God of Defiance

Chapter 1639 Public Agreement

Being stared at by so many strange looks at the scene, Chutian's heart also beat violently, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Haha, don't worry!"

"I always keep my word. If I don't leave, I won't leave. If you don't believe me, we can give it a try!"

After a breath, Chu Tian pretended to be calm, his face did not turn red, his heart did not beat, and he sneered again and at the same time gently shook the long knife in his hand.

In an instant, the blade buzzed, a faint light flickered, and sharp blade rays shot out from the tip of the blade, seeming to choose someone to devour.

Chu Wan!

The old man in gray shirt was stunned!

Cai Sheng and others were dumbfounded!

Others were completely confused!

Not to mention the two saints, even the old man in gray shirt, who is the great elder, has hardly seen anyone as shameless... and persistent as Chu Tian in all his years of life!


After Chu Tian noticed the change in everyone's expressions, he immediately smiled coldly again.

The sky is big and the earth is big, so be brave!

Heaven is thick and thick-skinned!

If you are not very courageous and have no thick skin, how can you get along in this complicated world of cultivation!

When it’s time to act like a gentleman, act like a gentleman!

When you have to act like a hooligan, you have to act like a hooligan!

As long as the goal can be achieved, dignity and reputation are nothing, and they cannot be used as food!

In order to fulfill the agreement between himself and Caitianxing and obtain the secret technique of rebirth and the Holy King's ring, he has invested so much time and energy that he almost died in the middle!

How could you give up on your goal just because of a word from the old man in gray shirt!

What's more, the other party didn't even give Cai Wanyi a chance to try and directly sentenced her to death. This is really unjustifiable!

"Be brave, you are only one person, and you have some strength. Could it be that you want to start a war with my colorful koi clan?"

After seeing Chu Tian's arrogant attitude of "I'm a hooligan, I'm afraid of someone," the middle-aged saint opposite him instantly became angry and fierce, and opened his mouth to shout angrily.

Unexpectedly, Chu Tian didn't even look at the middle-aged saint, but kept staring at the black-shirted elder, waiting for his reply.


In his opinion, the middle-aged saint is just a defeated general of his own. Who has the right to ask him such a question!

He was completely too lazy to talk to the other party!


Seeing that Chu Tian was completely too lazy to pay attention to him, the middle-aged saint suddenly gritted his teeth in anger, his face flushed, and he wished he could take action immediately and tear Chu Tian into pieces on the spot.

The gray-haired old man next to him grinned slightly, seeming to take pleasure in his misfortune.

Chu Tian paid no attention to the two saints, but kept staring at the great elder in black shirt.

He waited patiently for the other party's answer, while holding a long knife in his hand, secretly preparing for a violent conflict.

Although the opponent has a large number of people, most of them are a mob. There is only one black-shirted elder who can gain his Dharma vision, so he naturally does not need to worry too much.

As for whether the other party has any powerful back-ups, they definitely do!

It's just that the opponent can't use those powerful backhands casually.

He can completely act according to the situation. If he is really outmatched, it is not too late to run away!

In an instant, the noisy scene turned into silence.

All eyes were focused on Chu Tian and the Great Elder, and tension kept spreading everywhere.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

After the tense silence at the scene lasted for seven or eight breaths, a faint laugh suddenly came from the mouth of the great elder!

"Haha, okay, okay, for your sake, I will give her a chance to awaken her bloodline!"

"If you can't succeed, you must hand over 100,000 top-quality spiritual stones as compensation!"

After Chu Tian heard this, he was suddenly startled.

"Great Elder, you must not do this!"

"Great Elder, their lineage has been gone for thousands of years, and the blood in their bodies is so thin that it is impossible for them to successfully awaken. It will only waste our people's time and blood!"

He was about to say something, but the other two saints opposite him immediately spoke loudly and openly expressed their objections.

"Okay, it's settled!"

Chu Tian casually glanced at the two saints opposite who expressed objections, spoke in a deep voice, and nodded.

At this time, if you think about it with your toes, you can guess it!

The two saints opposite expressed strong opposition because they were afraid that if Cai Wanyi really awakened her bloodline and became the patriarch, they would have no chance to challenge the position of patriarch in the future!

Unfortunately, the opposition of the two people did not affect the highest-ranking elder.

Seeing that Chu Tian agreed, the Great Elder nodded immediately: "Okay, since you agree, then the awakening ceremony will be temporarily arranged for three days later. At that time, the other three tribes in the Tailing Mountains will also send people to watch the ceremony!"

After saying this, the Great Elder immediately turned around, whispered to a Half-Saint at the scene, and began to arrange everything.

"One hundred thousand top-quality spiritual stones..."

Chu Tian was murmuring in a low voice at this moment, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

With his current net worth, he would definitely be able to get one hundred thousand top-quality spiritual stones if he gritted his teeth.

But if Cai Wanyi really didn't awaken successfully and just gave away 100,000 top-grade spiritual stones in vain, he would definitely bleed and feel heartbroken.


After just one breath, Chu Tian grinned, and his face suddenly turned from gloomy to sunny.

Promises are dead, people are alive!

He is a top master of weapon refining!

If Cai Wanyi really doesn't succeed, he can completely replace the 100,000 top-quality spiritual stones as compensation with the colorful koi to refine two or three top-notch holy weapons. I believe the other party will also like this change very much!

"Chutian, I..."

At this moment, Cai Wanyi, who was standing behind her, flew over in a hurry and spoke in a low voice, with a deep apology on her face.

"Get ready, we'll see how you perform in three days!"

Chu Tian smiled slightly and raised his hand to interrupt the other party.

After a breath, he dodged and appeared directly in an unoccupied room that he had discovered temporarily. He sat cross-legged and began to rest.

The two saints opposite saw that Chu Tian was so arrogant and almost directly regarded the territory of the colorful koi as their own home. They were immediately angry and itched their teeth, but they were helpless.

Under the arrangements of the great elder, Cai Sheng and others soon found their own residences and rested peacefully until the awakening ceremony came three days later.

In the blink of an eye, late night came and darkness descended, shrouding the endless Tailing Mountains.

In the room, Chu Tian sat cross-legged, eyes closed, and breathing calmly.

On his body surface, rays of light slowly surged.

Suddenly it turns golden, sometimes it turns white, sometimes it turns black, sometimes it turns red again, it looks dazzling and very magical.

"Since Your Excellency is already here, why don't you show up and see me!"

Suddenly, Chu Tian opened his eyes and spoke in a deep voice. The light all over his body disappeared in an instant and quickly returned to his normal appearance.

"Tsk tsk, the four holy principles seem to have some flavor of luck flow!"

"No wonder you are able to fight across ranks. When did a desolate place like you in the Northern Territory have a talented person like you appear!"

As soon as Chu Tian finished speaking, a sigh of admiration was heard in the room.


Immediately afterwards, there was a flash of light in the room, and a rickety figure appeared out of thin air.

It’s none other than the Great Elder!

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