Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 887: The temptation of the treasurer

Land of All Souls.

Duobao Daochang gently shook his hand, and a whirlpool appeared.

Then he pulled Li Zhen into it.

Li Zhen's face was shocked. Is this the top powerhouse of H country?

In front of Dabao Daochang, he didn't have the slightest resistance at all, a puppet that made him live.

In the past, Li Zhen thought that Gao Jian and Laoqi were strong in the saint state, but after a long time in contact, he naturally knew that these two were strong in the true king's peak state, half-step saint state.

And Li Zhen is confident that with the blessing of the formation, he is not weaker than them.

In the face of Daobao Dao, he didn't have any confidence.

Looking at the formation in front of him, Daobao Daochang stared closely, trying to see something.

Li Zhen curled his lips, you can see what you can tell!

This is the formation developed by the world's top strong formation Heaven King, and then systematically modified.

Sure enough, after a while, Duobaodao looked at Li Zhen helplessly, "Boy, what formation is this?"

"Master, I'm still fighting for life and death!" Li Zhenqiang said with a twitch of his mouth, holding back his smile.

Daobao Taoist squinted at Li Zhen silently, and suddenly said in a low tone: "Now, do you still have to pretend?"

"We are all old friends for many years. Now that you are born again, why don't you notify me?"

Li Zhen: "..."


Yes, he was reborn, but it was not the kind of rebirth that Dabao Daochang thought.

He was rebirth from the earth, not from the ancient powerhouse in the eyes of the Taoist Master.

"Old friend, I don't have any opinion on your taking a kitten to rebirth, so you don't have to be so jealous of me, don't you know me after thousands of years of friendship?"

Dabao said, as if he was thinking of the past.

Li Zhen was speechless, "Daoist, I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Since you don't believe me, then forget it, but what kind of formation this is, you must tell me."

With that said, Daobao Master suddenly said: "You can't even do such a simple request."

"Daoist, I'm still fighting for life!"

Mad, almost let this old guy lie.

The reason the old guy said that was just a test, and he couldn't be sure at all.

The main purpose of this old guy is to know what the formation he has laid out is.

Dabao Daobao had a headache when he heard Li Zhen's words. The little guys nowadays are so clever.

"Enough, Li Jishan, you can't kill!" Dabao Dao Master said silently.

"Why? Because he belongs to the Li family?" Li Zhen frowned. If so, then he wanted to kill even more.

"Almost, you can't kill anyway."

Dabao Daochang said vaguely, obviously there are other reasons, but for some reason, he didn't want to tell Li Zhen.

"Dao Master, you should tell me better, otherwise, according to the law, I will force the life and death battle to continue."

Mr. Dubaodao heard that his head was a little painful, and shook his head and said, "Don't you just want to go back to that little guy? The old way helps you to come back. That is, your little girlfriend, the old way will help you save! How?"

It turned out that this old guy knew, Li Zhen frowned, and it seemed that Luan Yunshan had told Dao Bao Dao Master all the things here.

"Boy, you won't fail to give the old man the face, right?"

Daobao Taoist glanced at Li Zhen, and a terrifying aura immediately enveloped Li Zhen.

The hairs on Li Zhen's whole body stood up at this moment.

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