God of Killing

Chapter 11 Counterattack

In the dark forest with dense trees and leaves, there are many figures. The Mohist warriors spread out and searched the forest in a semicircle, with solemn expressions on their faces.

Mo Yanyu had a cold expression on her face and shouted sweetly: "Search for me! As soon as you find his traces, immediately send out blue smoke bombs, don't get entangled with him!"

"It's been three days, but I still can't find any trace of him. But he left some traces again. I don't know if he didn't know how to hide, or if he did it on purpose..." Kalu's face was gloomy, and he was also aroused. .

In the past few days, the group of people were searching in the forest, and they could often see the traces left by Shi Yan's walking. Judging from some broken branches and walking footprints, Shi Yan was wandering near them, but every time they They sent people to search, but found nothing, not even the shadow of Shi Yan.

"Expand the scope of the search!" Mo Yanyu was cruel and shouted coldly: "Spread out, center here, and search hard for me! As long as you see someone, send out blue smoke bombs immediately, and I will arrive immediately! "

The warriors of the Mo family agreed one after another.

"Will something happen over there at Earth Dragon?" Karu frowned and said worriedly: "My medicine bottles are all there. If that kid goes over there and causes trouble and destroys my medicine bottles, it will be troublesome."

"Don't worry, Master. The Earth Dragon side is guarded by Johnson and seven warriors. Johnson has reached the third level of the day after tomorrow, and that little thief is no match for him." Mo Yanyu said proudly.

Karu nodded and said nothing more.


The Mo family's team searched farther and farther, and the distance between people became wider and wider. Each of these warriors had a blue smoke bomb, so they didn't have to worry about anything. As long as there was a trace of Shi Yan in their sight, they would use the blue smoke bomb. Just put it out and you can sit back and relax.

A warrior had a sullen face and cursed in his heart as he walked under the shade of a tree. Sometimes he looked up at the ancient trees above his head, and sometimes at the surrounding shrubs.

After three days of searching, they didn't see Shi Yan at all. In addition, Shi Yan was just a young martial artist in the acquired realm. These people didn't believe that Shi Yan dared to stay nearby, and just assumed that he had left early. So when they came to search, they secretly complained that they were doing a useless job.

When the warrior walked under the dense branches and leaves of an ancient tree and subconsciously looked up at the sky, a bloodthirsty, cold, and evil aura suddenly came from above his head, and Shi Yan's figure popped out, hungry She slammed her knee into his face like a wolf pouncing on its prey.


A powerful surge came, and the warrior's face was covered with blood, and he fell to the ground. Tears and blood were mixed in his eyes, and he could not see anything for a while.

Holding a dagger, he waved it around randomly and exclaimed: "Here! He is here!"

He was just about to release the blue cigarette cartridge in his left hand when he felt a sharp pain coming from his wrist. Unable to bear the sting, he let go of his left hand and the blue cigarette cartridge was snatched away.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Shi Yan's expression was cold, his eyes suddenly turned dark red, and he was full of murderous intent. He was flying around the warrior at high speed, avoiding the dagger he waved randomly while kicking him on the head one after another.

The billowing essence flowed in both directions, and each of his kicks was as heavy as a hammer. Under such a brutal attack, in just five short kicks, the warrior was already dead.

Shi Yan took a step forward, snatched the dagger from his weak hand, swung the dagger calmly, and stabbed him in the neck.

Invisible and intangible streams of air, mixed with uneasiness, anger, panic and other emotions, flowed out of the warrior's body and quickly injected into the acupuncture points of Shi Yan's body. In just a few dozen seconds, this A warrior lost all his energy and became a shriveled corpse.

Shi Yan frowned and stepped forward, rummaged through the body, and found only a bag of food and more than thirty amethyst coins. He unceremoniously took the property of the deceased as his own, and Shi Yan stopped staying. , Linghu shuttled through the forest like a fox, quickly going away.

This was his first time to kill someone, but there was no trace of panic. He remained extremely calm from the beginning to the end. When he hit the warrior's head hard with each foot, he felt very happy and had the pleasure of satisfying his desires. , with an indescribable sense of joy all over his body, as if he was born to be a warrior and to harvest the lives of others in battles.

He enjoyed the pleasure that killing brought to him very much. He felt that that moment was extremely wonderful. The suppression he had held for days seemed to be suddenly released when he cut the man's neck.

Shi Yan knew that this was wrong, and he knew in his heart that there must be something wrong with his body. A normal person would never be as calm and composed as he was the first time he killed someone, let alone be as intoxicated as he was on drugs.

The air flow from the man's body poured into his acupuncture points, and a murderous thought emerged from the bottom of his heart. Not long after, after the acupuncture points in his body swirled crazily, a strange energy was injected into his essence, causing his essence to swell. Once again, it condensed and became stronger.

This is a real benefit!


For five consecutive days, Shi Yan was like a ghost in the forest, appearing and disappearing, committing murders in every corner. Every move he made was clean and neat, and he killed the opponent instantly with a sneak attack before the warrior had time to release the blue smoke bomb.

In five days, three more warriors were killed. Every time when Mo Yanyu and the others found out, the deceased's body was shriveled up, and all their energy and blood seemed to have been drained away.

Mo Yanyu became more and more impatient. She and Kalu searched around the forest, hoping to find Shi Yan. The two gradually felt the crisis.

The first warrior to die had a bloody face, severe head injuries, and signs of a struggle.

The second and third dead warriors were both attacked from behind and stabbed into the heart several times, but there were also signs of a brief struggle.

When it came to the fourth warrior, his neck was slashed cleanly with no trace of a struggle.

Judging from the four dead warriors, Shi Yan is becoming more and more skilled in killing people. This forest seems to have become a stage for him to show off his talents. He cleverly uses the terrain to hide his traces, like a seasoned hunter. , hunting for them.

The killing of four warriors made other warriors feel uneasy. Mo Yanyu and Kalu also began to treat the matter carefully and ordered other warriors not to act alone, but to form a team. In this way, one person would be attacked by surprise. Two people can help immediately, which can prevent one person from being killed silently.


In a dense dark forest, on an ancient tree tens of meters high, wrapped in layers of leaves, Shi Yan sat cross-legged, looking at the figures wandering in the distance through the gaps in the leaves.

You must be smart, Shi Yan sneered in his heart, knowing that it is no longer easy to plan a sneak attack that will kill him in one hit.

Not in a hurry to take action immediately, Shi Yan observed for a while and found that after those people lost four warriors, they needed to form a team of two more. Their search direction could no longer cover everything. At this time, they were not heading in the direction where they were. Instead of chasing him, he searched in depth in three other directions.

After confirming that they would not come for a short time, Shi Yan gently closed his eyes and secretly transported the essence. The essence of the people he killed in the past few days that did not dissipate between heaven and earth for a short time after death was absorbed by his acupuncture points. , after being purified by the acupoint cyclone, it was fed back to the body, causing his essence to more than double again.

With a thought, the flow of essence suddenly accelerated, and the essence became much stronger. It passed through the muscles and veins of the body like lightning, rushing from the lower abdomen to the right arm. The essence poured into the arm, and he suddenly Hold your breath, concentrate, and exert force suddenly!

The essence in the arm suddenly went crazy like a wild horse, rushing towards the index finger crazily!


A stream of silvery-white light smoke suddenly emerged from the index finger, making a strange sound in the air. The light smoke did not condense, but lasted for a while and then scattered.

Shi Yan suddenly opened his eyes, his dark eyes were filled with strange light, and his face was full of surprise.

Essence overflows!

This is a sign of the third level of the day after tomorrow. After this period of hard training, he finally entered a new realm with the help of the strange power fed back from the acupoints!

Although the overflowing essence is not condensed and cannot become as brilliant as a rainbow, from now on, he can inject the essence into the weapon, and can use the overflowing essence to directly damage the enemy's internal organs. It shows that he has gradually gained control of Jingyuan.

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