At 7pm, Lin Bin personally drove Zhou Manqing to the Shanghai Airport, and Xia Mo naturally followed.

Before getting off the car, Lin Bin suddenly said,"By the way, I bought a small gift for both of you this afternoon. I put it in the bag at the back as a token of my appreciation. The top box is for Manqing, and the bottom box is for Lao Xia.""

"You still have a conscience and know to buy me one too."

Seeing that Lin Bin bought gifts for both of them, Xia Mo didn't think much about it.

She picked up the bag in the back seat and turned the contents upside down, then handed the top box to Zhou Manqing, and she packed the bottom box.

Lin Bin, who was parking the car, didn't see this scene, otherwise he would definitely help the two to exchange the gifts.

They were about to board the plane and parted ways, so the two women didn't bother to check what was inside

"Qingqing, don't worry, I will go to Jiangcheng to find you after I finish my work here."

"Don't! You must not come, I don't have time to see you."

Xia Mo was reluctant to leave, but Zhou Manqing had a look of abandonment, which made Lin Bin laugh.

After seeing Zhou Manqing get on the plane, Lin Bin drove Xia Mo back first, and then returned to Tomson Yipin's villa alone.

The film and television company's matter was not in sight, and he had to stay to fulfill the agreement and pick up girls according to Xia Mo's wishes.

Considering that it was too boring to be alone these days, Lin Bin called Leng Yiza first and asked her to come to Shanghai for an audition.

It happened that Leng Yiza was in Shanghai now and could come over soon. Lin Bin immediately went to wash up and prepare for the battle.


It was already past nine o'clock when Zhou Manqing got home

"Auntie, you're back!" Mu Wenjun rushed over immediately after hearing the door open.

"Well, I'm almost exhausted from this trip. We'll talk about it tomorrow if there's anything."

Zhou Manqing immediately went to wash up, and only took a breath when she lay down in the bedroom.

When she was shopping in the afternoon, she was often taken advantage of by Xia Mo's dirty hands. She felt wet all over, and her whole body was sore and weak.

However, Lin Bin followed her the whole time, so in order to prevent anyone from seeing the clues, Zhou Manqing endured the discomfort.

When she lay down, a huge sense of loss suddenly surged into her heart.

""Pah! What are you thinking about? Go to sleep."

Zhou Manqing touched her hot face and quickly got rid of the messy thoughts in her mind.

She reached out to turn off the light and rest, and suddenly saw an exquisite box on the dressing table. She remembered that it was a gift from Lin Bin, and she was curious.

"Ah! This......"

When she looked at the contents of the box, Zhou Manqing felt embarrassed and annoyed.

Inside was a"foreign" toy.

"What does he mean by giving me this thing? Does he want me to stay away from Lao Xia? But there is no need to do this, right?"

Zhou Manqing asked three questions in a row and fell into deep thought.

At this moment, Lin Bin's handsome appearance became clearer and clearer in her mind, and she could never get rid of it.

"Impossible! I am much older than him, he would never have any idea about me."

Zhou Manqing just thought of a possibility, and she shook her head in fear.

However, when she thought of the look Lin Bin gave her that time, she was confused again. At this moment, her heart, which had been sealed for thirty years, began to tremble, and a strange feeling rose from her body.

This feeling was even stronger than that of Lao Xia's dirty hands.

"Although Mr. Lin is very rich, he seems to have few women around him, so he can be considered honest and reliable."

Unconsciously, Zhou Manqing actually found an excuse for herself. When she reacted, she was immediately ashamed.

The next moment, Zhou Manqing felt as if a current surged through her body. She subconsciously reached out and picked up the toy........

In the bedroom, Mu Wenjun was about to go to bed when she heard a strange sound in her ear.

She got up in a daze. She listened for a while and made sure she heard it right. Then she started looking for the direction of the sound in the room.

Soon, Mu Wenjun stood at the door of her aunt's room.

The sound was clearer through the door.

"Auntie, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Mu Wenjun heard a suppressed voice coming from the room. Auntie seemed to be in pain, and he was immediately anxious.


Zhou Manqing was so frightened when she heard the sound outside the door that she made a strange sound in her throat.

"Wenjun...I'm fine, don't come in!"

"Auntie, what happened to you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Mu Wenjun pushed the door and found it was locked from the inside. She could only stand outside the door anxiously.

"I'm really fine, I just had a nightmare, you should go to sleep."

Zhou Manqing lay on the bed, not daring to move, her heart in her throat.

Mu Wenjun lay at the door and listened for a while, but when she saw that there was no movement inside, she felt relieved,"Aunt, I'm going to sleep now, call me if you feel uncomfortable"

"I understand. Go back to sleep."

After a long time, there was no more sound coming from the door, and Zhou Manqing's tense body finally relaxed.

Thinking back to what had just happened, she quickly covered her head with the quilt.

"No! This thing can't be kept. It would be bad if Wenjun saw it!"

Zhou Manqing's chaotic thoughts slowly calmed down. She stood up suddenly and put away the gift that Lin Bin gave her.

She wanted to throw it away directly, but at the last minute, she put it away for some unknown reason.

She scanned the room and finally landed on the desk where they were communicating.

With a click, Zhou Manqing opened the drawer and put the small box in the innermost part.

""Lin Bin, Lin Bin, you are killing me."

At this moment, the honest and reliable Lin Bin was spitting impolitely in Tomson Yipin.

Leng Yiza rushed over half an hour ago, and after listening to him about the film and television company, she seemed particularly proactive.

The next day, early in the morning.

Lin Bin was woken up by Xia Mo's call early in the morning.

"Mr. Lin, do you still want to start a company? Come to me quickly!"

Xia Mo said angrily and hung up the phone.

Lin Bin quickly got up and washed up,"Yiza, you should have fun these few days. I will contact you as soon as the film and television company is ready."

""Okay, Mr. Lin."

Leng Yiza helped to organize the clothes. She was embarrassed to live here directly, so she went out with Lin Bin.

More than half an hour later, Lin Bin drove to Xia Mo's residence.

Xia Mo sniffed, sniffed hard, then frowned and said unhappily:"Okay, I'm working so hard here, but you're fooling around with other women."

Damn! Does this woman have a dog nose?

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