"Okay, you send these two people to the underworld, and I'll move Li Zhen's body." The security guard said.

Then he looked at the sniper in his hand and exclaimed: "What's the matter, the gadget designed by the Li family is so powerful that it might even be a threat to the Grand Master."

"Okay!" The black-clothed security guard in the other building hung up and looked at Li Dunru and his wife coldly.

"No!" Cai Xiulian realized that she was afraid, and she yelled desperately, her face pale, her eyes only horrified.

When the security guard saw Cai Xiulian yelling, he couldn't help being upset, and stuffed it into Cai Xiulian's mouth with a grin on her face.

Just when he wanted to open his mouth, he was suddenly startled.

I have to say that Li Xiaoman is so beautiful and is completely inherited from Cai Xiulian. Although Cai Xiulian is nearly forty years old, she has very good skin care. She looks no different from the twenty-seventh woman. Her skin is fair and beautiful. His face, paired with a pair of pitiful eyes and delicate red lips, the security guard in black felt his breathing heavier as he looked down all the way.

"Since you are going to die, let me be happy!" said the black-clothed security guard with a smile of YD.

Cai Xiulian was ashamed and struggling desperately, but her appearance further aroused the beast of the security guard in black, and her eyes were full of desire.

"Stab!" There was a tearing voice. Before the black-clothed security guard could see anything clearly, a black shadow suddenly flew over.


The black-clothed security guard was thrown directly from upstairs.

"Ah, no!" Cai Xiulian yelled frantically.

"Auntie, it's me, Li Zhen!" Li Zhen quickly pacified Cai Xiulian. When Cai Xiulian heard Li Zhen's voice, she threw excitedly into Li Zhen's arms.

"Li Zhen, why did you come so late? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Just a helpless woman.

But Li Zhen was miserable. The black security guard just tore it all at once.

"Auntie, I will take you and uncle to a safe place first." Li Zhen quickly took off his clothes and let Cai Xiulian put it on. Cai Xiulian realized something and blushed for a while.

Li Zhen walked to the blind spot of vision, then took Li Dunru and his wife to the relevant department of Yangxin County, said to Wu Zhengkai, and then flew back to Li Dunru's home.

The scene just now was too thrilling, and the power of sniping is too terrifying, even if the sixth-rank martial artist is not wary of it, I am afraid it will be hateful.

Fortunately, his Split Shadow Sky Thunderbolt advanced to become the Raikage clone at a critical moment. He used the Raikage clone and was pleasantly surprised to find that the Raikage clone could almost be fake. After he cast the Raikage clone, he immediately flew to the Li Dunru couple in stealth. In that building.


The other security guard carried his handbag and walked towards Li Dunru’s house with excitement, killing a fifth-grade Xeon. What an honor, the Li family took this task very seriously, otherwise they would not come up with such a precious one. Sniper Si for their use.

When he walked to the door, he saw the anti-theft door, smiled contemptuously at the corner of his mouth, lowered the brim of his hat, took out a key and opened it easily and walked in.

"Li Zhen, I didn't expect you to have today. To blame, you shouldn't come to this place and know people you shouldn't know..." The security guard couldn't say anymore, staring dumbfounded at Li Zhen, who was safe and sound.

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