Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 792: Senior, I'm here again

"I won't go, you won disgrace like this! I..."

Su Zisu shook her head desperately, is she shameless? In the world of holy beasts, she is considered a little famous person anyway, and she must not get what she wants in this way.

But before the woodcarving finished her words, an unstoppable spiritual force swept over, and Su Zisu and Li Zhen were enveloped by this force and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

"Okay, let's go on. The rules are as follows. You are not allowed to touch my drawing paper, nor can anyone else touch it..." The woodcarving has customized the rules to perfection, so perfect that the rest of these people can't find a trace of cheating. Gap.

Everyone looked at the woodcarving eagerly, hoping that it would take back some of the rules. If this continues, how many people can pass this test?

"Brother Li, it's really..."

There were people from Wan Jianzong in the crowd, talking dumbfounded.

Li Zhen and Su Zisu only felt that the scene in front of them changed, Su Zisu pouted.

"Hey, you little girl, I'll help you in, you are not happy!"

Li Zhen looked at Su Zisu speechlessly, it would be good if he could get the inheritance, he cares what means he does! The human races in the holy beast realm are hypocritical, they have all been cut off as a stubble of leeks by the monster race, and they still care about the face!

If Lao Jiang were here, it would be even more shameless.

It was a familiar scene again, and Li Zhen stepped into the wooden house in a familiar manner.

"Senior, I'm here again!" Li Zhen said warmly.

In the wooden house.

Hearing this sound, the projection of the King of Heaven shook the arm holding the book, and the book almost fell to the ground.

"Kang Dang!"

Li Zhen pushed the door and entered.

The King of Heaven looked at Li Zhen bitterly, "Little friend, one can only get the same inheritance from me, you..."

Hearing this, Su Zisu curled her lips and glanced at Li Zhen. Seeing if she saw it, this senior almost pointed to your nose and yelled you shamelessly.

Li Zhen didn't care about it, or he had a thick-skinned face and was blushing and others couldn't see it. He clasped his fist and said, "Senior, you are offended!"

With that, he punched the king who was reading while holding a book!

"Li Zhen, what are you doing?"

Su Zisu was dumbfounded and couldn't help but reprimanded: "This is the predecessor of our human race, the heavenly king, you are disrespectful to predecessors by doing this!"

Li Zhen casually said: "Senior Jade Heavenly King is dead long ago. This is just an energy projection of Senior, and it's not true."

Next second.


A shadow whizzed and flew out.

"This **** boy, I can't stand him for a long time, but due to the rules, he can't shoot him. This boy asked for it!"

Under Su Zisu's startled gaze, Jin Tianwang disappeared in front of her in one step. Then Su Zisu saw from a distance that Li Zhen, who had not yet landed, flew out again, and this time he flew farther!

She couldn't help feeling a moment of silence for Li Zhen, but to be honest, her heart was quite refreshing. Li Zhen, a bastard, often doesn't play cards according to his routine when doing things, especially this time, in order to achieve his goal, he didn't even need his face.


At this time, a shadow fell from the sky and fell on the ground. There was a muffled sound on the ground, and a pothole with a length of more than ten meters and a depth of more than 50 meters appeared.

Su Zisu walked to the edge of the pothole in time, looked down and jokingly shouted, "Li Zhen, come out!"

The earth moved in a rhythm, the potholes disappeared, the wooden house returned to its original appearance, and the figure flashed, and Su Zisu's eyes shone with a brilliance.

When she got used to it, the scene in the wooden house had been restored.

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