Gossip King

Chapter 1299: The past responds like smoke, leaving a lingering fragrance

Murong Yuyan is going to cooperate with Korean artists in filming. Gao Leng knew the news for a long time. He heard others talk about it when he was filming Jianguo Diye. He didn’t talk much at the time, and it’s harder than Wen Yuyan. After all, he has no identity. What to say more.

Thinking that it's still a matter of no character, although he feels wrong, he can't say anything.

"Really sure to cooperate?" Gao Leng was a little surprised.

"Yes, the flow of cooperating with Han Xing is high now." Fatty said with certainty, presumably the news will not be false: "She is also starting to transform now. This film is her transformation work. I didn't ask for details. I don’t know if it’s just starting to shoot or just starting to collaborate."

It is understandable that the transition from the pure route to the light mature woman route will make the drama more changeable.

Nowadays, cooperating with Korean star is the biggest trend in the imperial entertainment circle, and Hallyu swept the empire. This must be admitted. Cooperating with Korean star can attract a lot of traffic.


Gao Leng has been paying attention to the relationship between Emperors and South Korea recently. He intuitively told him that there might be frictions between the two countries in the past two years. If you leave this alone, let's just talk about Yuyan and Han Xing's filming. Once he gets passionate, he is afraid that fans will not be able to stand it. .

Men only understand that feeling. It's okay for other female artists to act in a passionate scene. A goddess who has always been cold and cold and like a fairy suddenly acts in a passionate scene. This will make fans feel a lot of disgust, especially with a Korean man.

The fat man closed the door and went out. Gao sat calmly for a while, and finally decided to call Murong Yuyan, ask about the situation, and talk about her own thoughts. Her team will naturally take care of her career. Forging, not to mention the former lover, as a friend, I feel that there is something wrong in this, so I should say a few words about my own ideas.

Gao Leng picked up the phone and called Murong Yuyan directly.

"Hello." I didn't expect Yu Yan to answer the phone, but her agent: "Gao, hello, what's the matter?" The agent is very polite.

"Oh..." Gao Leng was startled: "I heard that Yuyan and Han..."

"Yes, Mr. Gao, your message is really well-informed. I'll be putting on makeup. The first day of filming will begin today." The agent laughed and seemed to stand up and take two steps: "Wait, I'll call her ."

Following the steps of the agent, Gao Leng's heart jumped somewhat uncontrollably, as if every time he saw Yu Yan, his heart was not his own.

"Yuyan, call." The agent's voice.

"Who?" Yu Yan's voice, and there was no sound for half a minute.

In half a minute, the cold heart beats more and more.

"Uh, sorry, Mr. Gao, we Yuyan are busy now..." After waiting for a long time, the polite voice of Yuyan's manager came through the phone.

"Yeah." Gao Leng's heart sank. The kind that sank to the bottom of the water. He felt very shameless. The kind of heartache that was turned away by others was nothing but the heartbreak of being turned away by his beloved. Very uncomfortable.

Gradually, there is no book.

Gao Leng wanted to hang up immediately.

It's not haunting you, I just wanted to remind you that I didn't answer the phone.

But in the end, I didn't hang up the phone, I just felt that a chill from the bottom of the back from the bottom of the foot to the top of the head, and then turned into a fire from the top of the head to the bottom of the foot, and finally only the futile work was left.

At this moment, Gao Leng felt that he was very humble. He licked his face and leaned forward. He obviously didn't appreciate the other party. He should turn around and leave. What if you will be hit hard if you cooperate with Han Xing in this transformation? Now that they are separated, you can leave yours.

But the humble is here.

Obviously the other party didn't appreciate it, but Gao Cooling couldn't bear to hang up the phone like this, still wishing that Yuyan's career would be smooth sailing.

Still licking his face, biting his scalp, and trembling with a smile on his face, he said, "Tell Murong Yuyan, please tell me, it’s better not to gossip with Korean stars. They will lose their fans very badly. If there is friction, the gain will not be worth the loss."

The makeup has already begun, and it is said that breach of contract is impossible, so we can only reduce the scandal publicity as much as possible. Generally, this kind of drama will hype up the scandal to increase the exposure.

"That's it, okay, okay, thank you for your concern. What about it, then I'm busy here." Although the agent was polite, he didn't take Gao Leng's instructions into his heart.

Since the transformation is about to fade away from the youth and youthfulness, they can't always play the fairy who doesn't eat grains on the big screen. They have their propaganda mode.

After hanging up the phone, Gao Leng did not speak for a long time in the office.

I have thought about going to Yuyan many times and using mind-reading to lock her tightly by her body, but after all my thoughts, when I think that Yuyan really can’t accept Xiao Leng, and definitely can’t accept Xiao Wei, the more I think about it, the more I feel. Give up.

The girl who has always wanted to protect, if following herself will make her feel wronged, it is better to let her leave to find her own happiness. You can't be too greedy, how can everything go well?

In the days that followed, Gao Leng kept on working and gave Diba a great deal of effort to contact several resources. Every time he asked the fat man to take Diba to the other company to contact the other company. Diba should have mentioned to the fat man many times. I wanted to thank Gao Leng in person, but Gao Leng refused.

I go to Xiao Leng Na more and more times. Sometimes I feel that I have a very comfortable life, have a good career, a beautiful and gentle girlfriend, and a naughty little witch. The little witch is recovering better under the nourishment of Gao Leng's money to buy so many diamonds.

The old hanging body has also improved a lot. He can walk around in a wheelchair and can go home to recuperate in a few days.

Filming of Starlight Group's boutique TV series has also begun, and the promotion period of Jianguo Diye has arrived, and Gao Leng has become extremely busy.

Until one day, the fat man ran in excitedly and raised his phone to show Gao Leng a video.

"Look, Yu Yan is really making passionate scenes. They are all tongue kisses! They are on the sofa and on the bed." The fat man was a little excited, and his eyes were a little contemptuous: "You said, why do I watch other female artists making passionate scenes? Do you feel very upset when you see Yu Yan filming this?"

Gao Leng took the phone and looked at it.

I saw Yu Yan and the Korean star kissing fiercely on the sofa in the office. In the past, if there were kissing scenes, Yu Yan used to borrow places, and the shots were very beautiful. This time they deliberately pulled the close-up shots, Yu Yanyi The face looked intoxicated.

Pop, Gao Leng suddenly felt sick and threw the phone aside.

"They don't know if this scandal is hype or true. There have been a lot of such news recently." The fat man babbled.

After all, Yu Yan still didn't listen to Gao Leng's advice, and still hyped up the scandal.

"Okay, go out, I'm going to be busy." Gao Leng said with a solemn face.

About ten days later, news of Murong Yuyan's scandal spread all over the world, and I don't know whether it was a hype or true. The actor actually admitted to being in love when interviewed by the media.

Fans really started a strong backlash as Gao Leng had reminded before.

Fans, even passers-by, could not accept that a former actress who had been walking the fairy route suddenly took the passion route and fell in love with a Korean.

Gao Leng did not inquire whether it was just a scandal or a real relationship. However, based on his experience in the industry for so long, the person involved in the scandal generally did not respond positively to the confession, and the actor came out to admit it. , And admitted more than once.

It was just a relationship that caused Murong Yuyan to fall from the altar in an instant. The speed caught her off guard. When the public relations crisis came back to life, most of the fans were already far away.

It seems that anyone in this world can fall in love, but Yuyan can't.

Gao Leng understood the anger and disappointment of this group of fans. Yu Yan took this step too fast. Before, she did not eat the fireworks in the world. She suddenly lay on the sofa and let the man climb up to the scene. Who suffered?

Most fans of her have the kind of affection that this woman should only have in the sky, and there has never been any bad news on weekdays. The studio packaged her also the way this woman should only be in the sky.

The higher the hold, the more immortal the road, the harder the fall.

Even people like the fat guy who are rolling in the circle feel that they should be a fan after watching the performance, let alone fans.

Yu Yan was gone.

I think she used to pretend that she had a godfather.

Who can't find it, you have to look for Korean sticks!

Such comments are flooding the entire Internet. The deeper the love in the past, the more hatred today. Many fans have turned black and vented their anger on the Internet.

Gao Leng looked at the computer screen and couldn't tell what he felt. He understands the anger of this group of fans, but he is also embarrassed by Yu Yan: How can a girl like a flower like a jade no one chase it? How is it possible to remain a virgin? After all, it was a person's bed that was pressed under the body.

Just as Yu Yan was under him in those few days.

Wearing a white gauze, as if walking out of a TV, the white gauze was removed and the legs were separated.

Now, Gao Leng looked at the shooting scene from Reuters on the screen, Yu Yan was lying on the sofa, and another man pressed him down, although Gao Leng knew that this was work, it was just shooting, maybe they were a hype scandal, but still An unbearable feeling surged again.

Swept away.

At this moment, Gao Leng felt sad.

The sad thing is that the goddess who used to be in the adolescence of the past was suddenly shattered in her heart, carrying her youth and never returning, never looking back.

The sad thing is that when I saw her in the past, even if I just heard her name, my heart beat faster. The kind of love, the feeling of loving a woman is so strong, so strong that it makes people happy to the bone, but now I listen to it again To Yuyan's name, even looking at her photos, there was a feeling of discomfort in her heart.

Gao Leng quickly shut down the webpage.

In that moment, Gao Leng was relieved suddenly. There was a scene from the past. The first time I saw Yu Yan on the screen, at night thinking about her falling asleep, the young Gao Leng and poverty boldly fantasized about being with the goddess. You Yuyan is really sitting under her body in her co-pilot.

Holding the flower, it was white and smiled like a fairy.

Gao Leng stood up, relieved in his heart, the past should be like smoke, a lingering fragrance was empty, and the memories were left beautiful, and the years passed.

If you need my help one day, I will definitely help, but I won't love it anymore, Gao Leng thought.

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