Gossip King

Chapter 1230: How would you like to play?

The meeting started soon.

The film and television department was not long established, but the elites gathered. These were all the elites dug from other companies a few days ago. The shooting of Jianguo Diye allowed these cadres to accumulate team experience.

Everyone in the conference room is sitting in a hurry. Everyone in the Star Group knows that their boss Gao Leng values ​​the film and television department.

"You said the boss has brought so many people here, so what do you want to invest in?"

"I don't know. Jianguo and the founding of the party are both busy. The next step is to invest at most two units. This fund can't keep up. Besides, film and television are particularly pitted money, maybe..."

"Loss, anyway, we lose the boss. We pay wages on time and do things well. Besides, this high total ability is so good. Investing in film and television is about vision. I don't think it is a problem."

"I don't think it is a problem, I believe Mr. Gao's ability."

Before Gao Leng came, Xiao Shan went out to order something, and began to whisper in the conference room. They are all newcomers, their loyalty is not high, but they admire the high cooling. In the media circle, Gao Leng has long been well-known, and many of these people come not for high salaries, but for Gao Leng.

Fancy Starlight Group's potential.

"You have worked hard." Gao Leng walked in and sat directly at the middle of the long conference table, smiling at everyone: "Let's have a meeting, each group will report the information I want you to prepare."

All aspects of the data were arranged as early as a week ago and the groups were asked to investigate. The new department is always full of vitality, and all groups of data are done perfectly.

"Mr. Gao, this is the data you asked our group to do about the status of various IP purchases."

"This is the survey of the top 20 TV series with the highest ratings now that you asked our group to do."

"You want the real box office of the top 20 domestic box office movies."


Once the meeting started, everyone was in the state. The various data required by the high-cold team were developed in the form of slides by the team leaders. The team leaders came to the stage to tell the story, and the simple note on the side was recorded from time to time. Gao Leng just listened quietly.

After two full hours of reporting, the data of all groups was finished, and the members of each group looked tired. Meetings were extremely tiring, especially for data reporting meetings, which were pure dry goods meetings. Each group is already very tired just by reporting to themselves, it's mental work. And Gao Leng listened to so much data, and the questions he asked repeatedly in the middle were all very critical points. Such a strong brainstorm was not tired.

"You take a rest." Gao Leng waved his hand, picked up the materials handed over by each group and opened it up.

"Everyone has worked hard, take a short break, and continue the meeting in 15 minutes." Xiao Shan stood up and said. When the others heard it, they stood up and walked out the door. Most of them rushed to the coffee shop to make a cup of espresso to refresh themselves.

"You take a break, too." Gao Leng raised his eyes and glanced at Xiao Shan, but Xiao Shan was also a little tired.

"How do you plan to invest next? By the end of the year, I estimate that at the beginning of next year, there will be at most 300 million yuan, and there will be one or two billion to be used for the party building film. Even if the party building film is still going to build the country, it is not necessary. What kind of money to spend, but the minimum cost is 100 million yuan. The money is not enough." Xiao Shan started to worry.

If Gao Leng shoots bad films, it's fine. Invest everywhere, big and small, and make more investment, make less investment and make less. But the problem is that what Gao Leng wants to shoot is a boutique. In these years, if a movie wants to produce a boutique, you have to spend money. At least you have to hit a fake box office. The box office is fake. Row rate.

No film rate is dead.

In a nutshell, high-quality products also have to be arranged, high-quality, high-quality, low-ranking rate, no matter how good you shoot, you will not have good results. Everyone spends money on the fake box office, and you have to do it too.

At the box office, the money is far from enough.

How does the media circle laugh at the box office of the film industry? The so-called first-day box office deceives ordinary audiences, in fact, it depends on who has more money, more money, and higher first-day box office. It's that simple and realistic.

Boutique? How many boutiques died at the box office on the first day?

From Xiao Shan's point of view, she is not worried that Gao Leng's filming will not be a masterpiece. She has a good director, a good book, and a good team. The money is spent on the film, and the film is generally good. But these need money, and money is also needed to hit the box office later.

Money has become the biggest obstacle.

"Three hundred million, quite a lot." Gao Leng was very satisfied with the current money. He smiled and nodded and put down the information in his hand: "It's more than I thought. I originally planned to shoot two. It seems that one more film can be made."

"Three hundred million three films? That's not enough. The box office alone will have to hit a lot, and the movies have to hire the big names, and the boutique movies have to hire the big names, and they have to match one or two box office appealing small fresh meat florets. That's not enough." Xiaodan couldn't understand it.

It can be counted by breaking your fingers. The money is not enough.

Investing in movies is mostly a bunch of people investing money. It requires too much liquidity to invest alone. It looks like more than 300 million yuan. Movies are not just shot. They have to fight for the box office. That is the big price. .

"Who said it was filming?" Gao Leng leaned in front of Jian Xiaodan, and couldn't help but laugh when she saw her shrewd face: "I heard that the abacus in your heart was beating, no Invest in movies."

"Don't invest in movies?" Jian Xiao's saliva almost flew high and cold on her face, her eyes rounded: "Then... 300 million investment in online movies?"

Online movies are cheaper, much cheaper than big movies, and there is no need to fight for the box office. Three hundred million is indeed enough.

Unexpectedly, Gao Leng shook his head again: "Movies will definitely have to be invested in the future, but now we just have to pay for it. Movies are too expensive to invest in, and online movies are too low-end to be invested at present.

"If you don't invest in movies, that means investing in TV dramas."

"Smart." Gao Leng nodded and smiled at Xiao Shan with a thumbs up: "Guess the circle and finally get it right, really smart."

Is this exaggeration or derogation... Jian Xiaoshan rolled his eyelids dissatisfiedly, and after a second, he came up again: "However, investing in TV shows is indeed a lot safer. Your path is more stable."

Although he was very dissatisfied with Gao Leng's jokes about his stupidity, he was very convinced by his cold judgment.

"The TV series is good...the investment is really not much..." Xiao Dan thought for a while and shook his head.

The risk of investing in TV dramas is much smaller than investing in movies. This is something the industry knows. Movies are a one-stop business. After the movie is released, if you win, you will die. But TV shows are different. You can sell the front foot to a TV station for the first broadcast and the back foot to the video company for webcasting. Sometimes the TV station is not fired, but the Internet is fired, and the Internet is not fired, but the TV is fired.

There are at least two opportunities.

The most important thing is that the TV station pays after buying your copyright. In order not to lose money, he will push it hard. This is much better than the movie release. You have to do it alone. At least there is a TV station supporting you. To help you publicize.

"Many people who invest in TV lose money. That is really bad filming. Let me first assume that your filming is really good. The ratings for the first broadcast on a certain TV station will be very high. As long as one TV station broadcasts it, it will become popular. Buy, this will make another profit..." Xiao Shan started to calculate again in his heart, slapped.

As long as a TV series becomes popular, it becomes popular when it is first broadcast, and then other TV stations will follow up and buy your broadcast rights. It is possible to buy it in the second, third, and fourth year. It means earning money for several years in a row, and multiple TV stations give money at the same time.

It's quite profitable. Of course, under the premise that the TV show is on fire, it may not be popular, but even if it is on fire, there are other criticisms.

"The shooting time of TV dramas is very long, especially for boutiques. Some have to be filmed for several years. Okay, you have not many TV series, so at least you have to shoot for one year? There are at least twelve episodes of short TV series, right? What you are doing is a fine product, and each episode requires a lot of time, which is at least several months. After all, the movie has only reached the sky for two hundred minutes, and the TV series are Long, yes, there is also submission for review. It is a hassle to submit TV series for review, and it takes time."

Xiao Shan broke his fingers and counted, it was too long.

"By the way, you have to have a good book, and it takes time to adapt the book of a TV series. This stuff is slow, or you have to invest in this. Unless you make junk movies, some of those junk movies can be as fast as a month. After the filming is over, you can do whatever you want in the later stage. But you are shooting a high-quality film again, so long and time-consuming, can you survive it?"

Investing in TV series is indeed much more stable than making movies, but the problem is that it takes too long to pay back. At least one or two years of early investment is required, and investment alone does not make money. If there is a big fire, it's good to say that if you lose out, it will waste time and money.

And Starlight Group is not a big company, it doesn't make money just by investing in one or two years...


Gao Leng also rolled all the money earned by Xingsheng and Fengxing into film and television, which meant that the entire Xingguang had put Baobao on the slow-income TV series.


Xiao Shan frowned. She suddenly realized that whether it was a TV series or a movie, it was something that burned money, and Gao Leng was short of money.

A clever woman can't afford to cook without rice, and without money, what movies do you play? With such a large group of people, the monthly tax is a large sum, and they need money every day. There is nothing to make in a short period of time, but it is pure investment for one or two years.


Gao Leng flipped through the data, but nodded affirmatively: "If you make a TV series, and it's a boutique, what is the investment for one or two years? What is the investment for one or two years?"

"Do you have other ways to make money? Or you can work with other people to invest in filming, so you can hold it." Xiao Shan said that he was very sure when he saw Gao Leng.

To be honest, she does think that she can invest with other companies. If she is short of money, she will find a partner. In the past, Gao Leng used to distribute shares to others and then do it together? Why not just film and television?

She doesn't understand.

Gao Cooling shook his head more firmly: "No, I just invest myself, and I will never partner with others. And I will have no other way to make money for a while."

No other way to make money?

Also, he just sold his shares in Gouzi Village, and he is unwilling to cooperate with others to invest in film and television. If it is a loan investment, it will take a year or two to pay back the project, and the loan will not be paid.


"How do you want to play?" Xiao Shan didn't understand at all, looking at Gao Leng and asked.

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