Sometimes, no matter how much money is in the account, it is useless. Before it is withdrawn, it is just a string of numbers.

Lin Bin had specially withdrawn 200,000 yuan in cash, and now all of it was on the table.

The four girls looked at the piles of red banknotes on the table and shouted hurriedly.

"Come on, call me daddy!"

The little sister next to him looked at the two bills that Lin Bin took out and spoke without hesitation.


If the other party hesitates for a second, it would be disrespectful to the two bills.

Don't even mention calling him dad, you can even call him grandpa.

Lin Bin smiled faintly and handed over the bills in his hand,"Here, give me your reward."

""Thank you, Dad." The younger sister immediately smiled and even wanted to give him a kiss, but Lin Bin dodged.

She had eaten sausages countless times with this mouth, and Lin Bin was not willing to taste it.

The remaining three sisters were envious when they saw their colleague got 200 yuan so easily.

Lin Bin did not show favoritism and waved at them,"Come on, as long as you call, you can get it.���"


The three girls shouted in unison, as if they were afraid that the boss in front of them would go back on his word.

""Dapeng, do you want to give it a try?"

Lin Bin handed over the money in his hand.

It was Guan Peng's first time to come to such a place, and his expression was a little awkward. There were two beautiful women sitting next to him who he didn't know, which made him feel uncomfortable.

After hearing what Lin Bin said, Guan Peng quickly shook his head,"Forget it, I don't have such a bad taste as you."

"What a bad taste, this is called poverty alleviation, you see how hard these girls work, can't you give them a chance to make money?"

Lin Bin made a joke and immediately made the four girls giggle.

Guan Peng's neck turned red and his head shook like a rattle,"Anyway, I won't do it."

The girls saw that they missed a good opportunity to make money, and they showed disappointment on their faces.

Fortunately, Lin Bin was not stingy at all, and then said to the two girls next to Guan Peng:"Listen carefully, my buddy just broke up today, whoever can accompany him well will get the money."

These two hundred thousand are nothing to Lin Bin.

What's more, he had previously taken more than 700,000 from Tang Lan, so now he plans to spend all the money on Guan Peng.

Hearing Lin Bin's words, the two girls beside Guan Peng immediately became active, and each of them displayed their special skills. They even directly took Guan Peng's hand and put it on themselves.

However, this is a serious place, and real guns and live ammunition are definitely not allowed, at most it will just be fun.

Seeing that Guan Peng looked like he couldn't let go, Lin Bin was very tactful and took the two girls to order songs.

When he turned around, Guan Peng breathed a sigh of relief, and his courage grew a little bit.

Half an hour later, everyone became familiar with each other.

The two girls called him Brother Bin, and Lin Bin also knew the names of the two people, one was Xiaoqing and the other was Xiaomei.

""Brother Bin, do you want to drink?" Xiao Qing asked with a smile.

She looked at the two people beside Guan Peng, but she was quite jealous. However, Lin Bin just asked them to sing a song, and that was it.

Lin Bin thought about it and realized that he had to drive away later, so he really couldn't drink.

However, after singing for a while, he was really thirsty.

""Xiaoqing, how about we play a game?" Lin Bin suddenly suggested.

Xiaoqing was delighted and asked quickly,"Brother Bin, what do you want to play?"

"How about this, you go buy me a bottle of drink. If you buy a flavor I like, I will reward you with 1,000 yuan. If it's not what I like, I'll give you 100 yuan as errand fee. How about that?"

Lin Bin showed a smug smile. He never loses in this game.

"Brother Bin, let's make it a deal. I'll go buy it now."

Xiaoqing is not stupid. She won't lose money from this game. Even if she buys a bottle of mineral water, she can get a guaranteed 100 yuan.

Seeing this, Xiaomei came over and said,"Brother Bin, I want to play the game too."

Lin Bin smiled and nodded,"Then go buy me a pack of cigarettes. If you buy the right one, you'll get 2,000 yuan. If you buy the wrong one, you'll get 200 yuan as a running errand fee.""

""Okay, I'll go right away!"

Soon, the two girls ran out in a hurry.

Guan Peng was holding her slender waist with one hand and touching her thigh with the other hand. When he saw Lin Bin sitting over, he quickly took back both hands.

"Binzi, why did your two little sisters run away?"

"I asked them to buy some drinks." Lin Bin waved his hand and said to the two girls,"You guys go sing some songs, I'll chat with my buddies."

The two girls immediately ran to sing, freeing up the space.

Lin Bin looked at the lipstick marks on Guan Peng's face and smiled knowingly,"How about it, did you like that one?"

"What are you talking about? We were just chatting casually."Guan Peng's face turned red, and he was a little angry.

"They are all mineral water, no one should pretend to be pure. Tell the truth quickly, I will arrange it for you later and I have something else to do." Lin Bin scolded with a smile.

Guan Peng secretly glanced at the girl with a better figure, hesitatingly said:"Don't talk nonsense, they are all working properly, they only sell alcohol and not their bodies"

"Okay, I understand, just watch me."Lin Bin saw his little movements clearly and instantly decided on the target.

While they were chatting, Xiaoqing, who was buying drinks, ran back first, holding a big bag in both hands, which was filled with various drinks.

"Brother Bin, I have bought all kinds of drinks. There must be a flavor you like."

This girl is smart enough. Lin Bin was convinced and gave her a thousand yuan directly.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 58 yuan consumption rebate from Wang Xiaoqing, the sincerity index is 20.36, and the reverse critical hit is 2036 times!"

"The amount received is 118,088 yuan, please check it carefully!"

As soon as the reminder sounded in my mind, Xiaomei, who had gone to buy cigarettes, also ran back.���She also bought more than a dozen packs of cigarettes, all of which were common brands.

"Brother Bin, check if there are any cigarettes you usually smoke?"Xiao Mei looked nervous.

These cigarettes were not cheap, at least more than 20 yuan a pack. She spent more than 600 yuan to buy these cigarettes.

If she guessed wrong, she would lose money.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 628 yuan consumption rebate from Wujiang Midea, a sincerity index of 28.63, and a reverse critical hit of 2863 times!"

"The amount received is 1,797,946 yuan, please check it!"

This time, he made more than 1.7 million yuan at once. Lin Bin's eyes lit up, as if he saw a way to make a fortune.

Although the other party's sincerity index was not high, Lin Bin was not stingy and directly gave the other party 2,000 yuan.

"Hey, come here for a moment."

Lin Bin casually opened a bottle of mineral water, stretched out his hand and called the girl Guan Peng liked the most.

He picked up a stack of banknotes from the coffee table and put it in front of her,"My buddy just broke up and is in a bad mood now. If you are willing to help him go out, this money is yours."

The girl looked at the stack of brand new banknotes in front of her and was a little moved.

""Brother Bin, what are you doing? This kind of thing is against the law?" Guan Peng was embarrassed and annoyed. Lin Bin said nonchalantly:"What nonsense are you talking about, I let this girl go to the hotel to have a two-hour romance with you. After two hours, you dumped her and you have to pay some emotional damages, what's wrong with that?"

It's just a romance, what's against the law?

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