Gossip King

Chapter 1258: Su Su's inferiority

Winter goes and spring comes another year.

Gao Leng and Xiao Leng, together with the two elders of Zhao Zhiqi, spent the New Year together, while Jian Xiaodan took his younger brother to the orphanage to celebrate the New Year. Xiao Leng is worrying about this year. Although his parents have already taken care of it, it is the first time to leave his parents to celebrate the New Year. Although Gao Leng guards her, there is always sadness.

Gao Leng also missed her hometown a little, thinking that she should visit her parents’ grave. Gao Xiaowei didn’t seem to feel much about the New Year. She lived alone in another quiet recuperation place. After Gao Leng passed by several times, it’s better to see her every time, but it seems More and more sleepiness, perhaps because of hibernation or something else, Xiaowei has been asleep quietly for several days. At the end of the year, she was absolutely quiet according to Xiaowei's request, and she went into deep sleep for the next month.

Sister-in-law is a very heart-spirited character. I spent this year in the hospital. Although Lao Diao is out of the dangerous period, there are still several operations to be done. In addition, the postoperative reaction is large, and some are allergic and itchy. It's too much and can't be added, and peeing, although the two dolls are taken care of by Xiao Leng, they still receive the hospital on the new year.

What's good about being in the hospital this year? Not to mention there are two noisy dolls underneath. The man above him doesn’t know when he can stand up. The woman next to him may have sighed and sighed, but the sister-in-law has passed the year very violently. I bought the red lanterns and the word "Fu". I went to Gao Leng's home to fry a bunch of vegetables and brought them to the hospital. I even bought a small bottle of wine for the old man to watch her drink.

"Tell me about you, what kind of wine to drink." Seeing the sister-in-law, Lao Diao smiled, and although she was in pain, she was also cheered up.

"What a great opportunity, of course I have to drink it. I used to watch you drinking, but now you watch me drinking, are you greedy? Haha." Sister-in-law sat cross-legged and sat beside Lao Hang, jokingly.

"You girl, greedy me." The old man laughed and swallowed.

"Now this Spring Festival Gala is not the least interesting, let me sing a little tune for you. And you two Guwazi, give your father a good performance tonight. We haven't spent the New Year in the hospital yet, so have fun!" My sister-in-law turned off the TV and started singing while holding a glass of wine.

Singing in a small tune, it’s not easy to say, it’s broken many times anyway, I don’t know if it’s out of tune, but the old man squinted his eyes with joy. The two dolls twisted their hips and danced. It was indeed much more interesting than the Spring Festival Gala. Up.

"Sister-in-law, this person has a really good psychological quality. Those who celebrate the New Year here are seriously injured in their family, but their mentality is good."

"Yeah, look at the next door, there are a lot of things bought, that is lifeless. I have seen Lao Diao many times, this sister-in-law, who is allergic to drugs, has a bad temper, and the sister-in-law is like a okay person, happy. "

The few nurses who were guarding the year were also infected by the joy of the hanging sister-in-law, and they whispered and looked in the direction of their room.

"I have been lying down for more than half a year. I don't know if I can start to work in more than half a year." Lao Diao said suddenly with a darkened eye.

"Mr. Gao is really good to us. Just like he said, you are his brother, then he is your brother. These days are long. Don't be in a hurry. When you are born, our whole family will Support him, although the strength is small, but the younger brother supports him so much, don’t worry, the days are long, the days are long, ah." Sister-in-law is very comforting. In the past few days of the Chinese New Year, Gao Leng will send big bags and small bags. A lot of things came, and the two little babies returned big red envelopes. She was not willing to save the flowers, and she was also thinking about the cold kindness in her heart.

"I don't know how the Starlight Group is now." Old Diaoyou said.


After the fifteenth of the first lunar month after the new year, Starlight Group has received a lot of resignations within a few days. It doesn’t matter if the employees resign from the bottom. After leaving, find a batch of resignations that are similar to those at the supervisor level. But it's important.

These years, middle and high-level officials are not easy to recruit.

"Boss, there are 17 supervisors who have submitted their resignations. It is estimated that they have found their next home, so I won't stay no matter how to persuade them." Jian Xiaodan frowned and put a stack of resignations on the cold table: "Some of them are still Xingsheng. The magazine pulled it up in one hand, and was promoted all the way from being a reporter to being in charge. Good fellow, you can walk without blinking your eyes."

"Don't force it, just leave, get approved as soon as possible, stay one more day and get another day's salary." Gao Leng's head didn't lift up, the arrival of the wave of resignations was expected. The trend of his investment in boutique TV series has long been. Scratched in the hearts of employees.

Investing in high-quality TV series is a good thing for the layman, but it is not a good thing for the insider to watch it. Especially when the Star Group, which has insufficient assets, invests, it feels like a swollen face and a fat man: The National People's Congress does not invest in high-quality goods. How old are you? How much money do you have, and do you only invest in boutiques?

After the New Year, the year-end prizes are also available, and people are digging around. The flow of personnel is normal.

"Just leave, why are you so nervous." Gao Leng raised his head and looked at Xiao Shan's eyes, and saw her hesitating to speak.

"The main reason is that our film and television department has left a few executives and technical tops, and many of them have gone to Ouyang's film and television company. His film and television company invested in 50 films this year, all of which are diversified investments, and they are definitely profitable." Xiao Danmu Said the face.

Spread the investment, don’t make money for this movie, and invest a little for each movie. Ouyang has been playing this set for many years. He has been a veteran in the film and television industry. He has three small film and television companies in his hands. Regardless of his smallness, his annual net profit is several hundred million, and he is also well-known in the industry.

The invisible rich man has many companies in his hand, and each company ranks very high, but the combined assets are scary. This kind of routine is extremely safe, and the employees of the company have a comfortable life. They are all engaged in film and television. The high cold has been tight for the past two years. I don’t know what to do in the future, so naturally they all vote for the year-end awards. Yang went there.

"It doesn't matter." Gao Leng smiled lightly: "Go ahead, tighten your belt and live your life. You should be good at it."

Tightening the waistband to live a life is Xiao Shan's forte. Now she has to carefully manage the Xingguang Group. The money is handed over to Xiao Shan to operate, Gao Leng feels very relieved.

After Xiao Shan went out, Gao Leng glanced at the phone.

During the Chinese New Year, she sent a Chinese New Year text message to Yu Yan, and she answered one. She made a few calls before and after Li Chun. This Yu Yan was sometimes enthusiastic and sometimes indifferent, as if she hadn't made up her mind about Gao Leng.

However, during the few calls, she never mentioned Xiao Leng again, but when Gao Leng talked about his girlfriend, she did not admit that she was his woman. Ambiguous, this makes Gao Leng uneasy.


Su Mansion, Yu Yan came to see Su Su. Su Su spends the New Year alone. After the new year, relatives will not move around. Those relatives who rely on Huantai for dry meals are offended by Su Su. Who will walk around?

It's just to walk around, but the left is only hypocritically polite. But Yu Yan is different. Her parents have nothing to do with Huantai's business. In addition, she has a good relationship with Su Su's cousin when she was young, so she will come to Su Su to play when she has time after the year.

Have fun and talk to your heart.

"What!" Su Su spouted his face with a mouthful of rice.

"You... keep your voice down." Yu Yan didn't care about the rice grains she sprayed on her face and quickly pulled Su Su.

"Don't eat, come with me." Su Su stood up and dragged Yu Yan to her boudoir upstairs. The door closed and grabbed Yu Yan's arm: "My sister, I heard you right. Ah, you and Gao Leng...what's the matter!"

Yu Yan got red to the base of her neck, hesitated and nodded.

"This scumbag!" Su Su rolled up his sleeves: "Did he break up with his girlfriend?"

Yu Yan didn't speak, just turned her head to the side.

"You..." Su Su was so angry that he stretched out his index finger and pointed at Yu Yan: "Is there no man in the world? So many people chase you, ah? Who are you? You are a domestic first-line actress, and what is your family? Conditions? What are the conditions in his family? He..."

Yu Yan lowered her head and did not answer.

"Also, I tell you, even if Gao Leng broke up with Mu Xiao Leng, this man can't take it. He is too carefree. I tell you, he is a flower picker." Su Su angrily fell on Xiao Leng. In the ear: "Do you know my good friend Uzhi, also by him..."

Yu Yan raised her head in surprise.

"And Lin Zhi, even though I am not familiar with Lin Zhi, Yuzhi has played well with her several times. You count, I know so much, plus you, do you think you are worth it? "Su Su said a lot.

After speaking, she patted her head.

"It's so cold! My good friend Yuzhi ate it, and my cousin ate it too. This kid is picking up girls around me! What do you mean him! Scum, shit!"

Su Su was so angry that his face was better than Yuyan, pacing back and forth in the room. Yu Yan is different from Yuzhi in the end. Yuzhi is her good friend, who is older than her. She has had boyfriends before, so she just talks about it, and she can't control it. But Yuyan was different. Yuyan was innocent and had never talked with friends, so she was overwhelmed by Gao Leng, she couldn't figure it out.

"You won't really fall in love with him anymore, what kind of relationship are you now, underground lover?" Su Su became serious and asked.

"I don't know either." Yu Yan frowned, "It's impossible for him to break up with Xiao Leng. As for the reason, it's hard to say anything, I don't know what to do now."

"It's divided." Su Su persuaded decisively.

"It's a bit reluctant..." Yu Yan's face darkened, staring at the phone in her hand: "I haven't seen it for many days, I miss him."

"I'm telling you, if you don't distinguish, you are a junior, and he said that it is impossible to break up with Xiao Leng, so you still don't distinguish? Are you cheap?" Su Su reached out and poked Yuyan's head: "And His assets are not worthy of you."

In Su Su's heart, she feels that Gao Leng is a good friend, and her ability is quite good, but in terms of assets, she still doesn't like Gao Leng in her bones, especially now that the Star Group has plunged into the boutique TV series. Several shots were taken at the same time, which, in Su Su's view, was purely his own.

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