God of Defiance

Chapter 3070 Transformed into the true body

"Haha, you overestimate your capabilities. No matter how hard you try, I'm afraid it will be difficult to break through this hidden formation in a short period of time!"

After realizing that the loud noise had become distant again, Balao couldn't help but smile coldly. There was both disdain and confidence in his laughter.

At the same time, Chu Tian also noticed that the loud noise coming from all around became distant. He couldn't help but nodded and praised in a low voice: "It is indeed the ancient formation left by Master Jin Yang back then. Although it is broken, it is powerful. Can still be strong! "M..

Simply from the loud noises that suddenly intensified not long ago, Chu Tian could basically tell that the person outside who wanted to break in was definitely not a simple person, at least a master at the level of a Little Saint King.

If such a master were to fight face to face, he would not be afraid, but the situation at this moment was different from usual.

At this moment, he was busy repairing the Immortal Killing Sword and could not be interfered with in any way. Naturally, he could not deal with the intruders and could only rely on Ba Lao alone.

Although Balao's strength is good, it is still unknown whether he can face the intruders from outside. Therefore, he cannot delay at all and must seize the time to complete the repair.

Otherwise, there will be long nights and many dreams, and no one knows what will happen next!

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, looked back, looked at the Immortal Killing Sword in mid-air again, danced with his hands, and continued to concentrate on repairing it.

Seeing that Chu Tian was not disturbed, Ba Lao nodded immediately and secretly felt relieved.

At this time, the master and the disciple each have their own division of labor. He is responsible for protecting the law, and Chu Tian is responsible for repairing it. Both parties are indispensable.

Jin Wuji, who was outside, seemed to go crazy after stimulating his energy and blood, and attacked again for dozens of breaths. As a result, he found that the movement in the void around him was getting smaller and smaller where the fist was hit.

It was obvious that the person who secretly set up the formation had made emergency enhancements to the entire formation.

"You bastard, you are so disgusting!"

After continuing to attack with force for several times, and finding that it was still ineffective, Jin Wuji cursed in anger, stopped directly, and stopped attacking.

At this moment, his face was flushed, he was panting, his fists were clenched, his eyes were slightly narrowed, staring at the rapidly recovering void around him, and his brain was running at high speed.

After some experiments just now, he found that the secret concealment formation was far more difficult to break than he imagined. It was extremely tricky and difficult to deal with.

Now he faced two choices. One was to decisively turn around and leave and continue rushing to the destination without wasting time here. The other was to decisively stay and continue the attack, but he had to find ways to increase the intensity of the attack.

Which one to choose, he needs to think seriously at this moment.

But after thinking about it, he still found it difficult to make a choice, and the reason why it was difficult to make a choice was mainly because he was temporarily unclear about what was hidden behind the concealment formation.

If what is hidden behind the formation is very important and valuable, then it is worth staying here and using more powerful means to break through the hidden formation.

If the value of the thing behind the formation is only average, or of little use to him, then there is no need to stay here and waste time. It would be more cost-effective to leave decisively and rush to the final destination.

Although he is temporarily unclear about what lies behind the concealment formation, as a powerful Saint King, he possesses a sixth sense that is beyond ordinary people.

At this moment, he vaguely felt that the things behind the concealment formation were definitely not simple. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to spend so much effort and still not break it!

But he couldn't make up his mind to stay and continue attacking just because of this, because the core area of ​​​​the place where the emperor fell was very likely to hide creations of greater value.

"Damn it, if you give it a try, you might be able to create something great. Let's try it first and then talk about it!"

After pondering for a few breaths, Jin Wuji suddenly flashed his eyes, gritted his teeth, spoke in a deep voice, and made the final decision in his heart.

The reason why he made the decision at this moment and chose to stay and take action was mainly because he did not want to miss this potentially valuable opportunity. If he missed it, he might not get anything in the end.

After all, the people who are rushing to the final destination are basically terrifying Holy King masters, and there are even a few peak Holy Kings. It is definitely not an easy task to take advantage of these old foxes.

Based on this calculation, it is better to seize the opportunity first and make a profit first!

Of course, if it was really impossible to break through the formation, then he would not continue to waste his precious time on it, and would just leave decisively and rush to the final destination.

"One last blow, success will come, or failure will leave!"

After a few breaths, he took a deep breath, whispered, clenched his two fists hard, and his golden eyes flickered slightly as he scanned the void, obviously observing carefully to see if he could find some flaws.

After carefully observing for more than ten breaths, Jin Wuji shook his head and whispered coldly: "Forget it, if you continue to look like this, you won't be able to see anything at all, so let's just do it hard!"


After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then suddenly opened his mouth and roared.

The moment the roar came out, his pair of golden eyes suddenly glowed again. Not only that, but the golden light bloomed all over his body, overflowing with brilliance, and in a short period of time, it turned into a large number of golden scales.

At this moment, his body began to climb higher again, and the muscles were undulating and closely connected, looking very exaggerated.


Just when his physical body grew to about three feet, he suddenly opened his mouth and let out another shocking roar. At the same time, he raised his hands and made a fierce seal.


In an instant, the golden light blooming all over his body skyrocketed again. In just a blink of an eye, it completely enveloped his entire body, making it impossible for outsiders to see clearly.


Immediately afterwards, a roar came out, and the flashing golden light exploded directly. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a golden dragon that was thousands of feet long!

This giant golden dragon is thousands of feet long and stretches across the void. It is covered with golden scales, especially a pair of golden copper bells the size of a house. It is even more intimidating. You dare not look at it. It seems to be the only one between heaven and earth.

Waves of terrifying invisible coercion, wrapped in the astonishing dragon aura, continuously emanated from the golden dragon, like ferocious waves, rushing in all directions at extremely high speeds, causing the surrounding void to shake violently.

"The damn formation forces me to consume my energy and blood and transform into a dragon body. Let's see how I can completely break your invisible turtle shell. Let me break it!"

Immediately afterwards, a roar came from the mouth of the golden dragon. At the same time, the entire dragon shook its head and tail, aimed at a certain position in the void, and slammed into it with all its strength!

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