morning Dew Rose and the Silver Phoenix, we have recently completed three [Amber Type II].

They are now preparing to load war-grade ship equipment and strengthen the hull.

I think they should be able to come in handy."

Master Romien nodded and said:

"Okay, we may have to fight with the Naga at that time, so of course it is better to have more power."

After talking about the secret realm, Master Holland asked:

"By the way, do you have something to talk to me about today?"

Hearing this, Brand explained:

"I happened to be free today, so I came to say hello and ask about the arrangements for the subsequent wedding.

In addition, I recently got a special warrior inheritance, and I was thinking of asking you to help me take a look."

As he said this, Brand also took out a magic pocket and handed it to Master Holland.

After receiving the magic pocket, Master Holander shook his head and said:

"I knew you wouldn't come over if nothing happened.

We have already asked people to prepare for the wedding.

The process and time have not been fully determined yet, just wait.

We will notify you as soon as it is confirmed."

While speaking, Master Holander took out a book from the magic pocket and began to read it.

Then, seeing the three human language characters [Gray Dwarf] on the cover, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

——Gray dwarves are not common in the Farnes continent!

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