Gossip King

Chapter 806: Digging

It took only 20 minutes to walk out and arrived in front of "Youjian Tea House".

"The tea in this teahouse is very good. Last time Li Yifan came here, I specifically asked him to help tasting it." Gao Leng stopped not far from the teahouse and confessed to the old man: "This boss is named Jian."

"Oh, Mr. Jian." Lao Hang naturally said this, and after a long pause, he couldn't help laughing: "This surname is really unlucky."

The cheap seed, Jianzong, really hears very little.

Gao Leng couldn't help but smiled: "I was so happy when I heard it for the first time. But then again, this man is very smart. He is Jianhui, he can call himself President Hui, but he didn't. He still claims to be President Jian, which shows that he deliberately."

It seems bad to be called a cheap kind, but for Jianzong's tea shop business, it is undoubtedly interesting for people to remember. Gao Leng saw the thoughts of Mr. Jian, and his tea was indeed a good tea, and he was very applauded.

Being able to bend down for the business, but not cheating to ensure the quality of their products, is a quality that most businessmen do not have today.

The good teahouses that are made today are really handmade teas grown by themselves, not to mention the old ancient teas. The tea leaves that can be eaten on a tea tree are only a little, and the output is too low. It can be said that the construction manager paid such a big price for renting such a shop in the most prosperous commercial area of ​​Zhonghai City, and the decoration and careful management are admirable.

"You don't remind me I haven't thought it yet, yes, Jianzong, I will remember this name only once." After chewing the cold words, the old man nodded in agreement and pointed to the teahouse: "We Does green agriculture have nothing to do with tea? At most, tea is included in one of our products."

The most important thing in green agriculture is definitely not tea, but the food we eat every day. The more popular ones are rice, sorghum, chicken, duck, pig, cow, sheep, fish, various fruits and vegetables. Tea leaves are counted, but they are definitely only a small category.

"Naturally, it's not just tea." Gao Leng looked at the door and patted the old man: "This general manager will be of great use in the future. If you know him today, this person will be yours in the future."

"Owned by me?!" Old Diao was startled.

"Yes, it's yours."

"Boss, his shop can at least be worth a few million dollars to be able to afford it. This is not a big local tyrant in Zhonghai City, but it can be placed in an absolute little boss in a prefecture-level city. Do you think he Will I not do good business and work under my hands?!" The old hanging shook his head in disbelief, "I am a rough person, but there is one thing I understand. Doing business means being at ease in addition to making money, he I do a good job in the tea business, and I am a good boss. How can I get angry under my hands?"

Being your own boss is of course more comfortable than working under the hands of others.

Especially Jianzong, a tea-buying businessman who pays attention to the sentiment and sentimentality, must have the sourness of a literati. Such people can continue to use the title "Jianzong" for their teahouses, and they will not devote themselves to it because of money. Under the door of others.

Gao sneered and did not explain in detail, but repeated it again: "Old man, you have to do a big business in the future. This general manager is definitely worth using. The first time I came to this store, I focused on him. People, I'm determined to dig. Why dig him, you will know in a while. And as for I can't dig, you will know in a while."

Although Lao Diao didn't understand why Gao Leng was so sure that this Jianzong would be put under him, he believed in the boss's ability and courage.

In Lao Diao's eyes, Gao Leng said it was OK, and that was OK.

Entering the door, the waiter at the door recognized Gao Leng at once, and quickly came out to meet Gao Leng’s name: "Gao Leng, please."

"Yeah, the little girl has a good memory." Gao Leng couldn't help but praised. The little girl pursed her lips and smiled. Another waiter led the way to the box. After taking a look at Gao Leng, she also called her name: "General Gao ."

Entering the box, the waiter waiting in the box saw Gao Leng, bending over, and said sweetly: "Mr. Gao, what do you want to order? This is the tea list."

"It's weird. Why do you all know me? I haven't been here a few times." After ordering tea, Gao Leng couldn't help but muttered.

"Boss, this Jianzong is indeed a person worth digging. I have accompanied people to the teahouse for tea many times. The first time I saw someone introduced the tea culture so carefully, and you see, he has different tea specimens. Well, this thing is a bit interesting." The old hanging stood up and looked around in the room. The room was elegantly decorated. Several places introduced some knowledge of tea, but it was not dogmatic. He pointed to the hanging on the wall. Some tea specimens are of great interest. More and more full of praise for Gao Leng's judgment.

Within a few minutes, there was a knock on the door, and Mr. Jian came.

"Oh, Mr. Gao, congratulations to you, the general manager of Gaosheng Xingsheng Magazine." Mr. Jian congratulated him as soon as he came in. He also brought a few magazines and newspapers and spread them on the table: "The major media have published news about your promotion. Ah! Congratulations!"

"The report came out so soon." Gao Leng reached out and flipped through it, and saw that several common newspapers and magazines had published news about Xingsheng Magazine's high-priced promotion of Gao Leng. His photos were extremely eye-catching in an important position. .

Lu Yajun's speed is really fast, and the copy of the book is also large. One or two magazines are very expensive, and each of these large-scale reports cannot be published in millions.

"By the way, why do your waiters know me?" Gao Leng couldn't help asking.

"You are my VIP customer, and I have a special bookshelf for VIP customers to store your latest information and developments, so that my waiter can understand every VIP customer. You have just been promoted. These magazines are placed in the staff. There are so many reports on the bookshelf. They must have known each other.” Mr. Jian laughed and added ambiguously: “You are so handsome, and those little girls are full of anger, but they can’t make it. See you here. , They are so happy."

It turned out to be like this. Gao Leng praised Jianzong for his dedication.

Actually create a special bookshelf for all VIP customers to collect the latest developments of these VIP customers. Also, this method allows every waiter to understand these important customers better, and can directly call the customer's name or official title , Virtually doubled the customer’s favorability towards this teahouse.

Jian Zong is a person who does practical things with his heart.

"This boss, it’s the first time I’ve seen you, I’ll be lucky." Mr. Jian stretched out his hand and took out his business card from his pocket and handed it to the old man: “Hello, welcome to the shop.” After passing the business card, Mr. Jian moved back I plan to leave after a few steps. After all, customers are here for personal matters. Saying hello is polite. Too much interruption means losing sight.

Gao sneered, "Zong Jian, I'm here to see you today."

"Look for me? What's the matter?" President Jian was stunned when he heard that, his backstepping stopped for a while and then he sat on the opposite side of Gao Leng: "You order."

"Chief, how long do you plan to open this store? I'm thinking about taking it down." Gao Leng went straight to the subject: "I lose so much in a day, I look very painful.


Jian Zong's face changed slightly.

"Is the business here bad?" Lao Diao was a little surprised. The few Yajians who just passed by were obviously people. With such a good tea and such careful service, the business shouldn't be bad.

Gao Leng did not speak, but just took a sip of tea and smiled: "Tea is good tea, and the boss is a good boss. Unfortunately, this is a loss-making business."

Mr. Jian's expression became worse.

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