God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 933: You make up for my loss? !

"I came here to buy antiques. I spent real money, and the price I paid was higher than the market price. Why should I do such a thing?!"

Song Yun's words immediately made Jiang Guangming not know how to answer, and could only remain silent.

"Why should I do this?"

"The reason is actually very simple. I can make money by doing this. I open an antique shop. The fundamental purpose of opening a shop is to make money."

"Mr. Jiang, have you ever considered, if I don't buy antiques here, how much economic loss will I have?"

After Song Yun said this, he closed his mouth and looked at Jiang Guangming sitting in front of him, wanting to see how he would answer his question.

Jiang Guangming's face suddenly became very ugly.

He had never considered Song Yun's question, but it was very deadly.

Buying antiques and selling antiques, of course, is to make money. I am afraid that Song Yun's acquisition of a large number of antiques will affect the local antique market.

Blocking the way of wealth is like killing a parent. The meaning of this sentence is very clear without further explanation.

Jiang Guangming suddenly realized that he had blocked Song Yun's fortune by letting Song Yun give up buying antiques here. This would definitely have to be a death feud. This is not a joke.

Song Yun asked himself a question like this, in fact, he was asking if he was ready to become an enemy, and he was another kind of enemy that could not be solved.

Jiang Guangming is indeed very worried that Song Yun will cause huge damage to the local antique market after buying a large number of antiques, but if he becomes enmity with Song Yun because of this incident, he also does not want to see that the antique market is not his own, even if he suffers. No amount of damage will have a direct impact, but if you have a death feud with Song Yun, then this is a far-reaching matter.

"Song Yun, this matter is not so serious!"

Jiang Guangming sighed and shook his head.


"Not so serious?!"

"Mr. Jiang, you are a senior in the antique collection circle. I should respect you, but the problem I am facing, or the economic loss you caused me not to do this thing, how should I make up for?!"

Song Yun was not very polite at all, and directly addressed this question. Jiang Guangming really took himself too much, thinking that by virtue of his position in the circle, he would let himself give up and buy antiques. For one thing, I really overestimate myself.

Jiang Guangming’s old face was flushed, Song Yun’s words directly pushed him to the corner, and he didn’t know how to answer. The meaning of these words was actually very simple. If he could make up for the economic losses, he would of course stop buying antiques, but he Knowing that I can never do this.

I don’t know how many antiques Song Yun can eventually acquire, but what is certain is that this is definitely a huge number, and hundreds of thousands of them will definitely not escape. If this loss is to be made up by himself, it will definitely be tens of millions. , I do have money, but this money shouldn't be paid by myself at all, I don't have any reason to pay such a sum of money.

"Song Yun, there is no reason for your statement like this. You shouldn't have done something like this in the first place. Now you are just asking you to give up, but you are asking me to make up for your loss, which is totally untenable."

Jiang Guangming gritted his teeth, knowing that he was absolutely impossible to make up for the loss of giving away others, and he could only mess around.

"Mr. Jiang, I just said that you are an old senior in our antique collection circle. I should respect you. Is there any mistake in my approach to this matter? I am talking about buying antiques here. You know in your heart that it doesn’t make any sense to say something like this. I don’t want to argue with you about something like this. It’s not necessary."

Song Ming was too lazy to discuss the right or wrong of this matter with Jiang Guangming. He used the money to buy antiques, and some people were willing to sell antiques to himself. The king of heaven and Laozi couldn't tell that he was wrong in doing such a thing.

"I can stop buying antiques, but there is a prerequisite, that is, you must make up for my financial losses. If you can't do this, don't tell me such things."

"This matter is right or wrong, it's fair to say."

Song Yun expressed his attitude swiftly and sharply. There is no need to waste too much time on this matter. If it is not because Jiang Guangming is an old friend of Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, if it is not because Jiang Guangming is in the antique collection. Old people in the circle have already blasted Jiang Guangming out. Those who have gotten in their heads will feel that they will give up buying antiques with just one sentence.

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