Gossip King

Chapter 1238: Hanging a mermaid

The atmosphere in Mu Xiaolen's dormitory is very delicate.

After the speech, Xiao Leng's mobile phone was quietly placed on the table. She did not pay attention, but the eyes of the dorms were fixed on her screen.

Twenty minutes have passed since the speech was over to the dormitory. Gao Leng stopped talking about a phone call and didn't even get a text message.

"Hey, did you think she was dumped by Mr. Gao?" A girl winked.

"I think it's, otherwise, how could there not even be a text message."

"I also think that normal couples should call before the speech. There is no phone before and after this. I think it's because her father is a corrupt official. Who wants to be involved in a corrupt official? Not to mention a talent like Mr. Gao. , And there is no background to rely on himself, this will drag him down."

Whispering, I wish I was a cold girlfriend.

Mu Xiaolen listened more or less, but since her father served his sentence publicly, these words have always floated to her ears from time to time, her eyelashes trembled and drooped, without speaking, pretending not to hear.

"You are too powerful. Xiao Leng is a nice person, gentle and simple. When her father was fine in the past, you were all sisters and eldest sisters. Later, her father was locked up, and you still bullied her for cleaning. Hygiene, it's the same now." A girl who had been in a good relationship with Xiao Leng in the dormitory next door rolled her eyes at these people.

Xiao Leng gave her a grateful look. After the accident, as always, there was only this best friend. When people fell into trouble, they could really tell who was the true friend and who was the fake.

The door of the dormitory was pushed open, and the dormitory auntie walked in with a smile, pointed at Mu Xiaolen and said, "Student Mu lives here."

"Lord... Director!" All the dormitory members stood up, and the office director of the college actually came in person.

"Mu Xiao Leng, come, come and have dinner with us, the deputy dean, the director of the employment office, and several other leaders are there." The office director smiled and beckoned to Xiao Leng.

You in the dormitory look at me, I look at you.

In school, the teachers and the student union are the ones that the students deal with most. The office director level rarely deal with each other, let alone the deputy dean. Unless you attend his class, how can you usually eat together? And there are so many leaders together.

"General Manager Gao has provided 70 internships for our college, of which 20 are for the Jianguo Diye Filming Group, and 50 are for the Starlight Group. Mu Xiaoling is the representative of this batch of internships. I have a meal, report and report work. Mr. Gao and the task of recruiting interns will be entrusted to you. Of course, there will be teachers who will be the main recruits, and you will assist. Let’s go."

Mu Xiaolen quickly got up and obediently followed the director and left.

As the door closed, the dormitory immediately exploded.

"Have you heard that Jianguo Diye has 20 internship places, which is great! Let's go for an internship for such a big political film, and look for a good job in the future!"

"What are you happy about? There are only 20 places. The media research department must have the majority. We are only undergraduates. Hey, you said I just said something nonsense. Did you say Xiao Leng heard it? Will she be angry when she heard it? Ah! We are in a dormitory, we should be able to allocate a place."

"My ambition is not that big. If I can't join the film crew of Jianguo Diye, I will enter the internship department of Starlight Group. It would be great if I can work directly at Starlight Group after graduation! You just didn't hear the director say, Mu Xiaolen is an internship Student representatives, and also assisted in recruiting interns. We are in a dormitory. She should be given priority to us...

The news spread in just a few minutes.

After fifteen minutes, almost everyone in the School of Media will know, because the school's website has already posted the news, and they are all concerned about their employment issues. In addition, Gao Leng has just finished his speech and struck while the iron is hot.

Everyone knows that Mu Xiaolen's boyfriend is not that simple. Those who used to ridicule her and bullied her were so annoyed that they thought how to make up for it.

Xiao Leng was squeezed out in school. The last thing he did was to ask the school leader to beg for mercy and beg, and he was always the most passive. And the best thing to do is to let others ask Mu Xiao Leng.

Although realistic, it is practical enough.

"Look, Mr. Gao's speech has reached the second place!" a dormitory exclaimed, pointing to the webpage.

"Wow, you see, the comments below are all long comments, but they are. I used to think that Mr. Su’s speech was too unearthed. She can only do what she likes. We can’t. Let’s take a look. The speech is like showing off, I will leave a message, um...I want to write that I am from Xiao Leng's dormitory, maybe Gao always can see it..."

This Xiao Jiujiu was really shrewd.

As soon as the others heard it, they opened their computers and left a message.

After listening to the speech, the students who returned to the dormitory began to score. The score rose up in half an hour, and there were more and more comments. A touching and intense speech is good.

Xiao Leng followed the director of the office to the waiting room of the school. Colleges and universities usually have designated hotels to do reception work. This designated hotel of Communication University is built on the campus, and it is not far away.

"Mu Xiaoleng, this Gao is always a young talent, and he is not much older than you, so you should cherish it." The office director laughed. Nowadays, dating in college is a common thing, especially in the graduate school. At thirty years old, the school teachers are also open-minded.

Those insulting college students who are in love on different networks are all in their twenties. It is normal to fall in love.

Mu Xiao Leng blushed and did not dare to answer, just smiling, always happy to hear others praise her boyfriend.

"I think he came here to give a speech, and he got so many internship places for you. Your father must have a lot of rumors after he was arrested." The office director looked at her and sighed: "You also have to relax. This is the university too. A small society is like this."

"It's not in the way." Xiao Leng smiled and raised his head to look directly at the office director. This time, instead of the shyness he was just now, he was frank and frank: "My dad should be punished for doing something wrong, and I should be told a few words. of."

"Good attitude." The office director gave a thumbs up.

Universities have beautiful places, and naturally there will be snobbery places. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, which is normal. And where there are rivers and lakes, there will always be people who stir the situation and control the situation. Gao Leng comes here to agitate and control it again to ensure that her own woman can stay in this river and lake without dust.

He didn't drink much at the dinner. Although Xiao Leng sat next to him after entering, he respectfully shouted "General Gao". Gao Leng neither admitted that she was his girlfriend nor denied it, but maintained a certain degree. the distance.

It’s all about the number of internships, and it’s also about what these internships are responsible for. Gao Leng is the CEO of the Star Group, not Mu Xiaolen’s girlfriend. Such an identity is good for Mu Xiaolian, the Empire People pay attention to what one sees through, but not to say.

Everyone can see that the reason why Gao Leng chose his own school to recruit interns exclusively was because of Mu Xiao Leng, but he didn't talk about it. If it was broken, it would be boring, and there was nothing to show off in front of other schools.

Besides, a college internship place was only obtained because of a female student's own boyfriend, which is not good for Xiao Leng and the school. Let them pass on the rumors from the outside, in short, the school side understands it.

If you see through it, don’t tell it through, everyone wins, and the best way of doing things.

"Oh, Mr. Gao, your rating is close to Mr. Su!" A leader glanced at his phone.

"It's just over a thousand votes to tie President Su." It is the young people who have fun playing these games. The students in the student union will tell you how many votes are missing.

"You guys didn't listen at the scene. I listened at the scene. At the time, I felt that I was sure to win." The deputy dean didn't even look at the phone, and was not surprised at this score.

"President Su's aggressiveness doesn't know whether he is strong or not, Mr. Gao, you said that her speech is worthless and won't offend her, right? This is a tiger's beard pulling!"

The group of people laughed and looked at Gao Leng with some worry while laughing.

Gao Leng's crushing was a bit hard, let alone, I felt a little distressed for Su Su.

Gao coldly smiled, cruel? Ruthless is fun. Others are fishing for mermaids, he is slinging mermaids.

I was very happy at the dinner here, but Su Su’s office over there was also very harmonious. It was nine o’clock in the evening, and the person in charge of several projects was still holding a small meeting in her office. The project went well, and Su Su was in a good mood. Not bad.

At the end, Su Su put the information on the desk and let out a long sigh of relief and said: "Okay, just follow your plan."

Several project leaders even breathed a long sigh of relief. President Su was the saddest at this stage, and everyone was happy after passing.

"By the way, how is Mr. Gao's speech? It should be over? How is the score?" Su Su stretched back and looked at his assistant.

"This..." The assistant looked a little embarrassed and looked at the project leaders all over the room.

"What speech?" several project leaders asked.

"In a lecture at the university, Gao Leng set a tone that was opposite to my topic. He came to me, hehe." Su Su said with a confident expression on his face. These project leaders understood it immediately, and Su Su did it. I still remember that speech.

"President Su, you've always been the number one speech at that school. Last time my niece told me about it."

"I also watched your speech. It was really wonderful. You only do what you like. It's wonderful."

The flattering of these persons in charge was really neat, but the assistant was silent and his face was even more embarrassed.

"What's the matter? Let's talk about it. Let's take a look at the points that Mr. Gao gets." A project leader smiled and urged his assistant.

"Yes, let's talk about it. It's definitely the opposite of our President Su. This shows the enthusiasm of our President Su."

Su Su smiled and waved his hand: "Don't say that, what kind of heat is it against me? It is already worthy of recognition for Mr. Gao to dare to challenge."

There is quite a posture of predecessors supporting younger generations.

"Let's talk." Seeing that the assistant was still silent, Su Su stood up and checked the time and got off work.

"At the moment... At the moment..." The assistant hesitated to look at President Su: "His score is currently a little bit higher than yours..."


Su Su blinked, thinking that he had heard it wrong, so he asked again: "What? High? How much does he vote for me?"

"This..." The assistant took out his mobile phone and checked Zha's expression even more embarrassing: "He is four, you are two..."

Gao Leng 40,000 votes and Su Su 20,000 votes. Originally, this assistant was worried about President Su's face and said that it was only a little bit higher, good guy, more than a little bit.

This is twice as high...

Poor mermaid being hanged...

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