God of Killing

Chapter 1,116 The fierce formation at the bottom of the lake

A muddy path stretched like a snake, and leaves as big as copper coins floated in the turbid water. They were green and emitted a faint poisonous miasma.

Mia, Yeoman and the other members of the Fernandez family were walking along the trail in a leisurely manner. Yeoman relaxed and no longer spent energy catching clues.

He was liberated when Haige sent messages from time to time. Haige's spiritual consciousness had wider coverage and was more accurate. It was much faster and more powerful than his insight by following the footsteps, so he no longer wasted any more thoughts. .

The speed of their group was not particularly fast, and Mia also sent a message, telling everyone not to rush on their way in too much of a hurry, but to restore their strength as the most important thing.

Mia thought clearly that Philp and Haig were also heading in the direction of Shi Yan and the others. Judging from the distance, her side was naturally much closer. If there were no accidents, they would be the first. Meet Shi Yan and others.

But this is not what Mia really wants to see.

From Mia's point of view, Mo Huo and Wu Feng were at the end of their rope. Haig's arrival was destined to make it impossible for them to escape. They were already forced into a desperate situation. If their side met them first, the other party's situation would be dire. Miao may fight back to the death, which may cause heavy damage to his own side.

She brought her family's powerful men to the ancient continent, and her main purpose was to enter the central area. She didn't want to cause too much damage to the masters in the clan before the central area was unsealed.

She asked everyone to slow down, hoping to arrive at the gathering point of Mo Huo and Wu Feng at about the same time as Philp and Hege, so that she could kill Mo Huo and the others easily and casually. Don't lose your power.

Her full calculations suddenly changed because of Heig's message... "In the direction you are going, next to a clear lake, there is a man and a woman who did not leave with them, but stayed." Hei Ge. Ge sent the latest message through the sound stone, "I just took a look. That man should be the one you asked me to focus on, the one who practices the secrets of space."

"He stayed where he was with a woman?" Mia's voice turned cold.

"Well, the two of them are right on the edge of the lake. Hehe... maybe we can take the opportunity to do something else." Haig sneered.

Mia's beautiful eyes flashed with a cold light, and she said calmly: "I know, I will go there as soon as possible." She cut off the conversation with Haig, and suddenly shouted: "Everyone, please hurry up!"

Yeoman was obviously taken aback.

"The guy who snatched my Star Fruit Tree and Colorful Ghost Flower is alone. We need to make arrangements and try our best to kill him before Haig and Philp come over!" Mia explained.

Yeoman's eyes lit up slightly, and he immediately nodded to express his understanding, and speeded up with the warriors of the Fernandez family.

...The clear lake is like a flawless mirror, shining brightly under the bright stars above, with beautiful silver phosphorescence.

On the green-brown stone, Shi Yan looked up at the stars in the sky, squinting his eyes in silence.

Wisps of bright and cold starlight fell like raindrops, gathering like a funnel above his head, sinking into the center of his mind, giving him a clean and fresh breath.

The ancient continent wandered among the major star fields without stopping for a moment. In a domineering and violent way, it smashed the meteorites and Death Stars along the way. The sky of the ancient continent was covered with a blue light curtain, covering the sky. , but the light curtain is transparent and does not prevent the brilliance of the stars, sun and moon from penetrating.

Sitting on the stone, Shi Yan didn't think about anything, keeping his mind peaceful and natural, not even actively absorbing the energy of heaven and earth.

Under such circumstances, he seems to be closer to the ancient continent, as if he has blended into the swamp and become a part of the ancient continent. The deputy soul derived from the origin of the Divine Grace Continent is like a vortex that absorbs all the breath, surrounding it. The energy of heaven and earth gathered together and slowly poured into the virtual world of his soul altar.

A little bit of starlight fell, and slowly disappeared in the virtual world, submerging into one of the bright stars.

With the help of the magic of the Star Fruit Tree, he broke through to the realm of the Second Heaven of the False God, and made new progress in his understanding of the mysteries of the stars. There are also many essences of the mysteries of the stars floating like clouds in the mysteries. As long as he is addicted to it, Among them, it seems that you can touch the true meaning of the stars.

Mia and others haven't arrived yet, so he still has time to wait, so he doesn't waste his energy and is realizing the subtleties of the stars.

Staring at the sky with empty eyes, looking at the bright stars, he suddenly had the illusion of being infinitely close to the stars in the sky, as if he could pull the stars down with his hand. The bright and vast galaxies, and the countless moving stars, were like It seems to have some kind of echo with him... The sky of the ancient continent is covered by an icy blue light shield, but not only are the nine-day starlight not hindered at all, the power of the stars transmitted is also very clean and fast.

As he just sat there quietly, he felt that his body was gradually cooling down, as if his bones and veins were shining brightly, filled with a large amount of star power.

He calmly understood the essence of the stars.


A graceful and moving figure suddenly appeared from the lake behind him. Cecilia, with long wet hair, smiled brightly and said: "I'm ready, how long will it take for Mia to come over? "

Shi Yan, who was immersed in his own world, slowly woke up from being in a daze after a while. He didn't even look back. He felt it for a while, his brows furrowed unexpectedly, and he hurriedly gathered his mind and brought himself out of the state of enlightenment. He walked out and said in a deep voice: "They will be here in an hour at most. They are too fast!"

According to Mia's original speed, it would take at least half a day before they could gradually approach here. But now when he sensed it, he found that Mia and the others were actually very close to here.

Obviously, Mia and others increased their speed several times and rushed over in a hurry.

"So fast!" Cecilia was also surprised. She fluttered her long eyelashes, suddenly pursed her lips and smiled charmingly, and said: "There are many restricted and dangerous places around the lake. If we are just like this next to the lake If we sit here and let them see us, they will definitely doubt us, I think... we should hide it for a little bit?"

"What's your opinion?" Shi Yan nodded and asked. He also knew that if Mia found him sitting on the stone like this, he would definitely have some ideas, so he asked Cecilia for her opinion.

"You and I should go to the bottom of the lake and hide together. At least let them not see us and make them suspect that we are practicing at the bottom of the lake, or...doing other things." Cecilia's charming face showed a trace of blush, her last name was The full figure twisted invisibly at the bottom of the lake, and said softly: "In short, we have to confuse the other party and make them think that we don't know anything and are still doing our own thing. Only then will they take the bait. I’ll touch it up little by little.”

Shi Yan thought about it and thought her idea was a good one. He nodded and said, "Okay."

As soon as he finished speaking, stars were flowing all over his body, drawing a beautiful and wonderful arc like a bright meteor, falling towards the center of the lake where Cecilia was.

Seeing him floating and snorkeling over, Cecilia's beautiful eyes glowed with joy, her graceful figure swayed, and a transparent and colorless bubble emerged from under her body, wrapping her figure, and her beautiful hands trembled With one stroke, a gap opened in the bubble. She waved and said proactively: "Come in."

The transparent bubble is about the same size as Shang Yingyue's invisible mask. Cecilia's space inside is more than enough, but if Shi Yan is added, it may seem a bit cramped.

Shi Yan couldn't help but frowned.

"There are many restrictions down there. If you dive alone and accidentally touch it, all my hard work will be in vain." Cecilia saw his hesitation and giggled: "What are you afraid of? I will Can I eat you? Besides, you said before that you asked me to stay close to you, and I will act according to your orders."

Shi Yan immediately stopped talking and accurately passed through the gap in the bubble, standing side by side with Cecilia in the bubble.

The transparent five-color bubble was half the size of a hydrogen balloon. The two stood inside and slowly sank to the bottom of the lake. The cracks above their heads healed quickly, but there was fresh water vapor inside the bubble. Along with the intoxicating mellow fragrance of Cecilia, it made people feel Not boring at all.

As the bubbles dived into the bottom of the lake, Shi Yan looked around, with a hint of horror in his eyes.

Starting a hundred meters from the bottom of the lake, he saw countless transparent bubbles, each of which was different in size. They were all floating in the bottom of the lake and did not rise to the surface of the lake. They were actually swaying according to some special pattern. The dense bubbles were There are hundreds of them, and each bubble contains very strong fluctuations.

Those fluctuations fit well with the river water. When the bubbles wandered around, they could actually hide the energy fluctuations. If he hadn't been at the bottom of the lake, he probably wouldn't have been able to detect the abnormality.

He couldn't help but use his spiritual consciousness to take a closer look... His face changed, he took a deep breath, looked at Cecilia beside him, and suddenly said: "At the bottom of the lake, if you want to kill me, I'm afraid you'll have to leave. Can't take it off." The dense bubbles at the bottom of the lake, like terrifying energy bombs, were all in Cecilia's hands.

Once all those bubbles burst, the instantaneous impact would probably shatter his divine body!

He looked deeply at Cecilia, suddenly feeling a little chilled, and almost subconsciously condensed all the powers in his body. As long as Cecilia showed the slightest bit of strangeness, he was ready to escape with the secret of space, and would never use his own power to escape. Cecilia's life was in her hands.

"How could I deal with you?" Cecilia smiled like a flower, and her pair of seductive beautiful eyes rolled around. She suddenly chuckled and said naturally: "You are too cautious, right? ? You are too defensive, how can you treat anyone as an enemy? "

"It's not a bad thing to be cautious." Shi Yan still had a serious expression on his face, his nerves were tense, and he was always paying close attention.

Cecilia's bright eyes flashed with a strange light.

(To be continued)

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