Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Vol 2 Chapter 1401: Paradox

Is this the Eastern Wilderness Forbidden Land?

Li Zhen looked around and was immediately stunned by the magnificence and beauty in front of him.

At this moment, he and the silkworm are staying in a valley, but the surrounding valley is not high, it is more like a platform, standing up, you can see the beautiful scenery in the distance.

Looking into the distance, there is a lush green, all kinds of strange-shaped peaks standing there, and the ancient pine vigorously grows on a rolling mountain.

The old vine is like a giant snake coiled around, and the old vine is full of fragrant flowers.

From time to time, there is the sound of beasts and birds singing, and there is a vibrant scene everywhere, full of vitality and vitality.

All these things in front of them are difficult to associate with the name "East Waste Forbidden Land".


The baby silkworm also learned Li Zhen to look into the distance, feeling happy, bluntly saying that this is a peaceful and pure land.

If there were no more than a dozen dead monitor lizards by their side, the words of the baby silkworm would be more convincing.

"Little guy, what the **** are you?"

The saliva he spit out was all holy spirit fluid, and he could enter and exit his godhead at will. This little guy was really weird.

With a wave of his hand, Zhu Yun and the kitten were released. As for the three of the Li family, Li Zhen would not let go. He drew a piece of pure land for their family in the world of Godhead, which was full of spiritual energy and was perfect for their family. People live.


As soon as the kitten came out, he wanted to trouble the baby silkworm. Li Zhen held him on his shoulder. The baby silkworm jumped on Li Zhen's other shoulder and smiled kindly at the kitten.

Seeing that Li Zhen and the baby silkworm didn't do anything, the kitten let go of the baby silkworm.

Li Zhen came to the edge of the valley and looked outside. He couldn't help but feel depressed. There were cliffs all around, and the valley they were in turned into a cliff.

Li Zhen wanted to get up in the air, but was depressed to discover that there was a ban on the air, and even the space avenue was extremely jerky, as if there were some restrictions.

This discovery filled Li Zhen with astonishment, and grabbed the miserable baby who was hovering on his scalp into his hands.


Seeing Li Zhen's eyes, the little guy spit on Li Zhen's face with a "poof".

"Made, if it wasn't for your saliva to be holy spirit liquid, I would spank you!"

Li Zhen looked at the baby silkworm fiercely.


The silkworm baby looks like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"He can Yukong!"

Zhu Yunxiu looked at the baby silkworm in doubt, and he also saw the abnormality of the baby silkworm.


The baby silkworm is a terrible fart. To be frank, there is no place where it can't fly in this world.

"It's at least 3000 meters high. We don't want to find a way, we can't get down at all."

Zhu Yunzhen glanced down and said bluntly.

Li Zhen nodded.

Zhu Yunzheng looked around, and then said: "Have you seen it? We don't have any focus at all around us. We seem to have fallen directly here from the sky instead of being thrown up."

Li Zhen looked solemn, he had discovered it a long time ago, so he was even more puzzled, because the baby silkworm said that they were here when they woke up, but he clearly remembered that he was hit by Yan Peng's palm at the beginning. Here.

Taking a glance at the scene in front of him, Li Zhen could conclude that even Yan Peng would definitely not be able to do this.

But he still remembered that when he first woke up, all the bones in his body were brittle. Could it be that... Li Zhen raised his head and looked at the sky. He really fell from it?

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