God of Life

Chapter 45: Daweiwang is here

   Subject three exams are not shocking, once.

   Then Wang Yan immediately made an appointment for Section 4 and will take the exam tomorrow.

After   , I went to sign two contracts and got another 85,000 yuan. The total amount of cash soared to 670,000.

   At this point, there are only three small loans left without submitting the application, and the small business has finally come to an end.

  Mr. Wang was very sighed with emotion: entrepreneurship is not easy!

   Fortunately, the new business will be on the right track right now, and it is quite exciting to see how much you can earn.

  Not arriving at noon, Liu Yuanfang sent a video, the latest issue of the show.

   Before the program officially started, there was a text ad on the screen.

   "We are about to hold the most expensive big stomach king competition in history, the goal is: 4000 yuan a king crab."

   "The winner will receive our vigorous promotion and 20,000 yuan prize money."

   "All expenses during the period shall be paid by us."

   "Do you have confidence in yourself?"

   "If the answer is YES, please contact us."

   "Let's eat the boss to bankruptcy together!"

   Seeing the last sentence, Wang Yan smiled.

   Not afraid that you can eat, but afraid that you cannot eat!

   I dare to supply 1000 king crabs, whoever can eat, I will set up a monument to my elder brother!

   has to admit that the inflammatory nature of the advertisement is still quite good.

  Although the temporary holding of Buddha’s feet may not play much role, but if you discover a new monster with a big belly, don’t you make a big profit?

   Eat one more is at least 40,000, up to 200,000!

  If he was not afraid of the system not admitting it, Wang Yan would like to consult with Dongyuan International to discuss whether he can raise the price of the crab to 1,000 pounds?

   Don't think about it, there will be no such loopholes.

  Don’t look at the small system as if there is no sense of existence, in fact, the scale is clear.


   In the afternoon, Wang Yan only signed a contract, and has been idle since.

   is so rare that even Wang always feels a little uncomfortable.

   Read books, play games, pick a melon king to go home on the ice, eat with his parents at night, and then tease Xiao Liuli, so the day passed by without any surprise.

   No. 5 successfully passed the fourth grade, waiting for the ticket.

   signed the penultimate company in the morning, and signed the last company in the afternoon.

  From July 26 to the present, a total of 11 days, with a total of 1.745 million yuan.

   Of course, money is not the point at all.

  It is important to upgrade the system to level 6 in 11 days.

  If you don’t do anything, just rely on your daily breathing wages, what will happen now?

   Level 1 system upgrades to level 2, requires 10,000 yuan, 7 days to save up.

   Level 2 system upgrade to level 3, it needs 30,000 yuan, 10 days to save up.

  Today, the system is only level 2, providing a breathing salary of about 2800 yuan a day.

  Wang Yan has probably spent... well, 24,000 yuan.

   Then, pass by the [habit cultivation instrument], continue to watch the [attribute modifier] drooling, can not become the imperial capital, will not know Liu Li.

   Of course, as time goes on, Wang Yan will still become a generation of super heroes, but the temperament is insignificant, the mind is inflated, and the behavior is cocky.

  When it's time to be the most daring, experience-acquiring, and value-building, choose to count money at home, indulge in that little profit, and miss the opportunity to change your own structure. Isn't that the end?

  The days passed by day by day, and on the 93rd day, the system finally rose to level 6.

During   , you can get a total of 1.4 million breathing salary.

   And now?

   The first 11 days received a total of 120,000 wages. Starting on the 12th day, the daily income was 57,000. By the 93rd day, a total of 4.8 million could be obtained.

   is not only a problem of a full 3.4 million wages and 1.75 million small loans, but more importantly, the linkage effect caused by rapid upgrade cannot be measured by money!

   Even if the full principal and interest of the small loan are fully paid back, it is about 175 + 1.28 million, still earning 2.2 million in cash and vast invisible benefits.

   step by step, step by step, said what Wang Yan is now.

   A real superhero who is reborn and self-confident.

   Nowadays, Wang Yan not only has 810,000 cash in hand, but also has 57,000 credits per day. Normal consumption and endless spending.

   So, although the upgrade experience suddenly soared to 5 million, which was daunting, Thao was still optimistic.

   The worst case is nothing more than another 80 days.

  If the [Crab King Card] can play its greatest role, it may take only ten days and a half months.

  As the so-called self-helper Tiansuke, on the whole earth, God’s favorite cub is Wang Yan and Wang Dao.

  After calculating the income, Wang Dashao was so happy that he admired and admired himself like a torrential river, and he was so cool.

   finally became calmer, and Wang Yan began to think about the crab feast again.

   It was at this time that Liu Yuanfang called.

   "Mr. Wang, you will go to QQ later and send you the past 10 videos and materials. You can now select people."

   Ha, Double Happiness is coming!

   Finally, I can start making trouble, comfortable!

  Wang Yan was refreshed and immediately logged in to QQ with aliens. After receiving the information, it looked like a copy.

   10 people, male and female, fat and thin, beautiful and ugly, prove that Liu Yuanfang is not based solely on the consideration of live broadcast effects, and pick those who are good-looking to fool.

   It's definitely easier to eat and eat, but what Wang Yan wants is a large amount of food, whether you have the talent to eat or broadcast.

   Judging from the video, the food intake of four people is particularly large, and the other people have obvious faults.

   One of the tall and fat people, called Gang brother, pig's trotters + noodles, killed 20 pounds.

  Of course, most of the weight of pig's trotters is on the bones, so it can't be counted, but the amount of rice is definitely not small.

   Another kid named Xiaoduo, only 17 this year, a meal of sincere and sincere 5 pounds of beef in three large bowls of rice, and he was free to move after eating.

   Then came a pretty-looking young lady named Mizi. The condition might not be very good. She ate dry bread and finished the four meals of Wang Yan in a beautiful manner.

   Finally, there is a girl who can eat seafood. After the battle, she is filled with a large table of seafood shells. It looks like a shock.

  Four people must be selected, and there are three remaining. Wang Yan simply let Liu Yuanfang take the initiative.

   estimated that he would choose three good-looking and chatting based on commercial value.

   For Wang Yan, there is no difference.

   But for Liu Yuanfang, it is very important. After all, it is related to the later realization problem, and good-looking is the biggest advantage.

  He has done his best to mobilize his connections and contact with Yuyu to make a live broadcast, just to make a big news.

  However, not every player is willing to sign a contract with him and switch to become a foodie anchor.

   So these three places are very important.

  With autonomy, you can choose your own family and rub it up.

   Therefore, although he knew that it was a slap for the sweet jujube, Liu Yuanfang was still very grateful.

   "Mr. Wang! You can rest assured..."

  Wang Yan didn't want to listen to those, only concerned when the big stomach kings would be in place.

   "Is it possible on Saturday?" Liu Yuanfang asked cautiously.

   "No." Wang Yan immediately declined.

  Saturday is my own college dinner, there is no time in the evening, it is difficult to say.

  Liu Yuan immediately changed his voice: "It will be at noon on Friday and will be broadcast at night! How do you like it?"

   This efficiency, no one else.

   Wang Yan certainly liked it.

   "What trouble do you have to pay for the fare of the air ticket first, the statistics give me a total number, I will double you directly. In addition, how many days do you stay in the hotel?"

  Liu Yuanfang wasn’t so embarrassed, and even said: "One day is enough!"

   "Okay, then I'll go to reserve a room and book a table tomorrow, a total of 10 people, right?"

   "Yes, 3 of us, 7 of the contestants."

   "That's it, keep in touch!"

   Hang up the phone, and Wang Yan immediately contacted the catering department manager of Dongyuan International.

   It seems that the surname is Liu or something?

   "Hello, Manager Liu, I am the customer who ordered 20 king crabs."

   "Oh, Mr. Wang, how are you, any instructions?"

   Manager Liu is very polite, and is somewhat flattering.

  Large customers should have this kind of treatment, 20 tables of banquets may not reach the level of 80,000. UU reading www.uukanshu.com people table 80,000, what level?

  Wang Yan smiled, did not continue to polite.

   "Manager Liu, please help me reserve 10 rooms. Check-in time is Friday night, single room is enough. Then at noon on Friday, please send a car to the train station to pick up people."

   Manager Liu should immediately say: "No problem! The single room 798 will give you 10 breakfast coupons and 10 spa experience cards for one night. Will the 12 CMBs be enough if you pick them up?"

   "Enough. In addition, what is the number of king crabs standing in your shop?"

   "At least 50, basically, there will be a surplus of 20 per day to deal with emergencies."

   "Do not count my 20?"

   "Of course it doesn't count, that is specially for you. Do you want to make a crab dinner on Friday night?"

   "Yes, reserve a spacious box for me."

   "You can rest assured that the Emperor Pavilion will keep it for you, and it is being served with the King Crab Banquet to ensure your satisfaction!"

   "Well, what is the matter to communicate in time."

  Wang Yan finally rested his mind, it seems that there will not be a situation where they can still eat, but the crab is not enough.

  As for how much you can eat, let’s see.

  I can do everything I have done. Next, just wait for the result.

   Two days later, read books, play games, sip Liu Li, and drool at the [Property Modifier] without spending any more money.

  Eat and sleep and play games, no crit hits, but Wang Yan was not disappointed.

   Wang may be the lowest-key and most casual hero in history, everything is mainly comfortable, lazy to come up, and even did not go out for two days.

   Finally, when the deposit rose to 930,000, the big stomach kings came.

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