Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 475: Meng Fanchen asks for guidance

What could directly reflect the skill level of an alchemist than alchemy?

Those people looked at the jade bottle in Li Zhen's hand and salivated!

That's the best four-level spirit pill!

"Sure enough, the hero was born in a young age. Little friend Li Zhen is the dean of the Dan Academy. I agree with Li Jibei!" Director Li gave Li Zhen a kind smile.

Li Zhen frowned, did he guess wrong, this Director Li is not from the Li family?

"Boy, treat Zhen'er well, otherwise I can't spare you."

At this moment, Li Zhen remembered a sharp voice in his mind. He was taken aback and looked at Director Li, just in time to see the look in Director Li's eyes.

Li Zhen's family?

Li Zhen frowned. Since these people know that Li Zhen is here, why don’t they bring Li Zhen back to the Li family. Li’s family has a big business. Li Zhen will definitely get better development in Li’s family than here. This matter is full of weirdness. But this matter is not his business. Of course he will treat his eldest wife well.

"This is my own business, it's up to you!" Li Zhen said lightly.

Li Jibei was startled, but he didn't expect Li Zhen to answer like this, saying that these alchemists are indeed not ordinary arrogant.

Tensor sensed the sound transmission between the two, and his eyes flashed, thoughtfully.

Although he is not the core of the Li family, he also knows a little about the Li family. Everyone thinks that the Li family is divided into two factions, but he knows that the Li family is actually three factions and there is a neutral faction.

This Li Jibei is a strong man in the neutral line, but this scene today makes Tensor understand that perhaps the neutral line has made a choice long ago.

If in the past, he would immediately report today’s events to the forces behind him, but now, he’s probably going to prepare an extra road. Everyone knows that the battle between the two major factions of the Li family is about to come to a resolution. Otherwise, the assassination of Li Zhenzhi a while ago would not happen.

Good birds choose wood to live, and his tensor is just a small role. If they don't protect themselves well, they may be the first to be liquidated.

Wen Tianye saw that the situation was set, and a smile appeared on his face.

The iron madman looked at tensor jokingly. He was just an idiot. Didn't you see Simon Hammer staying there? People don’t mean to be out there, just like you and a big horse monkey, there are scumbags, what is the result?

Everyone came forward one by one, and even Ximen Hamming, who had been hostile to Li Zhen before, had a enthusiastic expression on his face. Such a young seventh-rank alchemist is definitely worthy of any strength.

As for the little friction before, in the face of huge interests, no grievances can be resolved. Even tensor, although embarrassed, came to Li Zhen with a face of kindness, hoping to make up for the previous rift.


At this moment, something unexpected happened, and Meng Fanchen suddenly knelt in front of Li Zhen.

"Lao Meng, what are you doing?"

Everyone was shocked. Meng Fancheng was highly respected on Dongshan Provincial Highway. How could he kneel down to a teenage child? If this spread, it would not only lose Meng Fanchen's face, but the entire Dongshan City.

"President Li, please advise me on my alchemy!" Meng Fanchen has been trapped in a fifth-rank alchemist for nearly 30 years, and has been unable to break through a sixth-rank alchemist. Now that he sees the opportunity, how could he let it slip away like this .

Li Zhen didn't expect that Meng Fanchen had become obsessed with alchemy to this level, and the complaints against him in his heart instantly disappeared.

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