God of Killing

Chapter 1,322 Smelting

"Actually, I have been paying attention to this thing a long time ago, secretly observing its every move. But in recent years, this thing has gradually become restless. Perhaps as more and more warriors are bound, it gradually becomes like a seriously injured person. Recovering..."

Di Carlo looked solemn and continued to explain: "Over the years, problems have often occurred in the void passages in many star fields and seas. Many warriors who use the void passages to cross the star fields will disappear inexplicably, and there are even many who are like me. People teleported by the refined space teleportation array will also disappear out of thin air."

He looked at Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan, his expression becoming more and more serious, "I never understood the reason. It wasn't until I found an inexplicable disappearing person appearing in the clouds here that I figured out the facts."

Di Carlo pointed at the clusters of dark clouds around him and said with a cold face: "Those who disappeared were all secretly affected by this object, pulled into the turbulent flow of the void, and were pulled and bound by it!"

Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan were shocked, with disbelief on their faces and secretly feeling chilled.

If this object can affect the void passage and drag cross-border teleporters into the void turbulence, then traveling between star fields will become dangerous in the future.

As the most skilled space mystic in the world, Di Carlo built many space teleportation arrays for the Julan Chamber of Commerce. The failure of those teleportation arrays and the mysterious disappearance of those warriors must have had a huge impact on his reputation, forcing him to have no choice but to Find out the real reason.

If everything goes as he said, then the passage of the void passage in the future will frighten everyone and directly affect the situation in Xinghai.

"It's not just that." Di Carlo touched his long snow-white beard, looked at the clusters of dark clouds beside him, and said fearfully: "It seems to have secretly affected the starry sky barrier. You practice the mysteries of space, and you should know the power of ordinary warriors. It is difficult for the impact to cause the void to collapse. But now, many warriors in the Third Heaven Realm of the First God may cause the void to tear and shatter during the battle, which may cause the star field to collapse..."

Shi Yan was stunned.

He suddenly remembered that when he was fighting with Xinghuo, his blood sword hit Xinghuo's Heavenly Star Ice Jade Piece's natal treasure, causing the void to crack and shatter.

At that time, he suddenly felt that the void seemed too fragile and could be shattered too easily.

The collapse of the void caused tens of thousands of warriors from the God Clan to be dragged into the turbulent flow of the void. He knew that it would be difficult for those people to survive. When he was reminded of Di Carlo's words, his face suddenly became ugly, and he had an ominous thought. guess……

Could it be that the mysterious thing is secretly causing trouble, and its purpose is to bind the gods and drown them like sparks of fire?

"The reason why I brought Reddy here is because I found that the recent turmoil in the sea has become more and more weird, just recently! It seems... it has suddenly gained a lot of power!" Di Carlo continued.


Shi Yan touched his nose, with an embarrassed look on his face, and said, "The battle between me and Xinghuo caused the void in the Fire Rain Star Territory to explode, and tens of thousands of Gods were dragged into the void turbulence. I don't know, its sudden increase in power will Doesn’t it have something to do with those God Clan members and Xinghuo?”

As soon as these words came out, Reddy was stunned, while Di Carlo's expression suddenly changed, looking like he was furious, "It's because of you!"

"Don't be excited. If you are excited, why don't I come here to find a solution?" Shi Yan laughed dryly.

"Little Luo, don't forget the purpose of our coming here. Business is more important." Leidy also hurriedly dissuaded him and smoothed things over by saying, "That kid is also the lucky star of our Heavenly Demon Clan. If you want to kill him, our Celestial Demon Clan will kill him." I can’t recover from the fall.”

"Hmph, I don't dare to kill him." Di Carlo's face was extremely pale, as if his father and mother were dead, "He is a scourge, like a cancer in the star sea. If he died, the star sea would be peaceful, but now in this star sea, people No one wants peace, and I don’t want to offend everyone in Tianxie, Minghao, and Xuanhe.”

"Business matters!" Reddy said again.

Di Carlo gradually calmed down, "Well, business is important. Let me remove the dark outer layer of those sarcomas, use your power of thunder to destroy and destroy, and then let that kid burn to ashes with the original sky fire, and see if I can kill him Things slowly disappear."

He had already made a plan.

"I think it must be foolproof!" Reddy laughed wildly and winked at Shi Yan, "Are you okay?"

"No problem." Shi Yan shrugged.

Di Carlo didn't hesitate, he went straight to the point, releasing the secrets and subtleties.

In this strange place, he formed a seal with both hands, as if pulling the void delicately, and the surface of his body flickered, like sparkling crystals, for several seconds. Suddenly, billions of sharp blades rushed out like a rainstorm, dividing into thousands, all of which Shooting at the clusters of dark clouds.

Like a magical carving knife, the sharp blade pierced and scratched, peeling off the outer shell of the dark clouds like rice dumplings.

The ugly and disgusting lumps of flesh revealed their true appearance one after another, like each sarcoma hanging in the void, filling up the surrounding sky. There were probably tens of thousands of them densely packed together, and they seemed to be vaguely organized, forming An unknown and strange ancient formation.

Those fleshy lumps secreted a sticky and seeping liquid, like saliva spit from a foreign body. The fleshy lumps were swollen, slowly squirming, and gradually getting closer.

It's like cells that have been magnified hundreds of millions of times and are undergoing condensation and reorganization. It makes people's hair stand on end and their hearts chilling.

"Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, there were streaks of thunder and lightning accompanied by deafening thunder, as if billions of thunder snakes poured out from Reddy's realm, all of which were submerged into those big meat balls.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

The big meat balls suddenly emitted gray smoke. The meat balls swelled and squirmed, secreting more sticky substances.

The warriors were restrained inside many big meat balls. At this time, the muscles and intestines of those warriors turned into tentacles and extended out again. They were spinning around in a dense manner and were densely packed towards Shi Yan and the others.

Those slimy intestines and tendons, as well as the smelly yellow water dripping into the sky, are as disgusting as possible.

At the same time, an evil consciousness spread along with the release and rushed towards everyone.

"Reddy! Do you feel it?" Di Carlo suddenly shouted, "Is this a consciousness that low-level creatures can possess?"

Reddy's expression was also ugly. He frowned and examined carefully, and then suddenly said: "Your feeling is right. It seems that it doesn't bother to communicate with us because it thinks it is a high-level life, and we are just ants in its eyes. It is indeed This feeling……"

Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan were at a slightly lower level and could not penetrate deeper into the mysteries like Reddy and Di Carlo. At this moment, they were focused and looked shocked.

"Release the sky fire! Use the strongest power to melt this place!" Di Carlo shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, the ever-extinguishing clusters of flames lingering around Shi Yan, like a single spark of fire starting a prairie fire, suddenly extended and spread to the surroundings. In the blink of an eye, a fierce and surging source of heavenly fire formed around him. And it divided out hundreds of millions of shares, falling towards the big meatballs like thunder and lightning.

"Crack! Crack!"

Those big sarcomas, like being burned by fire, really made the sound of burning into ashes.

The evil creature was first stripped of its thickest layer of defense by Di Carlo, then bombarded by Reddy's terrifying thunder and lightning, and finally incinerated by the original sky fire. The three of them worked together to attack, as if they had really found extinction. The method of this thing.

The large sarcomas were all submerged by the original heavenly fire at this time, and were burned fiercely.

"It doesn't look like it's too difficult." Reddy grinned and said arrogantly: "Whatever it is, it won't even leave any dregs after being burned. Let's see how he can cause chaos!"

Di Carlo obviously agreed with this guy. Because of the effectiveness of the original sky fire in burning all living things, his attitude towards Shi Yan was slightly friendly. Looking at the fierce flames spreading everywhere, he said: "This place is just a place, light I know of ten similar areas, so let's continue."

"I want to find someone." Shi Yan frowned.

"If you want to find someone, it must not be here, otherwise you wouldn't have burned so hard. You must have checked before we came here." Di Carlo looked impatient, "For the safety of our countless star fields in the future, Let’s get down to business, maybe the person you are looking for is bound by this thing in another area, we can just check them one by one, it won’t take too much time anyway.”

"Hey, what is that?" Reddy suddenly whispered.

Di Carlo and Shi Yan looked in one direction at the same time. There, there was the big fleshy lump that bound the Star Fire, which was also burned by the sky fire. There was no sign of melting into ashes.

A severe cold was revealed from it, and the power of the extreme cold quietly turned into an icy blue strange fog and spread. Wherever the fog passed, the sky fire released by Shi Yan was extinguished one by one.

"That is Xinghuo's natal treasure. It is very strange. According to what he said, it is called the 'Tianxing Ice Jade Piece'. He got it from the 'Void Realm Sea'. It took more than 700 years to refine the natal treasure. , the power is very terrifying!”

Shi Yan looked at it carefully for a while, and found the cold luster shining in the flesh. His mind moved, and he suddenly exclaimed.

"Things obtained from the Sea of ​​Nothingness..."

Di Carlo's expression tightened and he suddenly said: "It is something that can not be burned under your heavenly fire, the cold air is not reduced, and it can extinguish your immature heavenly fire with cold mist. This thing is definitely a miracle."

As soon as these words came out, Leidy's eyes shone, but he instantly became slumped, shaking his head and saying: "It's a pity that it's not suitable for the mysteries of my cultivation."


At this moment, Xia Xinyan couldn't help but screamed and pointed in one direction.

In the raging flames, the largest flesh ball was like a cracked skull, and Zi Yao emerged from it. Her eyes were indifferent, without a trace of emotion, cold and cold. She stretched out her hand and grabbed it, and the "Sky Star Ice Jade Piece" turned into A ray of ice light suddenly fell into her white jade hand.

An extremely terrifying wave suddenly erupted from her body, which was no less powerful than Di Carlo and Reddy.

At this moment, Zi Yao had layers of colorful rings rippling behind her, as if ripples of light were spreading. Her whole body was bathed in the center of the gorgeous divine light, giving people a dreamlike feeling.

But the aura exuding from her body was frightening. It was a kind of cold indifference that did not belong to human beings.

(To be continued)

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