Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 812: Flesh resists catastrophe

The genius disciples of the ancient sword sect are all swordsman geniuses, dragons among men, with extraordinary talents, and all of them are geniuses of the ninth level of Yuanshen realm. But after experiencing the trials in the Horned Demon Realm, only seven people were promoted to become undead powerhouses. One can imagine the difficulty of advancing to the Immortal Realm.

Now that Su Han has more than a thousand undead masters as his subordinates, naturally the proud disciples of the ancient sword sect are full of horror and do not want to believe this fact.

Su Han looked up at the sky, and activated the Thunder Emperor's body at once. In every cell in the body, tiny spirit patterns surged one by one, releasing incomparably powerful power, and condensed to form a mighty and domineering thunderbolt covering the whole body. armor.

In the sky, thunder and lightning flashed, dancing silver snakes, and thunder rumbled.

All of a sudden, there seemed to be no light between the sky and the earth, and a bucket-thick white lightning fell from the sky and struck towards Su Han.

That bucket-thick white lightning contained terrifying power, and this blow could directly vaporize an undead sixth-layer warrior.

"Ash lightning! That's the shattering lightning that can vaporize the undead sixth-layer powerhouse!"

"It's over! This time, Su Han is sure to die! That is the shattering lightning that can vaporize even the undead sixth-layer powerhouse!"


Those talented disciples of the ancient sword sect were all very knowledgeable. After seeing the white lightning bolts that were as thick as buckets, everyone's expression changed drastically, and they all exclaimed in amazement.

"Break me!" Facing the white shattered lightning, Su Han smiled excitedly, and punched the white lightning with endless lightning. Gotta crash and shatter.

After the white lightning was shattered by Su Han's blow, it immediately turned into streaks of thunder that filled with the law of heaven and earth and sank into his body. Absorbed by his Thunder Emperor Body.

"Crushed! It actually shattered! His blow actually shattered the Destruction Lightning! This, how is this possible!"

"How is that possible! That's the shattering lightning, the shattering lightning that even an old monster in the sixth level of immortality can't resist! How could he be able to stop it!"


A series of horrified gazes fell on Su Han, and those sword dao geniuses from the ancient sword sect were stunned and couldn't believe their eyes.

Su Han felt the numbness in his right fist. A solemn look flashed in his eyes: "Amazing! This shattering lightning is so powerful! If you use a high-grade magic weapon like the Thunder Jade Umbrella, you can only resist it three times at most, or you will be destroyed. Fortunately, I have cultivated the body of the Thunder Emperor Otherwise, there will be some trouble this time!"

Su Han shattered the shattering lightning with one blow, as if he had angered the heavenly tribulation in the sky, one after another horrific shattering lightning fell from the sky, striking towards Su Han, as if to kill Su Han directly.

Su Han urged Lei Di's body. Like a **** of thunder, with endless demon thunder and fists like shooting stars, he directly smashed the shattering thunder lights bombarding him in the sky into pieces, and his body absorbed the countless thunder lights like a black hole.

After a dozen or so breaths, the lightning armor on Su Han's body began to collapse, and he himself was also under the bombardment of endless shattering lightning. First, his left hand was directly blasted to pieces. The body on the left was also bombarded by the shattering lightning, gradually collapsing. Blood splattered everywhere, and his body was scorched black.

Facing the terrifying destructive lightning, Su Han mobilized his mana, swallowed the Wannian Earth Heart Milk and several precious eighth-order healing elixir in his stomach, and then crazily circulated the Immortal Scripture, Xuan The three magical arts of Thunder Nine Changes and Immortal Body of Gods and Demons.

Waves of incomparably powerful vitality gushed out from the place bombarded by the thunder light, and Su Han's collapsed body quickly regenerated. The collapsed left hand was also growing rapidly, and was smashed to pieces by the shattering lightning in the next moment.

"What kind of exercise is that?"

"It's too abnormal, that kind of rebirth speed, it's too abnormal!"


The kendo genius named Ancient Sword Sect saw Su Han in the thunder light. The physical body continued to collapse, and then quickly built again, and everyone's eyes flashed with a gleam of horror.

The recovery speed of Su Han's physical body has far exceeded the speed that can be achieved in the first level of the undead state, and it is already comparable to the recovery speed of the ninth level of the undead state.

The kendo geniuses of those ancient sword sects are all experienced kendo experts, so they naturally know what this means. This means that Su Han has also cultivated a peerless skill of the restoration system, so that he can improve so quickly, and his recovery power is abnormally scary.

Under the bombardment of the almost endless shattering lightning, Su Han seemed to be killed several times, but with his extraordinary will, he kept squeezing the potential in his body, and kept hovering on the edge of shattering and death. I struggled to support without using any magic weapon.

After the terrifying bombardment lasted for a full quarter of an hour, the dark clouds billowing in the sky slowly dissipated.

Su Han activated the body of the Thunder Emperor at once, and operated the secret method of the Nine Transformations of Xuanlei, absorbed all the rolling thunder light in his body, submerged it into each cell in his body, and absorbed the power that contained the pure law of thunder and lightning After the thunder light, the thunder and lightning runes in each cell in his body became more powerful, and the Thunder Emperor's body also began to become stronger.

After absorbing all the thunder light, Su Han had a thought and started to run the scripture of immortality. A series of powerful vitality gushed out from his body, and the injuries he suffered instantly recovered, and layers of scorched shells sprang from his body. Falling down from the body.

Su Han's spiritual consciousness swept away, feeling the changes in his body, and a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes: "Sure enough, cultivating the Thunder Emperor's body can resist the catastrophe! And can get great benefits from the catastrophe. Absorbed the endless thunder and lightning After the power, my God and Demon Indestructible Body has improved a little bit, and my body's martial arts aptitude has also been greatly improved again."

The catastrophe is not only the doom of the warrior, but also the opportunity of the warrior. If Su Han hadn't cultivated the Thunder Emperor's Body, with his current strength, he would definitely not be able to resist the catastrophe with his physical body. It is also impossible to get the greatest benefit from the catastrophe.

It is extremely difficult for Su Han to improve the indestructible body of gods and demons, and now he has made another small step in the catastrophe. For him, it is the biggest gain from the catastrophe.

"Su Han, congratulations on your successful promotion to become an undead powerhouse." At this moment, with a chuckle, Feng Tianhe, Shu Wu Ruohan, and Wang Lanlan stepped into the void and came to Su Han's place. around.

After a legion guarding here saw that Su Han was successfully promoted to become an undead master, they let the three of Feng Tianhe approach Su Han.

Su Han glanced at Feng Tianhe, smiled slightly and said, "This time, let's go have a good drink."

Feng Tianhe also smiled and said: "Okay! If you don't get drunk, you won't return!"

The four of them left immediately and came to the most luxurious hotel in Thunder Point City, where they began to talk about martial arts while drinking delicious spirit wine.

After a long time, the four of them broke up happily.

"Master!" As soon as Su Han returned to the Prince's Mansion, a clone of Jiao Tianxiong walked up to Su Han, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully.

"How is the matter going?" Su Han glanced at Jiao Tianxiong and asked in a deep voice.

Jiao Tianxiong said in a deep voice: "There are already eight states and counties willing to submit to you and serve you. The rest of the states and counties, after hearing that I am serving you, broke away from my control. Only some forces are willing to surrender and serve you. you."

Jiao Tianxiong was originally the strongest force in Leijiaozhou, ruling more than 30 states and counties. However, among those states and counties, most of the rulers did not completely submit to Jiao Tianxiong. The leaders of some states and counties were originally controlled by Jiao Tianxiong's confidants, but after hearing that Jiao Tianxiong surrendered to Su Han, they all had different hearts and refused to obey Jiao Tianxiong's orders.

"A group of stubborn guys! If this is the case, then don't blame me for being ruthless." Su Han smiled coldly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and immediately said coldly: "Go and summon the four of them, General Yan."

Not far from Su Han's side, a shadow distorted slightly and disappeared instantly from here.

Su Han walked towards the meeting hall with big strides.

"I've met the Lord!" Yan Yinghan and the other four warrior generals soon appeared in the conference hall, and bowed to Su Han.

Su Han glanced at Yan Yinghan and the other four unparalleled generals, a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

After these days of painstaking practice, Yan Yinghan and the other four unparalleled warriors have greatly improved their cultivation. Everyone has cultivated to above the sixth level of the Yuanshen Realm, and Yan Yinghan has even cultivated to the seventh level of the Yuanshen Realm.

Su Han used the background information of Leijiaozhou on Yan Yinghan and other four unparalleled warriors one by one~www.wuxiaspot.com~Their four unparalleled warriors' cultivation speed is so abnormal.

If Su Han uses those backgrounds on a genius of the Horned Demon Race who is at the peak of the Ninth Heaven Realm in the Yuanshen Realm, he can even cultivate a strong man in the Immortal Realm.

Su Han announced in an unquestionable tone: "Yan Yinghan, Yan Xiaoxue, the two of you command the Holy Horn Legion's Eastern Legion and Northern Legion to attack Baojiao Niuzhou and Qingjiao Niuzhou... Gongyang Leier and Wang Pojun, The two of you commanded the Western Army, the Southern Army to attack Hejiao Niuzhou, and Gujiao Niuzhou... I personally led the Central Army of the Holy Horn Army to attack Wolfhorn Niuzhou... Red Horn Niuzhou."

When Yan Yinghan and the other four unparalleled warriors heard the words, a look of excitement and ecstasy flashed in their eyes, and they responded loudly: "Yes! Your lord!"

Yan Yinghan and the other four unparalleled generals have been practicing in seclusion these days. Now when they heard that Su Han was going to launch an all-out war, the blood boiled inside their bodies, and a frenzy flashed in their eyes.

A warrior who cultivates the military killing formation can only grow rapidly and become more tyrannical by hunting and killing countless enemies and absorbing the essence of blood from countless enemies in the war. They are the strongest fighters, and also the most combative. (To be continued..)

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