Chapter 442 I have the power of a four-star War Emperor

Qian Ruxue turned around when she heard the words, she saw Ye Chen, and her delicate face immediately became very happy.

Before she could speak, she heard Chang Lin say:

“Of course it is impossible for Ye Chen to let her come. What kind of identity is Ye Chen, how can he let a little girl come.”

Several guards let out a sigh of relief.

“Master Ye Chen, are you right?”

Lin Chang looked at Ye Chen.

“Actually, I let her come.” Ye Chen said to Lin Chang.


Lin Chang, the head of the Lin family, was taken aback.

Immediately, his face became embarrassed, and he wanted to find a hole to get in.

Several guards were also stunned, and could not recover for a long time.

“Let’s go in, I have settled the Zhang family’s affairs.”

Ye Chen said to Qian Ruxue.

Qian Ruxue nodded, her white face was very happy, she naturally knew Ye Chen’s terrifying strength.

Practitioner alliance, this is the Practitioner alliance!

As long as it is a Practitioner, everyone dreams of becoming a member of the Practitioner Alliance.

Of course, she knows how many catties she has.

And the senior only said that she was allowed to cultivate in the Practitioner Alliance, but did not say that she should be a member of the Practitioner Alliance.

Before long, they walked into the Great Hall of the Practitioner Alliance.

“Ye Chen, are you back from cultivation?”

Xia Jitian, leader of the Practitioner Alliance, smiled at Ye Chen.

Qian Ruxue was shocked. Where did she think that Xia Jitian, the leader of the Practitioner Alliance, would actually have an equal conversation with Ye Chen.

“Well, my current strength can compete with the four-star War Emperor.”

Ye Chen said to Xia Jitian.

Xia Jitian was shocked when he heard the words.

“Ye Chen, you, what you said is true?”

Not only Xia Jitian, but Lin Chang and Qian Ruxue were also stunned. Even in their dreams, they never expected Ye Chen to say something like this.

Can you fight the four-star War Emperor?

Wouldn’t it be heaven-defying?

“Leader, when did I lie to you?”

Ye Chen said with a faint smile.

“Ye Chen, your current Realm is…”

Xia Jitian looked at Ye Chen in amazement.

“Nine-star Martial King.” Ye Chen spoke slowly.

Several people were shocked when they heard this.

Nine, nine-star Martial King?

Xia Jitian and Lin Chang naturally knew that when Ye Chen tested last time, they were also the nine-star Martial King.

But how could the nine-star Martial King be able to fight the four-star War Emperor?

It’s not that they don’t believe Ye Chen, but they can’t believe it.

If the nine-star Martial King could fight the four-star War Emperor, it would be a heaven-defying existence.

Ye Chen saw that they didn’t believe it, and he didn’t plan to say anything more.

“By the way, her name is Qian Ruxue.”

Ye Chen introduced to Xia Jitian and Lin Chang.


Xia Jitian groaned for a few seconds, and then said: “I remember there seems to be a Qianjia in Wuji City, maybe this is…”

“Yes, she belongs to the Qian family.”

Ye Chen said slowly.

“Then Ye Chen, you brought her to the Practitioner League, do you want me to be her teacher?”

Xia Jitian, leader of the Practitioner Alliance, looked at Ye Chen suspiciously.

Although Xia Jitian did not believe that Ye Chen could fight the four-star War Emperor, in his impression, Ye Chen never liked to deceive people. What if it was true?

This world is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

Ye Chen smiled secretly when he heard that, just because he didn’t think so at all, but since Xia Jitian said so, why didn’t he go downhill?

“What do you mean?”

Ye Chen looked at Xia Jitian.

Qian Ruxue was stunned. She never dreamed that Ye Chen didn’t let her cultivate in the Practitioner Alliance, but Xia Jitian, the leader of the Practitioner Alliance…

Be her teacher! ! !

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