Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 837: Defeat the phantom of the will of the ancient sword emperor


Accompanied by an earth-shattering loud noise, the phantom of the ancient sword emperor guarding the entrance to the ninth floor immediately collapsed completely, turning into fly ash and disappearing.

"Defeated! He actually defeated the phantom of the will of the ancient sword emperor!"

"Impossible! How could he defeat the phantom of the will of the ancient sword emperor? Even if it is just a phantom of will of the ancient sword emperor, it is not something he can defeat?"

"Invincible at the same level! He actually defeated the phantom of the will of the ancient sword emperor. Doesn't it mean that his strength is stronger than the ancient sword emperor of the same level?"


Seeing the phantom of the will of the ancient sword emperor collapse, all the onlookers were stunned for a moment, almost even the heart of martial arts was shocked violently, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

The ancient sword emperor was a peerless powerhouse who suppressed the heavens and worlds and coerced an era. He was one of the strongest emperors in the history of Qiankun Great World.

Since the ancient sword emperor debuted, he has only lost nine times in battles of the same level. However, he integrated the six basic artistic concepts into one, and after the sword intent was promoted to the fourth level, he was invincible at the same level, and no one was his opponent.

The phantom of the will of the ancient sword emperor, even if it is just a phantom of will, is also extremely tyrannical, containing the spirit and will of the sword of the ancient sword emperor, and is invincible among the same rank.

Now the phantom of the will of the ancient sword emperor was defeated by Su Han, which naturally shocked everyone who watched, no matter whether they believed their own eyes.

Xuantian Yingcai looked at Su Han, her beautiful eyes glowed brightly, full of excitement, and the trace of dissatisfaction hidden in the deepest part of her heart disappeared, and her beautiful eyes were full of admiration: "It seems I followed a good master!"

Among the big monsters, the strong are respected. It will only surrender to a powerful existence. Xuantian Yingcai followed Su Han just because of an order. But now seeing that Su Han is so powerful, she was convinced, and there was no longer any unwillingness.

Many beauties and masters in the Xuantianying clan also looked at Xuantianyingcai one by one, their eyes filled with envy and jealousy.

Su Han defeated the ancient sword emperor Xu Ying, showing the potential of the emperor's talent. If Su Han ascends to the throne in the future. The status of Xuantian Yingcai will also rise and become unspeakably expensive.

After Su Han shattered the phantom of the ancient sword emperor guarding the entrance of the ninth-floor passage with one punch, his figure flickered, and he immediately entered the passage.

This time Su Han just took advantage of the weakness of the Ancient Sword Emperor Xuying who didn't know that his physical strength was incomparably strong, took the opportunity to explode, and entered within five steps of the Ancient Sword Emperor, and then defeated the Ancient Sword Emperor Xuying.

If the ancient sword emperor phantom had used all kinds of peerless swordsmanship to attack Su Han from the very beginning, Su Han would have been defeated by the ancient sword emperor phantom long ago, without any chance.

Outside the nine-story sword tower.

"Ninth floor! Su Han has entered the ninth floor of the nine-story sword tower!"

"Unbelievable! That Su Han actually entered the ninth floor of the nine-story sword tower! It's incredible!"

"The first floor of the nine-story sword tower is more difficult than the first floor. How could he enter the ninth floor of the nine-story sword tower!"

"Yue Youming and Jian Caiying are still on the seventh floor, yet he has already entered the ninth floor? It's against the sky!"


Shocking voices sounded one after another, and all the swordsmen of the ancient sword sect had a flash of shock in their eyes, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

Luo Yuan looked at Su Han's name on the sword tower stele, a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes, his face was pale, his heart of martial arts was shaking, he was dumbfounded: "How is this possible? The passage leading to the ninth floor. But with the phantom of the will of His Majesty the Sword Emperor guarding him, how could he pass! How could he pass? Did he defeat His Majesty the Sword Emperor? Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! If so, his talent is too great! It's against the sky!"

As the guard of the nine-story sword tower, Luo Yuan also knows something about the nine-story sword tower.

In the nine-story sword tower, the person guarding the entrance to the ninth floor is the phantom of the will of the ancient sword emperor. The phantom of the will of the ancient sword emperor will simulate the cultivation base of the passerby, and fight at the same level as the passerby. For any kendo genius of the ancient sword sect, that is the most difficult. It is also the most impossible pass.

You must know that it is not the phantom of the immature will of the ancient sword emperor, but a phantom of will separated by the ancient sword emperor who has reached the peak of the sword and has reached the peak of the sword. Among warriors of the same level, it is almost impossible for anyone to defeat that phantom of will. Now Su Han actually defeated the phantom of the will of the ancient sword emperor, it is simply against the sky!

Excitement flashed in Luo Yuan's eyes: "The talent of the emperor! I didn't think about it. In my lifetime, I was able to see a peerless genius with the talent of the emperor appearing in our ancient sword sect. I must report it as soon as possible!"

While thinking about it, Luo Yuan's body flickered immediately, and disappeared in front of the sword tower stele.

A day later, in the void, an incomparably powerful aura enveloped the nine-story sword tower.

Jian Wuyi stepped out of the air, walked around the sword tower stele, and quietly looked at the number one name on the sword tower stele.

Luo Yuan stood respectfully behind Jian Wuyi.

Jian Wuyi looked at the name on the sword tower tablet, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes: "It's really surprising! I thought he would stop at the eighth floor at most! Without thinking, he even His Majesty Sword Emperor's will projection has been defeated, which is really surprising. Luo Yuan, immediately block the information, and no one is allowed to spread the information of this place to the outside."

Luo Yuan was slightly startled, but still responded quickly: "Yes! Sovereign Master!"

Jian Wuyi looked at Su Han's name on the sword tower stele, and the light flickered in the depths of his eyes. After Su Han has advanced 17,000 miles in the ocean of sword intent, he is very sure of Su Han's potential. However, he also believed that Su Han could only stop at the eighth floor of the nine-story sword tower at most. After all, the garrison leading to the ninth floor is the phantom of the will of the ancient sword emperor, a terrifying existence that is invincible at the same level. It was beyond Jian Wuyi's expectations that Su Han was able to defeat the phantom of the will of the ancient sword emperor.

The ninth floor of the nine-story sword tower.

"Is this the reward for the ninth floor of the nine-story sword tower? The ancient sword emperor is worthy of being the ancient sword emperor, and he is really generous!" Su Han stood on the ninth floor of the nine-story sword tower, looking up at the sky, his eyes filled with shock and ecstasy color.

In the void of the ninth floor of the nine-story sword tower, there is a Xuanjin star nucleus with a diameter of up to 20 kilometers, which exudes bright aura, and spews out a series of golden auras.

Xuanjin Star Core is one of the gods of heaven and earth. It is a peerless treasure that is formed from the Qi of Seventh Gold in the vast universe, which can be compared to a star in a middle-thousand world after it suddenly aged and died in a long time.

In that vast universe, if there were no accidents, many stars would not age and die at all.

Therefore, that kind of black gold star core is an extremely precious treasure, and it is also an extremely rare treasure, and it is also a top material that can be used to refine Godless Weapons. The Godless Weapon in the hands of the ancient Sword Emperor back then was a peerless treasure made of the Xuanjin Star Core as the main material.

A look of excitement flashed in Su Han's eyes as he looked at the golden star core that was blooming with endless black energy, and with a thought, the hole dzi appeared out of thin air and turned into a huge black hole, swallowing the golden star core instantly.

As soon as the Xuanjin Star Core was devoured, immediately under Xu's control, it suddenly flew to the vicinity of the Xi Rang Divine Mountain.

As soon as the black gold star core flew to the vicinity of the Xi Rang Divine Mountain, countless black gold qi spewed out immediately, filling the entire cave world.

Absorbing the mysterious gold energy, the inside of the celestial orb expanded again, with a diameter of 20,000 li, and a large area of ​​land was created.

At the same time, as soon as the mysterious golden energy gushing out from the mysterious golden star core sank into the ground inside the Dongtian Orb, pieces of material that could be used to refine a first-grade magic weapon were formed in the ground.

The Lord of Xuanjin flew to the side of the Xuanjin Star Core, absorbed the Xuanjin Qi that pervaded from the Xuanjin Star Core, and a look of intoxication and excitement flashed in his eyes: "Heaven and earth fetish! Metal heaven and earth fetish! Great! My lord, I am indeed my lord! It is so powerful that I can even get a peerless divine object like the Xuanjin Star Core. As long as I practice next to this metallic heaven and earth divine object, my cultivation can be restored again. Rapid progress, it is not a problem to break through to the realm of regeneration of dead bones and rebirth of bleeding in the future!"

The Lord of Profound Gold has already been promoted to the Seventh Heavenly Realm of Immortal Realm. It is very difficult for an ancient alien species like him to be promoted to a strong person at the eighth heavenly level of the Immortal Realm. Now that there is this Mysterious Gold Star Core, it immediately gives it the hope of re-evolution~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For an ancient alien species like the Mysterious Gold Lord, the most lacking thing is the cultivation resources. Once you have enough Cultivation resources, with their talents, the speed of cultivation can definitely increase by leaps and bounds.

Received the nourishment of the Xuanjin Star Core, the entire Dongtian Orb glowed with a trace of vitality, evolving towards a more real world.

"Fifth Heaven of Immortality! With the nourishment of the Xuanjin Star Core, I can also display the combat power of Fifth Heaven of Immortality." Xu also felt the change of his own power, and a scorching color flashed in his eyes.

Xu Nai is the weapon spirit of the dzi bead, the stronger the dzi bead is, the stronger it will become itself, and it can exert the greatest power of the dzi bead.

As soon as the Xuanjin star core was collected by Su Han, from the place where the Xuanjin star core disappeared, powerful and pure spiritual power and countless pure and incomparably pure laws of heaven and earth spewed out immediately, covering this space.

Su Han casually took a breath, and he would absorb a huge and pure aura, as well as countless pure laws of life and death, the laws of heaven and earth. While he was thinking, he immediately released the warriors in the entire dzi bead, making the warriors in the dzi bead absorb the pure spiritual power and various laws frantically. (To be continued..)

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