Chapter 72 Your little life will be reserved for you first, and the harvest is very rich!

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“Bai Ye, don’t fool people too much!!”

Sengoku’s face sank at once.

Bai Ye’s approach is simply bullying them to death!

“Bai Ye, don’t be too greedy!!”

“You’ve already taken so much from our navy, aren’t you satisfied?”

“You didn’t count your words before, you killed General Akainu and General Qinghe, and now you want so many things from our navy?”


The dozen or so vice admirals lying on the ground said with some indignation.

You know, Bai Ye has already taken thirty Animal Devil Fruits and a Supreme Great Dao and a Great Yang Dao from their navy.

Now, Bai Ye actually wanted to let their navy produce ten Superhuman Devil Fruits and a big fast knife, as well as ten billion Baileys. It’s just slaughtering their navy like pigs!

“You must understand one thing, your life now is in my hands.”

“If you want to live, you must give me what I want, if it weren’t for the dragon’s face, do you think I would just let you go?”

Bai Ye said lightly.

Of course, Bai Ye is not looking at the face of the dragon. will want to let these navies go.

White Night is purely for the sake of the Devil Fruit and the famous knife. The face of the dragon is not so big.

As long as you can get what Bai Ye wants, get it. Even if they really put the Warring States and them, what can they do? White Night was able to defeat Sengoku and the others once.

to be able to defeat them countless times. Not to mention.

Wait until you get your hands on something.

Bai Ye’s strength will also be able to get a leapfrog boost. At that time, what will Sengoku and others take to fight with White Night?

“How can I know that you won’t regret it when you get something?”

After looking at the dozen or so vice admirals covered in scars behind him, Sengoku pondered for a moment and asked. In the heart of the Warring States, he really didn’t believe in Bai Ye.

Bai Ye had already punished them once.

If only their navy really gave something to White Night. Bai Ye treated them the same way he treated the three red dogs. So what should they do?

They are now, except for a yellow ape, they are still struggling to support themselves in the siege of the shadow doppelganger. Others, at all, do not have the slightest combat effectiveness.

Even if, Bai Ye really repented.

They also can’t do anything about White Night.

“As long as your navy doesn’t play tricks, I can vouch for Bai Ye.” The dragon spoke. ”

If it weren’t for the fact that Dragon knew Karp’s character. He wouldn’t have traveled through this muddy water at all.

“Good! I’ll send someone to bring the stuff right away. ”

Sengoku doesn’t believe in dragons, but he believes in Karp.

The dozen or so vice admirals lying on the ground did not speak again. Although in their hearts, they did not trust Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, at all. However, they trust Sengoku and Karp.

Since the Warring States have already agreed to the conditions of White Night. They will only support unconditionally.

“I will only give you Navy an hour, and it will not be too late.”

Bai Ye said. The distance of the town of Rogue from the headquarters of the Navy.

Not too far. One hour of time. It’s already more than enough.

“I see, an hour, that’s enough.”

From his body, Sengoku took out a phone bug with a large slap and began to fight.

After a while, Sengoku hung up the phone worm and put the phone bug back in his hand. An hour later.

A warship docked at the pier in the town of Rogue.

A commodore with a dozen naval soldiers stepped down from the warship. The dozen or so navy soldiers and the commodore all held a large box in their hands.

“What the hell is going on here? Why are there corpses everywhere here? ”

“Doesn’t it mean that the Marshal of the Warring States and the Yellow Ape General, as well as more than a dozen vice admirals of the naval headquarters, are all in Rogue Town?”

“Did there just be a big war here?”

“Marshal of the Warring States, who are they fighting with? Four emperors? ”

After more than a dozen naval soldiers holding large boxes in their hands looked at the surrounding scene, their faces turned extremely pale, and they couldn’t help but let out an exclamation.

The 10,000 naval soldiers brought by the Warring States have all been killed by the shadow doppelgangers.

Now the whole ground is full of the remains of the corpses of naval soldiers, corpses are strewn all over the field, and there is a pungent smell of blood in the air.

The ground under their feet was also stained bloody red.

These dozen or so naval soldiers, without collapsing to the ground, are already considered to have a good psychological quality.

Soon, the commodore and more than a dozen naval soldiers, after arriving in front of the Warring States, put down the box in their hands and opened it.

There was only one chest containing ten Superhuman Devil Fruits and one Natural Devil Fruit, as well as the Great Speedknife. The remaining boxes were filled with golden Baileys.

That’s about 10 billion Baileys.

After taking a cursory glance, Bai Ye smiled,

“Very good, I’m satisfied.”

Sengoku and Karp and several vice admirals of the navy headquarters lying on the ground took a fighting stance, their eyes fixed on the white night.

That commodore and more than a dozen naval soldiers did not even dare to breathe after seeing Bai Ye and the tens of thousands of shadow doppelgangers. Obviously, those corpses around, as well as the injuries of Sengoku and the others, were all caused by Bai Ye.

“Don’t be so nervous, I said I would let you go, and I will definitely let you go.”

Bai Ye smiled lightly.

This time, Bai Ye had already harvested so many devil fruits and famous knives. Even if you let Sengoku and others live for a while, what can they do?

“: Take everything and let’s go!”

Bai Ye waved his right hand.

From the surrounding shadow doppelgangers, more than a dozen shadow doppelgangers came out and picked up the boxes placed on the ground.

“Oh, by the way, Marshal of the Warring States, if you still want to besiege me next time, please prepare more Devil Fruit and Famous Saber, your life is still worth a lot.”

Bai Ye turned around, glanced at the Warring States, and said with a smile on his face.

With Bai Ye as the leader, tens of thousands of shadow doppelgangers include the shadow doppelgangers who are at war with the yellow ape. They all used the Navy Six Style Moon Step and left quickly.

disappeared from the sight of Sengoku and others.


Sengoku looked at the departing figure of the white night, clenched his fists, and his nails dug deep into his skin. Sengoku as a marshal of the navy.

When did he fall to being so mocked by such a pirate as White Night? Shame on you!!

This is a shame for all navies!!

“Old man, I should go too.”

The dragon said expressionlessly. Since, White Night has left.

Then, the dragon, the leader of the revolutionary army, could not continue to stay. Even though the dragon had just been in the hands of Bai Ye, saving the lives of Sengoku and the others. But, they revolutionary army and navy.

After all, the enemy.




A gust of wind hit, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and the figure of the dragon disappeared without a trace.

….. Large.

“Robin, it’s been so long since the white night came back, shouldn’t something have happened?”

Nami paced back and forth and asked with some concern.

“No, Bai Ye is so strong, how can something happen?”

“Moreover, didn’t he just have people bring back these Devil Fruits and Famous Sabers?”

Robin said softly after pointing to the large box in the hands of a shadow doppelganger.

Robin believes that White Night will be fine.

At this moment, the figure of Bai Ye and the tens of thousands of shadow doppelgangers behind him appeared in front of the two women.

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